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‫الفصل التاسع‬

‫أهمية العلم في اإلسالم‬


‫ وقد بدا ذلك واضحا يف أول آيات القرآن الكرمي نزوال‬،‫العلم يف اإلسالم له مكانة عظيمة وأمهية كبرية‬

‫الم على‬0‫رص اإلس‬0‫اهر ح‬0‫د جتّلت مظ‬0‫ وق‬.‫ة العلم‬0‫رأ أي أم‬0‫ة اق‬0‫المية هي أم‬0‫ة اإلس‬0‫ا فاألم‬0‫ ومن هن‬،‫ق‬0‫ورة العل‬0‫يف س‬

‫اء‬0‫در العلم‬0‫ع ق‬0‫اتيب وجمالس العلم ورف‬0‫المية والكت‬0‫ات اإلس‬0‫ وذلك يف املكتب‬،‫طلب العلم وفضله يف مظاهر كثرية‬

‫ية‬00‫وا قض‬0‫أن جيعل‬0‫ه ب‬00‫ّج ع أتباع‬0‫ واإلسالم هو دين العلم ألنه يش‬.‫وغري ذلك من مظاهر العلم يف احلضارة اإلسالمية‬

.‫العلم قضية أساسية يف حياهتم وأمرهم أن يرفعوا من قدر طالب العلم والعلماء على حّد سواء‬

Science in Islam has a great status and importance, and this became clear in the first verses of
the Holy Qur’an revealed in Surat Al-Alaq, and from here the Islamic nation is a nation of
Iqra, meaning a nation of knowledge. The manifestations of Islam’s keenness to seek
knowledge and its virtue have been evident in many manifestations, in Islamic libraries,
books, knowledge councils, raising the status of scholars, and other manifestations of
knowledge in Islamic civilization. Islam is the religion of knowledge because it encourages
its followers to make the issue of knowledge a fundamental issue in their lives and commands

.them to raise the status of students of knowledge and scholars alike

‫تعريف العلم‬

.‫ َعَر َفُه‬،‫ "َعِلَم الَّش ْي َء ِباْلَك ْس ِر َيْع َلُم ُه ِعْلًم ا‬:‫ جاء يف خمتار الصحاح‬.‫ املعرفة وهو نقيض اجلهل‬:‫العلم لغًة‬

‫ ويف لسان‬.)1989 ،‫رازي‬00 ‫ َو اْس َتْع َلَم ُه اَخْلَبَر َفَأْع َلَم ُه ِإَّي اُه" (ال‬.‫ َع اٌمِل ِج ًّدا َو اَهْلاُء ِلْلُمَباَلَغ ِة‬: ‫َو َرُج ٌل َعاَّل َم ٌة َأْي‬

: ‫ "َو ُه َو اَخْلاَّل ُق اْلَعِليُم" َو َقاَل‬:‫اُمِل والَعاَّل ُم؛ َقاَل الَّلُه َع َّز َو َج َّل‬0‫ "علم ِم ْن ِص َف اِت الَّلِه َع َّز َو َج َّل الَعِليم والع‬:‫العرب‬

‫وُن وَلَّم ا‬0‫ وَمِبا يك‬،‫وُن َقْب َل َك ْو ِنه‬0‫اُمل َمِبا َك اَن َو َم ا يك‬0‫ "َعاَّل ُم اْلُغُيوِب " َفُه َو اُهلل الع‬: ‫ َو َقاَل‬،"‫"عاُمِل اْلَغْيِب َو الَّشهاَدِة‬

‫ٌة يِف اَألرض َو اَل‬0‫ َو اَل ْخَيَف ى َعَلْي ِه خافي‬، ‫ ْمَل َيَز ل عاِلمًا َو اَل َيزاُل َعاِلًم ا َمِبا َك اَن َو َم ا َيُك وُن‬، ‫يُك ْن بْع ُد َقْبل َأْن َيُك وَن‬

.‫ان‬00 ‫ا َعَلى َأِّمَت اِإل ْم ك‬00 ‫ا وجليِله‬00 ‫ا دقيِق ه‬00 ‫ا وظاهِر ه‬00 ‫ياء باِطِنه‬00 ‫ِع اَألش‬0 ‫اَط ِعْلُم ه َجِبِم ي‬00 ‫ أح‬، ‫يِف الَّس َم اِء ُس ْبَح اَنُه َو َتَع اىَل‬

‫ َك َم ا َق اَل‬،‫وم َعِليم‬00 ‫ًا ِم َن الُعل‬0 0‫ه اُهلل ِعْلم‬00 ‫ َو ُجَيوُز َأْن ُيَق اَل لِإل نسان اَّل ِذي َعَّلم‬.‫ ِم ْن َأْبِنَي ِة اْلُمَباِلَغ ِة‬:‫ٌل‬0 0‫ َفِعي‬،‫وَعليٌم‬

