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ELLO, Mae Charliz Q.

June 02, 2023

BAPR 3 -3D Understanding the Self

3 Idiots: Movie Analysis

1. Why is the movie entitled 3 Idiots?

"3 Idiots" is a popular Indian film released in the year 2009. The story focuses on
three friends named Ranchhoddas "Rancho" Shamaldas Chanchad, Raju Rastogi, and
Farhan Qureshi who meet at Delhi's elite Imperial College of Engineering during their
freshmen year. The film is titled “3 Idiots” it reflects the main idea of the film. The word
"idiots" is not used in the film in the sense of being stupid or uneducated. Instead, it refers
to Rancho’s non-traditional and non-conformist outlook on life and education, which he
shared with his friends, Raju and Frahan. The three friends were thought of as misfits and
rebels in their college because they question authority, challenge norms, and search for
their own paths to happiness and success in their own way. These people are labeled
"idiots" in the eyes of the society shown in the movie because they break established
expectations and norms. The title “3 Idiots” serves as an irony for it aims to change the
negative connotations of the term. It also emphasizes the idea that success shouldn't just
be assessed by academic achievements but also one's creativity, passion, and pursuit of
one's aspirations.

2. Choose one character in the movie that you can relate your life situation and why? Hence,
what should be done to become a better person?

Among the 3 friends in the film “3 Idiots” I relate myself the most to the Raju
Rastogi. As shown in the film, Raju came from a modest background, with his family
facing financial challenges, Raju carries the weight of his family’s expectation of him
securing a stable job to uplift his family from poverty. In addition, Raju is an insecure and
fearful person, he often lacks confidence in his abilities of become an engineer, and
oftentimes relied way too much on prayers in order to pass his examinations. Just like Raju,
I still feel the weight expectations on me even though I am not carrying the weight all by
myself because I have a sister to help me uplift my family’s situation. Oftentimes, I also
feel the weight even more because how am I going to meet the expectations thrown at me
if I am not confident enough with my skills and abilities. I am fearful that I won’t meet or
exceed the expectations I have for myself.

More than halfway through the film Raju was given a choice to have him or his
friend, Rancho rusticated from their college, as a consequence for urinating on Director
Virus’ front door. This led to Raju attempting to take his own life, fortunately, he was given
a second chance at life. The two months he spent in recovering in the hospital was enough
time for him to reflect on his life, and finally believe in his own capabilities. It was great
for Rancho to finally gain confidence in himself, however, I believe that taking one’s own
life is never the solution, no matter how hard life can get. He was lucky for having a second
chance at life, but not all people who will attempt to do the same thing he did will be given
a second chance. Therefore, one must really prioritize their mental health when things get
rough, talking about it with someone already goes a long way, and if needed take a step
back and rest from all the things that causes extreme stress, regardless of the expectations
and pressures. A person’s life is worth a lot more that those expectations.

3. Lesson learned in the movie?

The importance of following your heart's desire and embracing your own
uniqueness. The film “3 Idiots” encourages people to follow a career or a path that is
consistent with your interests and principles in life rather than giving in to society pressures
or doing things other people tell you to do just to get their approval and validation.

The idea of embracing failures and learning from your own mistakes. Raju wasn’t
confident in his abilities and he was at the bottom in all the ranking of their examinations,
however, he embraced those failures and chose to study even harder even though his friends
Rancho and Farhan gave him an easy way out by giving him a copy of the examination
before it even started. The film emphasizes how important it is to view failure as a chance
for development.

Lastly, "3 Idiots" highlights the significance real friendships and support systems.
The film illustrates the strength of friends who are loyal and will support, uplift, and
emphasize with one other emotionally through thick and thin. This sets an excellent
example of how we should treat our own friendships, in order to create and develop
friendships that will last for a lifetime no matter what happens.

4. Assume that you're the Director in the movie, what modification that you will do to make
it better and why?

If I was the director for the film “3 Idiots” I would only make 1 modification to it
the film is the already great the way that it is. It delivers the story about the importance of
following one’s true passions, developing genuine friendships, breaking free from societal
pressures and expectations, and many more. However, I would like the film to have a
deeper exploration of mental health, the film briefly touches this topic through the lives of
Joy Lobo and Raju Rastogi a deeper exploration of this subject might provide a stronger
understanding of the difficulties people can encounter and the value of seeking help.
Nonetheless, the film “3 Idiots” without modifications will still pierce through the hearts
of not only Indians, but the hearts of the entire world for this film is also beloved by other

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