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Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare

Dentare Shqiptare

Organizuar nga:

Universiteti i Tirans
Fakulteti i Mjeksis
Departamenti i Stomatologjis

Shoqata Dentare Shqiptare

29-30 tetor 2010

Tiran, Shqipri

Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare

Dentare Shqiptare

29-30 tetor 2010

Tiran, Shqipri

ISBN: 978-9928-4001-9-2

Programi dhe abstraktet

Programi dhe Abstraktet

Presidente e Konferencs
Prof. Dr. Ruzhdie Qafmolla
Komiteti Shkencor
Prof. Dr. Diana Brovina
Prof. Dr. Lindita Xhemnica
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Besnik Gavazi
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Xhina Mulo
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Ramazan Isufi
Dr. Shk. Ardita Aliko
Komiteti Organizativ
Dr. Dorjan Hysi
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Rozarka Budina
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Adem Alushi
Dr. Shk. Edit Xhajanka
Dr. Shk. Etleva Droboniku
Dr. Ina Thereska
Dr. Ersela Gjokollari
Komiteti Social dhe Sekretaria

Dr. Manola Kelmendi

Lorena Qafmolla

Grej Malo

Klodjan Shahu
Pr realizimin e Kongresit kontribuoi:

Universiteti Mjeksor ALDENT

Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Programi dhe abstraktet



E premte, 29 tetor 2010

Tirana International Hotel Salla Balsha
14.00 - Regjistrimi
16.00 - Hapja solemne e konferences; Pershendetje nga t ftuarit
RUZHDIE QAFMOLLA, Presidente e Konferencs
16.15 - Aktivitetet e Shoqates Dentare Shqiptare
DORJAN HYSI, Kryetari i Shoqates Dentare Shqiptare

Seanca e Par
16.30 - Institucionalizimi i cilsis dhe akreditimi n sistemin ton
shndetsor (Leksion)
17.00 - Strategjite e reja per mbushjet direkte ne dhembet posterior me
rrugen self-adhering (Leksion)

Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

18.30 - Prcaktimi i gjatsis s kanalit t rrnjs me apeks lokator n

kushte in vitro
18.45 - Vleresimi i ankthit dentar ne femije
19.00- Ndikimi i pastave me 5000 ppm fluor, ne parandalimin dhe
frenimin e kariesit te rrenjes ne te moshuar
19.15 - Ndikimi i irriganteve ne mikrorrjedhjet koronale te mbushjeve te
kanalit me kondesim lateral te gutaperkave
19.30 - Pyetje dhe Diskutime
20.00 - Mbyllja

E shtun, 30 tetor 2010

Tirana International Hotel Salla Balsha

Seanca e par
08.30 - Arti dhe shkenca e dentistrise restorative (Leksion)
09.30 - DWOWOS Platforma e hapur, teknologjia me gjitheperfshirese
ne stomatologjine dixhitale (Leksion)
10.30 - Pyetje dhe Diskutime
11.00 Pushim kafe

Programi dhe abstraktet

Seanca e dyt
11.30 - RMGIC (glass-ionomere cementet rezin -modifikuar)
performance e tyre ne denticionin e qumeshtit
11.45 - Ndikimi i nivelit t arsimit t nns n kariesin e fmijve t
moshs 12-15 vjeare
12.00 - Krahasimi ndermjet pastave te endometazonit dhe atyre me baze
rezine mbas trajtimit endodontik
12.15 - Kariesi i femijerise se hershme, ndikimi dhe percaktimi i dietes ne
ecurine e tij
12.30 - Prevalenca dhe karakteristikat e kariesit aproksimal
12.45 - Prevalenca dhe eksperienca e kariesit dentar ne grupmoshen 12
vjecare ne Qytetin e Tiranes
13.00 - Vleresimi in vitro i efikasitetit antimikrobial te irriganteve
endodontike NaOCl dhe Klorheksidine
13.15 - Prdorimi i irrigantve dhe i laserit n trajtimin endodontik

Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

13.30 - Vleresime klinike paraprake per zbardhjen e dhembeve vitale me

Whiteness HP

13.45 - Pyetje, Diskutime, Konkluzionet e seances

14.00 - Mbyllja e seances

Tirana International Hotel Salla Onufri

Seanca e par
08.30 -Trajtimi jo-kirurgjikal i pacienteve adulte me malokluzione te
klases se III-te
08.50 - Gjendja e parodontit t dhmbve shtyll n raport me higjienn
orale dhe llojin e mbshtetjes dentare t protezave parciale t lvizshme
09.10 - Perdorimi i materialeve elastike (reziliente) ne ribazimin e protezave
09.30 - Analiza krahasuese e variabls pr lartsi te urat ansore metal
09.50 - Estetika ne prostodontike: Dizenjimi i buzqeshjes

Programi dhe abstraktet

10.10 - Dimensionet e kanineve te siperm ne femra, si indikacion per

thellesine e preparimit
10.30 - Erozioni dentar, prevenimi dhe trajtimi i tij
10.50 Pyetje dhe Diskutime
11.00 Pushim kafe

Seanca e dyt
11.30 - Vleresimi i puthitjes se koronave totale me nenstrukture oksidin e
zirkoniumit, realizuar me sisteme te ndryshme CAD/CAM
11.50- Korrigjimi i anomalise Kafshim i hapur me ane te perdorimit te
aparatit RMI (paraqitje rastesh)
12.10 - Vleresimi i efektivitetit te metodave te ndryshme retraktuese ne
protetiken fikse
12.30 - Teknika Self-ligating - E ardhmja e ortodoncis ?
12.50 - Percaktimi i moshes skeletale nepermjet ekografise, krahasuar me
radiografine e dores dhe kyit
13.10 - Pyetje, Diskutime, Konkluzionet e Seances
14.10 Mbyllja e seances

Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Tirana International Hotel Salla Abret

Seanca e par
08.30 - Shfaqjet e hershme dhe menaxhimi i kancerit oral (Leksion)
09.00 - Veshtiresite operatore ne korigjimin e defekteve bilaterale te buzes
09.20 - Nxjerrja e molarit te trete mandibular dhe komplikimet
09.40 - Perdorimi parandalues i augmentines ne traumat oro-maksilofaciale
10.00 - Ekstraksioni dentar si indikator i statusit te shendetit oral
10.20 - Trajtimi implantar i atrofive te theksuara mandibulare
10.40 - Pyetje dhe Diskutime
11.00 - Pushim kafe


Programi dhe abstraktet

Seanca e dyt
11.30 - Trajtimi i malformacionit te buzes se poshtme me diode lazer
11.50 - Parandalimi preoperator i infeksionit ne praktiken dentare
12.10 - Planifikimi para implantar n pacientt me atrofi t nofullave
12.30 - Trajtimi implantoprotetik i lvizshm n pacientt me munges t
theksuar dhmbsh deri n edentuli t plot. T dhna dhe raste
12.50 - Elektrokirurgjia ne protetiken fikse
13.10 Pyetje, Diskutime, Konkluzionet e seances
14.00 Mbyllja e seances


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare



Leksione / Lectures

Institucionalizimi i cilsis dhe

akreditimi n sistemin ton
Prof. Dr. ISUF KALO*
*Prof. Dr. Isuf KALO sht themelues dhe drejtues i Qendrs
Kombtare t Cilsis, Siguris dhe Akreditimit t Institucioneve
Shndetsore, t ciln vazhdon ta drejtoj ende sot. Prof. KALO
sht Konsulent Shndetsor i Banks Botrore dhe njkohsisht
Kshilltar i jashtm i Ministrit t Shndetsis t Kosovs. sht
autor i nj sr veprash e publikimesh n shtypin mjeksor dhe at
t huaj. Prof. Dr. KALO sht njkohsisht antar nderi n disa
shoqata mjeksore ndrkombtare dhe n disa vende t veanta t