.)2000 ،‫ُيوُس ُف للَم ِلك" "ِإيِّن َح ِف يٌظ َعِليٌم" (ابن منظور‬

Knowledge, linguistically: knowledge, which is the opposite of ignorance. It was stated in

Mukhtar al-Sahih: “He who knew something through its kasra taught him knowledge, and he
knew it. "(Al-Razi, 1989). And in Lisan al-Arab: “Knowledge is one of the attributes of God
Almighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Knowing, and the All-Knowing.” God Almighty said:
“He is the Creator, the All-Knowing.” And He said: “The Knower of the Unseen and the
Witnessed,” and He said: “The Knower of the Unseen.” And “He is God who knows what
was and what will be before it was, and what It will be and when it will be after it will be, He
is still aware and still aware of what was and what will be, and nothing is hidden from Him
on earth or in heaven, Glory be to Him, the Most High. He has knowledge of all things, their
inner and outer, subtle and sublime, to the fullest extent possible. And All-Knowing, Fa’il:
from the structures of exaggeration. It is permissible to say that a person whom God has
taught is knowledgeable, as Joseph said to the king: “Indeed, I am a guardian and

.knowledgeable” (Ibn Manzur, 2000)

‫و‬00‫ وه‬،‫ العلم ال حيّد لعسره‬:‫ة منهم‬00‫ال مجاع‬00‫ل َحُيّد أم ال؟ فق‬00‫اء خمتلفون يف العلم ه‬00‫ إن العلم‬:‫واصطالًح ا‬

‫وال‬0‫إن أق‬0‫ه حيد ف‬0‫ول بأن‬0‫ وعلى الق‬. ‫ل العلم حيّد‬0‫ ب‬:‫اء‬0‫ثر العلم‬0‫ وقال أك‬،‫قول إمام احلرمني اجلويين والغزايل وغريمها‬

:‫ بل تعددت أقواهلم فـي ذلك نوردهـا كمـا يلي‬،‫أهل العلم مل تتفق على حد واحد‬

Scholars differ on whether knowledge is difined or not. A group of them say that knowledge
is not defined because of its difficulty, and this is the opinion of Imam Dua Masjidil Haram,
Al-Juwayni, Al-Ghazali and others. Most scholars said, "On the contrary, knowledge is
difined, and according to the opinion that it is difined, the speech of scholars is not focused

: on one definition, but their statements are many in that matter

"‫ هـ) العلم هو "معرَفة اْلَم ْع ُلوم على َم ا ُه َو ِبِه‬478 ‫ إلمام احلرمني (ت‬:‫احلد األول‬

The first definition: According to the Imam of the Two Holy Mosques (d. 478 AH),
.”knowledge is “knowing what is known as it is

."‫ "وجدان النفس الناطقة لألمور حبقائقها‬:‫احلد الثاين‬

.”The second term: “the conscience of the soul that speaks of matters as they are

‫ إدراُك ذاِت‬:‫ بان‬0 0‫ك ض‬00 ‫ وذل‬.‫ إْد راُك الَّش يِء قيَق ِت ه‬: ‫ هـ) "الِعْل‬502 ‫َّر اِغِب األصفهاين (ت‬0 0‫ لل‬:‫الث‬00 ‫احلد الث‬
‫ْر‬ ‫َحِب‬ ‫ُم‬
."‫و َم ْنِف ُّي َعْن ه‬00 0 0 ‫ أو َنْف ُي َش يٍء ه‬،‫ه‬00 0 0 ‫وٌد ل‬00 0 0 ‫و َمْو ج‬00 0 0 ‫وِد َش يٍء ه‬00 0 0 ‫ اُحلْك ُم على الَّش يِء بُو ج‬:‫ والَّث اين‬، ‫الَّش يِء‬

‫رط‬0‫ة ش‬0‫ وأن الني‬،‫رب من اجلزء‬0‫ل أك‬0‫إدراك أن الك‬0‫ ك‬.‫ا‬0‫ا جازم‬0‫ه إدراك‬0‫و علي‬0‫ا ه‬0‫يء على م‬0‫ "إدراك الش‬:‫ع‬0‫احلد الراب‬

‫يف العبادة‬

The fourth limit: “Perceiving a thing as it is with a decisive understanding, such as realizing

.that the whole is greater than the part, and that intention is a condition in worship

‫انت‬00 ‫ىت ك‬00 ‫ م‬:‫ل أن ُيسأل‬00 ‫ل البسيط) مث‬00 ‫ ويسّم ى (اجله‬،‫ة‬00 ‫دم اإلدراك بالكلي‬00 ‫يء)؛ ع‬00 ‫ (إدراك الش‬:‫ا‬00 ‫رج بقولن‬00 ‫فخ‬

