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the pill.

But it can alter its “modified release” properties since it is the coating of the pill
that makes it a “modified release” pill. Just be aware that aside from the 30mg MR
form, you also have the 60mg MR form.
, 2mg or 3mg tablets (available preparations depend on the brand)
Initial dose: 1mg OD before breakfast (achieves blood glucose lowering with the
lowest dose among SUs)
Maximum dose: 6mg OD (but if you read the book, they say it is up to 8mg)
Since it lasts for 24 hours, it is better for patient compliance
Start by giving 1mg OD before breakfast. If the sugar is uncontrolled, increase dose to
2mg OD before breakfast. If sugar is still uncontrolled, you may slowly increase the
dose of the drug up to 6mg OD before breakfast. Keep in mind that it is only given
once a day no matter how high the dose is.

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