N tregun t hapur tashm pluralist shendetesor perfshi ate te stomatologjise

ku sektori publik, sektori privat (vendas dhe i huaj) ofrojn kujdes dhe
shrbime n komplimentaritet dhe njkohsisht n konkurrenc me njeri-tjetrin
konsumatorve t ktyre shrbimeve (qytetarve e pacientve)u ka lindur nevoja
t informohen pr t mundur t zgjedhin ate prej tyre sht cilsisht m i miri,
m i sigurti e m kosto efektiv.
Mirpo cilsia e kujdesit stomatologjik tek ne ka qen tradicionalisht e panjohur.
Sepse nuk matej n mnyr t strukturuara e unifikuar, as raportohej dhe as
Ajo deri tani sht bazuar ne percepsione , opinione dhe paragjykime subjektive
qoft ne forme glorifikimi fiktiv qofte si nxirje e padrejt esaj.
N vitin 2006 u b nj hap i madh pr institucionalizimin e cilsis n vendin
ton me ngritjen e Qendres Kombetare te Cilesise , Sigurise dhe Akreditimit
(QKCSA-ISH )me funksion udheheqien strategjike te tyre ne rrafsh kombtar
krijimin e vizionit, strategjis t metodave e mjeteve t duhura pr matjen,
krahasimin dhe promovimin e cilsis dhe siguris n sistemin ton shndetsor.
Ajo n bashkpunim me ekspert e fushes e ata ndrkombtare krijoi standardet
e cilsis pr shrbimin spitalor, at parsor, , laboratort mjeksor dhe shrbimin
farmaceutik. E natyrisht edhe pr stomatologjine Ato do shrbejn pr licencimin
dhe akreditimin mbi kritere t njjta pr t gjitha institucione shndetsore
publike dhe private q operojn n vendin ton. Standardet jan miratuar nga
MSH Akreditimi,sipas ligjit t ri t kujdesit shndetsor sht i detyrueshm pr
t gjith institucionet tona shndetsore dhe do te kryet nga QKCSA ISH Ajo
do te monitorizoj edhe treguesit e performances.
Certifikata e akreditimit e afishuar n murin e institucionit do u konfirmoj
qytetarve e pacientve q ky institucion ka kompetenc n, cilsin dhe sigurin


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

e duhur profesionale pr shrbimin q ofron. Kjo do u lejoj institucioneve t
konkurrojn m me besueshmri n treg dhe t prfitojn bonuset e cilsis m t
mir nga ISKSH si blersi i vetm i shrbimeve shndetsore.
Drejtimi i dyt i QKCSAISH lidhur me cilesine eshte hartimi dhe implementimi
i nj strategjie kombtare pr formulimin e Udhzuesve Klinik dhe Protokolleve
Klinike t Praktiks cilsisht m t mir. Drejtimi i tret sht ai i vendosjes
s pacientve n qendr t sistemit shndetsor ,dmth fuqizimi i tyre si aktor
kryesor t tij me an t promovimit t t drejtave e rolit t tyre si partner aktiv
dhe te edukimit t strukturuar terapeutik pr vet menaxhimin shndetit dhe
t smundjeve dhe ndikimit ne politikat e reformat shndetsore. te vendit
Pacientt e fuqizuar me zerin e krkesat legjitime te tyre do t ushtrojn presion
ndaj sistemit shndetsor pr nj cilsi dhe kosto efikasitet sa m t mir si
dhe pr minimizimin e rreziqeve e gabimeve dmtuese ndaj tyre gjat kujdesit
QLCSA-ISH sht qendr trajnuese e metodologjike e cilesise me rrjete te
gjere bashkpuntorsh e koordinatorsh t cilsis dhe siguris, ne institucione
dhe shoqata profesionistve. duke perfshire ate te stomatologjise Ajo si nj nga
pioniert e par n rajon ka nj network t gjer bashkpunimi me si motra n
Evrop e Bot dhe sht antare aktive e shqates Evropiane te cilesise ESQHC.

Institutionalization of quality and

accreditation in our health system
Prof. Dr. ISUF KALO*

In the already open health market so called pluralist health services, including
those of dentistry where the public sector, private sector (domestic and foreign)
provide care and services in complementarities and simultaneously are in
competition with each other, the consumers of these services (citizens of patients)
have the right and need to be informed to be able to choose which of them is
qualitatively the best, the safest and most cost effective.
Nevertheless, the request for having a quality of dental care to us has been
traditionally unknown. This was because the quality was not measured in a
structured and unified way, either reported or rewarded.
So far the health services has been perceived based on subjective opinions and
prejudices either in terms of both false glorification or in terms of unfair distortion
of reality.
In the year 2006 it was a big step in the institutionalization of quality in our country


