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1.1 Global warming is the increase in the earth’s surface temperature. 

1.2 Biodiversity describes all the plants and animals living in an area. 

1.3 Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the air. 

1.4 Evergreen trees are trees that have leaves all the time. 

1.5 Succulents are plants that store water in their thick leaves and stems. 



2.1 Deforestation is the cutting down of trees without replacing them. 

2.2 To build roads 

To build Factories 

Burning of Forests 

Cutting trees for different purposes without replacing them.

(Any other relevant answer)

2.3 Rubric for marking the paragraph.

Level( 1  Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g.

shows little or no understanding of the Marks: 0-1
consequences of deforestation. Uses
evidence partially to report on topic or cannot
report on topic.
Level 2  Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to
consequences of deforestation. Uses Marks: 2-3
evidence in a very basic manner.
Level 3  The learner is able to demonstrate an
understanding of the topic sentence.
 The learner is able to write the supporting Marks: 4-5
sentences on the consequences such as,
soil become infertile, run off of water,
animals do not have shelter, people lost their
job in timber, etc.
 The learner is able to write the relevant
concluding sentence.


3.1.1 C
3.1.2 B
3.1.3 A
3.2 It has high temperature and arid (dry condition). 

3.3 It grows long roots.

Are having few leaves and stem.

They store water in the leaves and stem 

3.4 Rubric for marking the paragraph.

Level( 1  Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g.

shows little or no understanding how animals Marks: 0-1
survive in hot desert. Uses evidence partially
to report on topic or cannot report on topic.
Level 2  Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to
how animals survived in hot desert. Uses Marks: 2-3
evidence in a very basic manner.
Level 3  The learner is able to demonstrate an
understanding of the topic sentence.
 The learner is able to write the supporting Marks: 4-5
sentences on how animals survived in hot
desert, such as animals are hunting at night,
they leave underground by the day, reduces
the amount of water they lose from their
bodies, they are having large ears or
panting to give off and lose body heat
 The learner is able to write the relevant
concluding sentence.


4.1.1 False

4.1.2 True

4.1.3 True

4.2 Nomads 

4.3 Donkey and Camels 

4.4 Rubric for marking the paragraph.

Level( 1  Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g.

shows little or no understanding how how the Marks: 0-1

Tuareg get water. Uses evidence partially to

report on topic or cannot report on topic
Level 2  Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to
how how the Tuareg get water. Marks: 2-3

 Uses evidence in a very basic manner.

Level 3  The learner is able to demonstrate an
understanding of the topic sentence.
 The learner is able to write the supporting Marks: 4-5
sentences on how the Taureg get water such
as: they dug wells to reach the water,
some of the wells are 60 metres deep,
they get water to the surface in leather

 The learner is able to write the relevant

concluding sentence.


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