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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: 11 – 15 - 2022

ACTIVITY TITLE: Term-End Essay Assessment
CASE STORY TITLE: One’s Responsibility Part-1


Give your thoughts on what are your roles in the different interpersonal dynamics such as family, groups
and community.
Student’s Answer

Each people play a unique role in the numerous interpersonal dynamics and interactions with
others. Accordingly, it can be inferred that their role changes based on who they are with, what they
are doing, or their surroundings. It also suggests that each person has different responsibilities,
both to himself and others. The ability to uphold one's roles and duties in relation to their many
interpersonal dynamics is crucial.

Taking responsibility is having a purpose and intention in your life. Knowing my responsibilities
and how I may uphold them as a community member is significant for me as a student. In my family,
we must fulfill our commitments and bear in mind all the terms of our agreements and rules. We
should acknowledge and give you credit when you do anything well. Moreover, be supportive of one
another, maintain open lines of communication, and work together as a team. Secondly, we must
contribute to and assist in groups in any way we can. Even though we are not very adept at giving
advice, it is crucial to listen carefully to others. And finally, our civic duty. We collaborate, appreciate,
and engage in our roles as members of the family and in groups.

As it influences both the individual and those around them, it is necessary for people to fulfill the
tasks and responsibilities placed upon them. People's efforts to fulfill their roles as they become
aware of them have a positive impact on the lives that these roles are linked to through the many
interpersonal dynamics of society. As people interact and learn from one another, this will contribute
to improving people 's quality of life.

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