Leksione / Lectures
with the establishment of NCQSA-HI, having as its function the creation of the
vision, the national strategy and appropriate methods and tools for measuring,
comparing and promoting quality and safety in our health system. For the first
time in collaboration with the stakeholders and international expertise, there
were established quality standards for hospital services, the primary health care,
medical laboratories, pharmaceutical services and naturally also for the dental
services. They will serve for licensing and accreditation of health organizations,
based on the same criteria for all public and private health institutions operating
in our country. The Standards approved by MOH will serve as the basis for the
accreditation process, which under the new health care law, is mandatory for
all our health institutions. NCQSA-HI, has also created the unified quality
indicators to measure the performance of health institutions.
The Certificate of accreditation displayed on the wall of the institution will
confirm to the citizens and the patients that that institution has the competence
and offers the quality and safety of the proper professional service. Accreditation
will allow the institutions to compete with more confidence in the market and
take advantage of bonuses and the best quality of HII as the sole purchaser of
health services.
The second direction of the work of NCQSA-HI, has been the drafting and
then implementation of the national strategy for the formulation of Clinical
Guidelines and Clinical Protocols of the Best Practice.
The third direction is that of placing patients at the center of health care and
empowering them as its principal means of promoting the rights of their role as
active partner and their structured therapeutic education not only for the their
self management process of their diseases but also in the drafting of health policy
and reforms. Empowering patients is expected to exert pressure on bottom-up
direction to the health system for a better quality and cost efficiency as well as to
minimize the risk of harmful errors to them during the health care.
NCQSA-HI , has become a major centre of training and of providing
methodology to create the appropriate network of associates of the quality
and safety coordinators, managers of all institutions and professionals. It has a
wide network of cooperation as one of the first pioneers in the region and with
its peers in Europe of the World and it is an active member of the ESQHC.
Institutionalization of quality and accreditation in our health system.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Strategjite e reja per mbushjet

direkte ne dhembet posterior me
rrugen self-adhering
*Departamenti i Protetiks fikse dhe materialeve dentare n
Universitetin e Sienes, Itali.

Mbushjet e dhembeve ne regjionin posterior shfaqin probleme specifike si tkurrja

nga polimerizimi dhe stresi, te cilat mund te kompromentojne rende jetegjatesine e
mbushjeve. Materiale dhe teknika te ndryshme jane propozuar per te menjanuar keto
probleme si : perdorimi i adeziveve, liners, llampave polimerizuese specifike, teknika e
duhur e aplikimit te kompozites me shtresa.
Kohet e fundit eshte zhvilluar nje proedure e re ku propozohet perdorimi i kompozitit
self-adhesive dhe aplikimin e tij duke perdorur nje teknike e cila eshte specifike per te.
Ne kete leksion do te shqyrtohet rruga tradicionale per realizimin e mbushjeve te
dhembeve posteriore dhe ne te njejten kohe do te tregohen te dhenat shkencore si dhe
proedurat klinike te kesaj qasje te re.

New strategies for direct

restorations of posterior teeth: the
self-adhering approach
*Alessandro Vichi is a Research Professor at the Department of
Fixed Prosthodontics and Dental Materials, University of Siena,

Restoration of teeth in posterior area suffers from specific problems like curing
contraction and stress that can heavily influence the longevity of the restorations.
Different materials and techniques have been proposed to counterbalance these
problems, like the use of adhesives, liners, specific polymerization strategies and lamps,
and appropriate layering techniques. Recently, a new procedure has been proposed,
in which a self-adhesive resin composite and a specific application technique has
been developed. The lecture will review the traditional approach and will show the
scientific data as well as the clinical procedure of this new approach.


Leksione / Lectures

Arti dhe shkenca e dentistrise

*Profesor i asociuar ne Universitetin e Iasi-t

Dentistria estetike eshte perhapur tani kudo ne bote. Mundesia e Photoshopit e ka bere me te veshtire per te interpretuar se fare eshte reale dhe fare
eshte ndryshuar me ane te nje programi te mire kompjuterik, e megjithate ne
mund te arrijme shume sot me ndihmen e kompoziteve ne aspektin estetik. Ne
kete leksion do te paraqiten shume teknika qe lidhen me dentistrine estetike.
Industria po shkon perseri ngadale drejt thjeshtesimit dhe ne kete leksion do
te paraqiten disa shembuj klinik ilustrues. Do te prezantojme edhe rezultatet e
puns ne regjionin e pasem dhe s fundmi ne do t diskutojn se si t zgjidhen
problemet me mbushjet ne raste pacientsh q nuk duan t paguajn shum,
ose q nuk duan ti nnshtrohen trajtimeve me shum seanca ose afatgjata.

Science and Art of Restorative

*Associate Professor at the University of Iasi.

