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Duraan dursa nagan sif haa ta’u jechaa, Yoobsaniin jedhama AU wingate satellite HE barachaan

jira. Akkataa sagantaan kun itti kennamutu baayee akka nuy wal hin barre nu taasisee malee
barataan coordinate isaa waliin hariiroo gaarii ni qabata jedheen yaada. Ta’us garuu jalqabaa
kaastee hammaa har’atti karaa hundumaa haala mijaataa fi mijaataa hin taane keessatti waan
hundumaan haala nuf mijeessitee gara xumuratti geenye jirra. Akka Yuunibarsiitii Ambootti
nama nuyi qabnus kan haala nu mijeessuu, kan nu gorsuus si waan ta’eef kan nuy irraa deddebiin
si rakkisnu, sif bilbillu. Ammas haala hundumaa dandessee akka nu xumursiftuu waaqaa gaditti
si irraa abdii qabna.

Gara ijoo dubbii kootti yeroon dhufu, dhugaa dubbachuuf yoo ta’e BSc’n koo research
questionnaire’n hojjedhe. Achi booda ilaalchi ani questionnairef qabu na jalaa gad bu’e. Waa’ee
research kamtu gaariidha? Kamtu immoo qulqullinan hojjetamaa? Jedhanii hasahun xiqqoo
ishee salphachuu danda’a. Ati addunyaa research keessa akka turtee fi jirtu google’n mataan
isaayyuu ragaadha. Dabalatan Pro. Emer waggaa jalqabaa kaasee hanga Research methodology
isa dhumaa nuf keennutti yeroo hundumaa waa’ee ‘model’ fi ‘material’ qofa kan inni hasahu.
caalmatti iyyuu akkan yaada koo warra kana irra taasisu na gochaa ture.

Kanuma bu’uura godhachuudhan anis tokko lamaan researchootaa garaagaraa modelling tiin kan
hojjetaman dubbisaan ture. Akkuma beekamu modeln method garaagaraatiin hojjetama.
Keessumaa biyyaa keenyatti baayinaan modeln SPSS (Multiple linear regressions) tiin kan
hojjetaman. Artificial Neural networkn (ANN) kan hojjetame baayee baayee muraasaa ammaan
search godhee bira gahuuf yaadeetti. Kanuma irraa kan ka’e maaliif yaada kana irratti hin
xiyyeffadhu kan jedhuu keessa koo bule. Akkuma ati beektu waantootni kun daree barnootaatti
hin kennaman. Namoota argattee irraa bartu illee hin jiru. ANN waliin wal baruuf iyyuu aarsaa
guddaan kaffale. Kana argattee baruun isaa iyyuu xiqqoo ishee rakkisadh. SPSS namoota
baayeetu irraatti hojjete waan ta’eef bira gahuun isaa akka ANN rakkisa hin turree. Ergaan
wantoota kana sadarkaa jalqabatti wal baree booda, maal irraatti yoon xiyyeeffadhe gaariidha isa
jedhuun yaade. Namoota garaagaraa karaa hojiitinis karaa researchis muxannoo qaban
gaafachuttan ka’e. namni hundu yaada mataa isaani naf qoodani. Ani AACRA (Addis Ababa
City Roads Authority) keessaati kanaan hojjedhu. Dhuma irraatti yaada tokkoo irraatti walii
gallee. Piroojeektiin Arrabsaa irraa ka’e ICT Park geessuu tokko haaraa fi sadarkaa design irra
jiru ta’u isaa, daandii haaraa kanaan dura hin turree fi baayeen biyyoo isaa (expansive soil)
rakkina akka qabu naf kaasani. Anis qaaman deeme daandii sana iyyuu ilaaleen ture. Akka
waajjiraattis gaaffi yeroon barbaduu fi biyyoo amma kanaa qotaani gatuu, gara biraatiin bakka
buusuun haala qabataamaa amma jiruun waan baayee rakkisaa akka ta’e fi karaa waajjiraatiin itti
yaadamaa akka jiramu qaamaanis waanan keessa jiruf yoo irratti hojjetame gara fulduratti
anaafis ta’e waajjiraaf bu’aa tokko argamsiisa Kanaan jedhun yaade. Fakkeenyaaf, karaa millaa
(Pedestrian) amma stabilization hojiirraa oolchaa jira.

