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Write the letter of the correct answer

1 these are goals that athletes are dependent on/or process-oriented standards relative to one's own best performance

A. Performance goal


C. Treatment rationale

D. Hypnosis

2.The considered the major theoretical basis of self-confidence.

A. Hypnosis

B. Self-efficacy theory

C. Performance goal

D. Post treatment evaluation

3.This stage assesses the effectiveness of the smt program.

A. Post treatment evaluation

B. Hypnosis

C. Treatment rationale

D. Act energized

4.This stage is the educational area of program.

A. Hypnosis

B. Act energized

C. Team building

D.treatment rationale

5.Skills used to help individuals achieve a state of deep relaxation, altered consciousness or focused attention and heightened

A. Act energized

B. Hypnosis

C. Team building

D. Communication
6.When athlete feels lethargic and slow, he can act energetically to regain energy level.

A. Team building

B. Act energized

C. Hypnosis

D. Self-effecacy theory

7. This technique is a process of assisting the members of a group enhance their ability to work cohesively through the
improvement of communication, group objectives, trust and respect.

A. Communication

B. Energy management

C. Enhancing performance

D. Team building

8. Skills is used to help improve group cohesion and individual interactions in a sports setting.

A. Energy management

B. Enhancing performance

C. Communication

D. Proximodistal Adaptations

9.Skill most commonly used to help athletes who experience arousal at a level that is not effective for optimal performance.

A. Energy management

B. Behnche

C. Proximodistal Adaptations

D. Psychological skills training

10. The influence of a training environment like the physical education and sports preparatory institution provides athletes

A. Proximodistal Adaptations

B. Meditation

C. Skills acquisition

D. Enhancing performance
11. Athletes develop muscular control from the center of the body toward the more distance body parts such as the arms and

A. Mental skills training

B. Proximodistal Adaptation

C. Meditation

D. Skills acquisition

12. Athletes has been used for several decades in a wide variety of sports.


B. Meditation

C. Mental skills training

D. Psychological skills training

13.He emphasized that mental skills training enhance the psychological component of physical movement.

A. Weinberg

B. Wann

C. Behnche

D. Gould

14. Established as a scientific basis for the development of psychological skills.

A. Psychological skills training

B. Mental skills training

C. Meditation

D. Systematic desensitization

15.It involves focusing on strategies and techniques to learn the different psychological skills.

A. Meditation

B. Mental skills training

C. Psychological skills training

D. Acquisition phase
16. A relaxation training techniques that uses mental focus to come the body.

A. Meditation

B. Autogenic training

C. Systematic Desensitization

D. Skill rehearsals

17.It is a technique of self-hypnosis with which attention is centered on the two physical sensation such as warmth and

A. Autogenic training

B. Meditation

C. Skill rehearsals

D. Skill acquisition

18.This techniques is a form of a gradual counter conditioning using relaxation as the incompatible response.

A. Skill rehearsals

B. Meditation

C. Systematic desensitization

D. Autogenic training

19. The athletes acquire training to muscular relaxation, cognitive structuring, and self-instruction.

A. Skill rehearsal

B. Systematic desensitization

C. Meditation

D. Skill acquisition

20. The athletes practice the muscle relaxation and cognitive restructuring skills learned and the previous phase.

A. Meditation

B. Skill rehearsal

C. Systematic desensitization

D. Post treatment evaluation

21.This stage assesses the effectiveness of the SMT program.

A. Morray

B. Do your best goals

C. Biofeedback

D. Post treatment evaluation


A. Behnche

B. Church & wann

C. Weinberg & gould

D. Moray & yuhelson

23.They are goals that athletes are not dependent on specific standards of proficiency.

A. Do your best goals

B. Energizing imagery

C. Biofeedback

D. Arousal including techniques

24.Another way to generate motivation and energy.

A. Biofeedback

B. Energizing imagery

C do your best goals

D. Skill rehearsal

25.Another techniques employed to lower anxiety.

A. Progressive relaxation

B. Biofeedback

C. Energizing imagery

D. Do your best goals

26 .The relaxation techniques that involves the systematic tensions and relaxations of muscle components and reducing

A. Biofeedback

B. Energizing imgery

C. Do your best goals

D.Progressive relaxation

27. The techniques are use when athletes are below optimal zone of functioning resulting in the feeling of lethargy under

A.Arousal inducing techniques

B. Progressive relaxation

C. Biofeedback

D. Do your best goals

28.The athletes practice the muscle relaxation and cognitive restructuring skills learned and the previous phase.

A. Arousal including techniques

B. Skill rehearsal

C. Progressive relaxation

D. Biofeedback

29.Who explained that psychological skills training is a comprehensive mental training programs which are intervention
packages designed to educate and train athletes in mental preparation.

A. Weinberg

B. Gould

C. Behnche

D. Church & wann

30.They defined confidence as the belief that an individual can successfully perform a desired


A. Gould

B. Church & wann

C. Weinberg

D. A&C
Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE

31.Morra and Yukelson Described a mental techniques and mental training techniques is extermal events in the athlete's to
imitate others or to recall the past expression

32.Imagery as a polysensory experience, realizing that imagery can should involve all the senses known as a polysensory

33.COHN(2003) defined confidence as the general belief in the individuals ability to perform well and when the game; it is a
task-specific belief in the individuals ability to pass, run, tactile, and execute.

34.Listen to music is a language of the soul.

35.Self talk the minds senses to re-create or create experience in the mind.

36. Varieties of technique it is a technique of self-hypnosis with which attention is centered on the two physical sensation such
as warmth and heaviness.

37. Enhancing performance that influence of a training environment like the physical education and sports.

38.Plan for activity outside of the training room when athletes must have time to receive outside of the class practice and
instruction from the coach or trainor.

39.Psychological skills training is established as a scientific basis for the development of psychological skills.

40.Mental training program are intervention packages designed to educate and train athletes in mental preparation.

Write an essay

41-50 why we need to enhance our performance of being an athlete.

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