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‫الصحة والسالمة والبيئة‬
The goal of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is to protect
employees, the public, the environment and to comply with applicable
laws and protect the Company’s reputation. HSE departments, of some
companies are responsible for environmental protection, occupational
health and safety at work. HSE management has two general
objectives: prevention of incidents or accidents that might result from
abnormal operating conditions on the one hand and reduction of
adverse effects that result from normal operating conditions on the
other hand.
‫ والبيئة بما يتالئم مع‬,‫ العامة‬, ‫الهدف من ( الصحة والسالمة والبيئة) هو حمايه الموظفين‬
‫ أقسام ( الصحة والسالمة والبيئة) لبعض‬.‫القوانين السائدة والحفاظ على مكانه الشركة‬
‫( الصحة‬.‫ الصحة المهنية والسالمة في العمل‬,‫الشركات تكون المسؤولة عن الحماية البيئية‬
‫ الوقاية من حوادث اإلهمال أو الحوادث العرضية‬:‫والسالمة والبيئة) لها هدفين عامين‬
‫الناجمة عن ظروف التشغيل غير الطبيعية من جهة و تقليل النتائج السلبية في ضل ظروف‬
.‫التشغيل الطبيعية من جهة أخرى‬
For example, fire, explosion and release of harmful substances
into the environment or the work area must be prevented. Also action
must be taken to reduce a company’s environmental impact under
normal operating conditions (like reducing the company’s carbon
footprint) and to prevent workers from developing work related
diseases. Regulatory requirements play an important role in both
approaches and consequently, the implications of which must be
communicated to top management (the board of directors) so the
company can implement suitable measures.
‫ االنفجارات و انبعاث المواد الخطرة في بيئة أو محيط العمل‬,‫على سبيل المثال الحرائق‬
‫ كذلك يجب ان تتخذ اإلجراءات لتقليل مخلفات المصانع في ضل ظروف‬.‫يجب ان ال تقع‬
‫العمل الطبيعية (مثل تقليل آثار انبعاثات الكربون من المصانع) ووقاية العاملين من اإلصابة‬
‫ متطلبات تنظيميه تلعب دورا مهما في كال الهدفين وما يتبعهما‬.‫باألمراض الم رتبطة بالمهنة‬
‫ و متضمناتها يجب ان توصل لإلدارة العليا ( مجلس اإلدارة) لتتمكن الشركة من اتخاذ‬,
. ‫القرارات المناسبة‬
From a health and safety standpoint, it involves creating
organized efforts and procedures for identifying workplace hazards
and reducing accidents and exposure to harmful situations and
substances. It also includes training of personnel in accident
prevention, accident response, emergency preparedness, and use of
protective clothing and equipment. From an environmental standpoint,
it involves creating a systematic approach to complying with
environmental regulations, such as managing waste or air emissions
all the way to helping sites reduce the company’s carbon footprint.
‫من وجهة نظر السالمة‪ ,‬تتضمن خلق جهود منظمه وإجراءات للتوعية بمخاطر موقع العمل‬
‫وتقليل الحوادث العرضية والتعرض للحاالت و المواد المؤذية ‪.‬كذلك تتضمن التدريب‬
‫الشخصي للوقاية من الحوادث‪ ,‬التعامل مع الحوادث ‪,‬االستعداد للحاالت الطارئة و استخدام‬
‫مالبس ومعدات الوقاية ‪ .‬ومن وجهة النظر البيئية‪ ,‬تعنى بخلق منهج منظم يتالئم مع األحكام‪,‬‬
‫البيئية‪ .‬مثل معالجه النفايات و االنبعاثات الغازية ومساعده المواقع الصناعية على التقليل‬
‫من مخلفات الكربون‪.‬‬
‫‪Successful HSE programs also include measures to address‬‬
‫‪ergonomics, air quality, and other aspects of workplace safety that‬‬
‫‪could affect the health and well-being of employees and the overall‬‬
‫برامج ( الصحة والسالمة والبيئة) الناجحة تتضمن أيضا معايير تنظيم العمل ‪,‬درجه نقاء‬
‫الهواء‪ ,‬ونواحي أخرى من محيط العمل ممكن ان تؤثر على ا لصحة وعلى حياه الموظفين‬
‫وعلى المجتمع عامة ‪.‬‬
‫‪I. Give the synonyms of each of the following items and use them in‬‬
‫‪meaningful sentences:‬‬
‫‪Hazard; risk: They went on fighting the fire at the risk of their‬‬
‫‪lives.‬‬ ‫استمروا بمكافحه الحريق على حساب المخاطرة بحياتهم‬
‫‪Systematic; orderly: Takes his medical treatment orderly makes him‬‬
‫تناوله العالج الطبي بصوره منتظمة جعله افضل حاال ‪better.‬‬
‫‪Preparedness; readiness: psychological readiness is important before‬‬
‫ا الستعداد النفسي مهم قبل أ داء االختبار ‪testing .‬‬
‫‪Released; freed: The judge freed him for insufficient evidence.‬‬
‫القاضي اطلق صراحه لعدم كفاية األدلة‬
‫‪Essential; fundamental: The family is the fundamental unit in any‬‬
‫األسرة هي اللبنة األساسية ألي مجتمع ‪society.‬‬
‫‪Ultimate; final: We have to put off the final decision until next week.‬‬
‫علينا ان نؤجل اتخاذ القرار النهائي حتى األسبوع القادم‬
II. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the goal of HSE?
The goal of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is to protect
employees, the public, the environment and to comply with applicable
laws and protect the Company’s reputation.
2. HSE departments of some companies have responsibilities, what are
HSE departments of some companies are responsible for
environmental protection, occupational health and safety at work.
3. What are the two general objectives of HSE management?
1-prevention of incidents or accidents that might result from
abnormal operating conditions
2-reduction of adverse effects that result from normal operating
4. Why must the implications of regulatory requirements be
communicated to top management?
The implications of regulatory requirements must be communicated to
top management so the company can implement suitable measures.
5. Successful HSE programs include measures to address aspects of
the workplace safety, what are they?
Successful HSE programs also include measures to address
ergonomics, air quality, and other aspects of workplace safety that
could affect the health and well-being of employees and the overall

