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Програма курсу
«Видатні історичні особи в період
раннього Нового часу»
(“Prominent historical
persons of the Early New Period”)
для 8-х класів
авторів: Мережко Л.С., Царенко О.С.
укладач: Мамчіц Т.Л.
Пояснювальна записка
Згідно з Концепцією профільного навчання у старшій школі,
допрофільна підготовка учнів 8-х класів лінгвістичного напрямку передбачає
розвиток їх полікультурної освіти, забезпечує якісний стрибок в
інтелектуальному розвитку, сприяє накопиченню країнознавчого і мовного
досвіду, що дозволяє успішно адаптуватися до інших культур і соціального
Вивчення історії періоду раннього Нового часу XVI-XVIII ст. та
ознайомлення з видатними історичними особами цього періоду іноземною,
англійською мовою, сприяє поглибленню та розширенню соціокультурної
компетенції учнів, білінгвальному інтегрованому викладанню навчального
матеріалу з елементами творчого пошуку, розробці відповідних дидактичних
матеріалів, поглиблює знання учнів як з історії різних країн, так і з англійської

Мета курсу:
Сприяти розвитку двомовної освіти шляхом ознайомлення з видатними
історичними особами періоду раннього Нового часу XVI-XVIII ст.
Залучати учнів до світової культури засобами рідної та англійської
мови, коли іноземна мова використовується як засіб пізнання історії країн,
мови яких вивчаються та історії рідної України.
Удосконалювати навички та вміння володіння іноземною мовою,
поглиблювати лексичний запас.

Завдання курсу:
Формувати інтелектуальний розвиток особистості учнів 8-х класів,
вміння спілкуватися іноземною мовою, використовуючи відомості про
історичні події, дати та видатних історичних осіб. Допомагати учням ставати
активними громадянами у демократичній державі завдяки введенню
білінгвальних підходів у навчальну практику при підготовці учнів.
Визначення курсу як краєзнавчого передбачає особливу увагу не
стільки до змістової, скільки до розвивальної його складової. Головним його
завданням є активізація пізнавальної діяльності учнів та набуття ними
відповідних навчальних компетентностей, а також сприяє поглибленому
вивченню іноземної мови.
Зміст курсу:
Історія раннього Нового часу (ранньомодерної доби) – період всесвітньої
історії між історією середніх віків та історією Новітнього часу. Цей період
охоплює події XVI-XVIII ст. Італійські мислителі стверджували, що в історії
Європи розпочався новий період. Визначальними подіями цієї доби стали
Великі географічні відкриття, Відродження, Реформація і Контрреформація,
доба Просвітництва. Велике значення також мала діяльність видатних людей,
які впливали на історичний процес не тільки у країнах Європи і навіть в усьому
В українській історії цей період називають козацькою добою,
підкреслюючи тим самим визначальну роль козацтва в його подіях. В цей час
на українських землях, як і в інших частинах Європи, відбуваються важливі
зрушення у соціальній, політичній, економічній, культурній та інших сферах
Курс спрямований не тільки на здобуття учнями історичних знань, а й на
формування широкого спектру навчальних компетентностей: читати і розуміти
різні тексти; свідомо користуватись поняттями; висловлювати та
обґрунтовувати власну думку; шукати інформацію з різних джерел;
формулювати і висловлювати власне враження; давати аргументовану оцінку
висловлюванням інших учнів.
Програма білінгвального курсу розрахована на 35 годин і є адаптованою
для учнів 8-х класів згідно Програми з історії України та всесвітньої історії для
загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів ( 5-9 класи) для закладів середньої освіти.
- К.: Освіта, 2013 зі змінами, затвердженими наказом МОН від 07.06.2017
Запропонована кількість годин на вивчення кожної теми є орієнтовною,
учитель може перерозподіляти її на власний розсуд. Резервний час учитель
може використовувати також довільно, зокрема для збільшення кількості
годин на вивчення окремих тем, для уроків розвитку мовлення, контрольного
оцінювання, проектних робіт.
№ Тема. Зміст навчального кість Вимоги до рівня підготовки
матеріалу го- учнів
дин (навчальні компетентності)
1 Вступ. Поняття та періодизація 1 Засвоїти загальні відомості про
Нового часу. поняття Нового часу та його
2 Великі географічні відкриття. 4 Засвоїти загальні відомості про
Відкриття європейців. великі географічні відкриття
Христофор Колумб. європейців.
Ізабела I (королева Кастилії) Засвоїти навички роботи з
Фердинанд II візуальним та текстовим
Фернан Магелан. джерелом.
3 Високе відродження. Реформація 2 Засвоїти загальні відомості про
в Західній Європі. епоху Реформації в Західній
Гуманізм. Високе відродження. Європі; основні відомості про
Леонардо да Вінчі. творчість Леонардо да Вінчі та
Рафаель Санті. Рафаеля Санті.
Становлення нової європейської 2 Засвоїти основні відомості про
науки. становлення нової європейської
Миколай Коперник, Джордано науки.
Бруно, Галілео Галілей Вміти описувати власні враження.
Реформація в Німеччині. 1 Засвоїти загальні відомості про
Мартін Лютер реформацію в Німеччині та
діяльність Мартіна Лютера.
4 Держави Західної Європи у ХVI- 2
ХVII ст. Засвоїти основні відомості про
Англія у ХVI ст. Англійська держави Західної Європи у ХVI-
революція. ХVII ст.
Єлизавета І Тюдор Вміти співставляти історичні події
Олівер Кромвель та діяльність видатних осіб цього
Іспанія в ХVI ст. Національно- 1 історичного періоду.
визвольна боротьба в Нідерландах.
Карл V, Філіп ІІ
5 Країни Східної Європи у ХVII – 2 Засвоїти загальні відомості про
першій половині ХVIIІ ст. Османську імперію та країни
Османська імперія. Східної Європи у ХVII – першій
Сулейман І Пишний половині ХVIIІ ст.
Ода Нобунага
Московська держава. 2 Засвоїти основні відомості про
Поява Російської імперії. Московську державу та появу
Іван ІV Грозний Російської імперії, діяльність
Петро І видатних осіб цього історичного
6 Урок узагальнення знань, умінь та 1
навичок учнів за І семестр
7 Епоха просвітництва. 2 Засвоїти загальні відомості про
Просвітництво. Освічений епоху просвітництва.
Людовік ХІV
8 Видатні особи країн, мова яких 4 Вміти робити дослідження,
вивчається: користуючись різними джерелами
Джордж Вашингтон інформації.
Королева Вікторія
Гораціо Нельсон
9 Становлення козацтва 2 Вміти співставляти відомості з
(ХVІ – перша половина ХVІІ ст.) історії про пам’ятки країни
Виникнення Запорізької Січі.
Дмитро Вишневецький
Церковне життя. 1 Вміти відшукувати інформацію,
Петро Могила складати опис подій, описувати
свої враження
10 Національно-визвольна війна 1 Засвоїти, що в Україні існує багато
українського народу середини цікавих історичних подій, вартих
ХVІІ ст. уваги.
Богдан Хмельницький
11 Лівобережна Гетьманщини 1 Засвоїти загальні відомості про
наприкінці 60-х - на початку 70-х діяльність Петра Дорошенка на
рр. ХVІІ ст. Лівобережній Гетьманщині
Петро Дорошенко
Козацька Слобожанщина та 1 Засвоїти загальні відомості про
Запорізька січ. роль Запорізької Січі в історії
Іван Сірко України та діяльність Івана Сірка
Гетьманщина за правління 1 Засвоїти загальні відомості про
Івана Мазепи Гетьманщину за правління
Івана Мазепи
Козацька Україна після 1 Засвоїти загальні відомості про
Полтавської битви. Козацьку Україну після
Пилип Орлик Полтавської битви.
12 Українські землі у 20 -90-х рр. 1 Засвоїти історичні події, які
ХVІІІ ст. Ліквідація Січі. супроводжували ліквідацію
Петро Калнишевський Козацької Січі в Україні.

13 Практичне заняття. Здійснити 1 Вміти робити дослідження,

уявну мандрівку до історико- користуючись різними джерелами
культурних пам’яток, рідного краю інформації. Вміти складати
доби бароко. розповідь; робити порівняння.
Григорій Сковорода.
14 Урок узагальнення знань, умінь та 1
навичок учнів
1. Prominent Historical Personalities in the Early Modern
Period of the World History

Word power:
the Middle Ages – Середні віки the Renaissance – епоха Відродження
the Modern Times – Новітній Час (Ренесанс)
concept – поняття the Reformation – епоха Реформації
to claim – стверджувати the Counter-Reformation – епоха
in order to – для того щоб Контрреформації
to emphasize – наголошувати, the Age of Enlightment – доба
підкреслювати Просвітництва
crucial – вирішальний, поворотний outstanding – видатний, знаменитий
the Great Geographical Discoveries – to enrich – збагатити
Великі Географічні Відкриття medieval – середньовічний


The New Time History is a period of the World History between the Middle Ages
and the Modern Times. This period covers the events of the XVI-XVIII centuries.
Italian thinkers were the first to use the concept of the New Time, they claimed that
a new period in the history of Europe had begun.
This period is called the Cossack Era in Ukrainian history, in order to emphasize the
Cossacks’ crucial role in its events of the time. The key events of this era were the
Great Geographical Discoveries, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Counter-
Reformation and the Age of the Enlightenment.
In the 8th grade, you will get acquainted with the history of early modern period
(early modern times). During that time, in Ukrainian lands, as well as in other parts of
Europe, important changes in social, political, economic, cultural and other spheres of
life had occurred.
The history is usually created by people. Different nations had their feats,
triumphs and strategies at this time. The work of prominent people, who
influenced the historical process, was of great importance. They were scientists,
political figures, prominent sailors, painters and generals. You will learn about the
most outstanding ones while studying this course. In this way you will be given an
opportunity to enrich not only your knowledge of history but also to improve your

1. Are these sentences true or false:

1. Modern History is a period of the World History between the Middle Ages and
the history of Ancient Times.
2. The people usually created the history.
3. The Great geographical Discoveries were the key events of the medieval
4. During the New Times there were important shifts in social, political,
economic, cultural spheres of life in Ukraine.
5. This course gives a chance to enrich your knowledge of History.

