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1) A. FAMILY- My family has influenced me to always remove my shoes or slippers

before entering the home as a sign of respect. So, I used to do it whenever I went to
someone else's home.

B. FAMILY – Sometimes, this structure is disregarded because the owner of the

home allows the shoes or slippers to be inserted.

2) A. SSG- SSG has taught me always to be accountable for my role and complete my
duties as soon as possible, pushing me to do my best to cope and carry out my

B. SSG- I break this structure if I cannot do my job effectively immediately due to a

lot of schoolwork.

3) A. YFC- YFC influenced me to pray before eating because we need to be grateful for
God's blessings. So I became used to not eating straight immediately when not yet

B. YFC- I violate this structure due to severe hunger. I am sometimes unable to do so.

4) A. SCHOOL- School taught me to always be on time to participate in the class or

even complete the requirements that need to be passed. I constantly make an effort to do
tasks in the most efficient manner possible and be on time.

B. SCHOOL- I usually violate this structure because I assume there is still plenty of
time to accomplish my tasks until I am unaware of the time I already consumed for
doing nothing.

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