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The chances of children and grandparents having mutually satisfying

relationships are fast diminishing (U.3)
Grandparents can play many important roles in the lives of their grandchildren. In
fact, nowadays many children are raised by their grandparents and it is obvious that if
the grandparents live next to their grandkids, it can make life easier for inexperienced
parents. Yes, our grandparents may not understand modern fashion, or they do not
watch popular blo иggers, but our grandparents always want and try to have the best
and the strong relationships with us among the whole family. The grandparents teach
us many things that can be useful in life, stay with us even we quarrel with our
parents. They always wait when we come to visit them and treat us with sweets. Not
always there are opportunities to see each other because of work or another matters.
Also, not all parents want visits of grandmothers and grandfathers, are eternally
occupied with something. And it turns out that for the geographical or household
reasons we so seldom see each other with each other.
Many grandparents who consequently lose contact with their grandchildren go
through a painful bereavement process, which can even lead to emotional and
physical illness. This is because they never give up hope. They will not accept the
finality of separation or loss. It seems that the grandparenting instinct and bond is so
strong that it is rarely killed by even the most bitter family squabbles and separations.
Good grandparents help build psychological security by making their grandchildren
feel part of a much wider, diverse and stable supportive family network. They also
give them a sense of their place in history and evolution and give their life a
meaningful sense of perspective.
(Бабусі й дідусі можуть грати багато важливих ролей у житті своїх онуків.
Насправді, сьогодні багато дітей виховують бабусі й дідусі, і очевидно, що
якщо бабусі й дідусі живуть поруч із онуками, це може полегшити життя
недосвідченим батькам. Так, наші бабусі й дідусі можуть не розуміти сучасну
моду, або не дивляться на популярних блогерів, але наші бабусі й дідусі завжди
хочуть і намагаються мати найкращі та міцні стосунки з нами всією родиною.
Бабусі та дідусі вчать нас багато речей, які можуть стати в нагоді в житті,
залишаються з нами, навіть якщо ми сваримося з батьками. Вони завжди
чекають, коли ми прийдемо до них у гості і пригостимо нас солодощами. Не
завжди є можливість побачитися через роботу чи інші справи. Також не всі
батьки хочуть візитів бабусь і дідусів, вічно чимось зайняті. І виявляється, що з
географічних чи побутових причин ми так рідко бачимося один з одним.
Багато бабусь і дідусів, які внаслідок цього втрачають зв’язок зі своїми
онуками, проходять через болісний процес втрати, що може навіть призвести до
емоційного та фізичного захворювання. Це тому, що вони ніколи не втрачають
надію. Вони не визнають остаточного розставання або втрати. Здається, що
бабусь і дідусь інстинкт і зв’язок настільки сильні, що їх рідко вбивають навіть
найзапекліші сімейні чвари та розставання. Хороші бабусі й дідусі допомагають
зміцнювати психологічну безпеку, змушуючи своїх онуків відчувати себе
частиною набагато ширшої, різноманітної та стабільної мережі підтримки.
Вони також дають їм відчуття свого місця в історії та еволюції та дають
їхньому життю змістовне відчуття перспективи.)

