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Preparation Task

Match the words with their right definition

1. sorted through _____
2. sensitive_____
3. teas_____
4. handle_____
5. stir up_____
6. insult_____

A. Carefully examined or organized, especially when going through items or information.

B. A disrespectful or offensive remark or action.
C. Playfully make fun of or mock someone, often with the intention of amusing rather
than offending
D. To cause trouble or provoke a reaction.
E. To manage or deal with a situation, task, or person.
F. Easily offended or affected, often requiring careful handling.

Understanding How the Past Affects Your Feelings Now

Have you ever had something happen in the past that still bothers you today? Maybe it was
really upsetting, and just thinking about it brings back those strong feelings, as if it happened
just yesterday. If this sounds familiar, it might mean that you haven't completely sorted
through those emotions.

When something in the present reminds you, even a little bit, of that tough time in the past,
you might react more strongly than other people would. This happens because those past
experiences can make you extra sensitive to similar things happening now.

Let's say you were often made fun of when you were younger. If someone playfully
comments on your race, religion, height, weight, or what you're wearing, it might bring back
those old feelings of being teased. So, you could feel the need to react strongly, maybe even
more than the situation really calls for.

It's kind of like your past experiences turned up the volume on your reactions today. This can
sometimes be a bit tricky to handle.

For example, if you were teased a lot growing up, and someone makes a playful comment
about you now, it might feel like a big deal. That's because it stirs up those old feelings of
being insulted or not respected.

The important thing to know is that it's okay to feel this way, and a lot of people go through it.
Recognizing how our past affects our present can help us understand our reactions better.
By working through these old feelings, we can try to react in a more balanced way to what's
happening now.
answer the questions below
1. Have you ever felt upset when thinking about something from the past? What was it,
and how did it make you feel?

2. Why might someone react more strongly to things happening now if they remind
them of something bad from the past?

3. Can you think of a time when someone said something that made you feel a little bit
like when you were teased or made fun of before?

4. The text talks about how our past experiences can turn up the "volume" on our
reactions today. What does this mean, and how does it happen?

5. Why do you think it's important to understand how our past experiences can affect
how we feel about things happening now?

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