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Урок з англійської мови в 11 класі

Тема: «Environmental Issues»

Підтема: «Global Warming»
Практична: розвивати комунікативні навички учнів через всі види
мовленнєвої діяльності, використовуючи інтерактивні технології ;
узагальнити та систематизувати мовний матеріал з теми.
Освітня: розширити загальний та лінгвістичній кругозір учнів :
поглиблювати обізнаність учнів про вплив науково-технічного прогресу на
довкілля и суспільство.
Розвиваюча: формувати самостійне мислення, вміння та навички брати
участь у діалогах/полілогах, обмінюючись інформацією, висловлюючи
власну думку та аргументуючи її за допомогою мовленнєвих кліше.
Виховна: виховувати обізнаність учнів з нагальних питань екології , інтерес
до питань навколишнього середовища та пошуку шляхів їх вирішення.
Тип уроку: мовленнєвий (Урок узагальнення та систематизації знань з теми).
Обладнання: ноутбук, інтернет- ресурси (відео), DVD, презентація  Power
Point, спайдерграма, тематичні картинки, підручник «Solutions» Upper-
Хід уроку
І. Вступ
a) Set Expectations
Nice to see you again, students. Today we`re having a final class on the topic
«Environmental Issues. Global warming». Today`s activities will help us review
all that we have learned about the environmental problems and global warming, in
b) Motivate and Focus
You`re supposed to do the following activities.
 Brainstorm the environmental vocabulary.
 Discuss the most burning environmental problems, their effects and
 Watch a video to learn more about climate change.

 Write a cinquain poem about global warming.

 Summarise what global warming, its causes and impacts are.
 Suggest ways of preventing global warming.
c) Brainstorming
As you know, nowadays the world is full of numerous environmental problems.
Task 1: Look at the pictures to define the most burning problems of the
environment. Say a sentence to characterize them briefly.
Task 2: Add more of the problems the planet is facing nowadays.
Among a wide range of the environmental problems the most threatening one is
global warming.
Task 3: Look at the picture that shows global warming. When you think of global
warming and other environmental issues, what words come to your mind in
association with them? Come up with as many thematic words and phrases as
possible. Write them down creating so-called a mind-map (карта пам`яті) on the
topic. Keep writing for 1-2 minutes.
II. Основна частина
Обговорення нагальних питань екології, їх причин, впливу та пошуку
шляхів їх вирішення.

1. Speaking. Dialogic speech.

Task 1: Do the matching task. Match the problems to their effects and solutions.
      Problems                                                      Effects Solutions 
A. Global warming                                        3 d                  
B. Pollution                                                   ….. ……
C. Hunting/Overfishing                              …… ……
D. Deforestation                                          …… ……

1. Destruction of the rainforest
2. Many animals and fish wiped out
3. Change in world`s climate – ocean levels rising – extreme weather
4. Very poor air quality in cities – rivers and lakes full of industrial waste
a. Have stricter laws and harsher punishments for illegal hunting and fishing

b. Encourage countries to control the number of trees that are cut down
c. Reduce gases emitted from factories. Use public transport instead of cars
d. Reduce use of aerosols. Use alternative sources of energy.
Task 2: Discuss the problems of the environment with your
A: What is the effect of global warming?
B: Global warming is causing a change in the world`s climate. Ocean levels are
rising and we are seeing more extreme weather conditions. We need to do
something before it`s too late.
A: What can we do?
B: We could reduce the use of aerosols. We could also use alternative sources of
energy, etc.
2. Text Discussing.
As we`re talking about global warming, we can`t but mention its causes and
damaging effects. The text «What is global Warming?» will help us review them.
Open your class books at page 86.
Task 1: Look at the text with gapped words. Complete the blanks with the words
from the word list.
Task 2: In pairs discuss the questions on the text.
1. What is the main cause of global warming?
2. Can you describe the greenhouse effect?
3. Is there an extra cause of global warming?
4. What is it?
Task 3: Individually finish the sentences to summarise  what global warming is.
Make sure they`re logically connected.
1. Global warming is a rise  …
2. It is cause by  … 
3. Rich industrialized countries … 
4. The CO2  …  This is called  … 
5. The problem is being made worse by …   
6. Aerosol sprays and other chemicals … 
7. Thus, too much ultraviolet radiation … 
8. That`s why, the Earth’s  atmosphere … 