.‫ ال أدري‬:‫غزوة بدر؟ فيقول‬

So he came out with our saying: (perceiving something); Lack of awareness at all,and it is
:called (simple ignorance), such as asking: When was the Battle of Badr? He says
.I don't know

‫ل أن‬00‫ل املركب) مث‬00‫ ويسّم ى (اجله‬،‫ه‬00‫و علي‬00‫ا ه‬00‫ه خيالف م‬00‫ه على وج‬00‫ه)؛ إدراك‬00‫و علي‬00‫ا ه‬00‫ (على م‬:‫ا‬00‫رج بقولن‬00‫وخ‬

.‫ يف السنة الثالثة من اهلجرة‬:‫ مىت كانت غزوة بدر؟ فيقول‬:‫ُيسأل‬

He came out with our saying: (as it is); Perceiving it in a way that contradicts what it
is, and it is called (combined ignorance), such as asking: When was the Battle of

.Badr? He says: In the third year of the Hijra

‫ون على‬00‫ده أن يك‬00‫ل عن‬00‫ حبيث حيتم‬،‫ازم‬00‫ري ج‬00‫ًا غ‬0‫يء إدراك‬00‫ًا)؛ إدراك الش‬0‫ًا جازم‬0‫ (إدراك‬:‫ا‬00‫رج بقولن‬00‫وخ‬

، ‫الراجح ظٌّن‬00‫الني ف‬00‫د االحتم‬00‫ده أح‬00‫رّج ح عن‬00‫ مث إن ت‬.‫ًا‬0 ‫ك علم‬00‫ فال يسمى ذل‬،‫ه‬00‫ذي أدرك‬00‫ه ال‬00‫ري الوج‬00‫غ‬

.‫وإن تساوى األمران فهو شك‬،‫واملرجوح َو ْه م‬

He came out with our saying: (conclusive realization); Perceiving something in a way
that is not conclusive, such that it is possible for him to be in a way other than the one
he perceived, so this is not called knowledge. Then, if one of the two possibilities is
more likely in his view, then the more likely is conjecture, and what is more likely is

. an illusion, and if the two matters are equal, then it is doubt

‫ هـ) التعريف األول بعد َأن عرض بعض التعاريف وناقشها ُم بيًنا‬458 ‫وقد اختار َأُبو يعلى القاضي (ت‬

‫ره على‬00‫ " حيص‬:‫ر‬00‫ َو َذِل َك َأن َه َذ ا اَحْلد َك َم ا َق اَل الَق اِض ي َأُبو بك‬.‫ف ُه َو الَّص ِح يح‬00‫دم ِص َّح تَه ا َو َأن َه َذ ا الَّتْع ِر ي‬00‫ع‬

‫ َو اَحْلد ِإذا أَح اط باحملدود على َه َذ ا الَّس ِبيل َو جب‬.‫ َو اَل خيرج ِم ْنُه َش ْيئا ُه َو ِم ْن ُه‬،‫َم ْع َناُه َو اَل يْد خل ِفيِه َم ا َلْيَس ِم ْنُه‬

،‫وم َفِإَّنَه ا علم ِبِه‬0‫ َو قد َثبت َأن كل علم تعلق َمِبْع ُلوم َفِإَّنُه معرَفة َلُه وكل معرَفة ملعل‬،‫َأن يكون حدا َثابتا َص ِح يحا‬

.)‫ ت‬.‫ د‬،‫َفَو َج َب َتْو ِثيق اَحْلد اَّلِذي حددنا ِبِه اْلعلم (احلنفي‬

Abu Ya`la al-Qadi (d. 458 AH) chose the first definition after presenting some
definitions and discussing them, indicating that they are incorrect and that this
definition is the correct one. This is because this limit, as Judge Abu Bakr said: “It
limits it to its meaning and does not include in it anything that is not part of it, and
does not take anything from it that is part of it. And if the limit encompasses the
limited in this way It must be a fixed and correct definition, and it has been proven
that every knowledge is related to a known thing, so it Knowledge of Him and every
knowledge of a known thing is knowledge of Him, so it is necessary to document the
.definition by which we have defined knowledge (Al-Hanafi, d. t.)