III. Fill in the following blanks with the suitable word or phrase from
the passage:
1. From a health & safety standpoint, HSE involves creating organized
efforts and procedures for identifying workplace hazards and reducing
accidents and exposure to harmful situations and substances.
2. From an environmental standpoint, HSE involves creating a
systematic approach to complying with environmental regulations,
such as managing waste or air emissions all the way to helping site’s
reduce the company’s carbon footprint.
‫زمن المضارع التام‬

Subject Have Past ‫ يتكون المضارع التام من‬:‫الشكل‬. 1

(Has /have +past participle)
I Have Arrived
has ‫ مع الفاعل‬he / she / it
He, She, it Has Arrived
have ‫ مع الفاعل‬I /we / you / they
We, they, you Have Arrived

I have painted the wall. ‫لقد قمت بطالء الجدار‬
The car has stopped suddenly . ‫لقد توقفت السيارة فجأة‬
It has rained heavily. ‫لقد أمطرت بغزارة‬

Past participles of the verbs to be , to have and to do:

Verb Past participle

Be Been
Have Had
Do Done
She has been absent for four days. ‫لقد كانت غائبه لمده أربعه أيام‬
We have had a conference lately. ‫لقد كان لدينا مؤتمر مؤخرا‬
They have done their best. ‫كانوا قد فعلوا ما بوسعهم‬

Negation (‫)النفي‬

Affirmative Negative
I have not finished my work
I have finished my work
‫لم اكن قد انتهيت من عملي‬
She has not come.
She has come.
‫لم تكن قد أتت‬
They have not arrived.
They have arrived.
‫لم يكونوا قد وصلوا‬
She has not done the task yet
She has done the task
‫لم تكن قد أدت عملها لحد األن‬
They have not arrived yet
They have arrived
‫لم يكونوا قد وصلوا بعد‬
I have been abroad. I have never been abroad
‫لم اكن ابدأ قد سافرت خارجا‬
Interrogation (‫)االستفهام‬

