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Lesson Plan

Theme of the lesson: Our body

Unit:5 Health and body
Teacher’s name: Salikova Ainash Kumartkhanovna
Date: 16.01.2023
Grade: 2 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Our body
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is 2. R1recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet
contributing to: 2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly
2.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines
spoken slowly and distinctly
2.W3 write familiar words to identify people, places and objects
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: remember the spelling of words of the curricular
Most learners will be able to: express the topical words intelligibly
Some learners will be able to: compile and complete sentences correctly.
Assessment criteria -define parts of body correctly
-choose the correct answers
Value links Ls will work together as a group showing respect and being polite with each
Cross curricular links Primary Science
ICT skills PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard
Previous learning Our body. Lesson 1.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Tasks for Resources
lesson/Time children
with SEN

Beginning of Organization moment : Ss define the word and “Stickers” Task 1 Pupil’s
the lesson 1.Greeting. say to the teacher. Teacher book.
“Sing a 2. Organization moment. evaluates the Smiles 2.
song” To energize Ss T asks them to The aim: practice new learners wіth Page 60,
3 мин. stand up and sing the Teddy words and revise them. stіckers. exercise 2.
Bear song! Efficiency: Ss revise the PPP-2
I am a very funny teddy bear, words and learn the
I’ve got two eyes correct pronunciation.
And a lot of hair.
In differentiation part
SS understand the text, most of
them sing together, some of
them say the translation of the
Pre-learning Teacher asks Ss stand up and Ss following the Descriptor: Task 2 Whiteboard
“TPR” follow the instruction after the instruction find the -understand Smiles 2.
activity. teacher. person. And show parts the task Activity
10 min. He has got yellow hair. of body correctly -show a person book
He has got green eyes. according to the -say correctly Page 36, ex
He has got a red mouth. sentences. Total: 1point 2.
He has got a pink nose. PPP-3
He has got blue eyes. Aim: learn the parts of Feedback: Worksheet
Ss should find this person in the body in practice. “Hamburger” 1.
class. Efficiency:Ss learn new You are
Differentiation: words before starting excellent! You
All students understand the task, new theme. And can do the task
shows person who has this practice during the very quick.
descriptions. Most of them exercise. This method
express the sentence clearly. helps Ss to reflect the
spelling of new words.
Middle of Exercise 3. Ss read the topic and Descriptor: Task 3 Pupil’s
the lesson Listen and read. circle the correct -understand book
answer. the text Smiles 2
Individual After reading the task circle the -circle the Exercise 3,
work. right answer. right answer page 61
12 min. PPP-4
The ballerina has got blue/green Total: 1point Worksheet -
eyes! 2

Individual Look, read and circle. Ss read the sentences Descriptor: Task 4 Whiteboard
work. and circle the right -read the Activity
“Circle’ After finishing the task they answers. sentences Book
5 min. check with their pairs. And check with their -circle the Smiles 2.
teacher correct Page 37,
She is got a big/small nose. answers. exercise 3.
He has got big/small eyes. Aim: develop critical PPP-5
She has got big/small mouth. thinking skills and Total: 1point Worksheet -
He has got big/small ears. improve literacy skills. 3
Efficiency: Feedback:
Differentiation: Looking at the picture “Thumbs up,
All Ss understand the task, most and choose the correct Thumbs
of them do the task correctly, answer learns Ss to down”
some of them check their pairs make a correct decision.
Individual Head - green parts. Ss follow the Descriptor: Task 5 https://
work T shows pictures of body. instruction. -find green agendaweb.
“Quiz time’ Where is the green color they Tick the answer as parts org/
10 min should tick the right answer. possible. -answer exercises/
There a lot variants. correctly vocabulary/
Aim: revise the new body/body-
Differentiation:«Quiz time» theme words and reflect 1point. head
method is used to conclude Ss the general Teacher
knowledge. In this task all comprehension.. evaluates with
students understand the Efficiency: “The Praise”
instruction, most of them answer Multiple choice tasks method.
as possible, some of them help improve Ss critical
for weak Ss. thinking skills.

