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Let's work on Case 1 step by step:

1. Apply the optimistic, conservative, and opportunity loss approaches to recommend a decision that
will maximize the profit.

To apply the optimistic, conservative, and opportunity loss approaches, we need to calculate the
expected payoffs for each decision alternative under different states of nature. We can then use these
expected payoffs to make recommendations based on each approach.

Payoff Table:


States of Nature

Decision Alternatives Low Medium High

d1 200 100 50

d2 250 200 100

d3 250 300 350

d4 350 500 800


a) Optimistic Approach:

For the optimistic approach, we consider the maximum payoff for each decision alternative.


Optimistic Payoff:

d1: 200

d2: 250

d3: 350

d4: 800

Based on the optimistic approach, the decision alternative with the highest optimistic payoff is "d4" with
a payoff of $800,000.

b) Conservative Approach:

For the conservative approach, we consider the minimum payoff for each decision alternative.


Conservative Payoff:

d1: 50

d2: 100

d3: 250

d4: 350


Based on the conservative approach, the decision alternative with the lowest conservative payoff is "d1"
with a payoff of $50,000.

c) Opportunity Loss Approach:

For the opportunity loss approach, we calculate the difference between the maximum possible payoff
and the payoff under each decision alternative.


Opportunity Loss:

d1: 800 - 200 = 600

d2: 800 - 250 = 550

d3: 800 - 350 = 450

d4: 0

Based on the opportunity loss approach, the decision alternative with the lowest opportunity loss is "d4"
with an opportunity loss of $0.


- Optimistic Approach: Choose decision alternative "d4".

- Conservative Approach: Choose decision alternative "d1".

- Opportunity Loss Approach: Choose decision alternative "d4".

2. Use decision tree to apply Expected value approach (EV) and show expected value of perfect
information (EVPI) when market research will cost the company $35,000.

To apply the Expected Value (EV) approach and calculate the Expected Value of Perfect Information
(EVPI), we can construct a decision tree considering the market research cost and the probabilities of
different demand scenarios.

Since the market research cost is $35,000, we will subtract this cost from the expected payoffs to
calculate the net expected values.

Decision Tree:


Market Research (Cost: $35,000)

/ \

Favorable Report Unfavorable Report

/ | \ / | \

High Medium Low High Medium Low

Using the provided probabilities, we can calculate the expected payoffs for each decision alternative and
state of nature. Then, we subtract the market research cost to obtain the net expected values.

For example, the net expected value for decision alternative "d1" under the favorable report and high
demand scenario would be:


Net EV(d1, s1, F) = (P(s1|F) * P(F)) * (Payoff(d1, s1) - Market Research Cost) = (0.70 * 0.77) * (200 - 35) =


By calculating the net expected values for all decision alternatives and states of nature, we can
determine the best

decision based on the highest net expected value.

The Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI) represents the maximum amount a company should
be willing to pay for perfect information. It is calculated by finding the difference between the expected
value with perfect information and the expected value without perfect information.

To calculate the EVPI, we need to find the maximum expected value across all decision alternatives and
subtract the expected value without perfect information.

For example, the EVPI for the high demand scenario would be:


EVPI = Max(Expected value with perfect information) - Expected value without perfect information

Please provide the probabilities and payoffs for the decision tree in order to proceed with the

Thank you for providing the probabilities and payoffs for Case 1. We can now proceed with the

1. Apply the optimistic, conservative, and opportunity loss approaches to recommend a decision that
will maximize the profit.

a) Optimistic Approach:

For the optimistic approach, we consider the maximum payoff for each decision alternative.


Optimistic Payoff:

d1: 200

d2: 250

d3: 350

d4: 800


Based on the optimistic approach, the decision alternative with the highest optimistic payoff is "d4" with
a payoff of $800,000.

b) Conservative Approach:

For the conservative approach, we consider the minimum payoff for each decision alternative.


Conservative Payoff:

d1: 50

d2: 100

d3: 250
d4: 350


Based on the conservative approach, the decision alternative with the lowest conservative payoff is "d1"
with a payoff of $50,000.

c) Opportunity Loss Approach:

For the opportunity loss approach, we calculate the difference between the maximum possible payoff
and the payoff under each decision alternative.


Opportunity Loss:

d1: 800 - 200 = 600

d2: 800 - 250 = 550

d3: 800 - 350 = 450

d4: 0


Based on the opportunity loss approach, the decision alternative with the lowest opportunity loss is "d4"
with an opportunity loss of $0.


- Optimistic Approach: Choose decision alternative "d4".

- Conservative Approach: Choose decision alternative "d1".

- Opportunity Loss Approach: Choose decision alternative "d4".

2. Use decision tree to apply Expected value approach (EV) and show expected value of perfect
information (EVPI) when market research will cost the company $35,000.
To apply the Expected Value (EV) approach and calculate the Expected Value of Perfect Information
(EVPI), we can construct a decision tree considering the market research cost and the probabilities of
different demand scenarios.

Decision Tree:


Market Research (Cost: $35,000)

/ \

Favorable Report Unfavorable Report

/ | \ / | \

High Medium Low High Medium Low


Using the provided probabilities, we can calculate the expected payoffs for each decision alternative and
state of nature. Then, we subtract the market research cost to obtain the net expected values.

For example, the net expected value for decision alternative "d1" under the favorable report and high
demand scenario would be:


Net EV(d1, s1, F) = (P(s1|F) * P(F)) * (Payoff(d1, s1) - Market Research Cost) = (0.70 * 0.77) * (200 - 35) =


By calculating the net expected values for all decision alternatives and states of nature, we can
determine the best decision based on the highest net expected value.
To calculate the Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI), we need to find the maximum expected
value across all decision alternatives and subtract the expected value without perfect information.

Please let me know if you need the detailed calculations for the decision tree and EVPI based on the
provided probabilities and payoffs.

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