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1. Поняття “мовленнєвої комунікації”.
2. Форми і типи мовленнєвої комунікації. Базова модель мовленнєвої
3. Визначення “ділової комунікації”. Характеристика професійно-
ділової сфери комунікації.
4. Специфіка мовних засобів і тактика поведінки у сфері ділової
5. Ефективність ділової комунікації. Фактори ефективності усної
ділової комунікації.

1. Карабан В. І. Мейс Джеймс Теорія і практика перекладу з
української на англійську мову. Вінниця: Нова книга, 2003.
2. Корунець І. В. Теорія і практика перекладу (аспектний переклад):
Підручник. – Вінниця: “Нова книга”, 2017. – 448 с.
3. Ковганюк С.П. Практика перекладу. (З досвіду перекладача). - К.,
Дніпро, 1968
4. Коптілов В.В. Теорія і практика перекладу. - К.: Вища школа, 1982.
5. Латышев Л.К. Курс перевода: (Эквивалентность перевода и способы
ее достижения). - М., Международные отношения, 1981.
6. Максимов С. Є. Практичний курс перекладу (англійська та
українська мови). Теорія і практика перекладацького аналізу тексту.
– К. : Ленвіт, 2012.

1. Підготувати відповіді за планом практичного заняття. Джерело для
підготовки: список літератури.
2. Підготувати відповіді за питаннями до Module 1 Questions for discussion
and assignments. (Раицкая Л.К., Коровина Л.В., Арупова Н.Р. English for
Business Communication).
3. Виписати до словничка терміни за темою.
Your success in business
to a large degree depends
on your ability to

In this Module
you will learn: what communication is (1.1; 1.3); what phases the communication
process consists of (1.4); what major communication skills are (1.6); what effective business
communication is (1. what the major benefits of effective communication are (1.8);
you will study: why effective communication is vital for your success in today’s
business environment (1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.6; 1.7; 1.8);
you will read texts: 1.2; 1.4;
you will do exercises and assignments: 1.5 What are the most important communication
skills?; 1.6. Comment on the following statement relating to communication and
communication skills; 1.8 What are the major benefits of effective communication?; 1.9
Which of the following tips you consider vital for effective communication?; 1.10 Explain
why you use or don’t use the following adjectives when describing effective communication;
1.11 Comment on the following; 1.12 Which six factors influence business communication
most and make it unique?; 1.13 Match the six factors left with the appropriate statements;
you will do a Web-assignment: 1.16. Explore the Web and find the modern types of
business communication.
you will write: an essay on the influence of new communication technologies over
lives of businesspeople;
you will study the vocabulary of the module: 1.14.

Have a look at the inset below. Can you give your own definitions of the words?

communication - the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or of

giving people information; methods of sending information

communicator - a person who is able to describe their ideas and

feelings to others

Source: Oxford Business English Dictionary for Learners of

English, 2008

- is any communication used to build partnerships,

intellectual resources, to promote an idea, a product,
business communication service, or an organization - with the objective of
creating value for your business.
Source: <>
Read the text below and headline it.
No matter how good you are at accounting, finance, economics, or whatever
professional specialty you pursue, most employers expect you to be competent at a wide
range of communication tasks. You are to come prepared with basic communication skills.
Those are the very skills that will help you advance in your career.
Good communication skills are absolutely vital in any successful workplace. If you
want to be more successful, the better you are able to communicate, the more you are to
Any successful communication is effective. And vice versa.
The word communication derives from the Latin
communis, meaning ‘common’ or ‘shared’. It belongs to
the family of words that includes communion, communism
and community. Thus, communication is the process of
creating shared understanding.
(A.Baker. Improve your Communication Skills. Kogan Page, 2006).
The communication process consists of six phases.

1. The sender has an idea.

2. The sender encodes the idea, putting it into a message.
3. The sender transmits the message.
4. The receiver gets the message.
5. The receiver decodes the message.
6. The receiver sends feedback.
You can find some of the skills in the chart below. Think of other important
communication skills. Their number may exceed the number of the boxes.
Comment on the following statement relating to communication and communication
skills. Prove your point of view if opposed
- At a higher level, social animal communication is vital to human survival as a species.
- Communication is a key leadership skill.
- Communication is a two-way process of disseminating ideas or instructions.
- Communication skills are not very important for cooperation.
- Communication is always an inherent skill.
- Communication is always a learnt skill.
- Different cultures sometimes have different styles of communication.
- Effective communication provides numerous benefits.
Effective business communication
To be effective, business messages are practical. They provide the information that receivers
need. Effective messages either leave out personal impressions or support such opinion with
objective facts. Effective business communication is also concise. It clarifies and condenses
information in a way that helps the receiver see and understand the most important issues.
Effective messages are clear about expectations. They state precise responsibilities to
eliminate confusion over who needs to do what next. Finally, effective messages are
persuasive, when necessary, convincing others to accept your ideas or recommendations.
(C.L.Bovee and J.V.Thill. Business Communication Today. 2005).
Qs: What communication is considered effective?
What are the major benefits of effective communication? Look into the statements below,
add or omit whatever you think necessary.
Increased productivity.
Stronger business relationships.
Higher profit.
Quicker problem solving.
Enhanced professional image.

