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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

The excellency the jury of speech contest in high school level
The honorable commitee of speech contest
The respectable teacher who attends this programe
The respectable friends, ladies and gentlemen are happy
Firstly, let’s thank to Allah SWT the master of universe who has given us mercies and blessing
until we can take a part and also smile on this speech contest program without any troubles and
obstacles in this happy and peaceful place
Secondly, my sholawat and salutation be upon to our lovely prophet, He is Muhammad SAW
who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from the stupidity era to the cleverness era
with a hope we will get his help in the day later fiddunya wal akhiroh, amien.

Ladies and Gentlemen;

It is a great honor for me to stand here and give a brief speech entitled “The Role of Islamic
Boarding School in Countering the Danger of Terrorism.
Ladies and Gentlement.
Islamic Boarding School is the oldest Islamic Educational Institution in the country that
contributes very large in the intellectual life of the community and the nation.
As the oldest Islamic educational institution in Indonesia, Islamic boarding schools have three
functions, namely education, da'wah and community empowerment.
In its function as a means of education, Islamic boarding schools educate their students to
become independent individuals who develop a spirit of togetherness which includes helping,
solidarity, and brotherhood.
In Islamic Boarding School ,the student is taught, namely a personality that is faithful and
devoted to Allah SWT, has noble character and is beneficial to the people.
Taught how the relationship between humans and God, humans with humans and humans with
nature. So the role of Islamic Boarding School is very meaningful in instilling moral values and
ahlakul karimah.
As a da'wah and religious institution, Islamic Boarding School becomes the basis for the process
of social change in society. In the Islamic Boarding School , the basic principles of preaching
are taught which will later become the provisions of the students when they enter the community
and provide enlightenment to the community about how we as human beings must do good to
fellow human beings. .
QS Al Qasas (28) 77:
Which means:
And seek (reward) the land of the hereafter with what Allah has bestowed upon you, but do not
forget your share in this world and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to you, and do not
do mischief on earth.
By looking at the functions and roles of Islamic Boarding School above, it is clear that it has an
important role in countering the dangers of terrorism.
Terrorism itself is an action or activity that involves violence to convey a certain message.
If the role of the Islamic Boarding School is function properly, there will be no acts of violence,
let someone killing innocent people. Islamic Boarding School in its role as a means of
education, da'wah and empowerment of humans
Well ladies and gentlemen, I think my speech in front of you is enough. I beg your pardon if
there are many faults when I deliver my speech that is not good as your hope. Thanks for your
attention, see you next time and may Allah bless us eternally, aamiien..
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Sebagai institusi pendidikan tertua di Indonesia Pesantren memiliki tiga fungsi yaitu
pendidikan , dakwah dan pemberdayaan masyarakat.
Dalam fungsinya sebagai sarana pendidikan , pesantren mendidik santri-santrinya menjadi
pribadi yang mandiri mengembangkan semangat kebersamaan yang meliputi tolong menolong,
kesetiakawanan, dan persaudaraan..Dan dalam pembinaan karakter individu pesantren
mengajarkan sifat hemat dan sederhana jauh dari sifat konsumtif.
Sebagai lembaga dakwah dan keagamaan, pesantren menjadi basis dalam proses perubahan
social pada masyarakat.Didalam pesantren diajarkan dasar dasar berdakwah yang kelak akan
menjadi bekal para santri ketika terjun di masyarakat dan memberikan pencerahan kepada
masyarakat tentang bagaimana kita sebagai umat manusia harus berbuat baik kepada sesame
mausia .
QS Al Qasas(28) 77 : Yang artinya:
Dan carilah (pahala) negeri akhirat dengan apa yang telah dianugerahkan Allah kepadamu, tetapi
janganlah kamu lupakan bagianmu di dunia dan berbuatbaiklah (kepada orang lain) sebagaimana
Allah telah berbuat baik kepadamu, dan janganlah kamu berbuat kerusakan di bum
Denagn melihat fungsi dan peran pesantren diatas jelaslah bahwa pesantren berperan penting
dalam mengatasi bahaya terorisme.
Terorisme itu sendiri merupakan aksi atau aktifitas yang melibatkan kekerasan untuk
menyampaikan pesan tertentu.
Jika peran pesantren berfungsi dengan baik tidak akan ada aksi kekerasan apalagi sampai
membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah. Pesantren dalam perannya sebagai sarana pendidikan ,
dakwah dan pemberdayaan pada manusia

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