3. Writing Task
Group work. In groups write a cinquain poem about global warming. Be ready to
speak presenting your own cinquain. First of all, remember the structure of a
cinquain which consists of 5 lines. They aren`t rhymed.
1. _______  Noun – theme
2. ˷˷˷˷˷    ˷˷˷˷˷  (2 adjectives)
3. ‗‗‗‗   ‗‗‗‗ ‗‗‗‗ (3 verbs)
4. ͟ ͟  ͟ ͟     ‗‗‗‗ _ _ _ _ (phrase/sentence – up to 4 words)
5. ͟   ͟ ͟  ͟ (noun – definition)
1. Global warming;
2. Dangerous, killing;
3. Cause, get, rise;
4. We can make a difference!
5. Today`s burning environmental issue.
Your cinquains have showed that global warming has terrifying and threatening
effects on the environment and all living beings. So, what is the most serious
impact of global warming? It`s climate change.
4. Listening-Comprehension
a) Pre-listening
Task 1: Look at the spidergram on the board and list all kinds of climate change.
(High temperatures, warmer oceans/seas , polar ice caps melting, rising sea
level, wilder weather, endangered species, changing conditions for fauna and
flora, changing seasonal patterns, spread of deseases, food/ water shortages).
Task 2: Now you`re going to watch a video to learn more about climate change, its
causes and effects. Be ready to do T/F statements afterwards
Climate Change
The first thing you need to know about climate change is the greenhouse effect.
The Earth gets heat from the sun. In the atmosphere greenhouse gases, like carbon
dioxide, trap this heat and keep it from escaping back to outerspace.
Trapping some heat in the atmosphere is a good thing. Because it keeps the planet
warm enough for us to live. But there`s a problem people all over the world are
adding extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It’s because today we burn fossil
fuels, like coal, oil and gas to do many of our everyday activities, say,  driving our
cars, using our computers, heating our homes. All of this extra carbon dioxide is
trapping more heat in the atmosphere, making the Earth warmer and causing other
climate changes too.

The signs of climate change are all around us. Temperatures are getting warmer.
Giant ice sheets are melting and the oceans are rising. Flowers are blooming earlier
in many places. Snow is melting sooner. Birds aren’t flying as far as south for the
So, why does this matter? Well, if the planet keeps getting warmer, we can expect
more powerful storms and more flooding, droughts and heat waves. And these
changes could cause additional problems like the spread of certain deseases, more
wild fires and food and water shortages. Climate changes could put entire eco
systems like coral reefs in danger and many plant and animals could became
T/F statements on the text.
1. Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun in the Earth`s atmosphere.(T)
2. Trapping some heat in the atmosphere is a bad thing.(F)
3. There`s additional carbon dioxide in the Earth`s atmosphere because of
people`s everyday activities.(T)
4. Global warming is caused by climate change.(F)
5. If the planet keeps getting warmer, there will be wilder weather.(T)
Task 3: Watch the video again for more detailed information. Be ready to make
true sentences about the signs of climate change. Take some notes in key words
while watching.
Group work.  Agree on the sentences about the signs of climate change in groups.
b) Post-Listening
Task 4: To summarise effects of global warming I suggest you playing a «Climate
Change Chain Game».
Look at the spidergram again. Say a piece of information using at least one linking
words or phrase. ( e.g. To begin with, climate change is caused by the greenhouse
5. Пошук шляхів вирішення питання глобального потепління.
The good news is that we can take actions to prevent global warming and climate
change. What can we do about it? Let`s see what scientists think on the point.
Task 1: Open your student`s books at p 71. Scan the text and read out the sentences
about the scientists` attitude to the problem
Task 2: There is an opinion that goes: «It`s up to scientists to find a way of solving
the problem of global warming».

Express your opinion giving strong arguments and examples. Write down your
Task 3: Before you share your views in class look through the text again to pull out
more information about the ways of preventing global warming. 
Task 4: It`s high time to refer back to the statement and debate it in groups. Take 3
Look at the spidergram again. Say a piece of information using at least one linking
word or phrase. (e.g. To begin with, climate change is caused by the greenhouse
effect). With this game I want to show you if something goes wrong, the whole
body can suffer and even become extinct.
6. Summary:
Can 1 person stop global warming?
-Yes! Especially, when the simple steps taken by you, your family and friends are
multiplied by millions of people throughout the world. So, what have you learned
III. Заключна частина.
Lesson Outlet
A) Інструктаж з виконання д/з
Make a report on global warming. Be ready to present it.
b) Оцінювання
Dear students, the lesson is over. You’ve done a great job! So, your marks are the
following…  Thank you for coming, you may be free.

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