End of the Complete these sentences: Ss complete the Whiteboard

lesson. There are five fingers in sentences and give to
my _____. the teacher. Stickers
Reflection I can smell with my ______.
I can hear with my ______. Aim: know how many
Individual Ss remember the theme.
work: Efficiency: improve Ss
5 min. writng skills.
Lesson Plan
Theme of the lesson: Let’s measure
Unit:5 Health and body
Teacher’s name: Salikova Ainash Kumartkhanovna
Date: 17.01.2023
Grade: 2 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Let’s measure
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is 2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions
contributing to: 2.UE2 use cardinal numbers 1 -50 to count
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: follow some text in reading and listening tasks
and use some target language to initiate and respond correctly in exchanges
Most learners will be able to: follow most text in reading and listening tasks
and use most target language correctly to initiate and in exchanges
Some learners will be able to: understand all written and audio text and
initiate independently and respond with clear
pronunciation in most exchanges
Assessment criteria -respond correctly to the questions
-read the text words clearly
Value links Ss respect each other while tell about themselves
Cross curricular links Natural history
ICT skills PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard
Previous learning Our body. Lesson 2.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Tasks for Resources
lesson/Time children
with SEN

Beginning of Organization moment : Ss follow the Feedback: Teacher Handout 1 Picture