Note: stockholders are groups affected in some way by the company’s actions. They may
include customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, neighbors, the community, the nation,
укр, контактне середовище або контактна аудиторія
Which of the following tips you consider vital for effective communication? Why? Rank the
tips below. Explain why you think some of them are high on the list.
1. Friendliness, like good manners, costs nothing. □
2. Always make the other person feel important. □
3. Listen and listen well. □
4. Be interesting and interested. □
5. Encourage other people to talk. □
6. Ask a lot. □
7. Admit your mistakes. □
8. Be a good news carrier. □
9. Learn to sell yourself. □
10. Be prepared to apologize. □
11. Smile at people. □
12. Address people by name. □
13. Be helpful. □
14. Be enthusiastic. □
15. Be thoughtful and respectful to other people’s opinions. □

Think about other helpful advice for effective and successful communicators.

Explain why you use or don’t use the following adjectives when describing effective
communication. Make sentences to illustrate your answer.
Practical; concise; thoughtful; clear; incorrect; factual; useful; feasible; reasonable; concrete;
specific; convincing; inaccurate; respectful; ethical; compelling; precise; active; aggressive;
efficient; demanding; appropriate; successful; informative; constructive; flexible.
Comment on the following
Ideas are the currency of communication. When we communicate, we trade ideas. The main
way we trade ideas is in conversation. Conversation is the most important means of
communication we possess. It is flexible and dynamic.
(A.Baker. Improve your Communication Skills).
Which six factors influence business communication most and make it unique?

□ 1 globalization
□ 2 growing value of information
□ 3 competition
□ 4 business cycle
□ 5 organizational structure
□ 6 technology
□ 7 economic system
□ 8 communication barriers
□ 9 teamwork
□ 10 spiritual values

Match the six factors left with the appropriate statements.
_____A It affects every aspect of business communication. It can keep or impede
depending on how it’s designed and used.

_____В Sometimes effective messages fail for a variety of reasons. Attempts to transmit and
messages can be disrupted, distorted and even blocked.

_____C As competition for jobs, customers, and resources continues to grow, the importance
of this
factor continues to increase as well. This factor is now as important as people, money, raw
materials, and other resources.

_____D It defines the relationships between various people and departments within the
Many layers of management may restrict business communication.

_____E Today’s businesses increasingly reach across international borders to market their
and services, partner with other businesses, and employ workers and executives.

_____F Working that way makes you even more responsible for communicating effectively.
It offers many potential advantages from increasing employee satisfaction to improving an

to communicate розмовляти, повідомляти; спілкуватися (with - с)
комунікація, зв’язок; процес передавання
інформації; повідомлення
♦ business communication – ділове спілкування
communicator комунікатор, учасник спілкування
to encode кодувати, шифрувати
to transmit передавати; переказувати
♦ to transmit a message - передавати
♦ to transmit money - переказувати гроші
to decode розшифровувати; декодувати
feedback зворотній зв’язок
coherent логічно послідовний
to disseminate ideas розповсюджувати ідеї
inherent skill вроджений навичок
learnt skill набутий навичок
concise короткий; стислий; лаконічний, небагатослівний
(про мовлення, стиль письма) SYN: brief, short,
to condense information ущільнювати інформацію
to eliminate confusion усувати плутанину
переконливий SYN: convincing
productivity (of labour) продуктивність праці
profit прибуток
to encourage sb to do sth стимулювати кого-небудь робити щось
to address
адресувати; направляти (to - комусь); звертатися до
когось. ♦ to address sb by name - звертатися до
когось по імені
thoughtful турботливий, чуйний, уважний (до когось of; до
чогось - about)
factual базується на фактах
feasible Реальний до виконання; вірогідний, можливий
concrete конкретний, визначений, точний
compelling нездоланний
aggressive активний, діяльний, наполегливий, енергійний;
нападаючий; агресивний
demanding відповідальний
appropriate відповідний
flexible гнучкий
spiritual value духовна цінність
to impede communication заважати спілкуванню
to disrupt порушувати; переривати
to distort спотворювати (напр. інформацію)
competition конкуренція
raw materials сировина
layer of management рівень управління
to restrict communication обмежувати спілкування
to market products and services продавати на ринку товари та послуги
відповідальна особа, керівник
♦ executive director - виконуючий директор
♦ chief executive officer (CEO) - головний
виконуючий директор

Communication technologies such as cell phones, e-mail, instant messaging are making
businesspeople easily accessible at any time. In what way do they influence their personal
and professional lives? Write an essay of about 140 words.
Explore the Web and find the modern types of business communication.
Types of business communication:
- Emails
- Face to face meetings


address, v demanding, adj spiritual value
aggressive, adj disrupt, v thoughtful, adj
appropriate, adj distort, v to address sb by name
business communica encode, v to condense information
tion executive director to disseminate ideas
CEO executive, n to eliminate confusion
chief executive officer factual, adj to encourage sb to do sth
coherent, adj feasible, adj to impede
communicate, v feedback, n communication
communication, n flexible, adj to market products and
communicator, n inherent skill services
compelling, adj layer of management to restrict
competition, n learnt skill communication
concise, adj persuasive, adj to transmit a message
concrete, adj productivity to transmit money
decode,v raw materials transmit, v

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