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A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Pasonanca National High School – Senior High School

Zamboanga City

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements in

Practical Research 2

Presented by:

Lacastesantos, Kristel J.

Paking, Airen A.


Background of the Study

Chat Generative Pre-trained Transfer (ChatGPT) is a text-based generative

Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, this was developed by a research company – Open

AI. According to lighthouse guild, it is an AI chat box technology that can process

natural human knowledge and generate a response. Based on a Tech Journalist Kevin

Pocock, ChatGPT can answer an ever-increasing array of questions and reply to

‘prompts’ on request.

According to a survey produced by Common Sense released on May 10, 2023,

58 percent of learners ranging from ages 12 to 18 have used ChatGPT for educational

purposes. From a published blog of Digital Learning, the use of ChatGPT has key

areas that opened an important role in education such as (1) Personalized Learning,

(2) Virtual Tutoring, (3) Language Learning, (4) Exam Preparation, and (5) Writing


ChatGPT’s potential and importance was evident on students from Emirates as

a worthy learning tool that can help various fields in academics if used in moderation.

The same with the testimony of a student in Davao, ChatGPT contributes an effective

way in generating ideas and provide summarization on various topics.

On the other hand, the news published by Fox Business pointed out that one

of the primary concerns is that student users use ChatGPT as an easier way that need

less effort on finishing school-works. A survey conducted in Australia found out that

almost 43% of students used it to finish their assignments and exams, 30% used it

complete their task but still make their own interpretation, and 17% used the entire AI
ideas on their output. This led to potential negative effect such as academic dishonesty,

decreases critical thinking, reduces creativity, decline memory retention, and promotes


This study will explore on how ChatGPT impacts the ability of Senior High

students in Pasonanca National High School in comprehending the reading materials

that will be given. Wherein, this will let the researchers verify if the students using

ChatGPT can fully understand and interpret the reading material without the use of

this application.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the impact of ChatGPT use on the level of reading

comprehension of Senior High students.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of reading comprehension among Senior High students?

1.1. Literal Level

1.2. Inferential Level

1.3. Evaluative Level

2. Is there a significant relationship between the usage of ChatGPT on the level

of reading comprehension of Senior High students?

Scope and Delimitations

This study will be limited to the impact of ChatGPT use on the level of reading

comprehension of Senior High students in Pasonanca National High School. The level

of reading comprehension will be based on the literal level, inferential level, and

evaluative level.

This study will utilize a Correlational type of Quantitative Research. This will

specifically cover the First Semester of School Year 2023-2024. The respondents of

this study will be 20 Senior High students who are using ChatGPT.

Significance of the Study

The researchers will attempt to provide valuable information to the following

group of people who will benefit on this study:

The Students – this study will let the students know how the use of ChatGPT can

impact their level of reading comprehension.

The Teacher and School Administrator – this study will let the teachers and school

administrators understand how ChatGPT becomes an alternative way of learning. In

this way, teachers and school administrators can assist the students on the proper use

of ChatGPT while making their own intellectual analysis in each concept.

Parents/Guardians – this study will let the parents/guardians be aware of the impact

of Artificial Intelligence applications on the level of reading comprehension on their

Definition of Terms

ChatGPT- In this study, the term refers to an artificial intelligence application that help

users produce a written output based on specific question.

Senior High Students- In this study, the term refers to the identified ChatGPT users

of Grade 11 and 12 in the first semester of the school year 2023-2024.

Reading Comprehension- In this study, it refers to the levels of reading

comprehension which are literal, inferential, and evaluative.

Literal Level- It is the first reading comprehension. The respondents must be able to

recognize the characters, setting, and the main idea of the story.

Inferential Level- It is the second reading comprehension. The respondents must be

able to make generalizations, cause and effect relationships, and predictions.

Evaluative Level- It is the third level of reading comprehension. The respondents

must be able to compare how the story is similar to their own lives and what they think

after reading it.

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