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Практичне заняття 3. Мовні засоби вираження емоцій

Питання для з’ясування та обговорення

1. Лексичні засоби вираження емоцій в англійськомовних текстах.

2. Фонетичні засоби вираження емоцій в англійськомовних текстах.
3. Граматико-синтаксичні засоби вираження емоцій в англійськомовних

Практичні завдання

1. Знайдіть речення, які допомагають зрозуміти, що в тексті наявні емоційні

стани персонажів. Назвіть ці емоції.

For a moment he looks almost overcome – then his shoulders straighten.

‘Anyway. We’ll get you right again. I know we will.’ he puts the ring carefully back on
the cabinet, sits down on the bed and takes my hand. ‘And just so you know, Lexi …. I
love you.’
‘Really?’ I give a delighted beam before I can stop myself. ‘I mean …fab.
Thanks very much.’
None of my boyfriends have ever said ‘I love you’ like that – i.e. properly, in the
middle of the day, like a grown-up and not just pissed or while having sex. I have to
reciprocate. What shall I say?
I love you too.
I probably love you too.
‘Eric, I’m sure I love you too, deep down somewhere,’ I say at last, clasping his
hand. ‘And I’ll remember. Maybe not today. And maybe not tomorrow. But…we’ll
always have Paris.’ I pause, thinking this through. ‘At least, you’ll have it. And you
can tell me about it.’

2. Які почуття й емоції викликає у вас наведений нижче текст? Які засоби
(мовні/текстові та мовленнєві/дискурсивні) використав автор тексту, щоб
викликати ці почуття в читача?

The city had defeated her, just like they said it would. Like some overcrowded
party, no-one had noticed her arrival, and no-one would notice if she left.
The industrial cheese had sat solid like plastic, and in sudden disgust Emma
pushed it away and reached into her bag pulling out an expensive new black leather
notebook with a stubby fountain pen clipped to the cover. Turning to a fresh new page
of creamy white paper, she quickly began to write.
It was the nachos that did it.
The steaming variegated mess like the mess of her life
Summing up all that was wrong
‘Time for change’ comes the voice from the street.
Outside on the Kentish Town Road
There is laughter
But here, in the smoky attic room
There are only
The Nachos.
Cheese, like life, has become
Hard and
Like Plastic
And there is no laughter in the high room.

3. Поділіть речення з виділеними англійськими ідіомами на 5 груп відповідно

до емоцій, які вони виражають (радість, злість, сум, страх, збентеження).
Запишіть ці вирази до глосарію. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.
1. Sounds like you are at the end of your rope.
2. I asked him one simple question and he bit my head off.
3. She is ambivalent about many things that may seem horrific to the reader.
4. She's scared to ask for the weekend trip as her mother is in a black mood today.
5. She's flying high after the successful interview.
6. You must be in a fool's paradise if you think that it will rain at the time of such
hot summers.
7. Sometimes the people who appear to be the most confident are actually afraid
of their own shadows.
8. His tuneless singing and drumming on the table drive me up to the wall.
9. He just woke up from a night of heavy drinking and felt so out of it.
10. He's pumped up for his first salary.
11. She's a bit down in the dumps because she's got to take her exams again.
12. The bride had butterflies in her stomach as she got ready to walk down
the aisle.
13. After his wife died in a car accident, he was left grief-stricken.
14. The thought of us residing in utter blindness petrified me!
15. They puzzled over the question for quite a while.

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