the lesson 1.Greeting. instruction. evaluates with
“TPR” 2. Organization moment. Touch their parts of “Three Applause”.
activity. Ask Ss name a part of the face face.
One clap – I don’t
and the other touches the And sing a song Teddy
7 мин. corresponding part on his/her own bear song.
face. Ask the rest of the class for Two claps – I
verification. Resume the activity The aim: revise the understand
with as many pairs as you think is previous lesson. Three claps - I
necessary. Play the Teddy Bear Efficiency: Ss totally understand
song from the previous lesson. remember and define
Invite the pupils to sing a song. the parts of face.
Individual Listen, point and repeat. Ss books open. Play Handout 2 Whiteboa
work. the CD. The pupils Feedback: rd
Ss books closed. Put up the
10 min. listen, look at the Teacher evaluates Smiles 2.
flashcards on the board, one at a
pictures and repeat the with “The Praise” Pupil’s
time, and say the corresponding
phrases. Play the CD method. book
words. The pupils repeat, chorally
again pausing after Page 63.
and/or individually. Point to each
each phrase. The PPP-2
flashcard in random order. Ask
pupils repeat, chorally
individual Ss to name the item.
and/or individually.
Ask the rest of the class for
verification. Stretch out your arms
Aim: learn to define
and say: big. Encourage the pupils
the big and small
to mime your action and repeat
things. Describe
after you. Then point to the
correctly the shape of
elephant and say: a big elephant.
The pupils repeat after you. Then
Efficiency: correct Ss
point to the mouse and say: a
small mouse, bringing your hands
Memorize the spelling
closer together to explain small.
of words.
Middle of Talk with your friend. Read the Ss listen the topic and Descriptor: Handout 3 Pupil’s
the lesson instructions and explain the number the pictures. -understand the text book
activity. Prompt the pupils to give After listening to their -number the Smiles 2
Individual you a description of each toy. Tell pairs. pictures Exercise
work. the pupils they are going to listen -talk to the pairs 5, page
12 min. and number the toy that is being 62.
described. Play the CD, twice if Total: 1point PPP-3
necessary. Check their
answers. Write on the board: It’s
got ... . It hasn’t got ... . It’s
number ... .Explain their meaning.
The pupils then work in pairs.
They take turns saying what a toy
has/hasn’t got for their partner to
guess the toy. Explain to the
pupils that they can refer to the
sentences on the board or at the
bottom of the page in their Pupil’s
books for help. Go around the
classroom, providing any
necessary help. Ask some pairs to
report back to the class.
Individual Sing a song “I’m big song”. Ss sing a song and Descriptor: Handout 4 Whiteboa
work. complete the sentences -sing a song rd
I’m big, I’m big! looking at the -complete the Pupil’s
“Sing a I’m very, very big! elephant. sentence Book
song’ Smiles
5 min. After singing a song complete the Aim: develop listening Total: 1point 2.
sentence. skills and memory Exercise
skills. Feedback: 6, page
It’s got …. . Efficiency: “Thumbs up, 62.
It hasn’t got … . Improve writing skills Thumbs down” PPP-4
-It’s number … . and correct
Individual Listen and read. Ss follow the Descriptor: Handout 5 Whiteboa
work Exercise 7. instruction. -listen the story rd
“Story time’ Ss first listen and watch the video. Tick the answer as -read the text Pupil’s
6 min Then read the text to the class. possible. -circle the correct Book
After reading the text circle the answer Smiles
correct answer. Aim: pronounce the 2.
Teddy has got a big/small nose. topical words correctly 1point. Exercise
Exercise 8. and develop reading 7-8, page
Differentiation: during the skills Teacher evaluates 63.
reading task all Ss can read the Efficiency: with “The Praise” PPP-5
topical words clearly and can give Ss develop the method.
correct answer. It makes some Ss audience’s memory
to retell the story to the class.
End of the Reflection: At the end of the Students consider their Whiteboa
lesson. lesson, learners reflect on their own reflection points rd
learning using “Blob Tree”. and say what points
Reflection Teacher gives handout sheets to they put each PPP-6
students with Blob Tree and gives statement.
Individual instruction. Learners should color Aim: know how many
work: that “Blob” which approaches Ss understand the
5 min. them. If they worked in group, theme.
they can paint over embracing. If Efficiency: learn to
they did not understand a lesson, analyze their
then can paint over sitting Blob. knowledge
Lesson Plan 17
Theme of the lesson:.
Unit:6 Traditions and folklore
Teacher’s name:
Grade: 2 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Revision
Learning objectives(s) that 2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated
this lesson is contributing to: talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number
2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual
2.W7 spell some familiar high-frequency words accurately during
guided writing activities
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: practice the phonics to say topical words
Most learners will be able to: express topical words correctly and
answer the questions
Some learners will be able to: define scrambled words correctly and
express clearly
Assessment criteria -write the words correctly
-define correctly the listening task
Value links Ss respect special traditions of our country
Cross curricular links Kazakh language and history
ICT skills PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard
Previous learning What is for 2.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resource
lesson/Time s
Beginning of Organization moment : Ss sing a birthday song Feedback:
the lesson 1.Greeting. all together. White
“The Praise”
Warm up 2. Organization moment. board
activity. The aim: identify the “Very well”
2 мин. Sing a Happy birthday theme of the lesson. “Brilliant”
song. Efficiency: develop “Try again”
revising skills .
Pre-learning Count and find the ages Ss look at the cakes and Feedback: Pupil’s
looking at the candles. count the candles. Write book.
“The Praise”
“Think pair There are 4 cakes. In each the ages under the each Smiles 2.
share” cake several candles. Ss cake. “Very well” Page 86,
7 min should define ages Aim: develop writing “Brilliant” exercise
Group work according to the number skills. “Try again” 1.
of candles. Efficiency: revise the PPP-2
Differentiation: spelling of numbers. Descriptor:
Weak ss write the numbers -count the candles.
by special support of -write the ages.
teacher . Strong Ss write 1 point.
themselves and say to the
class correctly.
Middle of the Count and circle. Ss try to answer quickly. Descriptor: Activity
lesson. Ss should count and Aim: develop quickness book
-count the numbers
Individual circle the correct answer. skills and competence Smiles 2
work. Which Ss will finish first skills -circle the correct Page 46,
“Game” they will be winner. Efficiency: memorize answers exercise
5 min the spelling of numbers. 3.
1 point
“Writing” In each number are written Ss write letters to the Descriptor: Activity
Individual letters. And see what numbers and construct -write the letters book.
work words will construct. the HAPPY BIRTHDAY -read the word Smiles 2.
5 min. word. Page 46,
Ss have to construct the Aim: develop logical Total: 1point exercise-
word and read to the class thinking skills. Feedback: 4
clearly. Efficiency: know the PPP-4
“The Praise”
Differentiation: spelling the word.
All Ss understand the “Very well”
instruction, some of them “Brilliant”
define the scrambled word “Try again”
Individual Look and write. Ss try to write the Feedback: Pupil’s
work Define the scrambled scrambled words “Thumbs up, book.
word. correctly. Thumbs down” Smiles 2.
6 min. Aim: improve critical Page 86,
There are scrambled thinking skills. exercise
words, Ss have to define Efficiency: improve 2.
the correct words and audiences skills. PPP-3
say to the class.

