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#2 Puritans/Pilgrims

The Puritans were a denomination of the Protestant faith that practiced a very strict moral code. They originally left from England due to persecutions against them. The Puritans often led the Pilgrims who also practiced the same code. These groups were led by the inner circle of the Puritans who believe that only select people could enter in to the kingdom of heaven. They believed that it was only by the mercy of God that everyone was not cast into hell. They believed that sin was the cause of illness and often sinners were persecuted with disease and illness. They believed that the wars and attacks they encountered from the Native Americans were due to their children diverging from the moral code by practicing Native American rituals which the Puritans believed to be sinful. Their writing style was known as the plain style and was used to take the glory off of themselves and give God the glory instead which was the basis for everything they did. They remained separate from other colonist and viewed themselves as more holy than others. They believe that they were the chosen of God and they were the only one who really mattered.

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