Esthetic dentistry has come far, everywhere in the world. The option of photoshop
has made it more difficult to interpret what is real and what is good software,
but overall it is very impressive what we can do with composites today. Many
techniques will be shown, and also where we have maybe gone a bit too far.
Industry is slowly moving again to simplification, and clinical examples will be
shown. Results of posterior work will be shared, and ultimately we will discuss
how to optimize restorations that have to be placed in real-life situations with
patients that do not want to pay much, come back many times or undergo very
lengthy treatments.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

DWOWOS Platforma e hapur,

teknologjia me gjitheperfshirese ne
stomatologjine e dixhitalizuar
*Michel Divet eshte i specializuar ne Shkenca Kompjuterike ne
Universitetin Teknologjik te
Compigne, France.

Meso per kuptimin e vertete te platformes se hapur dhe si te shmanget vjeterimi i

Zbulo sesi te tregosh nese sistemi eshte plotesisht i hapur ose i mbyllur dhe nderlikimet.
Meso per madheshtine e fundit te teknologjise se skanimit dhe dizenjimit te pjesshem te
modeleve te allise me mjete programuese kompjuterike.
Gjithashtu ne kete leksion do te prezantohet nje skice gjitheperfshirese e aplikimevete
Dental Wings ne deget e ndryshme te dentistrise si dizenjimi i modeleve ne protetike, i
kurorave, i urave dhe implanteve.
Zbulo se perse DWOS eshte programi kompjuterik dizenjues me i pranuar ne bote, me
miliona proteza te dizenjuara nga DWOS per pacientet.

DWOWOS The most

comprehensive Open Platform
within digital dentistry
*Michel Divet has an engineer degree and is specialized in
Computer Science from Technology University of Compigne,
France. He is actually Business Development Manager at Dental
Wings, Europe.

Learn about the true meaning of open platform and how to avoid technology
Find out how to tell if a system is completely open or closed and the implications.
Learn about the latest state-of-the-art stone model scanning technologies and partial
design software. Also covered, will be an outline of the Dental Wings comprehensive
applications for prosthetic designs of copings, crowns, bridges and implants. Find out
why the DWOS is the worlds most accepted design software with millions of DWOS
prosthesis designs within patients!


Leksione / Lectures

Shfaqjet e hershme dhe menaxhimi

i kancerit oral
*Sherbimi i Kirurgjise Oro-Maksilofaciale,
QSU Nene Tereza, Tirane

Kanceri oral eshte nje patologji me shfaqje klinike te shumellojshme qe

ndodhet ne fushen e disa specialiteteve te ndryshme si psh: stomatologut, orl,
dermatologut, onkologut dhe patologut. Megjithese kjo ka sjelle studime te
shumta mbi kete patologji, si edhe mjaft te reja te rendesishme ne kuptimin e
etiologjise dhe trajtimin e tij, nga ana tjeter krijohet konfuzion persa i perket
unifikimit te mendimit mbi klasifikimin dhetrajtimin e tij. Mendimi yne eshte
qe stomatologet kane nje rol vendimtar ne evidentimin dhe menaxhimin e
hershem, si edhe ne referimin ne kohen e duhur te rastit prane specialistit OMF
per trajtimin perfundimtar, ndaj edhe njohja sa me e mire e kesaj patologjie prej
tyre eshte vendimtare per nje trajtim perfundimtar sa me te suksesshem mbi baza
shkencore duke evituar trajtimet empirike te cilat i hasim jo rralle ne praktiken e

Early detection and management of

oral cancer
*Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit,
University Hospital Mother Theresa, Tirane

Early diagnosis is critical if patients with oral cancer are to be cured. In this lecture
we will review the role of the dentist in early detection of this disease. Dentists
should be alert of the possibility of carcinoma even though they may encounter it
rarely in their practicing lifetime. Any high-risk premalignant lesion or suspected
carcinoma should be referred the same day to a specialist treatment centre.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare



Referate / Oral presentations

Prcaktimi i gjatsis s kanalit t

rrnjs me apeks lokator
n kushte in vitro
*Qendra Klinike Stomatologjike Un iversitare e Kosovs,
Klinika e Smundjeve t dhmbit m e endodoncion, Prishtin.