‫ القابلة‬،‫ جمموعة من املعلومات واملعارف والتفسريات والتحليالت الالمتناهية‬:‫وقد ُعِّر ف العلُم على أنه‬

،‫ون‬00‫تها خمتص‬00‫وم بدراس‬00‫يت يق‬00‫ ويوجد العديد من أنواع العلوم املختلفة ال‬.‫لالختبار والتنبؤ هبا يف إطار هذا الكون‬

‫وم‬0‫ذه العل‬0‫ ومن ه‬،‫ه‬0‫ع من حول‬0‫ة اجملتم‬0‫د خلدم‬0‫و جدي‬0‫ا ه‬0‫ل م‬0‫ار ك‬0‫ة ابتك‬0‫ وحماول‬،‫وذلك لتدريسها لألجيال القادمة‬

‫وير‬00‫اهم العلم يف تط‬00‫د س‬00‫ وق‬،‫ري‬00‫ا الكث‬00‫ا وغريه‬00‫ واجليولوجي‬،‫ا‬00‫ والبيولوجي‬،‫اء‬00‫ والفيزي‬،‫اء‬00‫ والكيمي‬،‫يات‬00‫علم الرياض‬

.‫ وما زال مستمرًا يف اكتشاف اجلديد‬،‫الكثري من األشياء يف هذا الكون‬

Science has been defined as a set of endless information, knowledge, explanations, and
analyzes it never end that can be tested and predicted within the framework of this universe.
There are many different types of sciences that are studied by specialists in order to teach
them to future generations and try to invent everything new to serve the society around it, and
among these sciences is science. Science has contributed to the development of many things

.in this universe and is still continuing to discover new things

‫أقسام العلم‬

‫ وعلم‬،‫ علم الدين لفهم الدين وتعاليمه وقد يطلق عليه بالعلم النقلي‬:‫وينقسم العلم إىل قسمني أساسيني‬

‫و‬0‫ا ه‬0‫اء يقسمون العلم إىل م‬0‫ وبعض العلم‬.‫العلم العقلي‬0‫ه ب‬0‫ق علي‬0‫دنيا ويطل‬0‫ؤون ال‬0‫ة بش‬0‫ور املتعّلق‬0‫ة األم‬0‫الدنيا ملعرف‬

‫ علم‬:‫ان‬00 ‫ "العلم علم‬:‫ري رمحه اهلل‬00 ‫د احلسن البص‬00 ‫ام الزاه‬00 ‫ول اإلم‬00 ‫ذا التقسيم ق‬00 ‫ وعلى ه‬،‫ار‬00 ‫و ض‬00 ‫ا ه‬00 ‫افع وم‬00 ‫ن‬

‫و حجة اهلل على ابن آدم" (ابن رجب‬00‫ ه‬:‫ وعلم اللسان‬،‫افع‬00‫و العلم الن‬00‫ ه‬:‫ فعلم القلب‬،‫القلب‬00‫ وعلم ب‬،‫باللسان‬

.)‫ت‬.‫ د‬.‫احلنبلي‬

Science is divided into two basic parts: the science of religion to understand religion and its
teachings, which may be called transmitted science, and the science of the world to know
matters related to worldly affairs, which may be called rational science. Some scholars
divide knowledge into what is beneficial and what is harmful, and based on this division is
the saying of the ascetic Imam Al-Hasan Al-Basri, may God have mercy on him:
“Knowledge is two sciences: knowledge of the tongue, and knowledge of the heart. The
knowledge of the heart is beneficial knowledge, and the knowledge of the tongue is God’s

proof against the son of Adam.” (Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali. D.T.)

‫ والتواضَع االنكساَر‬،‫ واإلخباَت هلل‬،‫ هو ما باشر القلوَب فأوجب هلا السكينَة واخلشيَة‬:‫فالعلم النافع إذن‬
‫وم على صاحبه‬00‫ تق‬،‫و حجة اهلل على ابن آدم‬00‫ فه‬:‫ان على اللسان‬00‫ إمنا ك‬،‫ك العلُم‬00‫وَب ذل‬00‫ر القل‬00‫ وإذا مل يباش‬،‫ه‬00‫ل‬

‫ع يف‬00 ‫ ولكن إذا وق‬،‫راقَيهم‬00 ‫رآَن ال جياوز ت‬00 ‫رأون الق‬00 ‫ًا يق‬0 ‫ "إَّن أقوام‬:‫ه‬00 ‫ي اهلل عن‬00 ‫ال ابن مسعود رض‬00 ‫ا ق‬00 ‫ريه كم‬00 ‫وغ‬

.)‫ت‬.‫ د‬.‫القلب فرسخ فيه نفع صاحبه" (ابن رجب احلنبلي‬

Beneficial knowledge, then, is that which touches the hearts and necessitates for them
tranquility, fear, submission to God, humility, and submission to Him. If that knowledge does
not reach the hearts, it is only on the tongue: it is God’s proof against the son of Adam, based
on its owner and others, as Ibn Masoud, may God be pleased with him, said. “There are
people who recite the Qur’an, but it does not go beyond their throats, but when it reaches the
.heart, it is deeply rooted in its benefit to its owner.” (Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali. D.T.)


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