2. Finish the following sentences:

1. Modern History is a period of the World History… .
2. The key events of the New Times were… .
3. During the early modern period, in Ukrainian lands, as well as in other parts
Of Europe, there were important shifts… .
4. The history is usually created … .
5. The work of prominent people, who influenced the historical process … .

2. Christopher Columbus (1451 - 1506)

Word power:
explorer - дослідник
to participate - брати участь
coast - узбережжя
fascinated - зачарований
to convince - переконувати
to reach - досягти
sailing - плавання
to erect - спорудити

Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer. He participated in many sea

voyages sailing to England and along the coast of Africa. He was fascinated by the
ideas of Paolo Tuscanelli, who thought that the Earth was as round as a ball, and
believed that the western path from Europe to the East was the shortest. Many sailors
were trying to find the way to India. Maps and calculations of Paolo Tuscanelli
convinced Christopher Columbus to reach India moving to the west, even though
majority of scientists of that time did not advised to do so and, as time showed, they
were right.
Christopher Columbus had three ships on his first voyage, the Niña, the Pinta
and the Santa Maria. Columbus sailed from Palos de la Frontera on August 3, 1492.
His flagship, the Santa Maria had 52 men aboard while his other two ships, the Niña
and Pinta were each crewed by 18 men. The voyage was long and difficult. They had
been sailing for more than 2 months and at last they saw the land. The Spanish flag
was erected on the small island and they named the island after Saint Saviour - San
Salvador. October 12, 1492 is considered to be the date when America was
Christopher Columbus also discovered Cuba and Haiti. He made three more
trips being the Viceroyalty of New Lands. The Antilles, the Islands of Puerto Rico,
Jamaica, Trinidad were discovered, and the coasts of Central America were explored.
However, during his lifetime Columbus had no idea that he had discovered the
new continent; he thought it was an unknown part of India (West India).
America was named after another famous explorer Amerigo Vespucci (1454 –
1512), who was an Italian merchant, explorer, and navigator from the Republic of
Florence (modern Italy).
1. Answer the questions:
1. Whose ideas was Christopher Columbus fascinated by?
2. Which country were many sailors trying to find the way to?
3. When did Columbus start his first voyage?
4. What was the name of his flagship?
5. How did Columbus call the land he had reached?
6. What New lands were discovered by Christopher Columbus ?
7. Who was America named after?

2. Finish the following sentences:

1. Christopher Columbus participated in many sea …. .
2. He set sail on August 3, 1492 and had …. .
3. His three ships had been sailing for … .
4. On the small island, a Spanish flag was erected…..
5. Amerigo Vespucci was … .
6. During his lifetime Columbus had … .

3. Isabella І of Castile (1451 – 1504)

Word power:

Catholic Monarchs - Католицькі монархи

reign - правління
code of law - кодекс законів
unification - об'єднання
pious – благочестивий
to expel - виганяти
zeal - фанатизм (в цьому значенні, щодо релігії)
domination – панування
compassion – співчуття
Lingua franca is a language that is adopted as a common language between
speakers whose native languages are different.

Isabella І of Castile (April 22, 1451 – November 26 1504) was queen of

Castile and Aragon. Isabella is considered to be the first Queen of Spain. Together
with her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, their reign was a turning point for the
Iberian Peninsula. The marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand joined the kingdoms of
Castile and Aragon. They shared power equally, established a code of law,
strengthened the monarchy and facilitated the dismantling of power of the nobles
within their kingdom. She and her husband regained the final Muslim-ruled
territories, completing the re-conquest of Spain. She thus established the foundation
for the political unification of Spain that occurred during the reign of their grandson,
Carlos I of Spain.
A pious Catholic, Isabella focused on converting the citizens of her kingdom
as necessary measures to ensure doctrinal uniformity to the Church. She unleashed
the Inquisition and in 1492 she decreed that all Jews and Muslims must either convert
or be expelled.
Isabella I is perhaps best known for funding Christopher Columbus’
explorations, which resulted in Spain’s overseas empire and Spanish domination in
Europe for the next century. It also resulted in the Christianization of the people of
Latin America and the use of Spanish as the lingua franca by millions.
Although she showed compassion for the Native Americans encountered by
Columbus, refusing to receive them as slaves and asking that they had to be returned
to their homes and educated in the Catholic faith, the conquistadors enslaved
millions of Native Americans and destroyed their ancient cultures.
As a result of the Spanish empire, many people today share a similar Hispanic
culture and can communicate easily and have awareness of a common legacy and of
being citizens of an increasingly interdependent globe.

4. Ferdinand II (1452 – 1516)

Ferdinand II (10 March 1452 – 23 January 1516) known as the
Catholic (Spanish: el Católico), was King of Aragon from 1479 until his death. In
1469, he married Infanta Isabella, the future queen of Castile, that was regarded as
the marital and political “cornerstone in the foundation of the Spanish monarchy”. As
a consequence of the marriage, in 1474 he became de jure King of Castile
as Ferdinand V, when Isabella held the crown of Castile until her death in 1504.
Ferdinand played an important role in the history since he and Isabella I
sponsored the first voyage of Christopher Columbus (1451–1506), in 1492. That year
was the final in the war with Granada which defeated the last Muslim state
in Iberia and Western Europe. It resulted in the centuries-long Christian reconquest of
Iberia. Pope Alexander VI awarded the royal couple the title of Catholic Monarchs
for that Christian victory. After Ferdinand’s death his grandson, Charles I, succeeded
him and became a ruler over all several Iberian kingdoms except for Portugal.

1. Complete the dates:

1492 -
1474 -
1469 -
1451 –

2. Are these sentences True or False:

1) The queen Isabella of Castile did not leave a notable mark in Spanish history.

2) Isabella supported other religions, she respected Jews and Muslims as much as she
respected Christians.

3) In 1495, Kingdom of Granada was conquered.

4) The marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand allowed to unite majority of Iberian

peninsula under Spain.

5) Funding, given to Columbus, did not bring any profit.

6. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

Word power:
heyday – розкіт, процвітання
the Gospel story – Євангельський сюжет
disciple – учень, апостол
to betray – зрадити
indignation – обурення
to distort – спотворювати
striking depth – вражаюча глибина

Leonardo da Vinci was born in Florence. He began to study painting at the age
of 14. He studied various sciences during his life. There is probably no field of
human knowledge that Leonardo would not be interested in. He was fond of
mathematics, anatomy, various fields of technology, he started building aircrafts and
submarines. The descriptions of a helicopter, a parachute, a car, a phone and other
vehicles and devices were found in his notes. Leonardo was always looking for
something new while experimenting. Painting was his way of knowing the world.
During the heyday of his talent, he created the mural on the bible theme "The
Last Supper" (1495-1497). The basis was the Gospel story when Christ told his
disciples that one of them would betray him. The facial expressions are full of
indignation and surprise, and the Judas' face, distorted by horror, is conveyed with a
striking depth of realism.
One of Leonardo's most famous works is the portrait of Mona Lisa, the wife
of the merchant del Giocondo. In Western European painting, this work is considered
to be the first psychological portrait. People fell in love with this picture, they hated
it, they committed suicide because of it, but no one could finally solve its mystery.
Leonardo was proud and independent. During his lifetime he did not want to
serve anyone and died abroad in France on May 2, 1519.

1. Join the parts to make 5 logical sentences:

Leonardo was began the Gospel story about Christ and

his disciples
the descriptions of different
Mona Lisa is interested in
vehicles and devices
finally solve the mystery of Mona
Leonardo’s notes were based on
When Leonardo was 14 he
considered every field of human knowledge
A mural "The Last Supper" to be the first psychological
could never
was portrait
to study painting
People full of


2. Answer the following questions:

1) How did the portrait of Mona Lisa affect people?

2) What fields of human knowledge was Leonardo da Vinci involved in?

3) What have you learnt about his masterpiece "The Last Supper"?

4) Who was Mona Lisa in real life?

5) What was Leonardo’s main way of knowing the world?

6. Fernand Magellan (1480-1521)

Word power:

voyager – мандрівник
to consider – вважати
to head – брати курс
edge – край
strait – протока
scurvy – цинга
load – вантаж

Fernand Magellan was a Portuguese voyager, who was the first to travel round
the world and the first to find the Western route to India. Magellan is considered to be
the national hero of Spain.
On September 20, 1519, the expedition of five ships went out to the sea and
headed West. The journey lasted three years. Magellan reached the southern edge of
America and discovered the strait that connected two oceans - the Pacific Ocean and
the Atlantic Ocean (now it is called the Strait of Magellan).
During the voyage the weather was great and the voyager called that ocean the
Pacific. The long voyage was very difficult, the crews suffered from lack of food and
water. People were dying of scurvy and other diseases. Most members of the
expedition died.
Only in spring, 1521 the expedition reached the islands near the east coast of
Asia, which were called the Philippines later. Magellan was killed in the battle with
local tribes on those islands. Two ships remained under the command of Juan
Sebastián Elcano and reached the Moluccas. They took a load of spices and finally
moved home.
On September 6, 1522 the sailors returned to Spain. Only one of five ships
survived. It had a symbolic name "Victoria". 18 crew members left out of 253 on its

1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is Fernand Magellan famous for?

2. Which oceans does the Strait of Magellan connect?
3. How did the Pacific Ocean get its name?
4. Why was the voyage so difficult?
5. How many sailors returned to Spain?
2. Fill in the missing information:

1. On September 20, 1519___________________________ went out to a sea and

2. Magellan had reached __________________________ and found the strait that
connected ____________________________________________.
3. Most members of the expedition died of_______________________________.
4. Local tribes of the Philippines____________________________________.
5. The ship called "Victoria"_______________________________________.