Qllimi: Qllimi i ktij punimi sht hulumtimi i precizitetit t apeks lokatorit

dhe radiografis digjitale n prcaktimin e gjatsis punuese t kanalit t rrnjs.
Metoda: Pr kt studim jan testuar 40 dhmb njrrnjsh t ektrahuar
human. Pas prpunimit endodontik dhmbt jan zhytur n modele t alginatit
(Hydrogym, Zhiromack, Italy) pr prcaktimin e gjatsis s kanalit me apeks
lokator. Gjatsia e kanalit n mnyr elektronike sht prcaktuar me apeks
lokatorin Propex (Dentsply, Maillefer, Switzerland) me an t instrumentit
kanalikular #15(Profinder, Dentsply, Maillefer, Switzerland). Poashtu, gjatsia e
kanalit sht prcaktuar edhe me sistemin e radiografis digjitale me vendosjen
e instrumentit kanalikular #15 deri n apeks dhe trheqjen pr 1 mm. T gjitha
kanalet jan prpunuar n t tretn apikale dhe distanca mes majs s instrumentit
dhe foramenit apikal sht matur me stereomikroskop (Brunel Microscope 130
M, UK).
Rezultatet: Pas prpunimit statistikor t rezultateve sht vrtetuar se nuk ka
pasur dallim sinjifikant mes prcaktimit t gjatsis s kanalit me apeks lokator
dhe metodn radiografike (p>0.05). Efikasiteti i apeks lokatorit brenda kufirit 0.5
mm nga forameni apikal ka qen 80% n t gjitha rastet.
Konkluzionet: Bazuar n rezultatet e fituara t ktij studimi mund t konkludohet
se apeks lokatori mundson zvoglimin e numrit t radiografive gjat trajtimit


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Determination of root canal

working length in vitro condition
with apex locator
*University Dental Clinical Center of Kosova,
Department of Dental Pathology and Endodontics,
University of Prishtina.

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the precision of apex locator and
digital radiography in root canal working length determination.
Methods: Forty extracted single rooted human teeth were used for this study.
After endodontic access, teeth were embedded in an alginate ( Hydrogym,
Zhiromack, Italy) model for electronic working length determination with apex
locator. Electronic length measurement was determined with Propex Apex locator
( Dentsply, Maillefer, Switzerland) using file 15 ( Profinder, Dentsply, Maillefer).
As control, the working length was determined with a digital radiographic system
by placing a size 15 file to the root canal and subtracting 1 mm from apex. All root
canals were prepared in the apical third and the distance between instruments tip
to the apical foramen was evaluated with stereomicroscope ( Brunel Microscope
130 M, UK).
Results: After statistical elaboration of results was proved that there is no
significant difference between determination of root canal working length with
apex locator and radiographic method ( p>0.05). The efficient of electronic device
within 0.5 mm of the apical foramen was 80% of all cases.
Conclusions: Based on the results of this study it may be concluded that apex
locators may decrease the number of radiographic images during endodontic


Referate / Oral presentations

Vleresimi i ankthit dentar

ne femije
*Klinika Stomatologjike Universitare, Tirane

Kusht per sukses te plote gjate nderhyrjeve dentare tek pacientet e moshes
parashkollore dhe shkollore eshte raporti i mirebesimt reciprok ndermjet
mjekut e pacientit te vogel.Kjo arrihet me mjeshteri profesionale e psikologjike.
Mjekimi nuk eshte vetem rezultat i njohurive profesionale te mjekut por edhe
merite e qendrimit te tij me femijet.Pothuajse te gjithe paraqiten tek mjeku kur
fillon dhimbja.Dhimbja eshte emocion dhe frike njekohesisht,ato jane te pandara
nga njera tjetra.Ankthi dhe frika tek dentisti,ndryshe dhe ankthi dentar eshte
nje problem multifaktorial ,i cili verehet pothuajse gjithmone gjate trajtimieve
dentare te femijeve.Studimet kane treguar se tek femijet,mjedisi dentar luan nje
rol te rendesishem ne zhvillimin e ketij ankthi.
Qellimi: Qellimi i ketij studimi eshte te vleresohet ankthi tek femijet qe paraqiten
per trajtim ne kliniken dentare gjate kontaktit me kabinetin dentar, me dentistin
dhe gjate manipulimeve dentare.
Materiali dhe Metoda: Jane marre ne studim 200 femije te moshave 6-12 vjec
te cilet jane paraqitur ne Kliniken Stomatologjike Universitare per trajtimin
e problemeve te ndryshme dentare.112 prej femijeve te paraqitur kane qene
femra(56%) dhe 88 jane meshkuj(44%).
Rezultatet: Studimi ka treguar se 58.8% e femijeve ishin ne gjendje te theksuar
ankthi perpara vizites ne kliniken dentare 22.1% prej tyre u kategorizuan si
anksioze dentare dhe 19.1% nuk paraqisnin ndonje gjendje te vecante emocionale
perpara vizites tek dentisti.
Konkluzioni: Gjate nje trajtimi dentar ne femije, marredhenia dentist pacient
eshte kushti i rendesishem per uljen e nivelit te ankthit tek femijet dhe ne
arritjen e suksesit te mjekimit.Si perfundim mund te themi se mjedisi dentar ,dhe
qendrimi i dentistit luajne nje rol te rendesishem ne rritjen e nivelit te ankthit
dentar tek femijet dhe ne qendrimin e tyre gjate trajtimit.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

