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Date: 26/07/2022


The Honorable Consular

Malta High Commission

N60, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi


RE: Application for student visa to study at 21 Academy

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Dhan Raj Tamang, born on 24 May 1997, permanent resident of Sharadanagar, 05
Chitrawan, Chitwan, Nepal. I have completed my tenth grade in the year 2014 A.D. After that I
completed my higher secondary studies in the year 2017 A.D. Then, I did some English courses and even
helped my father with his business. Then I thought of pursuing my bachelor from abroad. That is why I
chose 21 Academy in Malta for my undergrad.

Studying a program in business administration can equip me with a wide range of skills. Firstly, I will
learn the basics of business including operations, finance, marketing, human resources, and
management. Just as importantly, I will learn how to communicate successfully, think critically, and lead
and motivate people. The world of business is highly competitive, and leadership skills will set me apart
from other job seekers when it comes to landing a job after graduation. My business administration
degree course will cover how to be resourceful, problem solve, and make effective business decisions.
All of these skills are essential in business. So, deciding to purse my diploma in Business Administration
in 21 Academy is the best choice I have ever made as it has quite a good reputation along students and

I can get a top-notch education at 21 Academy that meets my needs. The resources and amenities that
the college offers to its students also amazed me. A state-of-the-art library and cutting-edge
instructional tools are there, which is completely in line with the cutting-edge world. The initiatives that
support social diversity are another thing that inspired me to join this group. Excellent teacher support
and a readiness to address business challenges in the real world go hand in hand with excellent
education. Thanks to the regular direction of courses and studios, your college becomes a platform for
communication with A-list business people. I understand that these additional associations will help me
grow as a person and as a person with abilities.

I am fully determined to complete Diploma in Business Administration in Malta, which will help me to
get a step closer to my goal. I want to learn more, get knowledge and experience on this program if you
would grant me a student visa.
Your kind cooperation, in this regard would be highly appreciated.

Yours Faithfully,

Dhan Raj Tamang

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