Less able Ss write the
words using the pictures.
Individual Listen and put a tick or a Ss listen the story and Feedback: Pupil’s
work cross. put a tick and a cross. book.
“The Praise”
Teacher explains the Smiles 2.
6 min. instruction. Aim: develop listening “Very well” Page 87,
skills “Brilliant” exercise
Teacher plays the video Efficiency: “Try again” 3.
and Ss listen the story. Improve pronunciation Ppp-4
Individual Teacher asks Ss to write Ss write maximum 3-4 Feedback: White
work about their Birthday. sentences about their paper
“Two stars, a
“Essay’ Each student have to write Aim: construct sentences
7 min about their birthday and correctly and write the You write about
read to the class. spelling of topical words your birthday and
correctly. age correct, but
And after each students Efficiency: improve there are mistakes
presentation they should writing skills. on spelling, next
ask questions. time don’t miss
End of the Teacher asks questions. Students answer Feedback: White
lesson. questions as possible. “The Praise” board
Reflection Do you understand the Aim: improve speaking To motivate and
Individual text? skills. support Ss teacher Ppp-6
work: How do they celebrate Efficiency: create use this method
2 min. their birthday party? interest in the topic and
develop the students'
critical thinking abilities.
Additional information
DIFFERENTIATION – how do you ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to Health and
plan to give more support? How do check learners’ learning? safety rules
you plan to challenge the more able
To see Ss level of knowledge teacher Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher Provide some
gives a lot methodical tasks. Ss show summary provides support for progress and physical
the result after each task. achievement, and challenge to thinking and exercises for
All learners practice the phonics to setting future objectives. learners
say topical words correctly
1 Teacher evaluates with “The Praise”
Most learners express topical
correctly and answer the questions
Some learners define scrambled “well done,
words correctly and express clearly Very good”
2.“Thumbs up, Thumbs down”

Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?
Did all learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my
plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that
will inform my next lesson?
Lesson Plan 18
Theme of the lesson:.
Unit:6 Traditions and folklore
Teacher’s name:
Grade: 2 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Reading time
Learning objectives(s) that 2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual
this lesson is contributing to: information
2.W7 spell some familiar high-frequency words accurately during
guided writing activities
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: memorize the key words of the topic
Most learners will be able to: use key words to respond to basic
Some learners will be able to: spell out some familiar high-frequency
words accurately
Assessment criteria -say key words intelligibly
-answer to basic questions correctly
Value links Ss respect special traditions of our country
Cross curricular links Kazakh language and history
ICT skills PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard
Previous learning Revision.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resource
lesson/Time s
Beginning of Organization moment : Ss repeat after the Feedback:
the lesson 1.Greeting. teacher and write down “Thumbs up, White
Warm up 2. Organization moment. the words. Thumbs down” board
activity. Before beginning the PPP-2
Teacher evaluates
5 мин. lesson teacher explain The aim: pronounce
Ss according to
rules of reading showing words clearly and
their reading. And
presentation. Giving correctly
support less able
examples and drill several Efficiency: help less able
times the words. students to correct their
Pre-learning Teacher gives a text about Ss read the text one Feedback: PPP-3
Birthday party. times, then read Workshe
“Two stars, a
“Reading” Ss read the text aloud and accurately paying wish” et 1.
10 min pronounce words with attention to the correct
“Well done, you
Individual letter a clearly and pronunciation.
read the text, and
work. accurately. Aim: develop reading
understand the
meaning, but try to
Differentiation: Efficiency: learn to
say the words
Less able Ss read the text pronounce the words
clearly, pay
by support of teacher, accurately and clearly.
attention to the
strong Ss read the text
-read the text.
-read accurately.
1 point.
Middle of the Teacher asks Ss to write Ss take the worksheet Descriptor: PPP-4
lesson. invitation to their friendsand make the invitation Workshe
-write invitation
Individual (Teacher gives the sample and write the dates, et 2.
work. of invitation) address, email addresses, -give to their
and name to whom are friends
“Invitation” Ss should write the the they writing. 1 point
5 min date and place, so write Aim: construct sentences Feedback:
the name who will invite correctly and develop “The Praise”
to the party. writing skills
Efficiency: learn to be “Very well”
Differentiation: creative and improve “Brilliant”
All students write the ideas, too. “Try again”
invitation with teacher’s
support. Most of them
write the words correctly,
some of them give to their
friends explaining the
“Writing” What do you prepare to Ss look at the picture and Descriptor: PPP-5
Individual your birthday party? match with words. -match the wods Workshe
work Aim:. increase attention -read the words et 3.
5 min. Let’s see the list of to detail and improve the correctly
birthday party. ability to find similarities
and differences in Total: 1point
Ss should match the words objects. Feedback:
and pictures, then say Efficiency: increase
“The Praise”
about their own parties. short term memory and
help to classify objects “Very well”
that are grouped by “Brilliant”
similar traits.. “Try again”
Individual Teacher gives colored Ss take all the things that Feedback: Colored
work paper, white paper, glue that they need and make “Sandwich” paper,
“Craft work” and pencils. a cake for Birthday. white
10 min. Says to Ss to make a You made a paper,
Birthday cake. Aim: children learn to beautiful cake, but glue and
Shows the sample of cake value and appreciate there is no candle, pencils.
and Ss work on their ideas artifacts and images next time write the
and present to the class. across cultures and times ages to know how PPP-6
Efficiency: improve old are you.
audiences skills. They
learn to act and think like
designers and
artists, working intelligen
tly and creatively
End of the Teacher asks Ss to make Students make a circle Feedback:
lesson. a circle and hold hand and say wishes to their “The Praise” Ppp-7
Reflection with your friends. friends. To motivate and
Individual Aim: improve speaking support Ss teacher
work: And say in a clock ways skills. use this method
5min. wishes. Efficiency: learn to
make a positively present
to friends.
Additional information
DIFFERENTIATION – how do you ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to Health and
plan to give more support? How do check learners’ learning? safety rules
you plan to challenge the more able
To see Ss level of knowledge teacher Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher Provide some
gives a lot methodical tasks. Ss show summary provides support for progress and physical
the result after each task. achievement, and challenge to thinking and exercises for
All learners memorize the key words setting future objectives. learners
of the topic
1 Teacher evaluates with “The Praise”
Most learners use key words to
respond to basic questions
Some learners spell out some “well done,
familiar high-frequency words Very good”
accurately method.
2.“Thumbs up, Thumbs down”
3. “Two stars, a wish”
“Well done, you read the text, and understand
the meaning, but try to say the words clearly,
pay attention to the sounds”
You made a beautiful cake, but there is no
candle, next time write the ages to know how
old are you.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?
Did all learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my
plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that
will inform my next lesson?
Lesson Plan 19
Theme of the lesson:.
Unit:6 Traditions and folklore
Teacher’s name:
Grade: 2 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Reading time
Learning objectives(s) that 2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual
this lesson is contributing to: information
2.W7 spell some familiar high-frequency words accurately during
guided writing activities
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: understand the basic questions and give
factual information
Most learners will be able to: solve the answers of basic questions
Some learners will be able to: summarize the answer of basic
Assessment criteria -solve the answer of basic questions correctly
Value links Ss respect special traditions of our country
Cross curricular links Kazakh language and history
ICT skills PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard
Previous learning Reading time
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resource
lesson/Time s
Beginning of Organization moment : Ss decide and identify Feedback:
the lesson 1.Greeting. the sort of vegetable and “Thumbs up, White
Warm up 2. Organization moment. fruit. Thumbs down” board
activity. Before beginning the PPP-2
Teacher evaluates
5 мин. lesson T shows the basket The aim: decide and
Ss according to
picture of fruits and create a new group.
their classifying.
vegetable or show at the Efficiency: a hierarchy
And support less
board. of categories is
able Ss.
Ss should define where are
they from? From the tree
or plants.
Pre-learning Circle the words. Find the Ss read the words and Feedback: Activity
words. discuss to the class is this book.
“The Praise”
“Reading” Ss should find scrambled right or not. Smiles 2.
7 min words. Aim: develop “Very well” Page47.
Individual And say to the class. vocabulary acquisition in “Brilliant” Exercise
work the main task “Try again” 5
Differentiation: Efficiency: learn to PPP-3
This task differentiated by pronounce the words Workshe
the time management. All accurately and clearly. et 1.
Ss finish on time, but some
of them quicker than
Middle of the Read and draw and Ss read the sentence and Descriptor: Activity
lesson. color. draw the picture of book.
-read the sentence
Individual Teachers asks Ss read the described thing. Smiles 2.
work sentence below and draw a Aim: use their -draw the picture Page47.
“Drawing” picture of described. imagination and Exercise
-color the picture
7 min creativity and motivated 6
Differentiation: them to take part in this 1 point
This task differentiated by activity . Feedback: PPP-4
the time allowed. Less Efficiency: Practice and “The Praise” Workshe
able Ss finish later than improve “Very well” et 2.
others. required drawing skills
for the activity. “Brilliant”
“Try again”
“Board T explains the rules of the Ss understand the rule Activity
game” game. and play the game as Feedback: book.
Individual If it stops for the word “oh possible. Smiles 2.
“The Praise”
work no!” they go back to start, Aim:.revise all themes of Pages 50-
10 min. and if it stops for the word the unit. “Very well” 51.
“great” they will play Efficiency: develop “Brilliant” PPP-5
again. memory skills to reflect “Try again”
If the spinner stops for the the knowledge.
pictures they will name

