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Task 1. Translate from Ukrainian into English (use the text).

1. онлайн звички – online habits

2. це набагато кращий спосіб - It's a much better way to
3. саме так ми робили це - That's how we did it
4. втрачають можливість - lose the ability
5. оскільки їхні батьки першими почали використовувати
смартфон - because their parents were the early adopters of
the smartphone
6. відірватися від телефонів - to get off their phones
7. відрізаний від світу - cut off from the world
8. в разі надзвичайних ситуацій - in case of emergencies
9. подавати кращий приклад своїм дітям – set a better
example to kids
10. питання часу - a matter of time
11. цифрове життя – digital life

Task 2. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.

(use the words and phrases from Task 1 and the text we read)

1. Онлайн звички молодших поколінь відрізняються від звичок

The online habits of younger generations differ from those of the older
2. Це набагато кращий спосіб зберігати фотографії та відео онлайн,
ніж зберігати їх на папері.
This is a much better way to store photos and videos online than keeping
them on paper.
3. Саме так ми робили це в дитинстві, гортаючи сторінки альбому з
That's how we did it in childhood, flipping through the pages of a photo
4. Молоді люди втрачають можливість спілкуватися особисто,
проводячи багато часу в інтернеті.
Young people lose the ability to communicate in person, spending a lot of
time on the internet.
5. Оскільки їхні батьки першими почали використовувати смартфон,
це вплинуло на звички дітей.
Because their parents were the early adopters of the smartphone, it has
influenced the habits of children.
6. Діти не можуть відірватися від телефонів, проводячи більше часу
на вулиці.
Children can’t get off themselves from their phones, spending more time
7. Коли ти відрізаний від Інтернету, ти не маєш зв'язку із зовнішнім
When you're cut off from the Internet, you have no connection to the
outside world.
8. У разі надзвичайних ситуацій важливо мати такий засіб зв'язку, як
In case of emergencies, it's important to have a means of communication
like a smartphone.
9. Подавати кращий приклад своїм дітям - важливо для формування
їхніх звичок.
Setting a good/better example for your children is important for shaping
their habits.
10. Цифрове життя стає невід'ємною частиною нашого повсякденного
Digital life is becoming an integral part of our everyday existence.

Task 3. Complete the word map with synonyms of the word

‘important’. The first letters of these words have been

Task 4. Imagine the world without human face-to-face

interaction and discuss the questions.

What would the world look like? Think about the aspects listed
Write your thoughts to each aspect.
- work and business
- relationships
- education
- health and wellbeing
- communication

How would you feel about living in such a world?

Work and Business:
In a scenario without face-to-face interactions, the traditional
workplace would undergo a profound metamorphosis. Many
businesses would likely shift towards remote operations, heavily
relying on digital tools and virtual meetings. The conventional office
space might become obsolete, thereby diminishing the necessity for
daily commutes. Team dynamics and collaboration would evolve
significantly, as employees engage primarily through screens. While
this shift could introduce greater flexibility, it might also pose
challenges in terms of preserving company culture and team

In a world where face-to-face interactions are absent, human
connections and relationships could face considerable strain. Virtual
communication may bridge geographical gaps, but the absence of
physical presence could foster feelings of isolation and
disconnection. Building and sustaining romantic relationships might
become notably more challenging. The subtleties of non-verbal
communication and physical touch would be lost, potentially
affecting the depth of our interpersonal bonds.

Education would rely heavily on online platforms, replacing
traditional classrooms and campus life with virtual equivalents. This
shift would influence the social development of students.
Opportunities to ask questions, engage in discussions, and have
one-on-one interactions with educators would be limited. While
online learning provides convenience and accessibility, it may not
be as effective in promoting comprehensive education.

Health and Wellbeing:

The lack of face-to-face healthcare interactions would make
telemedicine the norm. Routine check-ups, diagnoses, and therapy
sessions would predominantly occur through video calls, reducing
the need for physical examinations. Although this approach offers
convenience, it might lead to misdiagnoses and the loss of the
personal touch that healthcare providers traditionally offer. Mental
health, in particular, could be significantly affected due to the
absence of in-person counseling and support.

Communication would primarily unfold through digital channels like
messaging apps, social media, and video calls. While this offers
convenience and global connectivity, it might compromise the
authenticity and depth of communication. Misunderstandings could
become more commonplace without the context provided by body
language and facial expressions. Human interactions would lose
their warmth and spontaneity.

Living in such a world would likely elicit mixed emotions. On one

hand, the convenience and accessibility of digital communication
would enhance efficiency and flexibility in our lives. On the other
hand, we would forfeit the richness of in-person interactions, which
play a vital role in forging emotional connections and fostering
overall human well-being. Many individuals would likely experience
a sense of loss and nostalgia for the depth and authenticity of face-
to-face interactions we currently enjoy. Such a world would also test
our adaptability and resilience in the face of profound societal

Task 5. Read the words and phrases, translate them.

social creatures by nature - соціальні істоти за своєю природою
as crucial as food and water to our survival - так само важливі для
нашого виживання, як їжа та вода
the way is rapidly evolving - шлях стрімко розвивається
advances in technology - технологічний прогрес
to interact with others - взаємодіяти з іншими
to replace face-to-face communication - щоб замінити спілкування віч-
in terms of promoting satisfaction - з точки зору підвищення
to enhance overall well-being - підвищити загальний добробут
a new realm of possibilities - нова сфера можливостей
less satisfying - менше задоволення
crucial differences - суттєві відмінності
lead to online communication - призводять до онлайн-спілкування
why this may be the case - чому це може бути так
it goes without saying that - само собою зрозуміло, що/очевидно
the more time ….., the less time … - чим більше часу ....., тим менше
часу ....
to mention a few - і це лише деякі з них
in the form of scrolling - у вигляді прокрутки
to be similar to - бути схожими на
be of a more shallow nature - мати більш поверхневий характер
convey the message - передавати повідомлення
to distort - спотворювати
be adversely affected by smartphone presence - негативно впливати на
присутність смартфона
to flick through social media - гортати соціальні мережі
to represent oneself truthfully online - правдиво представляти себе в
to have a positive/negative impact on quality of life - мати
позитивний/негативний вплив на якість життя
be integral or the sole source - бути невід'ємним або єдиним джерелом
supplemental communication - додаткове спілкування
to enhance our well-being - покращувати наш добробут
to bring communities and people closer together - зближувати спільноти
та людей
it is up to us to foster those connections - саме від нас залежить, як
розвивати ці зв'язки
It is vital for us as a human species - Це життєво важливо для нас як
людського виду

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