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‫لينا داود محمد عمر‬ :‫اسم الطالب‬ ‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬ Business Essentials :‫اسم المقرر‬

0130011920413 :‫رقم الطالب‬ 4102 :‫رقم المقرر‬

1 :‫الشعبة‬ 3 :‫عدد االسئلة‬
‫ رام هللا والبيرة‬:‫الفرع‬
‫جامعة القدس المفتوحة‬
"1202"‫النشاط االلكتروني للفصل الثاني‬
--‫ نظري‬--
:‫عزيزي الطالب‬
.‫ عبىء كافة المعلومات المطلوبة عنك في ورقة اإلجابة‬.1
.‫ اقرأ األسئلة بعناية قبل البدء باإلجابة ثم أجب عن النشاط على نفس الورقة‬.2
‫ قم بصياغة أفكارك بطريقة مناسبة لدراستك للمقرر الدراسي بحيث ال تستخدم القص واللصق في اجابتك عن النشاط وال تحاول نسخ إجابة زميلك‬.3
.‫ في اإلجابة ومن ثم تحميل ملف اإلجابة على الرابط‬Word ‫ومن األفضل استخدام برنامج أل‬
‫ يرجى االلتزام بتعليمات وآلية اإلجابة على النشاط‬-4
/ : ‫ ثم قم بإرسال اجابتك الى‬،‫ أغلق الملف‬،‫ بعد االنتهاء من اإلجابة عن النشاط‬. 5

2021/ 4/ 4 :‫الموعد النهائي تسليم النشاط‬ 2021/ 3/ 22 :‫تاريخ بدء النشاط‬

:In the light of your study the Business Essentials course, answer the following questions

‫ة‬zz‫ والطباع‬،‫ذكور‬zz‫ل الم‬zz‫ الرجاء كتابة اإلجابة مباشرة بعد كل سؤال كما هو مبين أدناه وفق التسلس‬: ‫مالحظة هامة جدا‬
‫درب‬zz‫ة للت‬zz‫باستخدام برنامج الوورد الذي يمكنكم من زيادة أو تقليص الفراغ بسهولة ويسر بعد كل سؤال كمهارة هام‬
‫الب‬zz‫ر الط‬z‫ُخس‬
ِّ ‫د ت‬z‫تي ق‬z‫ وال‬،‫حة‬z‫ير الواض‬z‫ل غ‬zz‫ واإلجابة بخط واضح ومقروء بعيدا عن التصوير بأجهزة الموباي‬،‫عليها‬
.‫ كما ويمنع تصوير أو نقل اإلجابة من الكتاب أو أي مرجع آخر‬.‫بعض عالماته‬
1. What are the most liquid, or spendable forms of money, explain them? (40 marks)


M1 is the money supply that is composed of physical currency and coin, demand

deposits, travelers' checks, other checkable deposits, and negotiable order of
withdrawal (NOW) accounts. M1 includes the most liquid portions of the money supply
because it contains currency and assets that either are or can be quickly converted to
cash. However, "near money" and "near, near money," which fall under M2 and M3,
cannot be converted to currency as quickly.

M1 money is a country’s basic money supply that's used as a medium of exchange. M1

includes demand deposits and checking accounts, which are the most commonly used
exchange mediums through the use of debit cards and ATMs. Of all the components of
the money supply, M1 is defined the most narrowly.

M1 does not include financial assets, such as savings accounts and bonds. M1 money
is the money supply metric most frequently utilized by economists to reference how
much money is in circulation in a country.

Key takeaways:

 M1 is a narrow measure of the money supply that includes physical currency,

demand deposits, traveler’s checks, and other checkable deposits.
 M1 does not include financial assets, such as savings accounts and bonds.

 The M1 is no longer used as a guide for monetary policy in the United States due
 to the lack of correlation between it and other economic variables.


