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1. Thigh-high in the water, the fisherman’s hope for dinner soon turned to despair.

2. He found a leprechaun in his walnut shell.

3. It's not possible to convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising it infinite bananas
when they die.
4. He never understood why what, when, and where left out who.
5. After exploring the abandoned building, he started to believe in ghosts.
6. The newly planted trees were held up by wooden frames in hopes they could survive the next
7. While on the first date he accidentally hit his head on the beam.
8. She folded her handkerchief neatly.
9. I cheated while playing the darts tournament by using a longbow.
10. The bees decided to have a mutiny against their queen.
11. He wondered if it could be called a beach if there was no sand.
12. Martha came to the conclusion that shake weights are a great gift for any occasion.
13. It took me too long to realize that the ceiling hadn't been painted to look like the sky.
14. Warm beer on a cold day isn't my idea of fun.
15. The sun had set and so had his dreams.
16. The wake behind the boat told of the past while the open sea for told life in the unknown
17. Homesickness became contagious in the young campers' cabin.
18. Everybody should read Chaucer to improve their everyday vocabulary.
19. Chocolate covered crickets were his favorite snack.
20. She borrowed the book from him many years ago and hasn't yet returned it.
21. If I don’t like something, I’ll stay away from it.
22. Smoky the Bear secretly started the fires.
23. Charles ate the french fries knowing they would be his last meal.
24. Nancy thought the best way to create a welcoming home was to line it with barbed wire.
25. Her fragrance of choice was fresh garlic.
26. Weather is not trivial - it's especially important when you're standing in it.
27. I come from a tribe of head-hunters, so I will never need a shrink.
28. The blinking lights of the antenna tower came into focus just as I heard a loud snap.
29. Never underestimate the willingness of the greedy to throw you under the bus.
30. The wooden spoon couldn’t cut but left emotional scars.
31. Everything was going so well until I was accosted by a purple giraffe.
32. It's difficult to understand the lengths he'd go to remain short.
33. He always wore his sunglasses at night.
34. There are few things better in life than a slice of pie.
35. The underground bunker was filled with chips and candy.
36. For some unfathomable reason, the response team didn't consider a lack of milk for my
cereal as a proper emergency.
37. Nobody questions who built the pyramids in Mexico.
38. I just wanted to tell you I could see the love you have for your child by the way you look at her.
39. This made him feel like an old-style rootbeer float smells.
40. The overpass went under the highway and into a secret world.
41. The swirled lollipop had issues with the pop rock candy.
42. Two seats were vacant.
43. He said he was not there yesterday; however, many people saw him there.
44. He would only survive if he kept the fire going and he could hear thunder in the distance.
45. He watched the dancing piglets with panda bear tummies in the swimming pool.
46. He looked behind the door and didn't like what he saw.
47. Dan took the deep dive down the rabbit hole.
48. The thunderous roar of the jet overhead confirmed her worst fears.
49. Swim at your own risk was taken as a challenge for the group of Kansas City college
50. It caught him off guard that space smelled of seared steak.

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