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Trinh Nguyen
About me
Giảng viên Business Intelligence tại MDA, có kinh nghiệm
nhiều năm làm việc tại các tập đoàn FMCG ,từng giữ vị trí
Head of Sales Operation tại Unilever Food Solution và
Sales Transformation – Project Operation Manager tại
Marico SEA, tại đây anh đã quản lý và phát triển nhiều dự
án Business Intelligence cũng như xây dựng các hệ
thống phục vụ cho việc self-service analytics.
Với nhiều năm kinh nghiệm trong mảng Sales Analytics &
Effectiveness, anh Trình có những trải nghiệm phân tích
dữ liệu thực tế và thay đổi cách người dùng tổ chức và
sử dụng dữ liệu với công nghệ Tableau & Power BI, MSBI
(SSAS, SSIS), SQL. Ngoài ra, anh Trình cũng là diễn giả
những sự kiện Business Intellgiece và tư vấn, cộng tác
cho các dự án xây dựng báo cáo và xử lý dữ liệu .
A. Data Analytics in General
B. Data Analytics Process
C. Understanding Business Problem
D. Data Preparation
E. Data Visualization
F. Insight & Story Telling
G. Business Decision Making Bias
Part A: Data
Analytics in
What is Data
Data analytics (DA) is the process
of collection, transformation, and
organization & examining the data
sets in order to find trends and
draw conclusions, make
predictions about the information
they contain
4 Types of Analytics
BI vs Advanced Analytics

Turn Data into Information &

Data Analytics Help Us:
Keep track the business performance
Provide a more complete picture Identify business problem, understand
of business problem, situation or bottle neck in business operation.
issue Based on information from data insight,
we can make more data-driven decision &
effective initiatives.

Improve Decision Making Based

on Fact, not based on Gut
What do you need to prepare?

Data Skills Business Understanding

(Data Processing, Data Preparation) (Business Operation, Business Requirement)
The Process
of Data
Data Analytics Process
The hardest thing in Data
Analytics is not about
Technology or Math, It’s about
Ask the right question.
Understand Business Context

Understand Identify the Structure Problem

Business Context Business Problem? into smaller
(Business Need, (What need to improve?) components
Business Objectives)

What is the most

impact factor to Gathering Data Analyze Data

KPI & Target Setting

Field Execution in Business Performance

Market Tracking

Improve Sales

Customer Centricity Sales Force Capability

A Data Analyst without structured
thinking is like a tourist without a map.
We might now the place but do not
know which route to get there

Structural A Structured Thinking help us to have a

clear picture of what we try to solve
Thinking without missing things that matter.

It help us to save time to solve problem

in a logical way
Structural Thinking
Structured Thinking is a process of putting a
framework to an unstructured problem. Having
a structure not only helps an analyst
understand the problem at a macro level but
also helps by identifying areas which require
deeper understanding
is a method of grouping information into elements

mutually collectively
exclusive exhaustive
● reducing complexity by avoiding ● ensuring a comprehensive collection
overlaps without leaving alternatives
● *Required: much deeper
understanding of the issue
How we debate How we organize the backlog

How we hold a brainstorming

How we analyse an

How we memorize

The way we structure information

& communicate with each other
Example: MECE and non-MECE

Dividing the population into subsets of age

Related Sales
Revenue of
Food & Drinks
Related Sales
Others (Gift)
TOSCAR Framework
Converting Business Problem into a
Data problem
Issue Tree / Logic Tree
Issue Tree / Logic Tree are used to break down complex problems into more
manageable sub-issue. A MECE issue tree ensures that no possible solution
is missing and that work streams can be distributed among the case team
members without any duplication of the work
Applied MECE: Issue/Logic Tree
Logic Tree
Logic Tree
Logic Tree
Data Preparation
Data Preparation

1. Data Availability?

2. Not All Data We Needed - Choose Right

Data for Right Business Context

3. Data Preparation: Garbage in Garbage Out

Data Preparation is important
Data Preparation is one of the most important part of
any analysis and 60–80% time is consumed. Therefore, it
is very important that we follow the right approach to
prepare data which may save us from last minute
surprises and rework of the whole analysis process
Rule 20-80 Data Analysis
PART E: Data
Introduction to Data Visualization
Data Visualization
Choose right Metrics
Metrics are the data you collect:
• Your Total Revenue / Revenue Growth
• Number of Buying Customers in a month
• Average amount spent per customer
• Number of visitors to your website


Choose the Right Chart
Basic Chart
Comparison Part to Whole Change Over Time Relationship Distribution
- Bar or Cluster Bar - Pie Chart -Column or Cluster Column - Scatter Plot - Histogram
- Column or Cluster - Donut Chart -Line Chart - Bubble Plot - Box Plot
- Sunburst Chart -Area Chart
- Stacked Column/Bar
Chart - Tree Map
-Column Chart
Column Chart & Cluster Column Chart
Column charts: are used to compare several items of single categorical
Ex: Revenue / Profit / #Orders per Region. Number of users per App
Clustered Column Chart: compare multiple items of multiple categorical
Ex: Compare #Vehicles for each region & among product variant
# Order for each gender among product categories
Column Chart & Cluster Column Chart
Column charts / Clustered Column Chart are also used to display amount for
single/multiple categories changing over a period of time
Ex: Compare revenue for each product categories change over time
# Sold Item among the years
Bar Chart & Cluster Bar Chart
Bar Chart / Cluster Bar Chart: Like column chart they are also used to facilitate comparison
1. Replace column chart in case axis labels or two long
2. Use to display large number of data sets on the categorical axis
2. Replace Pie chart in case of so many categorical items
Stacked Column / Bar Chart
Stacked bar / column chart: With these types of chart, parts of the data are adjacent
(bars) or stacked (columns); each bar/column displays a total amount, broken down into
sub-amounts. 100% Stacked bar / column is a variant that display relative number
Ex: Sales by Product Category change over time, Sales by Product Category between Regions
Product Mix (%) change over time, Frequency / Relative Frequency Distribution over time
Pie Chart / Donut Chart
Pie Chart represents the distribution or proportion of each
data item over a total. It is most effective when plotting not
so many categorical items
Ex: Contribution, Weighted, Relative Distribution
Donut Chart (also known as Doughnut chart) is a variation
on a Pie chart except it has a round hole in the center