7. Raphael Santee (1483-1520)

Word power:
to blend – змішувати, поєднувати
to supervise – керувати
to fresco – прикрашати фресками
The Apostolic Palace – Апостольський, або папський палац
subtle – витончений, ледь помітний
anxiety - тривога
to sacrifice – жертвувати
to reaffirm – ще раз підтвердити
generalized image – узагальнений образ
salvation – порятунок, спасіння душі

Raphael Santee is thought to be the genius of the Italian Renaissance. He was a

prominent artist who blended the spirit of antiquity with the spirit of Christianity in
his work. Over the course of his short life he was able to do quite a lot. He
supervised the construction of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome for a couple of years,
frescoed the walls of numerous halls of the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican, created
remarkable portraits of his contemporaries. His works reflect the subtle shades of
human emotions, spiritual and physical beauty of the characters.
The Sistine Madonna, created in 1513, is considered to be the peak of
Raphael's work. It’s not just Madonna in front of us, it’s a woman, a mother who is
suffering just like everyone else. Her eyes are full of sadness and anxiety for the fate
of her child that she sacrifices for the salvation of the mankind.
The paintings "Madonna Conestabile", "The Marriage of the Virgin" reaffirm
the main idea of Raphael's art – the creation of a generalized image of the ideal
During his lifetime Raphael Santi was considered to be the most harmonious
artist of the Renaissance.

1. Answer the questions:

1. What historical period does Raphael Santi belong to?
2. What novelty did he use in his works?
3. What was he able to do over the course of his short life?
4. What masterpiece is considered to be the peak of the artist’s work?
5. What is the main idea of Raphael’s art?

2. Complete the following sentences:

1. Raphael _____________the walls of Apostolic palace.
2. Madonna ____________her child for the salvation of the mankind.
3. The artist created ____________ portraits of his contemporaries.
4. Raphael ____________ the spirit of antiquity with the spirit of Christianity in his
5. Raphael Santi is the most ________________ artist of the Renaissance.

8. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), Poland

Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), Italy
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Italy
Word power:
navigation –мореплавство
emergence – поява, виникнення
immovable – непорушний, нерухливий
axis – вісь
heresy – єресь
to blame– засуджувати
to deny – зрікатися, заперечувати
Inquisition court – суд інквізиції
magnification – збільшення
interrogation – допит
humiliation – приниження

During the epoch of Renaissance, a significant step was made in the

development of science. The rapid development of navigation contributed to the
emergence of scientific astronomy. The old system of views on the structure of the
Universe was crushed.
That was a result of the research done by Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish
astronomer known as the father of modern astronomy. He concluded that the Earth is
not found in the centre of the world and it is not immovable, as along with the other
planets it revolves around the Sun as well as around its own axis. The work of all his
life "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres", which he had been creating for 40
years, was proclaimed a heresy by the Catholic Church, and until 1822 it was
mentioned in the "List of Prohibited Books".
Giordano Bruno was an Italian philosopher, mathematician, poet, cosmological
theorist, who expressed his views about the infinity of the Universe, in which there
are other worlds with their own suns. As the result Catholic Church
imprisoned him for eight years, but even then he did not abandon his convictions.
Eventually the Inquisition court was convened; Bruno was accused of the high
heresy and sentenced to death by burning. Until 1948 all Bruno's works were
included in the "List of Prohibited Books".
Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer, physicist, inventor and scholar, who
constructed a telescope with 32 magnification, discovered mountains on the Moon,
spots on the Sun, four moons of Jupiter, phases of Venus as well as many other
things. He discovered the laws of modern mechanics in physics. During his lifetime
he was persecuted and eventually imprisoned by the Inquisition. At the age of 70
after numerous interrogations and humiliations, he denounced his views that the
Earth was not the stationary center of the universe, but according to the legend, he
cried out "And yet it moves".

Think and match:

1. The rapid development of navigation - cried out "And yet it moves."

2. Nicolaus Copernicus concluded - were included in the "List of
Prohibited Books".
3. The work of all his life, which - that the Earth is not the center of the
Nicolaus Copernicus had been world and it is not  immovable.
creating for 40 years - was mentioned in the "List of
4. Until 1948 all of G. Bruno's works Prohibited Books".
5. According to the legend Galileo - contributed to the emergence of
Galilei scientific astronomy.

Translate into English:

1) Розвиток мореплавства сприяв становленню наукової астрономії.
2) Земля обертається навколо Сонця і навколо власної осі.
3) Праця Коперника «Про обертання небесних тіл» була несправедливо
засуджена католицькою церквою.
4) Джордано Бруно було звинувачено в єресі та спалено на багатті.
5) Галілео Галілей відкрив закони сучасної механіки у фізиці.

9. Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Word power:
«The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power of Indulgences» –
«95 тез або Пропозиції проти індульгенцій»
to outline – відзначатися, окреслювати
salvation – порятунок
doctrine – учення
to obtain – отримати
merit – заслуга
value – ціна, цінність
to spread – поширювати

Martin Luther was a German professor of theology, composer, priest and

Augustinian monk. His name is associated with the beginning of the Reformation
movement in Germany.
On October 31, 1517, Doctor of Theology at the University of Wittenberg
Martin Luther published “The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power of
Indulgences” (Indulgences - charters of absolution), the copy of which he nailed to
the door of Wittenberg castle church. The theses outlined the basics of the new
 Salvation by faith alone.
 Salvation is obtained only by the grace of God and does not depend on any
merit of human; only God knows the true value of good deeds.
 The only authority of faith is the Scripture, the Word of God.
M. Luther's speech had a big support among the population in Germany.
The Reformation began and it covered all groups of population in the
country, and sometime later it spread to other European countries.
Those events caused the appearance of new religions in Europe, such as
Lutheranism, Calvinism and Anglicanism, which separated from the Catholic Church
and they still exist nowadays.
As a result, one more branch of Christianity - Protestantism was born. Europe
was divided into Catholic and Protestant countries.
1. Answer the questions:

1. When did Martin Luther publish «The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on

the Power of Indulgences»?
2. Did Luther's speech have a big support in Germany?
3. What religions appeared in Europe?
4. What new branch of Christianity was born in Europe?
5. What do Indulgences mean?

2. Are these sentences “True” or “False”?:

• Martin Luther is associated with the beginning of the Reformation movement
in Germany.
• Doctor of Theology at the University of Wittenberg published «The Eighty-
five Theses or Disputation on the Power of Indulgences».
• The people of Germany didn’t support Luther's speech.
• The Reformation gave rise to new religions in America.
• Europe was divided into Catholic and Protestant countries.

10. Elizabeth I Tudor (1558-1603)

Word power:
to maneuver – маневрувати
nobles – дворяни
royalty – королівська влада
conquest – завоювання, скорення
to be defeated – бути розгромленим
rebellion – бунт

The second half of the XVIIth century was called the Elizabethan era in
England. Historians often depict it as the golden age in English history. The last
queen in the Tudor dynasty left a prominent mark in the history of the country. She
maneuvered skillfully between old-established aristocracy and new nobles. She
strengthened the royalty while keeping the parliament and local self-government.
Everything she did was justified by the care for people. She followed the
protectionism policy in economy and trade, gave privileges to trading companies,
especially to East India. The opening of the London Stock Exchange proved the
successful trade and its development. Achievements of Elizabeth in foreign policy
were significant: the conquest of Scotland increased the influence on Europe and
promotion of rebellions against Spain in the Netherlands, the Huguenots in France
and German Protestant princes.
1585 - Virginia , the first English colony in North America, was founded.
1588 - “Invincible Spanish Armada” was defeated.
1606 - Ireland finally became English colony.
In the XVI century, the socio-economic development of England experienced
significant changes related to the formation of market relations. The last queen of the
Tudor dynasty, Elizabeth I, contributed to the transformation of England into a great
European country, a powerful worldwide empire.

1. Complete the dates:

1558 -
The second half of the XVIth century -
1603 -
1585 -
1588 -

2. Are these sentences True or False:

1) The last queen of the Tudor dynasty left a notable mark in American history.
2) Everything she did was justified by the care for nobility.

3) Ireland became English colony in 1503 .

4) The first half of the XVII century was called the Elizabethan era.
5) The opening of the London Stock Exchange proved the successful trade and

11. Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658)

Word power:

the landed gentry - дрібнопоміснe дворянствo

to advocate - виступати за
to subordinate - підпорядковувати
to dissolve - розпускати
entirety of power - повнота влади
to appoint - призначений
successor - спадкоємець
puppet - маріонетка
reign - правління

Oliver Cromwell was а member of the landed gentry and belonged to the sect
of Independents who advocated total independence of the church from the state, he
also defended the republican form of the government in political terms. He sharply
opposed the King in the Parliament. When the Civil War began in England, Cromwell
equipped two cavalry regiments at his own expense. Those troops began a creation of
a new parliamentary army, that later would be known as the army of “the new
model”. (The people called its soldiers “ironsides”).
The king declared the war against the parliament and was defeated by a new
army. On January 30, 1649 Charles I was executed and Independents, who were the
members of the Long Parliament, came to power. The second major force in the state
was the army; it was subordinated to Oliver Cromwell personally. England was
proclaimed a republic.
In 1653 Oliver Cromwell dissolved the Parliament. With the agreement of the
army, the power was transferred to Oliver Cromwell, who became Lord Protector of
England. He concentrated the power in his hands, even more than the king had had
before the revolution. Oliver Cromwell divided the country into 14 military districts
and handed the entirety of power to the major generals appointed by him.
Oliver Cromwell’s protectorate was, by its nature, a military-religious
dictatorship that held on the authority of power, the Puritan submissions of
Cromwell’s life and success in foreign policy. The English fleet captured Jamaica,
defeated the Spanish fleet near the Canary Islands, opening a new route for English
trade in the Caribbean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. People said about Oliver
Cromwell : “The keys to the continent hang on his belt”.
In 1658, Oliver Cromwell died leaving his successor, son Richard who quickly
turned into a puppet of the generality and was eventually forced to refuse his title of
In 1660 political restoration was carried out in England - the reign of the Stuart
dynasty was restored.

