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• The word research is composed of two words:

re and search
• Prefix re means- again, a new or over again.
• Latter verb means – to examine closely and carefully, to test and try, or to probe.
• Together they form a noun describing a careful, systematic, patient study and
investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to establish facts or
Definition of Research
Research is a systematic and organized
process of gathering, analyzing, and
interpreting information to answer questions
or solve problems. It involves the use of
various methods and techniques to produce
reliable and valid results.
What is Business Research?
Business research is the process through which a business improves
its profits and organizational performance by gathering and
analyzing relevant data regarding its operations.
Reasons for studying Business Research

 To Better Understand Your Customers

 Identifies Problem Areas
 Beneficial in Comparative Studies
 Helps Design New Business Opportunities
 Minimizes Loss
Characteristics of Research
1. Research should be rigorous- It should be rigorous because it helps to follow the
procedures to find out the answers related questions which are relevant and appropriate in
2. Research should be systematic- Research should be systematic because if a researcher
wants to do a perfect research design or process then it will have to evaluate or obtained the
necessary information from the market in a systematic manner.
3. Research should be valid- It means the information which is collected by
the researcher can be the correct and verifiable by the researcher himself. If our collected
information is fair or valid, then our research will also be ethical in nature.
4. Research should be empirical- This means that any conclusion drawn is totally based
upon ethical or gathered information collected from observations and real-life experiences.
6. The foundation of knowledge- Research is the foundation of knowledge for the purpose
of knowledge and an important source for providing guidelines or norms for solving
different social, business, or governmental problems.
Types of Research

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research Mixed Methods

Focuses on exploring Uses statistical and Research
attitudes, behaviors, and mathematical techniques Combines both
experiences through to analyze numerical data qualitative and
methods such as and draw conclusions quantitative approaches
interviews, observations, about relationships and to gain a comprehensive
and case studies. patterns. understanding of the
research topic.
Purpose of Research
1 Knowledge Expansion
Research aims to expand the existing knowledge base,
contributing to the advancement of various fields and

2 Problem Solving
It serves the purpose of identifying issues, finding solutions,
and making informed decisions based on evidence.

3 Innovation and Development

Research fosters innovation and facilitates the development
of new technologies, products, and processes.
Characteristics of Good Research

1 Validity 2 Relevance
Reliability and accuracy of the The research is focused on
research findings, ensuring that addressing meaningful questions
they reflect the truth of the studied and contributing to the existing
phenomena. body of knowledge.
3 Ethical Conduct 4 Transparency
Adherence to ethical principles Clear documentation of methods
and guidelines, ensuring the well- and procedures, allowing others to
being of participants and the replicate or verify the research
integrity of the research process. outcomes.
Importance of Research

Advancing Knowledge Informed Decision Problem-solving

Contributing to the Making Addressing and
expansion of Providing evidence and solving complex
knowledge in various insights that support issues by generating
fields, leading to informed decision- evidence-based
scientific and societal making processes in solutions through
progress. academics, policy, and research.
Ethical Considerations in Research
Informed Consent Confidentiality Data Integrity
Respecting the Protecting the privacy Ensuring the accuracy
autonomy of research of participants and and reliability of
participants by ensuring the research data through
ensuring they fully confidentiality of transparent and
understand and agree their personal ethical data collection
to participate. information and data. and analysis practices.
Common Challenges in Research

1 Resource Limitations
Challenges related to access to
funding, equipment, and skilled
Data Quality 2 personnel needed for research
Issues concerning the projects.
reliability, accuracy, and
relevance of research data
collected and analyzed 3 Time Constraints
Pressures related to meeting
deadlines and completing research
within specified timelines.

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