2. How to Boost My Confidence (U. 3)

Are you lacking in (нестача) confidence? Everybody could do with a bit more
confidence (не зашкодить більше впевненості), in one or more areas of their lives.
Self-confidence refers to the state of mind where a person pushes their boundaries and
encourages belief within oneself. It is something which comes from self-love. In order to
have confidence in yourself, one must love oneself to get freedom from constant
doubt. Every one of us has, at some pоint in our lives, felt like we ruled the world, and it
is possible to tap into that feeling (скористатися) whenever you want.
The best method to raise your self-esteem (підняти самооцінку) and boost your
confidence(підвищити вашу впевненість) is remember a moment when you
supremely confident. Once you have got the sensation of confidence (відчуття
впевненості) then close your eyes and start to let that feeling increase. Physically
feel where the sensation of confidence is coming from. Now start to throw this
sensation around your body, so you are overflowing with confidence
(переповнений впевненістю). The anchor (якір) is a physical gesture – anything
from punching (вдарити) the air to giving your arm a pinch (скласти в кулак).
You should do it when you are at the point of maximum confidence and follow this
process a few times to get the hang of it (напрацювати). So, if you are going into
an interview (збиратись на співбесіду) and need a boost of confidence, it could
simply be a case of pinching your arm and bingo (вуаля) – you are ready to conquer
the world.
Confidence can also play a role in the motivation to pursue your goals. People with
low self-confidence often feel that they don't deserve to be happy, and that it's
somehow justifiable for others to treat them badly. While the feeling may be very
real, the belief is certainly not! Your level of confidence even affects how you present
yourself to others, so you should become more self aware (зрозуміти себе).
3. Peer Pressure at My School
Some children all over the world face with pressure in school from their mates. There
are many reasons for such actions: some pupils want to stand out from the crowd
(виділятися з натовпу) while humiliating others, and some want to hide their
minuses or worse character traits.
They intend to perform some odd jobs (додаткова робота) just because either their
friends are doing it or it becomes a matter of showing self standard. Among these are
starting smoking and alcohol. Unfortunately, these habits usually go so far as (зайти
так далеко, як) becoming to be the day-to-day rules. The children want to fit
in(вписуватися) their peer community and be “cool” among others pupils
performing “modern” trends and habits. In psychological terms (психологічний
термін) the measure of peer pressure cannot be overemphasized.
In my school, I was not under peer pressure because almost all my classmates had
been good friends since childhood. We did not have a risk of rejection (ризик
відмови) for using pressure because it was not a trend in our community. Our class
and school always tried to set up a comfortable welcome for new pupils and helped
them to become more acceptable (стати більш прийнятим, прийнятися в
суспільство). Even teachers allowed us to express our disagreement in the
strongest terms (висловити своє невдоволення) without using pressure.

