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Name: Castillo, Krissia Pauline C.

Week 10: October 24, 2021

a. Type of Religious Activity - Sunday Mass
b. Date and Time - October 24, 2021 at 10:00 am
c. Means of Participation - Virtual
d. Platform - Youtube, The Divine Word Missionaries of Christ the King
Mission Seminary


I think the best household thing that represents the experience I had during
the Sunday Mass is an eyeglass. I have chosen the eyeglass because just like an
eyeglass, the religious activity made my vision clearer. I have learned that people
have different levels of vision and perception in life. Some has wider vision but
some has narrow vision in life. I can also relate this lesson with Bartimaeus’ story
which was also told by the Priest. In Bartimaeus case, he didn’t have literal sight
as he’s blind, but his vision mentally is wide. I can say that his vision is wide
because his faith in the Lord is huge and due to his faith, he was healed.

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