1. Answer the questions:

1. What was Oliver Cromwell?

2. What did Oliver Cromwell do during the Civil War in England?
3. What was the second major force in the state?
4. What did people say about Oliver Cromwell?
5. Who was the successor of Cromwell? What happened to him?

3. Are these sentences “True” or “False”?

1. Oliver Cromwell sharply supported the King in the Parliament.

2. With the agreement of the army, power was transferred to O. Cromwell, who
became Lord Protector of Spain.
3. Oliver Cromwell’s protectorate was, by its nature, a military-religious
4. The English fleet captured Jamaica, defeated the Spanish fleet near the Canary
Islands, opening a new route for English trade in the Caribbean Sea and the
Mediterranean Sea.
5. In 1665, a political restoration was carried out in England - the reign of the
Stuart dynasty was restored.

12. Charles V(1516-1556)

Philip II (1556-1598)

Word power:
possessions - володіння
inheritance - спадок
to resign one’s power - зректися влади
to collapse - розпадатись
regent - правитель
to keep in awe - тримати в страху
accession - приєднання
zealous Catholic - ревний католик
rebellion - повстання
to escalate into - переростати в
treaty - договір

The formation of Spanish absolutism is associated with the name of Charles I

Habsburgs. When he became the king, he gained huge possessions: Spain, the lands
of Italy and the New World, the German possessions of the Austrian Habsburgs. In
1519 he was elected the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire under the name of
Charles V. He united a majestic empire under his authority, which was said that “the
sun never sets above it”. Having such an inheritance, Charles V had to fight with
strong opponents. His long reign passed in struggle against France and the Ottoman
Empire. The most important victory was the defense of Vienna in 1529 against the
Turks. In 1555, Charles V resigned his power after being defeated by the German
princes. The empire collapsed.
Spain, the Netherlands, possession in Italy and the Spanish colonies in the New
World were passed to his son Philip II. King Philip II became a regent of Spain when
it was the most powerful nation in Europe. He made Madrid, which was a small city
in the centre of the country, the capital of the state. Philip II had a fantastic
workability and he believed that his orders should be strict to keep everyone in
awe. He built new roads and organized a postal service, in order for his subjects to
learn about the King’s orders faster. His army was the most powerful in Europe at
that time. The accession of Portugal was an important achievement. Philip II was a
zealous Catholic, and he considered it his duty to protect the entire Catholic world.
The difficult times for Philip II began in 1566, when the rebellion began in the
Netherlands against the Spanish, which escalated into the National Liberation War.
Success was on the side of the Netherlands, who fought in alliance with France and
England. In 1588, the “Invincible Armada” of the Spanish Navy was destroyed.
In 1598, Philip II died. The exhausted country was forced to sign a peace treaty
with the United Provinces.

1. Think and match the following sentences:

1. In 1519 he was elected …
2. In 1555, Charles’ V resigned his power …
3. Philip II had a fantastic workability …
4. Philip II was a zealous Catholic …
5. In 1588, the “Invincible Armada” …

a) and he considered it his duty to protect the entire Catholic world.

b) of the Spanish Navy was destroyed.
c) after being defeated by the German princes. The empire collapsed.
d) as an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire under the name of Charles V.
e) and he believed that his orders should be strict to keep everyone in awe.

2. Answer the questions:

• What did people say about Charles’ V Empire?
• What victory was the most important for Charles V?
• Who was Philip II? What did he do for the Empire?
• When did the difficult times for Philip II start? Why?
• What was the exhausted country forced to do after the death of Charles V?

13. Suleiman I the Magnificent (1520-1566)

Word power:
prosperity - розквіт, процвітання
Ottoman Empire - Османська імперія
to excel - відзначатися, переважати
policy issues - політичні питання
to streamline - впорядкувати
legislation - законодавство
to gain - здобувати, досягати
сaravanserai - караван-сарай (заїжджий двір для караванів на торгових шляхах)
Suleiman I, commonly known as Suleiman the Magnificent, was the tenth and
longest-reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 until his death in 1566. He
was probably the most powerful of the Turkish sultans throughout the Ottoman
Empire. The period of the highest prosperity of the Ottoman Empire is considered
to be the reign of Suleiman I the Magnificent.
One of the main activities of Suleiman I was the war to conquer the countries
of the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. He was famous for
creation of a large fleet. In the XVI century Turkish ships sailed the seas and oceans,
reaching even the shores of India. Suleiman I not only proved to be a talented
commander, he also excelled at complex of European policy issues. He paid a lot of
attention to the development of his country, streamlined legislation, promoted the
development of culture. The government and administrative structure of the Ottoman
Empire were subordinated to the needs of the war or peace depending on the current
needs. In the XVI century the territory of the Ottoman Empire became larger than the
whole Europe stretching to Asia, Europe and Africa.
The fate of a Ukrainian girl, Nastia Lisovska - Roksolana, who became the
wife of the Sultan, is linked to Suleiman I.
Culture in the 16th century, including Turkish architecture, gained significant
development. Suleiman I paid much attention to the construction of new mosques,
hospitals, fortresses, bridges, caravanserais and other buildings. The most famous of
them were the Şehzade Mosque and Süleymaniye Mosque in Istanbul. Many baths
have been built in Istanbul, which have become an integral part of the Turkish
capital’s life.

1. Answer the questions:

• What was Suleiman I famous for?

• What did he pay a lot of attention to?
• Whose fate is linked to Suleiman I?
• What are the most famous buildings in Istanbul?
• What has become an integral part of the Turkish capital’s life?
2. Think and match:

1. The period of the highest prosperity a) gained significant development.

of the Ottoman Empire is
2. He was probably the most powerful of b) he excelled at complex European
the Turkish sultans policy issues.
3. Suleiman I not only proved to be a c) subordinated to the needs of the
talented commander war.
4. The government and administrative d) considered to be the reign of
structure of the Ottoman Empire were Suleiman I the Magnificent.
5. Culture in the 16th century, including e) throughout the Ottoman Empire.
Turkish architecture

14. Oda Nobunaga (1534 – 1582)

Word power:
daimyō - дайміо
shogunate - шогунат
insignificant - незначний
domain - землі
to oust - виганяти
ingenuity - винахідливість
puppet - лялька
to betray- зрадити

Oda Nobunaga (June 23, 1534 – June 21, 1582) was a major daimyō during

the Sengoku period of Japanese history and one of the great founders of the united
Tokugawa shogunate. He is also regarded to be the first "Great Unifier" of Japan.
He was the son of an insignificant daimyo in Owari province, near present-
day Nagoya. Oda quickly brought the domain under his control. Nobunaga became
the head of the powerful Oda clan of Owari Province and launched a war against
other samurai to unify Japan. In 1560, he established his reputation by using
ingenuity to overcome the much larger forces of a powerful neighboring daimyo,
Imagawa Yoshimoto. In 1568, the ousted Ashikaga shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiaki
( 足 利 義 昭 ), requested Oda’s help to drive the Miyoshi clan out of Kyoto. Oda
established Ashikaga Yoshiaki in Kyoto as the fifteenth Ashikaga shogun but he used
him as a puppet to consolidate his control over central Japan. In 1573 he ended the
Ashikaga shogunate. With the help of his general Hideyoshi Toyotomi and his
ally Tokugawa Ieyasu, Oda unified all Japan except the extreme north and west. He
met an untimely death in 1582 when he was betrayed by one of his generals.
Autocratic and ambitious, Oda Nobunaga introduced many innovations both
on the battlefield and in the economic and political structure of his domain. He was
the first Japanese warlord who used firearms in his battle strategy. He reorganized the
economy by establishing castle towns as centres for manufacturing and many of his
ideas were adopted by the Tokugawa shogunate. He also welcomed
Christian Jesuit missionaries to Japan and was a patron of the arts in Japan.

Answer the questions:

1. When was Oda Nobunaga born?
2. What was Oda Nobunaga?
3. What have you learnt about his parents?
4. What is Oda Nobunaga known for?
5. How did he manage to overcome much larger forces of Imagawa Yoshimoto?
6. How did Oda Nobunaga die?
7. What innovations did Oda Nobunaga introduce?

15. Ivan the Terrible (1533-1584)

Word power:

autocracy - самодержавство
fierce fight - запекла боротьба
arbitrariness - свавілля
ecclesiastical - церковний
peasantry - селянство
accession - приєднання
khanate - ханство
execution - страта
malice - злоба, мерзенність
allegedly - нібито
treason - зрада
“The Code of Law of the Tsar” (The Sudebnik), a code of laws instituted by Ivan the
Great - «Судебник Івана IV»

The XVIth century can be also called the age of Ivan IV the Terrible in the
History of the Tsardom of Russia. During that period the formation of an absolute
monarchy in the form of autocracy (unlimited power of the tsar) was concluded.
Autocracy was established in the fierce struggle against the boyars. The
boyar arbitrariness lasted until 1547, when Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) was crowned.
The early part of Ivan's reign was one of peaceful reforms and modernization. Ivan
revised the law code, creating the “Sudebnik of Тsar” in 1550, founded a standing
army (the streltsy), established the Zemsky Sobor (the first Russian parliament of
feudal estates) and the council of the nobles (known as the Chosen Council) and
confirmed the position of the Church with the Council of the Hundred Chapters
(Stoglavy Synod), which unified the rituals and ecclesiastical regulations of the
whole country. He introduced local self-government to rural regions, mainly in
northeastern Russia, populated by the state peasantry.
Ivan IV carried out an active foreign policy: the beginning of the development
of Siberia (Yermak expedition), the accession of Kazan (1552), Astrakhan (1556)
khanate. Although his desire to reach the Baltic Sea ended in defeat (Livonian War
of 1558-1583).
A separate phenomenon in the policy of Ivan IV was Oprichnina (1565-1672) -
a system of measures (repression, executions, confiscation of land), which were
carried out in the Moscow state in order to strengthen the tsar's power. Some
historians insist that there were other reasons for the introduction of oprichnina -
malice and mental illness of Ivan the Terrible.
The oprichnaya army killed thousands of people across the country (120 boyars
and the metropolitan were killed allegedly for treason in Moscow). In 1577 the tsar
forbade oprichnina, executed many oprichniks and even forbade to mention it.
After the death of Ivan IV, the Moscow state was engulfed by crisis that went
down in the history of the country as the troubled times. At that time, the Moscow
state was on the verge of death.

