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Replication and reproduction of

Type Notes

Date @April 27, 2023


A key step in the origin of life was the ability of a molecule to replicate itself

Today DNA is the replicating molecule that is essential for the continuation of a
species. Most replication occurs during the cell cycle.

Replication and reproduction of DNA 1

🧬 G1- Gap 1 G2-Gap 2

DNA replication occurs during synthesis the process is strongly influenced by

enzymes. Especially DNA polymerase, helicase, ligase and gyrase.

Replication and reproduction of DNA 2

This method is called semi-conservative

Propose what this means:

Semi-Conservative may be called Semi-Conservative as you consume half of

the original DNA when the final strand of DNA was created.

Process of nuclear division

It is summarized in the steps


Interphase- cell performs its role, DNA synthesised

Prophase- -DNA condenses, Nucleus breaks down. CHromosones become visible

under microscope

Replication and reproduction of DNA 3

DNA Replication

🧬 DNA replication is an extremely accurate process.

Question: What are the possible effects of replication does not occur properly.

Ans: DNA replication happens very second of our life. If for whatever reason it
stop working properly, our body would develop mutation as it is producing the
wrong type of protein. This protein may do something else beside it’s intended
purpose. It can take control of the cell cycle which can cause Cancer.

🧬 Cell instruction - It can change the roles of the cell. Cell instruction
can change the roles of cells, causing diseases.

🧬 Protein synthesis- enzymes, hormones and structure.

🧬 Mutations - When the the wrong type of protein is produced.

Mutation produces wrong proteins, leading to cell cycle changes,

🧬 Control Cell cycle - WHen the cell cycle changes from its original life
cycle to something diffrenet.

🧬 Apopthosis - programmed cell death. If apoptosis goes wrong, it can

cause cancer.

Replication and reproduction of DNA 4

Question: Define Mitosis

Ans: It is the process of nuclear division

Cytokinesis- Cell movement

What does mitosis produce

Ans: 2 daughter cells identical to the parent cells

What is the purpose of mitosis

Asexual reproduction (Budding, hydra)

What is the step of mitosis in order


Question: Describe the effect of mitosis on the fitness of an organism

Ans: Mitosis maintains the genetic information of an organism and contributes

to its growth and development, thus affecting its fitness positively.

Cell division for the purpose of producing gametes(sex cells)

Gametes are haploid (n). The cells undergo 2 divisions following the steps. IPMAT

Replication and reproduction of DNA 5

This creates 4 daughter cells with half the chromosome numbers. These cells are
not identical.

Replication and reproduction of DNA 6

Replication and reproduction of DNA 7
Meiosis in detail. It happens in both males and Females

Genetic variation is an important part of life. Explain why sexual reproduction
is beneficial as a result of its introduction of genetic variation.
Sexual reproduction is beneficial as it introduces genetic diversity. Genetic
information is important as it may have a positive or negative mutation at
random times. Depending on the type of mutation, it may either help or harm
the species. As the environment constantly changes, mutations are important
to adapt to the new environment.

Question: Outline the process that results in variation through sexual

Sexual reproduction introduces genetic variation through the process of
meiosis, which creates gametes with unique combinations of chromosomes.

Sexual reproduction
Sperm cells are released into the female reproductive system, during

Sperm cells move toward the ovary through fallopian tube

Sperm cell and egg cell unite in the fallopian tube

Sperm cell was digestive enzymes in acrosome to break down egg cell wall.

Sperm that breaks down the cell wall releases its genetic material to fuse with
female genetic material this is fertilisation.

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Replication and reproduction of DNA 9

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