Kanuma irraa kan ka’e yeroo gahaa fudhadhee researchoota yeroo darbee hojjetaman google
scholars irraa dubbisuun material kam irraatti hin hojjetamnee?, kamtu immoo gaariidhaa?,
biyyaa kanatti gatii salphaan argamaa? isa jedhu sirritti ergaan itti yaadee, namoota material
irraatti hojjetanii waliin mariyaadhe booda

1. Material
Wood ash locally akka salphaatti argachuu waan danda’uf kanaa duraas research gahaan
irraatt waan hin hojjetamneef; wood ash + cement yoon walitti daballe kanaan jedhuun
2. Methodology
ANN (Matlab) fi MLR (SPPSS +Excel +minitab) lamaan isaaniyyuu
Irraatti yoon hojjedhe fi kamtu irra caalaa yoo irraatti hojjetame gaariidha isa jedhu
yaaden ture. Yeroo baayee research MLR baayinaan argachuun ni danda’ama biyyaa
kanaatti sanuu immoo stabilized otoo hin taane akkasumaan biyyoo fudhaachun. ANN
immoo hin jiru sadarkaa jedhamu irraa jira. Keessumaa kan material.

Yeroo darbee ati kan kee kooppiidha kan Heeleen waliin tokko yeroo ati jettuu baayeen
nahe. Maaliif yoo jettee sirritti search godhe, keessuma immoo sadarkaa titletti kooppii gochuu
jechuun ammam akka qaanii ta’e fi ofitti amanamummaa nama kan cabsu waan ta’ef tasa waan
akkasii yaadeeyyuu hin beekun turee. Yerooma sana kan isheen irratti hojjettu sana
barbachuuttan ka’e. karaa nama biraa argadheen title ishee akka naf ergitu itti hime. Achi title
ishee karaa hiriyyaa ishee fudhadheen ilaalee. “Prediction of Subgrade Strength of Black Cotton
Soils Stabilized with Cement Waste Dust and Marble Powder Using Artificial Neural Network.”
Jedha. Kan koo immoo “Prediction of CBR of a stabilized expansive soil with cement and wood
ash using ANN and MLR. The case of Arabsa to ICT Park design and build road project” ture.
Namoota biroo irraa yeroon dhagahu akka isheen defense hin goone odeffadheen ture.

Yeroon kan ishee argu garuu natti tole. Otoo isheen daftee xumurtee anaaf reference
tokkoo naf ta’a baayee na gargaru danda’a jedheen yaade.
Material isheen fayyadamtee:- Cement Waste Dust and Marble Powder
Method: ANN
Akka titlen ishee jedhutti. Waan isheen fayyadamtee hojjette fi akkamitti isheen akka
hojjette beekuu hin dandeenye. Garuu akkan odeeffadheetti ANN sana iyyuu SPSS tiin
akka hojjettee hiriyyan ishee kan natti himte. Dookumentii ishee waanan hin qabneef
odeeffannoo tokkoyyuu hin qabu irratti hasauf. Kan Heeleen waliin kan wal nu fakkeessuu
yoo jirate lamaan keenyayyuu model/ predicrion qofa ta’u isaati. Garaagarummaan
keenya gosa material nuti fayyadamnu, methodology isheen ANN with SPSS tiin; kiyyaa
immoo ANN with Matlab 2018a fi MNLR with MLR (SPPSS +Excel +minitab) fi to
compare the efficiency of two models (ANN & MLR) kan jedhudha.

Dhuma irraatti qaaman si argee otoon si haasofsise baayee natti tola ture. Kanaafis kaleessa
(Sanbata guddaa) qorumsa keennuf gara Wingate ni dhufta jedhee yaadeen achi ture akka carra
nama biraatu dhufe. Bilbilaan immoo xiqqoo ishee hojiin waan sitti baay’atuf sitti hin tolu
jedheen yaade. Kanaafan yeroo sitti tolu/ yeroo argattu yaadan yaade naf hubachuu dandeessaa
jedheen sif barreesse. Gara gudunfatti yeroon fidu, ati nuf Coordinate, supervisor fi advisor
keenyadha jedhee waanan yaadef yaada kanaa hundumaa kanaan sif kaasef. Dhugaadha amma
namni na deggaruu fi gargaruu danda’u yoo jiraate si’a; yaadni keessaani fi gorsi keessaan
baayee nu barbachisa waan ta’eef. Dhifama guddaa waliin yoon yeroo kee si jalaa qisaasessudha
badhee yeroo tokkoof kanaan asiin olitti sif xuqu yaale ilaalcha keessa naf galchuudhaan title
kana irraatti maal gochuu akkan qabuu fi akkamittiin akkan itti fufu (maal jijjiruu, itti dabaluu
etc) akkan qabu otoo na gargartee jechaa kabajaa guddan si gaafadha.