Affirmative Interrogative
You have seen the film before. Have you seen that film before?
‫اكنت قد رأيت هذا الفلم سابقا؟‬
Ali has written a letter already. Has Ali written a letter already?
‫أكان علي قد كتب رساله مؤخرا ؟‬
yet ‫ لحد األن‬, recently ‫مؤخرا‬, already ‫ بالفعل‬:‫تستخدم أحيانا مع المضارع التام الكلمات‬
just ‫ توا‬, ever ‫ ابدأ‬, never ‫ مطلقا‬, since ‫ منذ‬, for ‫ لمده‬,
I have just finished my homework. ‫كنت قد أنهيت عملي توا‬
She has already washed the dishes. ‫كانت قد غسلت األطباق بالفعل‬
He has lift his job since 2000.0222 ‫كان قد ترك عمله منذ سنه‬
Ahmed has waited for two hours. ‫كان احمد قد انتظر لمده ساعتين‬
Sara has quitted recently. ‫كانت ساره قد استقالت مؤخرا‬
We have just painted the house. ‫كنا قد قمنا توا بطالء المنزل‬
The government has already renewed the system. ‫كانت الحكومة قد حدثت النظام بالفعل‬

I. Put the verbs in brackets in the sentences below into the present perfect
1. Hashim (do) the housework. Hashim has done the house work .
2. Nisreen and Bassim (find) a new flat lately. Nisreen and Bassim have
found a new flat lately.
3. Noor (write) a book. Noor has written a book.
4. We (decide) to start jogging. We have decided to start jogging.
5. Miriam and Layla (start) at a new school. Miriam and layla have
started at a new school.
II. Change the following sentences into the negative and interrogative:
1. He has found a new job.
- He hasn't found a new job.
- has he found a new job?
2. They have discovered the truth.
- They haven’t discovered the truth.
- have they discovered the truth?
3. We have taken new steps.
- We haven’t taken new steps.
- Have you taken new steps?
4. I have met him recently.
- I haven’t met him recently.
- Have you met him recently?
5. She has followed the orders.
- She hasn’t followed the orders.
- Has she followed the orders?


‫الكسور والنسب العشرية‬

1/2= a half
1/4=a quarter
3/4=three quarters
1 1/2= one and a half

5 3/4= five and three quarters

1.5= one point five
2.25=two point twenty five
2 1/4= two and a quarter
Write the following decimals and fractions in words:
a. 6. 75 six point seventy five.
b.17.933 seventeen point nine hundred and thirty three.
c. 5 3/4 five and three quarters.
d. 1 1/2 one and half.
e. 5.693 five point six hundred and ninety three.
)AT, IN,ON ( ‫حروف الجر الزمانية‬

At for a precise time ‫نقطه زمنيه محدده‬

In for months, years, centuries and long periods ,‫ القرون‬,‫ السنوات‬,‫األشهر‬
‫الفترات الزمنية الطويلة‬
On for days and dates ‫األيام والتواريخ‬

At In On

At 4:30 In March On Monday

At 3 o'clock In winter On 6 march

At noon In the summer On 22 Dec.2012

At dinnertime In 1999 On Christmas

At bedtime In the next century On your birthday

At the moment In the future On new year's eve

At night In the
At midnight morning/afternoon/

Note the use of in and on in these common expressions:

in the morning/ on Monday morning
in the mornings/ on Monday mornings

Put at, in or on in each space:

1. They left their house in 2014.
2. We will meet them at night
3. He finishes his work at 3 o'clock
4. I was born on 14 Dec 1963
5. Lots of people travel abroad in summer.
( AT, IN, ON) ‫حروف الجر المكانية‬
At for a point ‫نقطه مكانيه دقيقه‬
In for an enclosed space ‫مكان محدد ومحاط‬
On for a surface ‫للسطوح‬

At In On

At the bus stop In London On the wall

In the garden On the ceiling

At the corner
At the entrance In a box On the floor

At the new In a building On the carpet


At the top of the In a car On a page


Some other common uses of at /in /on

at home/ at work/ at school /at university /at college/ at the top/at the
bottom / at the side /at reception
in a car /in a taxi /in a boat/in the elevator/in the sky/in a row
on a bus/ on a train /on a plane / on a ship /on a bicycle /on a
motorbike/on a horse a/on an elephant /on the radio/ on television

Put at, in or on in each space:

1. I live in the city not in the country.
2- The bus stopped at the train station.
3-Our house is on this side of the street.
4-My garden is at the back of the house.
5-It was crowded on the plane.
‫حروف الجر لالتجاهات‬

