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It is the fault of fast food restaurants if people are addicted to their food?

Some people maintain that fast food restaurants are responsible if people become
addicted to their food. I am going to present arguments that it‘s not only the restaurants
that are to blame.
It is certainly true that fast food manufacturers add additional additives and flavor
enhancers to keep their food tastier. Most people agree that they can‘t make anything taste
similar at home, so they get the cravings to go out and eat. Also, fast food restaurants keep
low prices to attract more customers, but we can‘t blame them for that because they just
try to keep their products on the market.
On the other hand, it‘s a personal choice if you want to eat in their places, there‘s no
force to do that. The traders are not guilty that they present products that attract people,
it‘s people‘s free choice to use it or not. Furthermore, people are usually too tired or lazy to
cook after work. They would rather have fast food than cook something healthy for
themselves. As it‘s also easier, quicker, and cheaper than going and buying ingredients and
cooking themselves.
To sum it up, I think it‘s a person‘s own responsibility and choice what they put into their
bodies, no one is forcing them.

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