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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для учнів 8 класу

16.02.2024 року, 8 клас

Вчителі: Сипко А.О

Тема:«Natural beauty»

Мета: - Розширити словниковий запас учнів по темі;

- активізувати вживання лексичних одиниць з теми, засвоєних на попередніх

уроках в усному мовленні та на письмі;

- вдосконалювати навички читання тексту з повним розумінням змісту;

- орієнтуватися в отриманій інформації; формувати внутрішню мотивацію

навчальної діяльності;

- розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів з теми;

- виховувати любов до німецької мови, повагу один до одного, інтерес до

вивчення німецької мови, культуру спілкування.

Тип уроку:урок узагальнення та систематизація знань, вмінь та навичок з


Методи й прийоми: ігрові елементи, робота в групах.

Обладнання: підручник англійської мови для 8-го класу, дошка,

ілюстративні матеріали.

Хід уроку

1. Вітання та організаційні моменти.

2. Початок нового юніту 3d.
3. Робота в групах.
4. Підсумок уроку.
5. Домашнє завдання.

Go to Grammar Reference

Comparative and Superlative Forms P.128

1.We use the comparative of adjectives when we compare two people, animals or

things - Ми використовуємо ступінь порівняння прикметників, коли

порівнюємо двох людей, тварин або речей.

2. We use the superlative of adjectives when we compare one person, animal or

thing with several of the same kind. - Ми використовуємо превосходну форму

прикметників, коли порівнюємо одну особу, тварину чи річ з кількома

представниками того самого виду.

Write true sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.

1 Spain / Scotland (wet)(волога)

Scotland is wetter than Spain.

2 Spain / Britain (sunny)

Spain is sunnier than Britain.

3 silver / gold (expensive)

Gold is more expensive than silver.

4 Pacific Ocean / Atlantic Ocean (wide)(широкий)

The Pacific Ocean is wider than the Atlantic Ocean.

5 India / Ukraine (cold)

Ukraine is colder than India.


What do you think is missing here?

She is two years older ______than_____ me.

New York is much ________bigger ______than Boston.
He is a better player ______than _____Ronaldo.
France is a ______bigger _____country than Britain.


Now your task will be to correct the mistakes in the sentence

1. The south is more hotter than the north. hotter than

2. We work happilier now with the new manager. more happily

3. He is the famousest painter in England. the most famous painter in

4. She eats better that I do. than me

5. The bus is a bit comfortabler than the train. more comfortable than

6. This year we are having the most hot summer since 1976. the hottest

Now I will write the words on the board, your task is to make sentences out of


2 Mount Everest is higher than Snowdon.

3 The Nile is longer than the Amazon.

4 Antarctica is colder than Europe/ Europe is hotter than Antarctica.

5 Gold is heavier than silver.

6 Rome is hotter than London/ London is colder than Rome.

Now let’s open your W.B at p.29

A. Look at the pictures and the information and write sentences. Use the
comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives given.

1 . Victoria Falls / Niagara Falls/Angel Falls / of all (hight)

Victoria Falls is higher than Niagara Falls.

Angel Falls is the highest of all.

2. The Thinker (1902) The Statue of Liberty (1886) David (1504 )(old)

The Statue of Liberty is older than The Thinker.

David is the oldest of all

В. Look at the pictures and the adjectives given. Write sentences that you believe
are true, using or not

Suggested answers:

1.Eiffel Tower/ Empire State Building (impressive)

The Eiffel Tower is as impressive as the Empire

State Building.

2. parrot/ peacock (colourful)

The parrot isn't as colourful as the peacock.

3. caving / scuba diving (exciting)

Caving is as exciting as scuba diving.

4. lions /bears (dangerous)

Lions aren't as dangerous as bears.

We return to the S.B

A. Look at the examples below and answer the questions that follow.

1.Sichuanese food is hotter than other types of Chinese cuisine.

2. The Yangtze is the longest river in Asia.

3.One o f the most impressive sights in Sichuan is the Leshan Giant Buddha.

4. The scenery is more spectacular than anything I’ve seen so far.

Which of the examples above include adjectives in the comparative form and

which in the superlative form? - Які з прикладів вище містять прикметники в

порівняльній формі, а які в найвищій формі?

Which word do we usually use after adjectives in the comparative form and which

before adjectives in the superlative form? - Яке слово зазвичай

використовується після прикметників у порівняльній формі, а яке перед

прикметниками в найвищій формі?

The first and the fourth sentence include adjectives in the comparative form while
the second and the

third sentence include adjectives in the superlative form

We use the word than after adjectives in the comparative form. We use the word

the before adjectives in the superlative form.

B. Read the example and decide what it means. Choose a, b or c.

The Yangtze isn’t as long as the Amazon.

a. The Yangtze is longer. b. The Amazon is longer.

c. The two rivers are the same length.

KEY:The correct answer is b.


Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Add the

where necessary

A: Let’s have dinner at La Playa tonight.

B: No way! That’s one of (1)___ the worst__________ (bad) restaurants in town.

Debbie was there last week and she says it’s horrible!

A: Well, it’s (2)_____ better________ (good) than the restaurant in our


B: Yeah, the food in Paradiso isn’t as (3)____ tasty_________ (tasty) as it used to


A: Paradiso is also (4)_____ more expensive________ (expensive) than La Playa.

B: I know! Why don’t we go to La Scala in the shopping centre? It’s not as

(5)____ quiet _________ (quiet) as
the other places but the food is good.

A: OK. It’s also (6 )__ the cheapest________ .(cheap) restaurant in the shopping


Go to p.118

Talk in pairs. Look at the three types of holiday below. Which of them do you

prefer and why? Compare the three places using the adjectives given.

I think a holiday in the mountains is more interesting than a holiday in the city.

Yes, but it’s more tiring because you go hiking...

Your h.w W.B all p.30 ex.D

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