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Câu phức hợp và đại từ quan hệ

Tiếng Anh có 2 loại câu:

- Câu đơn giản: là câu có 1 thành phần và chỉ cần như vậy câu cũng đã đủ nghĩa.
- Câu phức hợp: là loại câu có 2 mệnh đề chính/phụ nối với nhau bằng một từ gọi là đại từ
quan hệ.

1. That và which làm chủ ngữ của mệnh đề phụ

We bought the stereo. It had been advertised at a reduced price
We bought the stereo that / which had been advertised at a reduced price.

That và which làm tân ngữ của mệnh đề phụ

George is going to buy a house. We have been thinking of buying it.
George is going to buy the house that / which we have been thinking of buying.

2. Who làm chủ ngữ của mệnh đề phụ

The man is angry. He is in this room.
The man who / that is in this room is angry.

3. Whom làm tân ngữ của mệnh đề phụ

The men are angry. I don't like them.
The men whom / that I don't like are angry.
+ Nếu ngữ động từ bao gồm Verb + Prep thì lối viết chuẩn nhất là: prep + whom + S + V
The man is the chairman of the company. You have just talked to him.
The man to whom you have just talked is the chairman of the company.
* Chỉ dùng which chứ không dùng that khi câu phụ thường đứng chen vào giữa câu
chính và bắt buộc phải tách khỏi câu chính bằng dấu phẩy.
My car, which is very large, uses too much gasoline.
* Chỉ dùng that chứ không dùng which:
+ Đứng trước nó là một tính từ so sánh bậc nhất + danh từ
That is the best novel that has been written by this author.
+ Trước nó là các đại từ phiếm chỉ all, some, any, anything, everything, much, little,
nothing v.v..
I want to see all that he possesses.
+ Trước nó là hỗn hợp từ gồm cả người và đồ vật/ súc vật (mixed antecedent):
The soldiers and horses that died here should be buried carefully.
4. Whose có thể thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc động vật, chỉ sự sở hữu đối với
danh từ đi sau.
James has received a promotion. His father is the president of the company.
James, whose father is the president of the company, has received a promotion.
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1. I’m in love with Chris, _______________ is a wonderful person.
A. who B. that C. whom D. which
2. I like cars _______________ are dependable in the winter.
A. that B. whom C. who D. whose
3. The CD _______________ Victor bought is on the table.
A. whose B.who C. whom D. which
4. The man _______________ son was ill called the doctor.
A. who B. that C. whose D. which
5. My brother, _______________ I look like, lives in Dallas.
A. who B. that C. whom D. which
6. She comes from Dalat,_______________is the most beautiful tourist attraction in
A. who B. that C. where D. which
7. He is the man about _______________ I told you.
A. who B. that C. whom D. which
8. She complains noisily about anything ______________ she doesn’t like.
A. who B. that C. whom D. which

Combine the sentences using relative clauses.

1. Samuel Johnson was the son of a bookseller. He was born in 1709.
Samuel Johnson, who was the son of a bookseller, was born in 1709.
2. In 1746, Johnson started to write his dictionary. It took him nine years to complete.
In 1746, Johnson started to write his dictionary, which took him nine years to complete.
3. In this house, his wife died in 1752. Her name was Elizabeth Porter.
In this house, his wife ,whose name was Elizabeth Porter, died in 1952.
4. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.
A building which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.
5. Barcelona comes form Spain. It won the Champions’ League.
Barcelona, which comes from Spain, won the Champions’ League.

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