1. Complete the text using the necessary word:

Sudebnik Oprichnina foreign policy autocracy arbitrariness

1. During that period the formation of an absolute monarchy in the form of

________________ (unlimited power of the tsar) was concluded.
2. The boyar _________________lasted until 1547, when Ivan IV was crowned.
3. Ivan IV carried out an active __________________________
4. Ivan revised the law code, creating the _______________of tsar in 1550.
5. A separate phenomenon in the policy of Ivan IV was Oprichnina - a system of
measures (repression, executions, confiscation of land), which were carried out
in the Moscow state in order to strengthen the tsar's power.

2. Are these sentences “True” or “False”? :

• In the History of the Tsardom of Russia the XVth century can be called the age
of Ivan IV the Terrible.
• During that period, the formation of an absolute monarchy in the form of
autocracy - limited power of the tsar was concluded.
• In 1547 Ivan IV revised the law code, creating the Sudebnik of tsar.
• In 1577 the tsar forbade oprichnina, executed many oprichniks and even
forbade it to be mentioned.
• After the death of Ivan IV, the Moscow state started to flourish.
16. Peter I (1689-1725)

Word power:

backwardness - відсталість
Enlightenment - Просвітництво
march - похід
to conduct - проводити
judicial - судовий
to proclaim - проголошувати
tax system - система оподаткування
streamlined - впорядкований
decree - указ
compulsory - обов'язковий

In the second half of the XVIIth century Russia experienced a deep crisis due
to its socio-economic backwardness especially compared to the advanced countries
of Europe. Political life was marked by a fierce struggle of the court groups for
power. After a bitter struggle the royal throne was occupied by Peter I (1689-1725).
Peter I (Peter the Great) ruled the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire
from 7 May, 1682 until his death in 1725. Through a number of successful wars, he
expanded the Tsardom into a much larger empire that became a major European
power and also laid the groundwork for the Imperial Russian Navy after capturing
ports at Azov and the Baltic Sea. He led a cultural revolution that replaced some of
medieval social and political systems with ones that were modern, scientific,
Westernised and based on the Enlightenment. Peter’s reforms had a lasting impact
on Russia, and many institutions of the Russian government trace their origins to his
Peter I conducted the Public Administration Reform. In 1711, Peter I founded
the Administrative Senate, which had the functions of the chief executive, judicial
and legislative power. The church became the subject to the state.
In 1721, after the Northern War, Russia was proclaimed an empire. The tax
system was streamlined. Peter implemented sweeping reforms aimed at modernizing
Russia. Heavily influenced by his advisors from Western Europe, Peter reorganized
the Russian army and dreamed of making Russia a maritime power. At the same time
the number of manufactories was increasing, the first metallurgical plants in Ural
were founded.
New school system was installed. Peter decided that all children of the nobility
should have some early education, especially in the areas of sciences. Therefore, on
February 28, 1714, he issued a decree calling for compulsory education, which
dictated that all Russian 10- to 15-year-old children of the nobility, government
clerks, and less-ranked officials had to learn basic mathematics and geometry, and
should be tested on the subjects at the end of their studies. Foreign specialists were
invited to teach the children.
The first public library and the Kunstkammer (Natural History Museum) were
also founded in St. Petersburg.
In 1724, he founded the Academy of Sciences.
In 1699, the calendar was also reformed. 
Peter I began to change the culture of the tsar court: he introduced foreign
clothing styles and forbade traditional Russian beards introducing taxes for long
beards and robes in September 1698.
In 1702, the first Russian printed newspaper “Vedomosti” was published.
He is also known for founding and developing the city of Saint Petersburg,
which remained the capital of Russia until 1917.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Russia experience a deep crisis in the second half of the XVIIth century?
2. When did Peter I take the throne?
3. How long had he been ruling the country?
4. What were the functions of the Administrative Senate?
5. How did Peter I manage to expand the Tsardom of Russia into a large empire?
6. What city was founded by Peter I?
2. Pair work: discuss the achievements of Peter the Great.

17. Louis XIV (1638-1715)

Word power:
to wield - володіти
contemporaries - сучасники
reliable army – надійна армія
highest judiciary - найвища судова влада
maintenance - утримання
deprived - позбавлений
greatness - велич
expenses - витрати
defeat - поразка
Louis XIV, known as Louis the Great or the Sun King, was King of France
from 14 May 1643 until his death in 1715.
It is interesting to know but Louis XIV ascended to the throne at the age of
four. When France’s King Louis XIII died at the age of 41 on May 14, 1643, the
monarchy passed to his eldest child, Louis XIV, who was just four years and eight
months old. With the new king too young to rule over his 19 million subjects, his
mother, Anne, served as regent and appointed Louis XIV’s godfather, Italian-born
Cardinal Jules Mazarin, as chief minister. Mazarin taught his godson everything from
statesmanship and power to history and the arts. Louis XIV was 15 years old at the
time of his coronation in 1654, but he did not wield absolute power over France until
seven years later when Mazarin died.
His reign (72 years and 110 days) is thought to be the longest one, recorded of
any monarch of a sovereign country in European history. During his long reign the
formation of an absolute monarchy in France was completed. Contemporaries also
attributed the saying to him: “The state is me!” Strong finances and a reliable army
were the base of the royal absolute power. Even the highest judiciary also belonged
to the king. By secret order, Louis XIV was allowed to imprison anyone
without trial and send to the Bastille prison in Paris. The king spent huge sums of
money on his army, palaces and courtiers. The cities were completely deprived of
Louis XIV pursued an active foreign policy. He tried to expand the territory of
his country at the expense of neighbours. During his long reign France became a
leading European country and it seized the part of Spanish Netherlands, got
possession in Africa and India. Canada became a French colony (but in 1713 France
lost a part of Canada).
Louis XIV ordered to build a luxurious residence in Versailles, 18 kilometers
away from Paris. The 700-room palace was surrounded by fences and squares and it
had to remind everyone of its owner’s greatness. Even the statue of the ancient God
Jupiter was sculpted with the face of Louis XIV. Europe’s grandest palace became a
centre of political power and a symbol of the king’s dominance and wealth.
Huge expenses of the royal court were one of the causes of Louis’s defeat in
the wars at the end of his reign.

1. Answer the questions:

1. What do contemporaries say about Louis XIV ?

2. What was the base of royal absolute power ?
3. How old was Louis XIV when he ascended to the throne?
4. What countries were occupied during Louis’s long reign?
5. What was the reason of Louis’s defeat?

2. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Сучасники приписували йому вислів: « Держава – це я !»

2. Навіть вища судова влада також належала королю.
3. Міста повністю були позбавлені самоврядування.
4. Королівський палац оточений парканами і майданами мав нагадувати
кожному про велич його господаря.
5. Навіть статую античного Бога Юпітера було виліплено з обличчям Людовіка

18. George Washington (1732 –1799)

Word power:

“Father of His Country” - батько нації

siege - oблога
adoption - прийняття
impartial - неупереджений
rivalry - суперництво
“Jay Treaty” - договір Джея, 1794 про дружбу, торгівлю і мореплавання між
США і Великою Британією
George Washington was an American political leader, military general,
statesman and Founding Father who served as the first president of the United States
of America from 1789 to 1797. He led Patriot forces to victory in the nation’s War
for Independence. He presided at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 which
established the U.S. Constitution and a federal government. George Washington has
been called the "Father of His Country" for his leadership in the days of the new
nation’s formation.
Washington received his initial military training and command with
the Virginia Regiment during the French and Indian War. He was later elected to
the Virginia House of Burgesses and was named a delegate to the Continental
Congress, where he was appointed Commanding General of the Continental Army.
He commanded American forces, allied with France, in the defeat and surrender of
the British during the siege of Yorktown, and resigned his commission in 1783 after
the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
Washington played a key role in the adoption and ratification of
the Constitution and was then elected president by the Electoral College in the first
two elections. He implemented a strong, well-financed national government while
remaining impartial in a fierce rivalry between cabinet members  Thomas
Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. During the French Revolution, he proclaimed a
policy of neutrality while sanctioning the Jay Treaty.
Washington owned slaves for labor and trading, and supported measures
passed by Congress protecting slavery, in order to preserve national unity. He later
became troubled with the institution of slavery and freed his slaves in 1799. He
attempted to assimilate Native Americans into Western culture. Upon his death, he
was praised as “the first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his
countrymen.” He has been memorialized by monuments, art, geographical locations,
stamps, and currency. No other American has been honored more than Washington.
The nation's capital, Washington D. C, was named after him. There the giant
Washington Monument stands. The state of Washington is the only state named after
President. Many cities, parks, streets, bridges, lakes, and schools bear his name.
Many scholars rank him among the greatest American presidents.

1. Answer the questions:

1. When was George Washington born?
2. Why did people call George Washington the "Father of His Country"?
3. Can you name any interesting facts about George Washington?
4. What was his attitude to slavery?
5. How did Americans praise George Washington?

