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Ibarra, Jabeth


Write an essay about your thoughts, feelings, wants and actions in related to your course and in Tourism
and Hospitality Industry.

What is the feeling to be in a Tourism and Hospitality Industry?

What are the thoughts in this Industry?

What are the wants and actions that can do in this industry?

First of all, in this industry in has many opportunities to have a job like in the hotels and
restaurant and also in the tourism management. When you entering this industry, you will feel a
comfortable and warm in your heart because of the employees and stuff who will assist you and help
you for your traveling to give amenities and welcome you warmly when their beautiful smiles. And to
the employers who give their best to fulfill the request of the guest and to satisfy them, as I taking the
BS-Hospitality Management one thing that I feel happy and so flattered is when I will entertain a
customer who ask for help because I will do my very best to hep him/her.

My thoughts in this Industry is so expensive but that’s even when you took up this course
although it is expensive you should strive to your best to practice the learning you’ve learn in school. I
thought this course is hard but it is.

The wants and actions that can do in this Industry is you can travel the world, because you can
be a flight attendant, a chef to the airplane, a owner of a hotel or restaurant that you want and a
employees who gives a good service to the customer and by this jobs and services you can provide
yourself a good life living in this earth.

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