A broader definition of money, M2 includes everything in M1 but also adds other types of
deposits. For example, M2 includes savings deposits in banks, which are bank
accounts on which you cannot write a check directly, but from which you can easily
withdraw the money at an automatic teller machine or bank. Many banks and other
financial institutions also offer a chance to invest in money market funds, where the
deposits of many individual investors are pooled together and invested in a safe way,
such as short-term government bonds. Another ingredient of M2 is small denomination
(that is, less than about $100,000) certificates of deposit (CDs) or time deposits,
which are accounts that the depositor has committed to leaving in the bank for a certain
period of time, ranging from a few months to a few years, in exchange for a higher
interest rate. In short, all these types of M2 are money that you can withdraw and spend,
but which require a greater effort to do so than the items in M1. Figure 1 should help in
visualizing the relationship between M1 and M2. Note that M1 is included in the M2

Key takeaways:

 M2 consists of all the components of M1 plus near-monies.

 Near monies are relatively-liquid financial assets that can be quickly converted into M1
 Near monies include savings deposits, small time deposits, and money market mutual
Key terms:

 M2: The amount of cash in circulation plus bank accounts, savings accounts and small


M3 is a measure of the money supply that includes M2 as well as large time deposits,
institutional money market funds, short-term repurchase agreements (repo), and
larger liquid assets.

The M3 measurement includes assets that are less liquid than other components of
the money supply and are referred to as "near money," which are more closely related
to the finances of larger financial institutions and corporations than to those of small
businesses and individuals.

Key takeaways:

 M3 is a collection of the money supply that includes M2 money as well as large

time deposits, institutional money market funds, short-term repurchase
agreements, and larger liquid funds.
 M3 is closely associated with larger financial institutions and corporations than
with small businesses and individuals.
 M3 was traditionally used by economists to estimate the entire money supply
within an economy and by governments to direct policy and control inflation over
medium and long-term periods.
 As a measure of money supply, M3 has largely been replaced by money zero
maturity (MZM).
 M3 is still published as a source of economic data, but mostly for ease of historical

2. To promote products effectively, marketers must understand three types of competition that
may they face, define and explain them? (30 marks)

Direct competitors: A direct competitor offers the same products and services aimed at
the same target market and customer base, with the same goal of profit and market
share growth. This means that your direct competitors are targeting the same audience
as you, selling the same products as you, in a similar distribution model as you.
Let's think about office supply stores, for example. For a long time, one of Staples'
largest direct competitors was Office Depot. If you've ever been inside these two stores,
you know that they operate in similar ways and offer many of the same products and
services. Interestingly, Staples recently acquired Office Depot in a merger as a solution
to the problem of their long running competition. A direct competitor is what typically
comes to mind when you refer to the term competition, and usually the type that draws
the most focus from companies when designing strategies.
However, customers will shop for a variety of price points, locations, service levels, and
product features when considering their purchase. But they will not necessarily choose
the same mix of these options in every comparison. They will likely explore as many
options as they can to fill their need, which may include looking at a different service
model or a different product altogether. This is where competition becomes a factor.
Recognizing where you have potential competition is a key factor in determining the
strongest markets for your business solutions.

Indirect Competitors: An indirect competitor is another company that offers the same
products and services, much like direct competitors; however, the end goals are
different. These competitors are seeking to grow revenue with a different strategy.
Nearly every company is involved with some form of indirect competition. For example,
general contractors face indirect competition from do-it-yourself promoters, such as
Lowes or Home Depot. Both of these models are aimed at satisfying the customers'
needs and desires, but they use a different marketing mix and have different methods of
generating revenue. By outlining all the potential ways the customers' needs can be met
and tailoring your marketing mix to address the competition, you can generate an
advantage for your products and services.

Replacement Competitors: (also called “phantom competitors”) A replacement
competitor is another company that is offering a product or service that the consumer
could use instead of choosing your products or services. The important concept with
replacement competitors is that they are using the same resources to purchase the
replacement product or service that could have been used to buy your offerings.

3. Explain the concept of the time value of money, and use the (Rule of 72) if you reinvest annually at
10 percent to find the number of years to double your money? (30 marks)

The Rule of 72 is a simple way to determine how long an investment will take to double
given a fixed annual rate of interest. By dividing 72 by the annual rate of return,
investors obtain a rough estimate of how many years it will take for the initial investment
to duplicate itself.

The numbers of years that is needed to double the amount of money if the interest
rate was 10 percent is:

72÷R = T (R= interest rate) (T= years to double the money)

72÷10 = 7.2 years

Good Luck

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