The evaluation of dental anxiety

in children
*University Dental Clinic, Tirane

In order to succeed during dental manipulations on preschool or school children,it

is necessar to be established a good and reciprocal relationship between dentist
and little patient.This is obtained by using a professional and psychological
method at the same time. The cure is not just a result of the medical skills of
the dentist,because his behavior with the little patient plays an important role
too. Almost every patient is represented to the dentist when he or she has got
toothache.The pain is an emotion and a fear at the same time,they cant be
separated from each other.Dental anxiety is a multifactorial problem, frequently
encounted during dental treatment of children.Studies have indicated that in
children,dental environment plays an important role in its developments.
The aim: The aim of this study is to assess whether anxiety appears at a simple
contact of children with the dental clinic,the dentist and the dental manipulations.
The material and the method: The study is applied on 200 children ,from
6-12 years old who were represented to the treatment at the Universitary
Stomatological Clinic. 112 children who were represented were females(56%)
and 88 were males(44%).
The results: The study showed that 58.8% of children were very anxious before
the first assessment at the dental clinic ,22.1% of them were categorized as with
dental anxiety and 19.1 % did not show any kind of emotions before the visit to
the dentist.
The conclusion: During a dental treatment,a patient-dentist relationship is
established,and it decreases the level of anxiety if the dentists purpose is to
treat the patient and not just the illness.As a result we can say that the dental
environment and the dentists behavior, play a very important role on the
the increasement of dental anxiety and childrens disponibility during the


Referate / Oral presentations

Ndikimi i pastave me 5000 ppm

fluor, ne parandalimin dhe frenimin
e kariesit te rrenjes ne te moshuar
*Departamenti i Stomatologjise, Fakulteti i
Mjeksise,Universiteti i Tiranes, Shqiperi

Qellimi: Efekti i perdorimit te rregullt te nje paste me 5000ppm F ne parandalimin

dhe frenimin e kariesit te rrenjes dhe qafes se dhembit, ne te moshuar.
Metodat: U moren ne studim 26 paciente ne dy klinika private ne Tirane.
Grupmosha e pacienteve ishte 55-65 vjec. Pacientet u instruktuan per higjenen e
gojes, dhe u pajisen me pasta dhembesh me permbajtje 5000 ppm F.U registruan
te dhena per 684 siperfaqe dhembi , duke perdorur komponentin dhemb i kariuar
(DT), pjese e indeksit DMFT. U shenuan me D0= demineralizim, D1= karies
smalt-cement, D2= dentine. U shenuan me SF, siperfaqet e forta ne sondim. Te
dhenat u rregistruan ne fillim te trajtimit dhe pas 6 muajsh.
Rezultate: Ne ekzaminimin e kontrollit rezultuan : SF=238, D0=78, D1=162
dhe D2=206. Nga ekzaminimi pas 6 muajsh u vu re se: u parandalua (a)
shfaqja e lezioneve te reja ne 14 pacinte (b) u frenuan rreth 70% e lezioneve te
demineralizuara dhe (c)u kthyen 11% e lezioneve te buta, ne lezione me baze te
Konluzione: Duke marre ne konsiderate rezultatet e mesiperme ne mendojme se
perdorimi i rregullt i pastave me permbajtje 5000 ppm fluor mund te ndikoje ne
parandalimin dhe frenimin e kariesit te rrenjes ne te moshuar.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Use of 5000ppm fluoride

toothpaste in root caries prevention
and arrest, in elderly
*University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine,
Dental Department