2. Are these sentences True or False:

1. George Washington was a Founding Father of the UK.
2. George Washington was the second president of the United States.
3. Washington owned slaves for labor and trading.
4. Washington played a key role in the adoption of the Constitution.
5. The capital of the USA was named after the great American president.
19. Queen Victoria (1819 – 1901)

Word power:

predecessor – предок, попередник

expansion - зростання, розширення
heir - спадкоємець
to evolve – виділяти, еволюціонувати

Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) was Queen of

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from June 20, 1837 until her death.
Parliament voted for giving her the additional title of Empress of India in 1876.
Known as the Victorian era, her reign of 63 years and seven months was longer than
any of her predecessors. It was a period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific,
and military change within the United Kingdom, and was marked by a great
expansion of the British Empire.
Victoria was born at Kensington Palace, London, on 24 May 1819. She was the
only daughter of Edward, Duke of Kent, the fourth son of George III. Her father died
shortly after her birth and she became the heir to the throne because three uncles who
were ahead of her in the succession - George IV, Frederick Duke of York, and
William IV - had no legitimate children who survived. Victoria became Queen at the
age of 18.
In the early part of her reign, she was influenced by two men: her first Prime
Minister, Lord Melbourne, and then her husband, Prince Albert, whom she married in
1840. Both men taught her much about how to be a ruler in a 'constitutional
monarchy', in which the monarch had very few powers but could use much influence.
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert had nine children between 1840 and 1857.
Most of her children married into other Royal families of Europe.
Victoria was deeply attached to her husband and she sank into depression after
he died, aged 42, in 1861. She had lost a devoted husband and her principal trusted
adviser in affairs of state. For the rest of her reign she wore black.
Seven attempts were made on Victoria's life, between 1840 and 1882 - her
courageous attitude towards these attacks greatly strengthened her popularity.
It was during Victoria's reign that the modern idea of the constitutional
monarch, whose role was to remain above political parties, began to evolve.
Victoria died at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight, on 22 January 1901. Her
son, Edward VII succeeded her.

3. Answer the questions:

1. How long did the reign of Queen Victoria last ?
2. How was the period of her reign called ?
3. When and where was Victoria born?
4. How did she become Queen?
5. When did Victoria marry ?
6. How many children did she have ?
7. What happened to her husband ?
8. How many attempts were made on Victoria's life ?
9. When did the modern idea of the constitutional monarch begin to evolve?
10.How old was Queen Victoria when she died ?

4. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-

1) a great expansion ;
2) became the heir to the throne;
3) use much influence;
4) deeply attached to;
5) sank into depression;
6) the modern idea of the constitutional monarch;
7) Edward VII succeeded her.

20. Horatio Nelson (1758-1805)

Word power:

prosperous - заможний
recuperate - відновити сили, вилікувати
the Kingdom of Naples - Неаполіта́нське королівство - держава у Південній
Італії у XII-XIX століттях, що займала територію сучасних областей Італії -
Кампанія, Калабрія, Базиліката, Молізе, Абруццо.

Horatio Nelson was a British flag officer in the Royal Navy. He was noted for
his inspirational leadership, grasp of strategy, and unconventional tactics, which
together resulted in a number of great British naval victories, particularly during the
Napoleonic Wars. He was wounded several times in combat, losing the sight in one
eye in Corsica at the age of 36, as well as most of one arm in the unsuccessful attempt
to conquer Santa Cruz de Tenerife when he was 40 years of age. He was shot at the
age of 47 during his final victory at the Battle of Trafalgar near the Spanish port city
of Cádiz in 1805.
Nelson was born in a moderately prosperous Norfolk family and joined the
navy under the influence of his uncle, Maurice Suckling, a high-ranking naval officer.
He rose rapidly through the ranks and served with leading naval commanders before
he got his own command at the age of 20 in 1778.
After the end of the American War of Independence Horatio Nelson suffered
periods of illness and unemployment. The beginning of the French Revolutionary
Wars allowed Nelson to return to service in the Mediterranean.
Nelson took part in the Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where the attack was
defeated and he was badly wounded, losing his right arm, and was forced to return to
England to recuperate. The following year he won a decisive victory over the French
at the Battle of the Nile and remained in the Mediterranean to support the Kingdom
of Naples against a French invasion. In 1801 he was sent to the Baltic and won
another victory, this time over the Danes at the Battle of Copenhagen.
On October, 21 (1805), the Franco-Spanish fleet came out of port, and
Nelson’s fleet engaged them at the Battle of Trafalgar. It was Britain's greatest naval
victory but during the battle Horatio Nelson was fatally wounded. His body was
brought back to England for a state funeral.
Horatio Nelson is one of Britain’s most heroic figures. Nelson’s Column is a
monument in Trafalgar Square in the City of Westminster, Central London, built to
commemorate Admiral Horatio Nelson, who died at the Battle of Trafalgar.

1. Translate into English:

1. Гораціо Нельсон був офіцером британського прапора в Королівському

2. Він загинув у віці 47 років під час битви при Трафальгарі біля
іспанського портового міста Кадіс у1805 р.
3. Нельсон брав участь у битві при Санта-Крус-де-Тенеріфе, але атака
зазнала поразки, і він був важко поранений, втратив праву руку, і був
змушений повернутися в Англію, щоб відновити сили.
4. Спалах французьких революційних воєн дозволив Нельсону повернутися
до служби у Середземномор'ї.
5. Битва за Трафальгар була найбільшою військово-морською перемогою
Великобританії, але під час битви Нельсон був смертельно поранений.

2. Pair work. Ask your partner questions about Horatio Nelson’s life.

21. The Zaporozhian Sich

Dmytro Vyshnevetsky (1516–1563)
Word power:

Lithuanian - литовський
deployment - розгортання
to betray - зрадити
rib - ребро

In 1554, Dmytro Vyshnevetsky (1516–1563), a Volhynian prince of Ukrainian-

Lithuanian origin, built at his own cost a fortress called Sich on Mala Khortytsia
island right in the centre of the Dnipro river, downstream of the rapids. Because of its
location, downstream of the rapids and further, all these lands of Ukraine were called
Zaporizhia (Trans-Rapids), and its military inhabitans later were called Zaporizhian
The Sich became the headquarters of the Cossack Host. The islands Khortytsia
and Mala Khortytsia with their high rocky shores were best suited for the
deployment of the Cossack fleet and the organization of voyages to the Black Sea.
When D. Vyshnevetsky went on a military expedition to Moldova, the local
boyars betrayed him and handed him over to Turkey. Dmytro Vyshnevetsky was
executed according to the sultan’s order in Instanbul in 1563 using the cruel method
of putting an iron hook under ribs and lifting the body. Vyshnevetsky remained in
people’s memory as the die-hard Cossack Baida, who shot arrows at his enemies
even as he was being tortured. The folk nickname Baida meant “a free man”.

Answer the following questions:

1. When did Dmytro Vyshnevetsky build a fortress?

2. Where was that fortress situates?
3. Why were these lands called Zaporizhia?
4. Why were the islands Khortytsia and Mala Khortytsia good for
the organization of sea voyages?
5. Who betrayed Vyshnevetsky?
6. How was Dmytro Vyshnevetsky executed?
7. What did the folk nickname “Baida” mean?

The Zaporozhian Sich

Word power:
quitrent - оброк
landlord - поміщик
corvée - барщина
garrison - гарнізон
novice – новачок
equal rights – рівні права

Many people started joining the Cossack Host especially after the Union of
Lublin in 1569. Under Lithuania, peasants had personal freedom and paid quitrent to
landlords or performed corvée for them, two days per week at the most. Polish
landlords increasingly turned peasants into serfs in order to earn more money. In
Poland itself, peasants had virtually no rights, except that they could not be sold, as it
was in Muscovy.
The Sich had no other population than the Cossacks and a small number of
merchants. The Cossack garrison in the Sich was organized, based on the example of
a knight order. A person of any nationality could join it after reading the Lord’s
Prayer in Ukrainian. A novice, who was called “molodyk” (literally, a young man),
acquired equal rights with other Cossacks after participating in military campaigns.
The Sich had extremely strict discipline during wartime, which was relaxed at
times of peace. All Cossack starshyna (officers), including judges, were elected in
direct elections and the same type of elections were held in each unit — kurin and
palanka. The Kish otaman, elected by the Cossacks, had the power of life and death
over them. Crimes were punished severely. The Cossacks buried murderers together
with their victims.
In the early 16th century, permanent settlements of the Cossacks (zymivnyky)
extended to the Sea of Oziv (Azov) and the Don River. In the West, the lands of the
Cossacks reached the Dnister River.

Pair work: - ask your partner questions on the text;

- discuss with your partner the rules of life in the Sich.

23. Petro Mohyla (1596-1647)

Word power:

monasticism – чернецтво
archimandrite – архімандрит
Metropoliten bishop – Митрополит
Orthodox – Православний
thoroughly – грунтовно
fraternities – церковні братства
to heed – прислухатися
proliferation – розповсюдження
sermon – проповідь

Metropolitan Peter (Petro Mohyla) was an influential Moldavian Orthodox

theologian and reformer, Metropolitan of Kyiv, Halych and All Rus' from 1633 until
his death.
Petro Mohyla was born in the family of Moldavian boyars. He received his
education at Lviv School where his teachers were monks from the Lviv brotherhood
and then he studied at several Western European universities. He served in the Polish
army and participated in the Khotyn war. In 1625 Peter took monasticism.
In 1627 he became an archimandrite of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, and in
1632 - Metropolitan bishop of Kyiv and Galicia.
Much effort was made by him to legalize the Orthodox Church and he also
managed to return the captured Uniate monasteries and churches (St. Sophia
Cathedral and Vydubitsky Monastery in Kyiv). With the help of his efforts and funds
St. Sophia Cathedral and many other structures of the Kyiv- Pechersk Lavra were
thoroughly restored for the first time.
Petro Mohyla also played a leading role in Ukraine’s book printing. He was
one of the first to print books in the Ukrainian language. The proliferation of
the Ukrainian language in print was a part of a wider effort of Ukraine’s struggle for
sovereignty and cultural self-preservation. Petro Mohyla wanted to preserve the
Ukrainian nation’s identity that had been experiencing enormous pressure from the
Polish and Lithuanian regimes. He initiated the publication of sermons in Ukrainian,
Biblical texts in Church Slavonic, and scientific books in Ukrainian, Polish, Greek,
and Latin.
The Metropolitan arranged relations with church fraternities, forcing them
to heed his authority.
Petro Mohyla initiated the establishment of the Kyiv Mohylian College in
1632 and later its branches.
Petro Mohyla played an important role in renewing of Orthodox theology and
strengthening the Orthodox Church in Ukraine.

