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Prepared by : Lallie Gonzales

l. Objective : At the end of the lesson the students are able to do atleast 80% level of accuracy.

a. define community action ;

b. explain the community action Modalities and Citizenship; and
c. write a description related to community action.

ll. Subject matter:

Topic : Community Action Modalities and Citizenship
Materials : visual aids , scotch tape , scissors , picture , and bond paper .
Reference : Grade 12 HUMMS book

lll. Procedure Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Greetings Good morning class kindly lead Students : Good morning

the prayer Jamaica. teacher.

Jamaica : Everybody stand and

let us pray.
( the students are praying )
How are you today ? .
Very good! It’s good to hear that.
Checking of Attendance
Okay class, let us check your ( the students raised their
attendance first . Please raise hands as the teacher
your hand and say “ present “ as called their names )
I call your name.

Checking of Assignment
Do you have an assignment ?. Yes ma’am .

Please pass forward.

Classroom Cleanliness
Before we proceed , please ( the students arrange the chairs
arrange your chairs properly and and pick the pieces of paper )
pick up some pieces of paper on
the floor.
Classroom Rules
Let me present first our
classroom rules.

( the teacher posted the

classroom rules on the board )
Everyone please read it aloud. ( the students read the
classroom rules )

So these are the rules that

should be follow during our Students : Yes ma’am.
class. Are we clear ?.

Who can still remember what
was our topic yesterday ?.

Yes , Jason. Jason : Our topic last meeting

was all about Typologies of

Exactly ! Jason is correct give him ( students clapped )

a barangay clap.

B. Motivation
I have here an envelope each of
the envelope contains a jumbled
words all you have to do is to
arrange the words .

I will group you into four groups.

Please count 1-4.

Go to your respective groups.

You have only 3 minutes to do
that. The first group that will
finish first will have a reward.

You can start now !.

( students do the task )
Time is up!
We are going to check your
I need one representative each
group to present your work in
front of the class.
( the students presented
their works )
Very good ! give yourselves a
round of applause.
You did a good job.

I will give 5 points to group 2

since they are the one to
finished first.

C. Activity
With the same group we have
another activity. There is a
picture provided in the bond
paper all you have to do is
describe what activity that done
on the picture presented.

You have 3 minutes to do the

You can start now.
( students doing the activity)

Okay class, we will your work.

Please present your work .One
representative to present here
in front. ( students presented their

Congratulations class, all of the

group presented very well.
D. Abstraction

Based from the activity what do

you think is our topic today ? .

Yes, Marie.
Marie: I think our topic today is
about modalities and citizenship
Yes. The exact title of our topic
today is Community Action
Modalities and Citizenship.

( the teacher posted the visual

aids on the board and discuss
the topic Community Action
Modalities and Citizenship )

E. Application

We have here another activity.

Again with the same group.
I need one representative each
group to get the activity sheet.
As you can see there’s a picture
provided. All you have to do is to
answer the guided question that
written there on the paper.

You have 3 minutes to answer.

Start now.

( the students doing the

activity )

F. Generalization
 What are the community
engagement in the
educational setting ?.
 What are the modalities
of community
engagement ?
 Describe any activity
that related to
community action.

IV. Assessment

Direction: Answer the following

question below in a ½ crosswise.
10pts. Each.


1. Who am I in my
Community ?.
2. Do you think it is vital to
know your relationship
towards your community
V. Assignment
Write this in a ½ crosswise.

As a student, why is it necessary

for you to be aware of different
community modalities ? Does it
help you in any way ? How ?

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