Gargarsa fi gorsaa kee hundumaaf baayee galatomi, Ulfaadhau!!!!

Previous studies

Chukwuebuka E. & Ogbonnaya I. [16 Chukwuebuka Emeh & Ogbonnaya Igwe (2016) The
combined effect of wood ash and lime on the engineering properties of expansive soils,
International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 10:3, 246-256, DOI: 10.1080/19386362.
2015.1125412] assessed the combined effect of wood ash a waste product from a bread
bakery and lime (calcium oxide) on the geotechnical properties of expansive soils. The
geotechnical properties of the soil such as grain size distribution, consistency limits, free
swell potential, compaction, and unconfined compressive strength of the natural soil and that of
the soil with varying proportion of wood ash and lime was also examined.

The results revealed that the natural soil which is classified as highly plastic inorganic soil, on
addition of wood ash and lime in the optimum proportion of 78%-18%-4% by weight of soil
wood ash-lime admixture showed reduction in the plasticity index and linear shrinkage, thus
improving the workability of the natural soil. There was also reduction in the free swell potential
of the natural soil, improvement in the compaction properties of the natural soil, and increase in
the shear strength value of the natural soil which drastically improved more after 28 days of
curing. J. James [24 J. James, “Strength benefit of sawdust/wood ash amendment in cement
stabilization of an expansive soil,” Revista Facultad de Ingeniería, vol. 28 (50), pp. 44-
61, Ene. 2019. DOI:] evaluated the
strength benefits obtained by amending cement stabilization of an expansive soil by using saw
dust ash (SDA), a waste generated in wood milling industries due to burning. The experimental
program involved the preparation of cylindrical specimens of size 38mmx76mm for evaluating
the unconfined compression strength (UCS) of the cement stabilized and amended samples cured
for varying periods of 2hours, 7, 14 and 28days. Two cement contents of 2% and 6 % by
weight of soil were adopted to stabilize the soil. The SDA amended cement stabilized samples
adopted SDA contents of 5%, 10% and 20% by weight of soil. The investigation revealed that
5% SDA amendment of cement stabilization can result in up to 26% increase in early strength
and 20% increase in delayed strength. Based on the predicted CBR values, pavement thickness
can be reduced up to 8.3%. Magdi M.E.Zumrawi [28 Magdi M. E. Zumrawi, “Stabilization of
Pavement Subgrade by Using Fly Ash Activated by Cement.” American Journal of Civil
Engineering and Architecture, vol. 3, no. 6 (2015): 218-224. doi: 10.12691/ajcea-3-6-5.]
undertaken an experimental program to study the stabilization of pavement sub grade by
fly ash activated with cement. Expansive soil treated with varying percentages of fly ash, 0,
5, 10, 15, and 20percent combined with 5% cement content were studied. Consistency
limits, compaction, California Bearing Ratio, swell potential and swell pressure tests were
conducted on treated and untreated soils. The experimental results show that addition of cement-
fly ash admixture to the soil has great influence on its properties. It was found that the optimum
dosage of fly ash is 15% mixed with 5% cement revealed in significant improvement in strength
and durability and reduction in swelling and plasticity properties of the soil. Bayshakhi Deb Nath
[11 Bayshakhi Deb Nath, G. S. (2018). Geotechnical Properties of Wood Ash -Based Composite.
Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 9456019, 7 pages.] has evaluated the
extent to which wood ash can improve the fundamental geotechnical properties such as
consistency, compaction, UCS, shear strength, and settlement characteristics of untreated and
wood ash-based clayey soil. The soil was stabilized through 5%, 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5% wood
ash content. It is observed that there is an improvement of geotechnical properties of the ash-
treated soil. The results obtained showed that wood ash reduces the plasticity and maximum dry
density of clay, while more water is required for the agglomeration and flocculation of clay
particles through cation exchange reaction and coagulation with the consequent reduction in the
amount of fines, ash stabilization causes an increase in unconfined compressive strength in the
soft clayey soil and 10% wood ash-clay mixture optimizes the results. The larger the ash
percentage inserted, the greater the strength is and there is a sharp improvement in the shear
strength parameters with the addition of wood ash. The angle of internal friction has witnessed
an improvement of about 85% for 10% cement addition, while the cohesion value has an
improvement of only about6% for 10% ash addition.

