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«Bridget Jones's Diary» - HELEN FIELDING

1. Inner poise – внутрішня рівновага
2. Chain-smoking – техніка ланцюгового куріння
(декілька сигарет підряд)
3. Dignified hauteur - гідність
4. Temple - храм
5. A mousy-looking woman -
6. Boomed – прогриміти/ галасувати
7. Devastat - спустошений
8. A sandboy – торговець піском
9. Bailiffs – судові пристави
10. Time-and-motion study – дослідження часу і руху
11. Head-state bad – поганий головний стан\ головний біль
12. Cushions - подушки
13. Wardrobe - гардероб
14. Bollocks - чепуха
15. Trollop - неряха
16. To affirm - стверджувати
17. carried party – перенесена вечірка
18. Piss - сеча
19. Kicking-off point – початкова точка
20. A sideways glance – погляд збоку
21. (Literary) masterpieces – (літературні) шедеври
22. Sneered - насміхався
23. Іncarnation - втілення
24. A cruel-raced – жорстока гонка
25. Ex-wife – колишня дружина
26. Soliloquy - монолог
27. Emitting - випромінення
28. World afresh – новий світ
29. Defensively - захищаючись
30. Deliberately - свідомо
31. A ventilating deconstructionalistic freshness of vision -
Вентиляційна деконструктивна свіжість бачення
32. Vandalization - вандалізм
33. Framework - каркас
34. Buzzer - гудок
35. A resentful look – ображений погляд
36. Puns and sexual innuendos – каламбури та сексуальні
37. Paddling pool – дитячий басейн
38. Seductively - спокусливо
39. Point of transparency – точка прозорості(думки)
40. A firmness - твердість
41. Softly – м’яко
42. Pant - задишка
43. Chap - тріщина
44. A real geek – справжній зануда
45. Freakish - чудовий
46. Tapeworm – паразити(черв’яки)
47. Glug wine – глінтвейн
48. Jealous tone – ревнивий тон
49. Crestfallen – занепалий духом
50. Be snoring - хропіти
51. Bewildered - розгублений
52. A rug - килимок
53. Cheated - обдурили
54. Camomile tea – ромашковий чай
55. A burglar - грабіжник
56. Nostrils - ніздрі
57. Yell - кричати
58. Hood - капот
59. Upstairs - нагорі
60. Tap - кран
61. Rushed - кинувся
62. Awkward - незручно
63. Etiquette-wise - етикет
64. Flood - повінь
65. Halfheartedly - наполовину
66. Doorbell rang – дзвонити у двері
67. Plumptious - пухкий
68. Retort - відповідати
69. Grab - схопити
70. Scuttled out - затоплений
71. A fury – дика лють
72. Thin - тонкий
73. Pregnancy test – тест на вагітність
74. Push-me-pull-you - Штовхни мене-тягни-тебе
75. Nesty - гніздо
76. Gooey - клейкий
77. Irrepressiblv fecund - неконтрольований
78. Hideous - огидний
79. Ribbons - стрічки
80. Cheer up - підбадьоритись
81. A petulant message – дратівливе повідомлення
82. A phantom pregnancy – фантомна вагітність
83. Trodden - витоптаний
84. Sod - торф
85. Lurching - похитуватись
86. Rejoic - радіти
87. A shallow - мілкий
88. Fuckwittage - дурниця
89. Valeting – огляд(авто)
90. Arrogant - гордовитий
91. Self-indulgent bastards - самопоблажливі дурні
92. Prat - дурнуватий
93. Bastard - сволота
94. Praline – кондитерський виріб з горіхами
95. Mother's misery – материнське нещастя
96. Folk-wisdom – народна мудрість
97. Offspring - потомство
98. A sepulchral voice – гробний голос
99. Fault - несправність
100. Crotty – молодий чоловік, який їсть статеві
органи іншого
As I emerged from my bath Daniel was lying on the bed
giggling. 'I've got a new diet for you,' he said.
'So you do think I'm fat.'
'OK, this is it. It's very simple. All you do is not eat any
food which you have to pay for. So at the start of the diet you're a
bit porky and no one asks you out to dinner. Then you lose weight
and get a bit leggy and shag-me hippy and people start taking you
out for meals. So then you put a few pounds on, the invitations tail
off and you start losing weight again.'
