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Resistor in Series

What is a CIRCUIT?
• closed loop that carries electricity
Electric Components

Voltage Source Resistor

• maintain a fixed voltage • implements electrical
resistance as a circuit
Three principles you should understand regarding series circuits:

What is a CURRENT?
• flow of electrons in a circuit
• denoted as I or i i
• Units = Ampere (amp or “A”)
Three principles you should understand regarding series circuits:

What is a VOLTAGE?
• the “push” that causes the current to flow
• Units = Volt or “V” i

Three principles you should understand regarding series circuits:

• opposes current flow in a circuit
• Units = Ohm or “Ω” i

v R
Ohm’s Law
• a formula used to calculate the relationship between voltage, current and
resistance in an electrical circuit

v R
Ohm’s Law Triangle
Series Circuit
• In a series circuit, the output current of the first resistor flows into the input
of the second resistor; therefore, the current is the same in each resistor.

Series Circuit Formula

Total Resistance
•𝑅𝑇 =𝑅 1+𝑅 2 +𝑅3 +…+𝑅 𝑛
Example #4
Find the total resistance of the circuit below.

5Ω 7Ω 9Ω

= (5 + 7 + 9) Ω
I = 21 Ω

+ -
Example #5
Find the total resistance and the current of the circuit below.
4Ω 5Ω 6Ω
= (4 + 5 + 6) Ω
= 15 Ω

I by Ohm’s Law,
I = V/
= [(20)/(15)] Ω
+ - = (4/3) Ω
I = 1.3 Ω
20 V
Example #6
Find the total voltage of the circuit below.

3Ω 7Ω 10Ω
= (3 + 5 + 7) Ω
= 20 Ω

I = 0.25
by Ohm’s Law,
+ - = (0.25)(20) V
v v=5V
Find the total resistance and current of the circuit below.
10Ω 13Ω 15Ω
= (10 + 13 + 15) Ω
= 38 Ω

I by Ohm’s Law,
I = V/
= [(40)/(28)] Ω
+ -
= (10/7) Ω
40 V
I = 1.05Ω

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