Supanic, K. & Obernberger [42 Supanic, K., & Obernberger. (2012). Wood Ash Utilization as
A Stabilizer in Road Construction Results of Large Scale Tests. International Journal of Basic
Sciences and Applied Research, Vol.4 (Issue 4).] had analyzed about utilization of wood ash as a
stabilizer in road construction. Preliminary laboratory tests were performed using six different
wood ashes proportions in order to evaluate the chemical and mechanical suitability of the ash
samples as a binder in road construction. They inferred that wood ash feature a significant
amount of free CaO, which is the relevant reacting component in the soil stabilization process.
Okagbue, C. O. [36 Okagbue, C. O. (2007). Stabilization of Clay Using Wood ash. Retrieved from ASCE.] evaluated the efficiency of wood ash for expansive soils
stabilization. The evaluation involved the determination of the geotechnical properties of
expansive soil in its natural state as well as when mixed with varying proportions of wood ash.
The parameters tested included the particle size distribution, specific gravity, Atterberg limits,
compaction characteristics, CBR and the compressive strength. The CBR and strength tests were
repeated after 28 days of curing of the treated samples. Results showed that the geotechnical
parameters of expansive soil are improved substantially by the addition of wood ash; plasticity
was reduced by 35% and CBR and strength increased by 23-50% and 49-67%, respectively,
depending on the compactive energy used. The highest CBR and strength values were achieved
at 10% wood ash. Results also showed that curing improved the strength of the wood ash treated


Wood ash is locally available and financially cheap. Most people of Ethiopia use wood as energy
source as a result much amount of wood ash produced from wood combustion in the fire place.
In Ethiopia the major demand for forest products is for fuel wood. It is estimated that about 24
million cubic meters of wood is produced annually, of which 10 % is used for industrial
and building purpose and the remainder for fuel wood and charcoal. Estimated consumption
demand for fuel wood for energy varies from 49 to 64 million m3. According to Bios Bio energy
system GmbH, infield gasses 21b, A-8010 Graz, Austria; one percent of ash is produced
from unit combustion of wood, thus 0.49 to 0.64 million m3 wood ashes is produced annually in


Various research works have been undertaken for improving the expansive nature of the black
cotton soil using materials like wood ash as an admixture. Wood ash is a locally available
material residue powder left after the combustion of wood, such as burning wood in a home
fireplace or an industrial power plant. It is generally discarded as waste and dumped outside of
house or landfill, which increase the volume of landfill. The experiments on wood ash showed
that wood ash has an alkaline nature which clearly defines its potential as a raw material resource
for the production of acidic and other different type soil improvers. Therefore as an alternative
solution, wood ash can be used as a potential soil stabilizer through the chemical reaction [18 Ek.
ASH. Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 31-34.].


