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A: The first and last name of the peer you had the meeting with.


B: The date AND time that the coaching meeting took place.

20/05/2023 AT 10:14 EAT

C: The name of the City Hub where you met for the peer coaching.

We used a WhatsApp Video Call with a peer at the KIGALI City Hub.

D: Did you feel any anxiety before or during the meeting? Why or why not?

NO; I had prepared well for the meeting and above all, I have had previous
positive experiences which have built my confidence.

E: How valuable was the session with your peer? Explain.

VERY VALUABLE; It gave him a sense of trust and a supportive environment

to share his thoughts. It also brought fresh perspectives, unique insights and new
solutions to his challenges. It also provided him with constructive feedback and self

F: Did you make a commitment to your peer? If yes, what was the commitment that
you made?

YES; He needs support in boosting his tech skills especially when we start our
tech specialisations since they are intermediate and based on my expertise as a
software engineer and a data manager, I pledged to support him to boost those

G: Did you find anything surprising and/or gain any new insight due to the meeting?

YES; I listened to my peer’s viewpoint on the different career pathways I could

take to meet my goal of growing my tech skill sets without necessarily being glued on
one. This gave me new insights.
H: How helpful did you find the coaching session overall? Explain and share your
experience honestly.

Before the coaching session, I was sceptical of any positive outcomes I would
gain but after conducting the session, I was impressed with the amount of new
information and diverse perspectives I got, the solutions to the challenges I expected
to face were realised through feedback from my peer and I also connected with a
new person sparking new ideas and opportunities.

All in all, the coaching session was a positive experience for me.

I: How many minutes did you spend practising Movement each day (Be honest!)

I spent approximately 45 minutes taking evening walks daily. On wednesday

and friday particularly, I decided to slash the compound for roughly the same period
of time.

J: If you did not do at least 20 minutes each day, what were the reasons? If you did,
what were the reasons?

Since I am currently supporting one of our satellite offices, the evening walks
were a priority to get me more acquainted with my new location while the slashing
was to reduce the overgrown bush in the compound hence hitting two birds with one

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