Individual Teacher gives a picture to Ss look at the picture and Feedback: Whiteboa
work construct conversation. according to the criteria “Sandwich” rd
“Reading” Ss should compile they construct sentences. Workshe
10 min. sentences using picture. Aim: learn to You spell the words et 3.
The criteria: write about demonstrate their ability correctly, but you
people. Efficiency: develop have mistakes on PPP-6
Write about a river vocabulary acquisition in your pronunciation,
pollution. the main task. the construction of
Friendly your sentence
Work together correct.
Clean the water Differentiation:
Write about what is mother This task differentiated
and father doing by the outcomes of the
Then discuss to the class. Ss. Less able Ss write
only 2-3 sentences by the
support of teacher.

End of the Teacher asks Ss to show Students show their Feedback:

lesson. thumbs up, thumbs half thumbs and T informed “Thumbs up, White
Reflection and thumbs down if they about their general Thumbs down” board
Individual like/dislike the lesson. comprehension. To motivate and
work: Aim: develop self support Ss teacher
1min. assessment skills. use this method
Efficiency: allows the
teacher to
quickly assess if the
children feel they have
achieved the
learning objective of that
Additional information
DIFFERENTIATION – how do you ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to Health and
plan to give more support? How do check learners’ learning? safety rules
you plan to challenge the more able
To see Ss level of knowledge teacher Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher Provide some
gives a lot methodical tasks. Ss show summary provides support for progress and physical
the result after each task. achievement, and challenge to thinking and exercises for
All learners understand the basic setting future objectives. learners
questions and give factual
1 Teacher evaluates with “The Praise”
Most learners solve the answers of
basic questions “well done,
Some learners summarize the answer Very good”
of basic question. method.
2.“Thumbs up, Thumbs down”
You made a beautiful cake, but there is no
candle, next time write the ages to know how
old are you.
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?
Did all learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my
plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that
will inform my next lesson?