1. Answer the questions:

• What family did Petro Mohyla come from?

• When did he become Metropolitan bishop of Kyiv and Galicia?
• What monasteries and churches did Petro Mohyla manage to return?
• What role did he play in Ukraine’s book printing?
• What did Petro Mohyla initiate in 1632?

2. Complete the text using the necessary words. There are two extra words.

captured Metropolitan bishop fraternities archimandrite

establishment authority renewing Polish

• He served in the _________ army.

• In 1627 he became __________.
• He also managed to return the ________ Uniate monasteries and Churches.
• The ________ arranged relations with church fraternities.
• He initiated the ________ of the Kyiv Mohylian College in 1632 and its

24. Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595 – 1657)

Word power:

to participate-брати участь
scribe - писар
rebellion - бунт
to achieve-досягати
acceptance- визнання,прийняття
to gain attention- привертати увагу

Zynoviy Bohdan Khmelnytsky was an outstanding Hetman of the Zaporozhian

Host, the founder of Ukrainian Cossack state. His birthplace is the village of Subotiv,
near Chyhyryn. He came from minor Ukrainian nobility. He studied at Lviv Jesuit
Collegium. He completed his schooling by 1617, acquiring a broad knowledge of
world history and learning Polish and Latin. Later he learned Turkish, Tatar, and
French. Unlike many of the other students, he did not embrace Roman Catholicism
but remained Orthodox. Bohdan Khmelnytsky joined military and served since his
In 1620 he participated with his father in the campaign of the Polish army
against the Turks. In the Battle of Cecora his father died and Bohdan was captured
by Turks, from which he was bought out by the Cossacks. Then he joined the
registered Cossack army and became a scribe. He participated in campaigns against
the Crimean Khanate and during the rebellions in the thirties of the XVIIth century
he supported Cossacks.
In January, 1648 he led the National Liberation War. He showed himself as an
experienced general, a talented diplomat and outstanding politician. He formulated
the idea of creating an independent Ukrainian state and began its realization
considering the experience of the liberation war. He achieved the acceptance of
Ukrainian Cossacks State as a subject of the international law.
Bohdan Khmelnytsky died in 1657 in Chyhyryn and was buried in Subotiv in
the Illinska church. The great hetman remained forever in the memory of the grateful
Ukrainians. During his hetmanhood, Ukrainian land became widely known in the
world for the first time and his residence in Chyhyryn gained attention of the rulers of
many countries.

1. Answer the questions:

1) Where was Bohdan Khmelnytsky born?
2) What education did he get?
3) When did he join the Cossacks army?
4) When did the National Liberation War start?
5) Why was his hetmanhood so important for Ukrainian land?

2. Finish the following sentences:

1) Bohdan Khmelnytsky joined …………….
2) His birthplace is……………………………….
3) He came from………………………………….
4) In the Battle of Cecora………………………….
5) On January, 1648 he……………………………..
6) He achieved the acceptance of…………………. .
7) Bohdan Khmelnytsky was buried in …………………. .

25. Petro Doroshenko (1665-1676)

Word power:
successor - спадкоємець
unification - об’єднання
Hetman Petro Doroshenko was a famous Cossack political and military leader,
Hetman of Right-bank Ukraine. Petro Doroshenko was born in Chyhyryn. His father,
a Registered Cossack, held the rank of colonel.
He received an excellent education. Doroshenko spoke Latin and Polish
fluently and had good knowledge of history. In 1648 Petro Doroshenko joined the
forces of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in the uprising against the Polish domination of
Ukraine. Then he served in the Chyhyryn regiment, where he held the rank of
artillery secretary, eventually being appointed colonel of the Pryluky regiment. After
Bohdan Khmelnytsky’s death in 1657 Petro Doroshenko supported the election of
general chancellor Ivan Vyhovsky as Khmelnytsky’s successor.
Petro Doroshenko became the leader of the Cossack starshyna (senior officers).
Supported by Crimean Tatars and Ottoman Turkey in 1665, Doroshenko crushed the
pro-Russian Cossack bands and eventually became Hetman of Ukraine. He saw state
problems and developed his own view of the situation in Ukraine, and when he
became hetman, Petro Doroshenko got an opportunity to bring his vision to life. He
struggled for the unification of all Ukrainian lands within one state and gaining
independence for Ukraine. Petro Doroshenko also supported the establishment of a
hereditary hetmanate but he failed to reach his goal. Historical conditions had not
developed yet.

1. Finish the following sentences:

1. Hetman Petro Doroshenko was ….

2. He spoke Latin and Polish …..
3. Petro Doroshenko joined the forces of …..
4. After Bohdan Khmelnytsky’s death ……
5. He struggled for the unification of ……

2. Translate into English:

1) воз’єднати Правобережну і Лівобережну Україну-

2) досягти мети -
3) повстання проти польського панування -
4) встановити спадковий гетьманат -
5) власний погляд на становище в Україні -

26. Ivan Sirko (1610-1680)

Word power:
a Kosh otaman - кошовий отаман Запорізької Січі
Nogai hordes - ногайські орди
controversial - суперечливий
to renounce - відмовитися
to devastate - спустошити
the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – Рiч Посполита
exile - заслання
estate - маєток

Ivan Sirko is a significant public figure of the Cossack era, a major force in the
Ukrainian struggle for independence.
Born in Podillya, he came from a family of a poor orthodox Ukrainian nobility.
Ivan Sirko was a famous Zaporozhian Cossack military leader. He participated in the
Cossack-Polish War (1648–1657). Ivan Sirko served as a colonel of Vinnytsia
regiment (1658–1660) and was elected Kish otaman of the Zaporozhian Host eight
times in the 1660s and 1670s. During his life he carried out more than 60 victorious
battles against Turkish troops, the Crimean Khanate and Nogai hordes. It is believed
that under his leadership Cossacks released more than 100,000 prisoners.
On the other hand, the figure of Ivan Sirko is one of the most controversial in
Ukrainian history. He fought against Ivan Vyhovsky and did not allow him to benefit
from the results of the victory under Konotop. Together with his Cossacks he forced
him to renounce the Hetman bulava.
In 1672 three hundred thousand soldiers of the Turkish army moved towards
Ukraine. The Turks wanted to devastate Ukrainian and Polish - Lithuanian
Commonwealth lands as well. There was no other commander, who could resist the
invasion. Ivan Sirko at that time was in exile in Siberia. The Polish king asked to
release him and in June 1673 Ivan Sirko gathered Cossacks to fight with the Turks.
Sultan Mehmed IV got angry and sent a letter to the Cossacks demanding to stop the
attacks and to accept his protection. Zaporozhian Sich responded with an acute letter
(on the basis of this historical event, the artist Ilya Repin created a famous painting
“Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Sultan of Turkey”).
Sirko finished his last campaign in 1679, he destroyed Turkish fortresses which
blocked the passing of Cossack fleet from the Dnipro river to the Black Sea.
In summer, 1680 Ivan Sirko fell ill and soon died at his estate Hrushivka
(today's Dnipropetrovsk region, Tomakiv district, village Ilyinka).
1. Read these sentences and translate them.
• Іван Сірко - важливий діяч козацької епохи, серйозна сила у українській
боротьбі за незалежність, найвідоміший кошовий отаман в історії Січі.

• Народився на Поділлі, походив із родини дрібної православної української


• Він здійснив понад 60 переможних битв проти військ Туреччини,

Кримського ханства і ногайських орд.

• У червні 1673 р. Іван Сірко зібрав козаків і розгромив турків.

• Останній похід Сірко завершив у 1679 році - він знищив турецькі фортеці, що
перешкоджали виходу козацьких човнів з річки Дніпро в Чорне море.

• Влітку 1680 р. Іван Сірко занедужав і незабаром помер на своєму хуторі


2. Correct the false sentences.

1. He supported Ivan Mazepa after the victory under Konotop. Together with his
Cossacks he handed Mazepa the Hetman bulava.
2. In 1674 two hundred thousand soldiers of the Turkish army moved towards
Ukraine. The Turks wanted to devastate the Ukrainian lands.
3. In 1672 Sirko was in exile in Moscow. Seeing the danger the Polish king asked to
released Ivan Sirko.
4. Sirko finished his last campaign in 1689 - he destroyed Turkish fortresses that
blocked the passing of Cossack fleet from the Dnipro river to the Azov Sea.
5. In summer, 1688 Ivan Sirko fell ill and soon died on his farm Hrushivka (today's
Dnipropetrovsk region, Tomakiv district, village Ilyinka).

27. Ivan Mazepa (1639 – 1709)

Word power:

military council - військова рада

a restriction - обмеження
a riot - заворушення
to award - нагороджувати
nobility- знать
destructive nature- руйнівний характер
to flee – тікати

Ivan Mazepa is one of the most remarkable figures in the history of Cossack
movement in Ukraine. He was probably born on 30 March 1639 in the village of
Mazepyntsi near Bila Tserkva in the family of a Ukrainian nobleman. Mazepa
received a brilliant education first in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, then at Jesuit college in
Warsaw. He served at the court of the Polish king John II Casimir, who later sent him
to study artillery in France, Germany, Holland and Italy.
In 1687, at a military council near the Kolomak River Ivan Mazepa was
elected the Hetman. He signed the Kolomak articles, which were the next step in
restricting the rights of Ukraine by the Moscow State. The news about signing the
articles caused riots throughout the Hetman State.
Firstly, Ivan Mazepa was in good relations with Moscow, he received generous
gifts from tsar Peter I for his service. In 1700 he was awarded the order of St.
In his social and economic policy Ivan Mazepa focused on the interests of
Cossack officers and the Ukrainian nobility. Ukraine supplied human resources for
the construction of cities as well as for wars of the Moscow state. At the same time
Ukraine supplied significant amount of material resources too.
Gradually, Mazepa accumulated great wealth, becoming one of Europe's
largest land owners. A lot of churches were built all over Ukraine during his reign
in the Ukrainian Baroque style. He founded schools and printing houses and
expanded the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. His contribution was so significant that a new
architectural style that appeared during his time was called “Mazepa's Baroque”.
Having participated in numerous military campaigns, Ivan Mazepa began to
understand the destructive nature of the existing relations between Ukraine and
Moscow. During the Northern War between Russia and Sweden which started in
1700, Mazepa decided to take the side of Swedish King Charles XII.
During the Poltava Battle Mazepa and Charles XII were defeated and fled to
the Turkish possessions.
Ivan Mazepa died on August 22, 1709.