The most common preposition of movement is to, but there are lots of
others: :‫ لكن هناك حروف جر أخرى اتجاهيه منها‬to ‫اكثر حروف الجر الشائع استخدامها‬

Up ‫لألعلى‬ Down ‫لألسفل‬ Across ‫عبر‬

up the stairs down the stairs across the road

up the hill down the hill across the river
Over ‫فوق‬ Under ‫تحت‬ Along ‫على امتداد‬

over the bridge under the bridge along the street

over the hill under the table along the river
Into ‫إلى داخل‬ out of ‫إلى خارج‬ Through ‫من خالل‬

into the house out of the house through the town

into the garden out of the garden through the door
Past ‫مارا‬ round/around ‫حول‬ from ... to ... ‫ إلى‬...‫من‬

past the house round the tree

round the park from A to B
past the cat

NOTE/ be careful of the difference between across(preposition)and cross

(verb), and past (preposition) and pass (verb).

I walked across the road.

I crossed the road.
I walked past your house.
I passed your house.
Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences (some
prepositions can be used more than once): ( along, out of ,around, up,
past ,down ,over ,under ,though, across , into ,to)

1. I jumped into the swimming pool.

2. Every morning I go jogging along the beach.
3. I ran across the beach and into the sea.
4. The burglar jumped into the garden fence.
5. The road was closed so we couldn't drive through the town center; we
had to go around it.
6. I went into the kitchen to make a sandwich.
7. He climbed up the ladder to clean the second floor windows.
8. I didn't see the dog lying on the floor, and I fell over it.
9. I dropped a £1 coin and it rolled under the sofa so I couldn't find it.
10. We drove out of Newcastle on the way to Edinburgh.
11. When I was a student I travelled to Germany, Poland and the Czech
12. After 6 hours of walking, we decided to go back across the mountain.

‫تاريخ الميالد‬

Writing the date using numbers only:

Day Month Year
6th December 2005
This is the same as
6 12 2005
Remember – December is the twelfth month
To write this down using numbers you can separate each one by a line.
6 / 12 / 2005
Now write the date using numbers.
12th August 1942 12/8/1942
29th November 1969 29/11/1969
a. 15th May 2001 15/5/ 2001
b. 4th April 1998 4/4/1998
c. 26th June 2000 26/6/2000
d. 7th July 2005 7/7/2005
e. 18th August 1951 18/8/ 1951
f. 1st November 1982 1/11/1982

Note .You can also separate the date by a dot or by a dash


Writing Dates - Putting it all together

Numbers and words Numbers Boxes
25th February 2004 25/2/2004 25 02 04
Write out the following dates
Your date of birth
2nd October 2001 2/10/ 2001 02 10 01
Mother’s date of birth
21st March 1978 21/3/1978 21 03 78
Father’s date of birth
5th April 1975 05/4/1975 05 04 75
Children’s dates of birth
11th August 2019 11/8/2019 11 08 19
1 February 2021 1/2/2021 01 02 21
‫كتابه البريد اإللكتروني‬

A-Starting the message

‫بدا الرسالة‬
your email
Thank you(very much) your message
For your invitation to…
(Many)thanks Inviting me to….
Offering to

‫شكرا لك‬ ‫بريدك اإللكتروني‬

‫شكرا جزيال‬ ‫رسالتك النصية‬
‫الجل‬ ...‫دعونك لي‬
...‫انك دعوتني‬
...‫عرضت علي‬

I'm writing… Confirm the details of my trip

This (email) is… to Let you know about your plans
Let you have my latest ideas about the

.. ‫انا اكتب‬ ‫أواكد تفاصيل رحلتي‬

.. ‫لكي هذا البريد اإللكتروني هو‬ ‫اعلمك بالخطة‬
‫أعرفك باخر أفكاري عن المشروع‬

An attachment is something that you send with an email. You can write;

Here is… a file –information stored electronically.

