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#1 Jamestown Settlement/John Smith

Jamestown was the first permanent British colony in North America. It was located in present day Virginia. A group of upperclassmen from England sailed to American in search of gold and trade route to the Orient. Upon arrival, however, they discovered no gold. The land was marshy and difficult to survive. The area was rich in tobacco instead.

John Smith was an already well known Captain in England before his travels to North America. He was ambushed and captured by Native Americans and due to his confidence and certain items that he carried the Chief decided to spare him. John Smith believed that the Chiefs eleven year old daughter Pocahontas was influential in getting him released.

He later became a leader of the colonist. Due to injuries, he had to return to England returning later to Maine and Massachusetts naming the area New England. He spent the rest of his life writing his memories until he died at age 51.

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