Donut Chart
Line Chart
Line Chart: measure amount and observe trends & pattern over a period of time
Or compare trend line of items of one categorical variable
Area Chart
Area Chart: Similar to line chart, illustrating the magnitude of change over time
Use the area chart when there is a summation relationship between the data
sets or when you want to show part-to-whole relationship (along with trend)
100% Area Chart is a variant that display relative number (percentage)
Combined Chart
Combo Chart: Combines two or more chart types (normally column & line) into a
single chart. They can be same axis or in two separate axis (secondary)
Combined Chart - Others

Column on Column Line on Column Line on Line

Hierarchical Chart
Hierarchical Charts are used to display Multiple Part-to-Whole or
Flow (sequential segments)
Sunburst Chart is represented contribution (percentage) for each
level by a ring circle.
Treemap: The tree branches are represented by rectangles, with
sub-branches displayed as a smaller rectangle.
The size of the rectangle represents the quantity measure and the
colour of the boxes can be used to create associations in the data,
or a colour scale can indicate performance comparisons in the
Treemap are good for visualizing a lot of data with multiple levels
or groupings (hierarchical data)
Histogram - Distribution
Histogram: used to present frequency distribution of the numerical data that helps in
interpreting the shape of distribution
Central of Tendency (mean, median, mode) does not tell us what is the underly
distribution of data
Boxplot - Distribution
A box and Whisker plot: Present distribution information from a five-number
summary and display range & interquartile clearly. It does not show a distribution
in as much detail as histogram but is can indicate unusual observations (outliers)
in the data set. Boxplot is also useful to compare distribution and range between
categories or overtime using side by side box plot
Histogram vs Box-Plot
PART F: Data
An Understanding of the
motivational forces behind
one’s actions, thoughts, or
Marketing Marketing insights meaning is
therefore the process of developing a
Insights deep understanding of consumers,
customers, shoppers & competitors
Brand insights are all about how well you

Brand know and understand your brand and how

it aligns with your target audiences’ needs.
It is an umbrella term that covers metrics
Insight like brand awareness, brand perception,
brand integrity, brand trust, as well as a
brand’s value proposition and mission.
Data Insight?
An insight is a deep understanding of a situation (or person or thing). In the
context of data and analytics, the word insight refers to an analyst or
business user discovering information, a pattern in data or a relationship
between variables that they didn’t previously know existed
Data Insight?
How do you find data insights?
Data insights can be found by defining the
problem you’re looking to solve, measuring
and analyzing the metrics that are relevant to
this problem, making improvements based on
your findings, and then monitoring the effects
that these improvements have on your KPIs
Data Insight
Is there any relationship between
Consumer who smoke & drink alcohol?
Is there any difference in basket size in
Age Group & by Gender?
Data Is there Sales Trend in the past five years
Insight? have any significant outliers or pattern in
Is there any significant growth vs Last Year
a of specific Customer Group / Product
Data Insight
Data Insight
Data Insight
Tips for Pulling Insight from Data
Four Tips for pulling insights from data
1. Choose right metrics for your problem
2. Deep dive into deeper level by change level of detail
3. Comparison & Segmentation
2. Identify Right Patterns in Data (Trend, Abnormal Value, Relationship)
3. Look at the correct time frames
4. Avoid Measuring Averages & Totals, Looking into the Underlying
Data Storytelling
Data Storytelling
Data Storytelling
Data Storytelling
Data Storytelling - Visualization Principle
Data Story Telling - Visualization

Choose Right Chart & Add Narrative for Understanding Context

Data Story Telling - Visualization
Only label things that matter
Data Story Telling - Visualization

Choose Type of Visualization that easy for audience to compare

Data Story Telling - Visualization
Avoid “Spaghetti” Line Chart
Data Story Telling - Visualization
Avoid “Spaghetti” Line Chart
Data Story Telling - Visualization
Multiple Chart with same Axis
Data Story Telling - Visualization
Highlight things that we want audience to focus
Data Story Telling - Visualization
Remove Redundant Legend Color
Data Story Telling - Visualization
Simply Chart by removing Chart Junks (Gridlines, Markers ..etc.)
Data Story Telling - Visualization
Vertical or Horizontal?
Data Story Telling - Visualization

Be Consistent with Labeling & Data Formatting

Data Story Telling - Visualization
Data Story Telling - Visualization
Data Story Telling - Visualization
Tips for Chart in Storytelling
Confirmation Bias
Confirmation bias
means paying
attention to
evidence that
confirms your
beliefs – and
ignoring anything
that doesn't.
e Bias
The overconfidence
bias is our tendency to
be more confident in
our ability to act
ethically than is
objectively justified by
our abilities and moral
rely too heavily on, or
"anchor", on one trait
or piece of information
when making
Actively look for findings that disprove your beliefs

How to
avoid Assign multiple independent teams to analyze the data
separately, to determine whether the differences are due
to error, inconsistent methods, or bias.

Asking yourself why your analysis might be wrong,
and recommends that you do this for every analysis
you perform

Bias Ask others with knowledge about the project, you’ll benefit
from multiple perspectives, while also providing an
opportunity to bring to the surface potential flaws in the
analysis that you may otherwise overlook.

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