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Document Development Exposition: Instructions

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

Upon first receiving this assignment, I decided what I was going to write about fairly quickly. The
hardest part of planning was deciding what small details to include in my instructions. I had to pick
what stuck out to me or seemed the most important as I walked through the process mentally and
even once in practice.

First Draft (for peer editing)

When writing my first draft, I got the idea to include tips throughout the instructions to enhance its
effectiveness. This also helped to not overload the audience with too much information at once as
opposed to if I had included that information in the steps.

Second Draft (for your packet)

After receiving numerous accounts of feedback from my peers, mostly positive and all helpful, I
updated my instructions. For this step, I added an additional illustration, added certain details to
enhance clarity, and some formatting updates.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

For the final version, I revised the instructions with the help of the professor’s feedback. This
included transferring some details I added in the last draft to a tip or a note and formatting changes
such as adding white space. Throughout this assignment, I struggled to find a balance on how much
information to give and how to make it all clear and simple. I practiced my clarity and learned from
the feedback of my professor and peers.

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