'Daniel!' I exploded. 'That's the most appalling sexist,
fattist, cynical thing I've ever heard.'
'Oh, don't be like that, Bridge,' he said. 'It's the logical
extension of what you really think. I keep telling you nobody
wants legs like a stick insect. They want a bottom they can park a
bike in and balance a pint of beer on.'
I was torn between a gross image of myself with a bicycle
parked in my bottom and a pint of beer balanced on it, fury at
Daniel for his blatantly provocative sexism and suddenly
wondering if he might be right about my concept of my body in
relation- to men…
'I'll just pop the telly on,' said Daniel, taking advantage of
my temporary speechlessness to press the remote-control button.
Seconds later the room was in complete darkness apart from
flickering light of the cricket. Daniel had lit a fag and was calling
down to room service for six cans of Fosters.
'Do you want anything, Bridge?' he said, smirking.
'Cream tea, maybe? I'll pay.'
1. Approached Perpetua confidently, ready to swing into
action (Indefinite infinitive)
2. I grasped the table for support, trying to get my breath
(Indefinite infinitive)
3. Рortuguese man intended to have married Mum (Perfect
4. He will be happy to gossip in the cafe right now.
(Indefinite infinitive)
5. She seemed to be thinking about this all the time
(Subjective Infinitive Complex)
6. Maybe hе wanted me to come today (Complex Object)
7. Arriving at the hotel we could relax at last, but it wasn't
long (Indefinite verb)
8. While listening to his lie, I couldn't help tears (Indefinite
Participle 1)
9. I am a girl loved by no one (Participle II)
10. 'Oh… poor Magda. She ought to be told the truth (Passive
Indefinite Infinitive)
11.There is no one in the world to love (Passive Indefinite
12.I was supposed to meet him
(Subjective Infinitive Complex )
13. I saw Jeremy vacation with another woman. Bastard! How
could he. He has two children. Bastard!!!(Complex Object)
14.I considered him to be the best human of my life.
(Complex Object)
15.I've got to go to work. (Indefinite Infinitive)
16.I can smell something burning! I guess that's how I feel
about the entire male realm. (Participle 1)
17.She already doesn't expect him to call. (Complex Object)
18.He looked at me as if surprised. As if he did not
understand that he betrayed me. (Participle 2)
19.Me and mum, having washed our hands, sat down at the
table. – Нэнси и Марк, вымыв руки, сели за стол.
(Participle Perfect 1)
20.Standing on an emotional swing, I realized I didn't have
any strength. (Present Participle)
21. She expects him to buy a present. (Complex Object)
22.Do you want him to become a father to your children? But
he is a traitor, dear. (Complex Object)
23. He is unlikely to will change for the better. (Subject
24.Can you imagine, I found our mother sitting at our café.
(Present Participle)
25.She seems to be tired. Damn, she needs a normal man.
(Subject complex)
26.She was seen to enter but kept silent. (Subject complex)
27.I whispered, thinking Daniel was still asleep. (Present
28.I had a damn girl fax me the information. (Complex
29.Our boss forbids the staff to break the rules. (Complex
30.Having lost my phone, I could not call my mother. (Perfect
Retelling of the novel
The main character has finally rethought her life. Now she
considers her body a temple, so she does not flirt with the boss and
does not sleep with him. Bridget's goals began to come true, she finally
lost weight, but everyone said that she looked very bad, so the girl fell
into depression. Then her bright life began. Alcohol, cigarettes, parties
and Daniel again. They began to meet officially, but all friends
dissuaded girl from this. But it seemed to the Bridget that he had
changed and actually loved her.
For some reason, Bridget did not notice the real Daniel, she
loved him too much. It didn't even seem strange to the girl that he didn't
want to go anywhere together for a walk, but was constantly lying in
bed. But one day Bridget was able to take her boss out of town for the
weekend. But even there they met Daniel's ex-wife.
The girl was overcome by despair, on the one hand, her mother
chose a new husband from Portugal, on the other hand, Danielle and
her mistresses. But she didn't want to believe it. One evening, returning
from a party, she still caught Daniel red-handed. Since then, she was
once again depressed.

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