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雙語教案設計 Bilingual Teaching Plan

領域/科目 社會科 設計者

Subject Designer
年級 總節數
3 節 (periods) 120 分鐘(minutes)
Year Time
學科領域 (content) 英語文 (language)
3d-Ⅲ-3 探究社會議題發生的原因與影響,評估
與選擇合適的解決方案。 ◎ 1-Ⅱ-8 能聽懂簡易的教室用語。
3c-Ⅲ-1 聆聽他人意見,表達自我觀點,並能與 ◎ 1-Ⅱ-9 能聽懂簡易的日常生活用語。
他人討論。 ◎ 1-Ⅱ-10 能聽懂簡易句型的句子。
3a-Ⅲ-1 透過對時事的理解與省思,提出感興趣 ◎ 2-Ⅱ-6 能以正確的發音及適切的語調說出簡易句型的句
學習 或令人困惑的現象及社會議題。 子。
重點 2a-Ⅲ-1 關注社會、自然、人文 環境與生活方 3-Ⅱ-2 能辨識課堂中所學的字詞。
Learning 式的互 動關係。 6-Ⅱ-1 能專注於教師的說明與演示。
focus 6-Ⅱ-2 積極參與各種課堂練習活動。

Ab-Ⅲ-3 自然環境、自然災害及經濟活動,和生活
學習內容 ◎ Ac-Ⅱ-1 簡易的教室用語。
空間 的使用有關聯性。
Learning ◎ Ac-Ⅱ-2 簡易的生活用語。
Af-Ⅲ-1 為了確保基本人權、維護生態環境的永續
content B-Ⅱ-1 第二學習階段所學字詞及句型的生活溝通。
發 展,全球須共同關心許多議題。
核心素養 社-E-A2 敏覺居住地方的社會、自然與人文環境變遷,關注生活問題及其影響,並思考解決方法。
英-E-A2 具備理解簡易英語文訊息的能力,能運用基本邏輯思考策略提升學習效能。
Core competency
英-E-B1 具備入門的聽、 說、讀、寫英語文能力。在引導下,能運用所學、字詞及句型進行簡易日常溝通。
教學設備/資源 單槍、電腦、PPT
Teaching aids/equipment
學習目標 1. 了解小琉球環境保育,如何取得生態與觀光的平衡 Knowing the Liuqiu environment conservation, how to balance
Learning Objectives the ecology and tourism
(請編號) 2. 綠蠵龜生活環境、面臨的困境 The living environment and difficulties faced by green sea turtles
3. 如何保育綠蠵龜 What can we do to conserve green sea turtles

教學活動設計 Classroom procedure

時間分配 Distribution of time
節(period) 教學重點 Main points of teaching
學科領域 (content)
1. The current situation and problems in Liuqiu, the balance of ecology and tourism.
2. Draw a bar chart with the skill taught in math class.

1. The living environment of green sea turtles.

2 2. The difficulties faced by green sea turtles, global warming, plastic bags, unbalanced proportion of male and
female and human vandalism.
1. Design and draw a blueprint which is helpful for sea turtles when they are giving birth.
3 2. Make a model of the work.
3. Present their work to the whole class and introduce the belief of the work or invention.
4 1. How to solve the problems happening in Liuqiu.
2. What can we do to conserve green sea turtles.
3. Why should we think about sustainable development.
5 1. Write a composition which is related to ocean.

教學活動 教學設備/資
Teaching activities 源 時間
Learning objectives 評量
First class Teaching (分)
(請與前面學習目標的編 Evaluation
Warm up : aids/equipme Time
The teacher and students say hello to each other. nt
Divide the class into two groups PPT
Teaching activity 1
Liuqiu is an island near Kaohsiung. Liuqiu is always filled with
tourists during summer vacation. Tourists like to go to the island, and it is
like going abroad. Especially after the epidemic, there are more and more
tourists visiting Liuqiu.  Although this sensation helps the tourism industry
to be revived, it will have an impact on the local environment. Especially for 20mins 1. 透過小組討
green sea turtles in Liuqiu. 論,學生能
Hence, in this course we will discuss how to balance between 了解居住地
ecology and tourism. 方不同的設
Here is the number of people who go to Liuqiu every year and the
amount of garbage every year. Students need to draw bar chart
with the skill they had learned before.
Teaching activity 2
Students need to observe and discuss the phenomenon of social
and economic changes in the places and facilities where you
Questions are below:
1. Which facilities and places change due to the advancement
of technology? Self-service add value machine, MRT, irent
2. Which facilities or places change due to social and
economic development? Sports center
3. Use the sentence patterns to create sentences. For
examples, Because of the social/ economic/technology
developed, _______ change(s).
2. 學生能正確
The second period 地使用
Teaching activity 1 sentence
According to the research conducted by Ocean University Marine pattern 造
Ecology and Conservation Research Office, there is plastic garbage in every 句。
2 hundred turtles’ stomachs. Turtles will view plastic bags as jellyfish and
eat it eventually.
Another difficulty faced by green sea turtles is the unbalanced
proportion of male and female. The sex of sea turtles depends on the 3. 學生能專心
temperature of the sand at the time of brooding. Due to climate change and 傾聽老師的
the increase in temperature, the number of female green sea turtles has 問題、同學
increased a lot.
Teaching activity 2
Each group designed a short play about the local residents
activities. The group leader serves as the chief of the
village, and other group members serve the role of local
residents. In the short play, students need to present the
content and purpose of local residents' activities, and what
will the local residents' activities influence to local

The third period 4. 學生能正確

Teaching activity 1 地使用
Students have to design their own work which is helpful for sea turtles when sentence
they are giving birth. It is said that due to global warming, the proportion of pattern 造
male and females is unbalanced. As a result, they have to think about 句。
inventions that are helpful to change this situation. At the beginning, they
need to draw the blueprint of their design. Then they will have to make a 15mins
model about how to present their work to the chief of the Liuqiu. After the
course, they will have to present their work to the whole class and introduce
their belief in the invention.

The fourth period

Group students into two different groups. The first group needs to
discuss what we can do for the environment in Liuqiu. They need to come up
with the actions that we can do that are helpful for changing the environment
in Liuqiu. For example, we can establish an association which needs to pick
up garbage to protect and reduce the amount of garbage at the beach and 5. 學生能依照
even in the ocean.  問題與生活
The second group needs to discuss what we can do to protect the green sea 做連結,再
turtles. For example, when we encounter a green sea turtle, we should not 近一步以小
touch them to interrupt their lives. And also, we cannot feed them. At the
same time, when we are in water, we cannot apply sunscreen since it will
cause an impact on coral reefs and the ocean. So, in this part is how we solve 行討論。
the problems.
6. 學生能設計
There are five steps that we should obey. Do not chase them, do not disturb 與本課知識
them, do not touch, do not hurt them, and do not feed them. When you 相關的內容
encounter sea turtles, do not stand beside them, or block their way in order to
reduce their pressure. If tourists hurt or touch green sea turtles on purpose,
they may break the law and be fined. 15mins

what can we do to conserve green sea turtles and why should we think about
sustainable development. And in this last course, it will connect to the
integrative area. Students will have to think about  the reason why we should
consider sustainable development is for the belief that developments
nowadays must not threaten the needs of present and future generations. We 7. 學生能專心
should emphasize on the development of economic, social and environment 傾聽各組同
and also ensure that the concept of intergenerational justice exists. They also 學的分享,
need to think about the meaning of sustainable developments for human 並勇於表達

The fifth period

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