Please find attached… a document, a catalogue –a list of products
I'm attaching… and prices; a report –a document about a
particular subjects ;or a spreadsheet with
a drawing ,a photo or a map t hat l scanned
–made a copy of words or pictures from
paper onto a computer
‫يوجد هنا‪...‬‬ ‫ملف – معلومات مخزنه الكترونيا‪.‬‬
‫رجاءا جد المرفق‪...‬‬ ‫وثيقه‪ ,‬كتلوك‪ ,‬قائمه بالمنتجات واألسعار‪ ,‬تقرير او وثيقه‬
‫ارفق اليك…‬ ‫عن موضوع معين‪ ,‬جدول قيم وأرقام‪ ,‬مخطط‪ ,‬رسم‪,‬‬
‫صوره‪ ,‬خريطه‪ ,‬نسخه من الوورد‪ ,‬صور من جريدة على‬

‫'‪C-Word combinations with 'email‬‬

‫مجاميع كلمات تستخدم مع البريد اإللكتروني‬
‫‪Send a copy at the same time to someone‬‬
‫‪Copy someone in an email‬‬
‫‪on forward‬‬
‫‪delete‬‬ ‫‪send an email that you have received to‬‬
‫‪someone else‬‬
‫‪remove an email from your computer‬‬

‫نسخه لشخص اخر‬ ‫البريد‬ ‫أرسال نسخه في الوقت ذاته لشخص اخر‬
‫اإللكتروني تحويل‬ ‫أرسال البريد المستلم لشخص اخر‬
‫حذف‬ ‫أزاله البريد من الكومبيوتر الشخصي‬

‫…‪(please) could you‬‬ ‫? ‪call/phone me next week‬‬
‫…‪Would it be possible to‬‬
‫? ‪copy Ben in on all our emails‬‬
‫? ‪forward this email to your colleagues‬‬
‫?‪let me know if you need anything else‬‬
‫?‪send me the documents as soon as possible‬‬

‫(رجاءا) أيمكنك ‪...‬‬ ‫تتصل بي األسبوع القادم؟‬

‫هل من الممكن ان ‪...‬‬ ‫تنسخ لشخص كل مراسالتنا اإللكترونية؟‬
‫ترسل هذا البريد لزمالئك؟‬
‫تعلمني ان احتجت الى شيء اخر؟‬
‫ترسل لي الوثائق بالسرعة الممكنة؟‬

‫)‪Please (don't‬‬ ‫‪call\phone me next week .‬‬

‫‪delete the emails that I send you.‬‬
‫‪talk about our plans with your colleagues‬‬
... )‫رجاءا (ال‬ ‫تتصل بي األسبوع القادم‬
‫تحذف هذا الملف الذي ارسلته لك‬
‫تتحدث عن خطتنا أمام زمالئك‬

Now read the email below and write a similar one using the statements
mentioned above

To : ……. @-----------------

From:…….. @--------------

Subject; Arrangements for my trip

20 July
Dear ……
Thank you for agreeing to see me next week.
I'm writing to confirm details of me trip ; I'm flying from London on Thursday
afternoon ,26 July ,and staying at the Intercontinental in the centre of Gaborone
.Please could you send me a map showing where your company is ?
I'm attaching some information about my company , Adventure Travel. Please let
me know if you need any more information about the company before the meeting .
And would it be possible to copy my colleague ---- on all your emails ?.

Many thanks

Yours sincerely
Name of the sender
‫الى ‪............. @ ................ :‬‬
‫من ‪...............@................ :‬‬
‫الموضوع‪ :‬تنظيمات رحله‬

‫عزيزي ‪.........‬‬
‫شكرا على موافقتك مقابلتي األسبوع القادم‪.‬‬
‫اكتب لك ألجل تثبيت تفاصيل رحلتي ‪ ,‬سأسافر بالطائرة من لندن يوم الخميس بعد الظهر ‪02‬‬
‫تموز وسوف أقيم في فندق انتركونتننتال في مركز كبارون‪.‬‬
‫رجاء هل يمكنك أرسال خارطة توضح أين تقع شركتكم ؟‬
‫ارفق لكم معلومات عن شركتي(ادفانجر ترافل)‪ .‬رجاءا اعلمني ان كنت بحاجه الى معلومات‬
‫أخرى إضافية تخص الشركة قبل االجتماع‪ ,‬وان كان باإلمكان نسخ كل بريدك لزميلي ‪......‬‬

‫جزيل الشكر‬
‫اسم المرسل‬

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