2.1. Previous work on prediction of CBR values

Over the years many methods have been developed to predict the CBR value of subgrade soils.
In the past decade researchers have conducted extensive laboratory and field-testing to establish
correlations between CBR and other tests for a variety of soil types. A method for the
estimation of CBR were presented by the British Highway Agency [9 The Highway
Agency (1994), Design manual for roads and bridges, London stationery ltd. vol. 7, section 2,
part 2 HD 25/94.] by using plasticity index for British soils compacted at natural moisture
content where the correlations were given in the form of a table. It was reported that the main
application of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is to evaluate the stiffness modulus and
shear strength of sub grade. Some efforts devoted to correlate CBR with soil grain distribution
and plasticity. Among them, Black [21 Black WPM. A method of estimating the CBR of
cohesive soils from plasticity data. Geotechnique 1962;12:271–2.] developed a correlation
between CBR and plasticity index (PI) for cohesive soils. Using the concept of suitably index,
which varies with plasticity and grading characteristics, a correlation for CBR, was suggested by
de Graft-Johnson and Bhatia [22 De Graft-Johnson JWS, Bhatia HS. The engineering
characteristics of the lateritic gravels of Ghana. In: Proceedings of 7th international conference
on soil mechanics and foundation engineering, vol. 2, Mexico, August 28–29. Bangkok: Asian
Institute of Technology; 1969. p. 13–43.]. In there, the suitability index was defined as below.
Suitability Index = ……………………………………….equation 1
¿ logPI
Equation Suitability index developed by de Graft-Johnson and Bhatia
Where A = percentage passing 2.4 mm BS sieve, LL = liquid limit,
PI = plasticity index.
Agarwal and Ghanekar [23 Agarwal KB, Ghanekar KD. Prediction of CBR from plasticity
characteristics of soil. In: Proceeding of 2nd south-east Asian conference on soil engineering,
Singapore, June 11–15, 1970. Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology; 1970. p. 571–6.] tried to
develop a correlation equation between CBR and either liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL) or
plasticity index (PI), However they were not able to find any significant correlation among these
parameters. Instead, they found an improved correlation when optimum moisture content (Wopt)
and LL are included. Hence, they suggested a correlation which was only of sufficient accuracy
for preliminary identification of material. This correlation was presented below. Study by Rakesh
Kumar Dutta and Ajay Singh concludes that the prediction accuracy of the free swell index
of the expansive soil using artificial neural network model was quite good. The sensitivity
analysis results indicated that the plasticity index (63.97 %) followed by shrinkage index
(36.03 %) was affecting the free swell index in this order [16]. The stiffness modulus and
shear strength of sub grade are controlled by soil type, particularly plasticity, Dr.
Saklecha, P.P.*, Dr. Katpatal, Y.B., Dr. Agarwal, D.K., Dr. Rathore, S.S. degree of remolding,
density and effective stress. Sawangsuriya and Edil [10 Sawangsuriya, A., and Edil, T.B,
(1995), Evaluating stiffness and strength of pavement materials, proc. inst. civ. eng., geotech.
engg, pp. 217-230 ] used DCP, Soil Stiffness Gauge and CBR for evaluating the stiffness
and strength of pavement materials. They developed equations to correlate these test methods to
pavement and subgrade modulus using the results of various researchers. Livneh and Ishai [11
Livneh, and Ishai, I. (1988), The relationship between in situ CBR test and the various
penetration tests, Proc. first int. conf. on penetration testing, Orlando, FL, pp. 445-452.]
developed correlation between Vane shear test, SPT, Plate Bearing Test and CBR based on
field testing carried out in the airport construction on silty subgrade. Some attempts have
been made to develop prediction models, considering that the CBR of soils are affected by
the soil index properties. Many researchers have conducted studies to show the effect of
soil types and characteristics on CBR values. Jumikis developed a correlation equation
between LL with OMC and PI. Jumikis [12 Jumikis, A.R., (1958), Geology and soils of the
Newark (NJ) metropolitan area, ASCE journal of soil mechanics and foundations division,
94(2).] applied the method to estimate the OMC and MDD of the fine grained soils. Agarwaland
Ghanekar [13 Agarwal, K.B. and Ghanekar, K.D., (1970), Prediction of CBR from
plasticity characteristics of soil, proceedings of 2nd south-east Asian conference on soil
engineering, Singapore, June 11-15, pp.571-6.] tried to develop a correlation equation
between CBR and either LL, PL or PI. However, such prediction models do not have
required degree of accuracy and consistency. T.Taskiran [14 Taskiran, T. (2010), Prediction
of California bearing ratio (CBR) of fine grained soils by AI methods, journal of
Advances in Engineering Software, 41, 886–892.] successfully used ANN for the prediction
of CBR of fine grained soils. Yildirim, B., and Gunaydin, O. [15 Yildirim, B. Gunaydin, O.
(2011), Estimation of California bearing ratio by using soft computing systems, journal of]
studied the estimation of the compaction parameters with soil index properties by using
statistical analysis and ANN. The potential of using ANNs for the estimation of CBR were
investigated by Taha Taskiran through developing various proper ANN models. The variables
which have been identified in the literature review and others which appear to be potentially
influential to CBR value were used for ANN prediction models. Parameters belonging to three
groups of soil index properties which reflect plasticity, gradation and compaction properties are
utilized. Therefore, totally seven basic soil parameters such as liquid limit (LL), plasticity index
(PI), dry unit weight (c d ), optimum water content (w opt ), No: 200 sieve passing percent (clay
+ silt), sand percent (S) and gravel percent (G) were taken into consideration as input parameters
for the ANN models. To obtain the best model that governs CBR, seven different ANN models
were established by proper combination of input data. Using CBR test data of fine grained soils;
some proper models are successfully developed. The results have shown that the both ANN and
GEP are found to be able to learn the relation between CBR and basic soil properties.
Additionally, sensitivity analysis is performed and it is found that maximum dry unit weight (c
d ) is the most effective parameter on CBR among the others such as plasticity index (PI),
optimum moisture content (w opt ), sand content (S), clay + silt content (C + S), liquid limit (LL)
and gravel content (G) respectively [24 Taskiran T. Prediction of California bearing ratio (CBR)
of fine grained soils by AI methods. Adv Eng Softw (2010), doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft. 2010.
1. Finally mechanism of soil stabilization with cement and wood ash combination
is relatively new concept and literatures are scanty in the area, therefore
further investigations are required.
2. Some researchers had been carried out on the correlation between index properties
and CBR soil value. Also, there is limited local research in this area to predict the
strength of stabilized black cotton soils using ANN.

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