1. Choose the correct alternative in each sentence.

1. Ivan Mazepa is one of the most remarkable / unknown figures in the history of
Cossacks movement in Ukraine.
2. He was born in 1639 in the village of Mazepyntsi near Bila Tserkva / Poltava.
3. Ivan Mazepa served at the court of the Polish / Lithuanian king John II Casimir
then he studied artillery in France, Germany, Holland and Italy.
4. In 1687, at the military council, which took place near the Kolomak River, Ivan
Mazepa was elected as the Hetman/colonel.
5. At first Ivan Mazepa was in good relations with Moscow/Poland and he received
generous gifts from tsar Peter I.
6. The most important directions of the general state policy, which didn't have any
restrictions of Russian government, were cultural and educational/ economical
7. Having participated in numerous military campaigns, Mazepa began to understand
the destructive nature of the existing relations between Ukraine and Moscow /
8. During the Northern War between Russia and Sweden Mazepa decided to take the
side of Swedish / Polish King Charles XII.

2. Read and translate the following sentences.

1. Іван Мазепа - одна з найвидатніших постатей в історії козацтва в Україні.

2. Він народився у 1639 року в селі Мазепинці поблизу Білої Церкви в сім'ї
українського шляхтича.
3. Мазепа здобув блискучу європейську освіту спочатку в Києво-Могилянській
академії, потім у єзуїтському колегіумі у Варшаві.
4. У 1687 році на військовій раді, що відбулася біля річки Коломак, І. Мазепа
був обраний гетьманом.
5. Одним із найважливіших напрямів загальної державної політики І. Мазепи
була культурно-просвітницька діяльність.
6. Гетьман вкладав величезні кошти з державної скарбниці та власні кошти у
розвиток української освіти, науки, архітектури, літератури, книгодрукування.

28. Pylyp Orlyk (1672 – 1742)

Word power:
Czech - чеський
scribe - писар
Sub-Dnieper region - Подніпров’я
Intercession - Покрова
excessive taxes - надмірні податки
forced - примусовий

Pylyp Orlyk was a famous Zaporozhian Cossack starshyna, Hetman of Ukraine

in exile. He came from an ancient Czech family. He studied first at Jesuit College in
Vilno and then at the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium . He was a well-educated person and
knew several European languages. He held positions in the General Military Office,
later became the General Military Scribe and closest adviser of Hetman Ivan
Mazepa. Pylyp Orlyk assisted Mazepa in his efforts to form an anti-Russian coalition.
After the Battle of Poltava in 1709, he escaped together with Hetman Ivan
Mazepa and king Charles XII of Sweden to Bender in the Principality of Moldavia,
where Mazepa soon died.
On April 16, 1710, a Cossack council assembled near the city of Bender, and
Pylyp Orlyk was elected a new hetman. He became the leader of the first Ukrainian
political emigration in Western Europe and headed the government in exile.
During the Cossack Council, on April 16, the document known “the
Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk” was adopted. It consisted of an introduction and 16
articles. The document proclaimed independence from Russia and the Polish–
Lithuanian Commonwealth. The territory of Ukraine was determined by the Treaty of
Zboriv in 1649. The territories in Sub-Dnieper region were returned to Cossacks. The
General Council was also formed. Hetman protected the Cossacks and the entire
population from excessive taxes and forced duties.
The constitution of Pylyp Orlyk was the first document in the world to regulate
the rights of a vassal and his subordinates. Subsequently, similar documents were
adopted in the United States (1787), France, and Poland (1791). The constitution of
Pylyp Orlyk was in fact an agreement between the hetman of the Zaporozhian Army
Pylyp Orlyk and the Cossacks. The document was written in two languages - Latin
and Old Ukrainian.
Unfortunately new Hetman failed to lead an efficient campaign against
Moscow and in 1711 he lost his support of the people due to his military failures as
well as actions of his ally, Crimean Tatars. In 1714 Pylyp Orlyk was forced to leave
Ukraine and had never returned there again.

1. Finish the following sentences:

1. Pylyp Orlyk came from… .
2. He was an … .
3. The constitution consisted of… .
4. The document proclaimed … .
5. The constitution of Pylyp Orlyk was in fact … .

2. Are these sentences “True” or “False”?:

1. Pylyp Orlyk studied first at Jesuit College in Kyiv.
2. On August16, 1710, a Cossack council was held near Bender, at which the new
hetman was elected.
3. Pylyp Orlyk led the first Ukrainian political emigration in Eastern
Europe and the government in exile.
4. During the Cossack Council, on April 16, the document “the Constitution of
Pylyp Orlyk” was accepted.
5. The territory of Ukraine was determined by the Treaty of Zboriv in 1647.
29. Petro Kalnyshevsky (1690-1803)
Word power:

elevation - піднесення
to release- звільняти
to purchase - купувати
solitary confinement - одиночне ув'язнення
on his own free will- за власним бажанням
decree - указ

Petro Kalnyshevsky was the last Koshovyi Otaman of the Zaporizhian Host. He
came originally from an ancient Cossack family. He was elected an ataman for 10
consecutive years. Being the leader of the Zaporizhian Host, Kalnyshevsky defended
the rights of Cossacks and their independence from increasing Imperial Russian
influence, and encouraged agricultural development and trade in the Zaporizhian
steppe. He also took care of the cultural elevation of the region. Five churches and
cathedrals were built at his expense. A significant number of church books were
Petro Kalnyshevsky was especially noted during the Russian-Turkish War
(1758-1774) when he commanded the Zaporizhian army. He was awarded the gold
medal of the order of St. Andrew with diamonds for his courage and got the rank of
After the defeat of the New Sich by the royal troops Petro Kalnyshevsky was
arrested on the order of Catherine II and sent to prison to Solovetsky monastery
where he spent more than 25 years in terrible conditions of the solitary confinement.
By a decree of the emperor Alexander I he was released from prison, but
remained in the monastery on his own free will where he died at the age of 113.

1. Answer the questions:

1. When was Petro Kalnyshevsky born?
2. How many times was he elected an ataman?
3. What was Petro Kalnyshevsky awarded a gold medal for?
4. What did he build at his own expense?
5. How long had he lifed in a solitary confinement?

2. Translate these sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Petro Kalnyshevsky was originally from an ancient Cossack family.
2. He took care of the cultural elevation of the region.
3. Five churches and cathedrals were built at his expense.
4. He was awarded the gold medal of the order of St. Andrew with diamonds for his
5. By a decree of the emperor Alexander I he was released from prison, but remained
in the monastery on his own free will.

30. Hryhorii Skovoroda (1722-1794)

Word power:
liturgical - літургійний
to haunt - переслідувати
itinerant - мандрівний
piety - побожність, благочестя
to eliminate - усувати, скорочувати
to assure - запевняти
purpose - мета, намір

Hryhorii Savych Skovoroda was a philosopher of Ukrainian Cossack origin.

He was also a poet, teacher and composer of liturgical music. His significant
influence on his contemporaries and succeeding generations, his way of life were
universally regarded as Socratic, and he was often called a “Socrates”. Skovoroda’s
work contributed to the cultural heritage of modern Ukraine.
He was born on December 3, 1722 in the village of Chernukhy in Poltava
region in the Cossack family. From an early age Hryhorii Skovoroda had a tendency
to focus on his inner world and desire for knowledge. Young Hryhorii’s
characteristics were piety, peacefulness, hospitality and honesty.
Grigori Skovoroda received his education at the Kiеv Mogyla Academy in
Kyiv. Haunted by worldly and spiritual powers, the philosopher led a life of an
itinerant thinker-beggar.
In 1741, at the age of 19 due to his uncle Ihnatiy Poltavtsev he was taken from
Kiev to sing in the imperial choir in Moscow and St. Petersburg returning to Kiev in
1744. He spent the period from 1745 to 1750 in the kingdom of Hungary and is
thought to have travelled in Europe during this period. In 1750 he returned to Kiev
again. From 1750–1751 he taught poetics in Pereiaslav. He also played the flute and
kobza proficiently.
According to Hryhorii Skovoroda, education could play a significant role in
elimination of the existing evil. He believed in great possibilities of the human mind.
He assured: "The mind is not from books, but books are from our mind".
Hryhorii Skovoroda also believed that the main purpose of human life is the
spirit of a man, his thoughts and heart.

Answer the questions:

1. When and where was Hryhorii Skovoroda born?

2. What do you know about his parents?
3. What characteristics did young Hryhorii have?
4. Where did he study?
5. What kind of life did he prefer?
6. What did he believe in?

2. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Hryhorii Savych Skovoroda was a Ukrainian humanist, philosopher, poet, teacher

and translator.
2. His significant influence on his contemporaries and succeeding generations, his
way of life were universally regarded as Socratic, and he was often called a
3. In philosophical reflection, Hryhorii Skovoroda paid great attention to the
happiness of a person.
4. The philosopher led a life of an itinerant thinker - beggar.
5. “The mind is not from books, but books are from our mind”.

Література :

1. Історія України : підруч. Для 8 класу загальноосвіт. навч. закладів /

О.В.Гісем, О.О.Мартинюк.- Х.: Вид-во «Ранок», 2016. – 272 с.
2. Всесвітня історія : підруч. Для 8 класу загальноосвіт. навч. закладів /
О.В.Гісем, О.О.Мартинюк.- Харків.: Вид-во «Ранок», 2019. – 256 с.

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