Lesson Plan 20
Theme of the lesson:.
Unit:6 Traditions and folklore
Teacher’s name:
Grade: 2 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Reading time
Learning objectives(s) that 2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated
this lesson is contributing to: talk on routine and familiar topics features such as color and number
2.W7 spell some familiar high-frequency words accurately during
guided writing activities
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: memorize the main information of the
Most learners will be able to: memorize the main details of the topic
and respond correctly
Some learners will be able to: define the items and complete tasks
correctly .
Assessment criteria -answer the questions
-complete the tasks correctly
Value links Ss respect special traditions of our country
Cross curricular links Kazakh language and history
ICT skills PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard
Previous learning Reading time
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resource
lesson/Time s
Beginning of Organization moment : Ss follow the instruction Feedback: https://
the lesson 1.Greeting. and play the game. “Thumbs up,
Warm up 2. Organization moment. Thumbs down” G0HoUD
activity. Tell the students that The aim: ensure active hRpKA
Teacher evaluates
“Stand up/Sit answering “yes” means learning and to improve
Ss according to
down” game stand up, answering “no” the evaluation of the
their outcomes and
8 мин. means sit down. person taking part,
1. Do you like without them giving up
chocolate? or losing motivation.
2. Do you like to Efficiency: develop
run? critical thinking skills.
3. Is 5+5 =11?
Next, ask students a few
simple questions to check
that they understand.
After your students
understand, get a stronger
student to ask questions.
Pre-learning Teacher shows a video Ss read the words and Feedback: https://
about Birthday party. discuss to the class is this
“The Praise”
“Listening Before showing the video right or not. cEtdXyaq
time” T explains for what do “Very well” vig
7 min they pay attention. And Aim: develop “Brilliant” PPP-2
Individual answer the questions. vocabulary acquisition in “Try again” Workshe
work Who has invited to the the main task and et 1.
birthday party? improve listening,
Who has prepared the memorizing skills.
cake? Efficiency: build
Who come to Tanya’s confidence and to
birthday? facilitate comprehension.
What are they doing at the Differentiation:
party? This task differentiated
by the Ss ability. All
students understand the
topic, according to their
vocabulary acquisition
they answer the
Middle of the Look and write. Ss understand the Descriptor: Activity
lesson. Teacher gives worksheets instruction of the tasks. -match the numbers book.
Individual with a number of tasks for Match the numbers and and words. Smiles 2.
work the unit. words. Match the -match the pictures Page49.
“My 1. Match the pictures and descriptions. and descriptions.
progress” numbers and Count from 1 to 50. Say -count from 1 to 50. PPP-4
20 min words. like/don’t like. -name the food I Workshe
2. Match the pictures Aim: revise the previous like/don’t like. et 2.
and descriptions. lesson and content.
1 point
3. Count from 1 to Efficiency: memorize
50. the unit content and Feedback:
4. Name the food I develop logically “Assessing by
like/don’t like. thinking skills. score”
Differentiation: “1-15=8”
This task differentiated by
the time allowed and by Ss “1-10=6”
ability. Less able Ss “1-7= 5”
finish later than others.
“Dancing” After doing the tasks Ss dance following the https://
Individual Teacher asks Ss to do instruction. Feedback:
work dancing exercise. Aim: develop skills in TSdeIhm
“The Praise”
4 min. performing and v6v0
perceiving through “Very well”
participation dancing. “Brilliant”
Efficiency: “Try again”
dance technique is taught
through concepts.
End of the Teacher asks Ss to show Students show their Feedback:
lesson. thumbs up, thumbs half thumbs and T informed “Thumbs up, White
Reflection and thumbs down if they about their general Thumbs down” board
Individual like/dislike the lesson. comprehension. To motivate and
work: Aim: develop self support Ss teacher
1min. assessment skills. use this method
Efficiency: allows the
teacher to
quickly assess if the
children feel they have
achieved the
learning objective of that
Additional information
DIFFERENTIATION – how do you ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to Health and
plan to give more support? How do check learners’ learning? safety rules
you plan to challenge the more able
To see Ss level of knowledge teacher Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher Provide some
gives a lot methodical tasks. Ss show summary provides support for progress and physical
the result after each task. achievement, and challenge to thinking and exercises for
All learners memorize the main setting future objectives. learners
information of the topic
1 Teacher evaluates with “The Praise”
Most learners memorize the main
details of the topic and respond
correctly “well done,
Some learners define the items and Very good”
complete tasks correctly . method.
2.“Thumbs up, Thumbs down”
3“Assessing by score”
“1-7= 5”
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?
Did all learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my
plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that
will inform my next lesson?

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