In conclusion, I want to say that peer pressure depends on the school community,
pupils' habits, and teachers' care. It is possible to avoid peer pressure if we make it
not in trend and unfriendly within a global school community.
5. Crime and Bad Lives are the Measure of a State’s Failure (U.4)
The crime is a result of various things in our life. Many people who are in need of
money, they commit different types of crimes just to avail money. For instance
shoplifting( крадіжка в магазі), mugging( грабіжка), illegal gumbling( незаконні
ігри), and even the worst is attempted murder(навмисне вбивство).
Poor people commit some small crimes. They may steal and snatch things like
mobiles and bikes. Not only poor people commit crimes but also rich people are busy
in commit crimes and to breach law and legislation, although they are already rich.
They accumulate money through many ways against humanity. They give the priority
to accumulate lots of money through some faster methods such as grog’s, trade and
People, who commit small crimes, are not like great and dangerous crimes. Small
crimes require a light punishment( легке покарання). A criminal of a small crime
have to be sentenced to prison for months or just to pay money as a compensation
( fine ) or any other punishment according to the stand point of the judge. And on the
other hand, huge crimes require a harsh punishment( суворе покарання) such as
almost represented in torture and murdering crimes. The punishment fit the crime
( покарання за злочин) is sentence to life imprisonment (пожиттєве ув'язнення)or
sentence to imposing capital punishment( призначення смертної кари) afraid and
timed of committing these crimes against human rights.
Justice is a small word, but it has a great and transcendental meaning as it play an
important role in crimes and punishment. A judge has to take the balance of each
criminal to be perfectly matched with his crime.
Generally, crimes are considered the biggest problem in our daily life. all classes of
people commit crimes but on one of them has the right to do. Crime is a bad
phenomenon that appeared in all ages and it is prevalent till now.
6.You are as Old as You Feel (U.4)
Feeling young, healthy seems to become more and more important for all of us as we
move through life. In other words, regaining our ‘Youthfulness’ feels more
important to many of us after getting beat up over the years of being an ‘adult’.
My feeling is, a truly fulfilling life is based on our overall well-being, the right
mindset (правильне мислення) and the ability we have or don’t have to do the things
we love to do.
An area that researcher has worked hard to be more personally aware of over the
years and certainly much more consistent with in his daily life is his emotional and
mental well-being, which in turn translates into his ATTITUDE towards (вдношення
до)his daily life.
Senior citizens( пенсіонери) can no longer regain their young years ago, many of
them are saddened by their age and aging. However, where we really have to
concentrate our efforts is on keeping our aged in the best shape possible so that they
are able to contribute for these extra years. Geriatric conditions( Старечі хвороби)
such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease must have their research budgets trebled
or quadrupled.(збільшилися в 4 рази) Exercise classes and walking groups should
be heavily subsidised. Society can manage an ageing population - after all, life
expectancy has been rising since the early 20th century. What it cannot hope to cope
with is for even a large minority(меншість) of them to be incapacitated,
(непрацездатний) whether in the mind or the body.
There is no earthly reason why pensioners could not earn a little extra as nannies,
curing their loneliness and providing parents with ( надавати вирішення проблеми)
an affordable childcare solution. It would have the added benefit(додаткова
перевага)of bridging the generation gap. What the government needs to focus on,
therefore, is keeping the aged physically and mentally active for as long as possible,
so they can take up those roles and similar ones. And then, of course, everyone will
be satisfied and happy.
Although A Person's Biological Age Shows How Much Old In Terms Of Years That
Person Actually Is , One Feels That One Is Getting Old In One's Mind As Well . For
example , Having Lack Of Physical Firmness , Loss Of Memory , Forgetfulness ,
Frequent Irritations , Apprehensions On Security , Afraid Of Not Being Attended To ,
Sad On Not Being Asked For , Etc. To Boost Up All Such Aging Persons Morally
And Mentally , People Generally Say “ YOU'RE ONLY AS OLD AS YOU FEEL ”.
It means your life expectancy isn’t as important as how you take care of yourself.
One can be in poor physical shape at a young age or in fantastic shape as an older
adult. Age is just a phrase. There are some older people who are very energetic and
full of life and very much invested in the tech savvy generation and then there are the
younger folks who let the itty bitty trials in life get to them and warn them out before
they hit their thirties. It all has to do with how you deal with the issues that you’re
faced with. People who are naturally happy and up-beat would maintain a youthful
personality even as they grow older, compared to others who worry about every
minor thing that happens.
But if they don`t have the right mindset when it does go off, they are unlikely to
come to the correct decisions for dealing with it, and are likely to start wondering
why pemsioners don`t do odd jobs for their pensions, or why they get pensions at all.
9. The Greatest Problems of My Community
Most people have some common problems in society. In
this case, it can be a big threat. And I would like to tell
you about it.
1. Economic Development. Economic development is one of the most common
issues in our society. Even with the growth of the economy, we are facing some
critical challenges such as unemployment, homelessness(бездомність) and more.
2. Housing. Housing is one of the common community problems in urban areas.
According to officials, the housing problem is among veterans and senior citizens,
because they are paid meagre pensions.(мізерні пенсії) On the other hand, the
housing problem for homeless(бездомні)people is a hot topic.
3. Budgets. Budget is not a small problem, it can change the entire society. From
health care to financial hardship( фінансові труднощі), the budget can play a crucial
role. And it’s city leaders’ job to resolve this issue.
Moreover, it’s not easy to solve this issue. They must confer( обговорювати)a good
plan to work on budgets.
4.Education. Education is one of the most common issues that my community faces.
You see, most crimes and petty thefts( дрібні крадіжки) occur when the community
has a poor education system. Hence, it can create financial hardship(фінансові
труднощі) as well. So, the leaders have to take strict action to provide students with a
good education.
You see, community problems can be very critical for society. If we are not taking
steps from the beginning and don't provide with solution(надавати вирішення
проблеми) they can create a huge problem.

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