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WHO says end of pandemic ‘in sight’ but here, it’s

somehow just ‘ending socially’

Depending on who to ask, the pandemic in the Philippines has ended. Some Filipinos are
not afraid anymore of the virus. Malls are filled with people, churches allow the full capacity,
and different social gatherings are booming. But this only means that the pandemic has ended
socially, not medically. Cases are still not going down and the virus is still threatening.
Contrary to 2 years ago when people are all afraid just to even go outside, nowadays they
are the ones that say that the virus is not that dangerous. With failed predictions about the
potential surge, people came to the realization that they can just go back to life pre-pandemic.
Social distancing is just a thing of the past, not to mention that wearing of face mask is only
voluntary due to the easing of masking rules by the President that did not really help alleviate
anything. It only brought to the minds of Filipinos that COVID-19 is manageable.
Though the end of the pandemic still varies on who to ask. College students may answer
that pandemic is still affecting them due to face-to-face classes still being on hold. On the other
hand, working people who travel every day to their respective job may answer that pandemic is
already old news. But the truth is, the accurate ending of this pandemic that struck the world for
the past 2 years can only be said medically. If numbers and research say that the virus is still
lurking, we should still be on the careful watch.

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