The aim: The benefit of the regular use of 5000ppm fluoride toothpaste, in root
caries reduction and prevention, in elderly.
Methods: A group of 26 healthy elderly, were examined in two private dental
clinics in Tirana. The patients were between 55-65 years of age. The patients were
given 5000ppm fluoride toothpaste for regular use during 6 months. Data about
684 tooth surfaces were registered by using decayed tooth (DT) component,
part of DMFT index. We signed as D0 = enamel demineralization, D1= enamel
caries, D2= dentine caries and SF=sound surfaces. The data were registered at the
baseline examination and after 6 months.
Results: At the baseline examination resulted: SF=238, D0=78, D1=162 and
D2= 206. The main findings after 6 months were (a) prevention of new lesions in
14 patients (b) arrest of 70% of enamel demineralization and (c) arrest of 11% of
soft-based cavities and their conversation to hard-based cavities.
Conclusions: Taking into consideration the outcome results of this study, we
think that the regular use of a high fluoride concentration toothpaste ( 5000ppm
) may help in prevention and arrest of root caries in elderly.


Referate / Oral presentations

RMGIC (glass-ionomere cementet

rezin -modifikuar ) performance e
tyre ne denticionin e qumeshtit
*Fakulteti i Mjeksise, Departamenti i Stomatologjise

Qellimi :Te vleresojme per nje periudhe 2-vjecare ecurine klinike te glass-ionomer
cementeve rezin-modifikuar(RMGIC) ne mbushjet e kaviteteve te dhembeve te
Materiali dhe metoda : 72 mbushje me Fuji II LC (kapsula) jane aplikuar
ne kavitetet e klases se I,II,III dhe te V ne dhembet e qumeshtit ne 38 femije
te moshes 3-10 vjec.Per vleresimin e tyre jane perdorur kriteret e moderuara
te Ridge/ USPHS(qendrueshmeria e mbushjes,kariesi sekondar,adaptimi
marginal,diskolorimi marginal,forma anatomike,struktura e siperfaqes).Te gjitha
mbushjet ne baseline jane vleresuar korrekte .Kontrolli I tyre eshte bere pas 1 viti
dhe 2 vjetesh.
Rezultatet : Pas 2 vjetesh:ne klasen e I treguesi i suksesit 93,4 %,ne klasen e II
94 %,ne klasen e III 100 %, ne klasen e V 98 %. Te gjitha insukseset ishin per
shkak te renies se mbushjeve.
Konkluzion:Glass-ionomer cementet rezin- modifikuar kane nje performance
shume te mire klinike ne mbushjet e klases se I,te II,te III dhe te V . Ato jane
nje alternative shume e mire funksionale dhe estetike ne denticionin e qumeshtit


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

RMGIC(resin modified
glass ionomere cement)-their
performance in primary dentition
*University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine, Dental Department

The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical performance of resin-modified
glass ionomer cements (RMGIC) in the primary teeth restorations after two years
follow up.
Material and methods: A number of 72 restorations of Fuji II LC were placed
in class I,II,III and V cavities of primary teeth in 38 children aged 3-10 years
old .Restorations were clinically evaluated at baseline and after 2 years using
modified Ridge/USPHS criteria (retention ,secondary caries, marginal adaption,
anatomic form, marginal discoloration, surface structure). The restorations at
baseline were evaluated in optimal condition.
Results: After two years : in class I cavities Alfa rate 93,45%,in class II cavities
Alfa rate 94%,in class III cavities Alfa rate 100%,in class v cavities 98%. The
restoration fall of was the main reason of failure.
Conclusion: Resin modified glass-ionomer cements displayed good clinical
performance in class I,II,III and V cavities of primary teeth. They present good
functional and esthetic properties in primary dentition.


Referate / Oral presentations

Ndikimi i nivelit t arsimit t nns

n kariesin e fmijve t moshs 1215 vjeare
*QKMF Poliklinika Specialistike Stomatologjike Prishtin

Hyrja: N studimet stomatologjike do dit e m shum dominon pikpamja

se kariesi shkaktohet nga kombinimi i disa faktorve. Etiologjia e kariesit
sht komplekse dhe me ndrhyrje dhe veprim t shum faktorve: ushqimi,
mikroorganizmat, shprehit e kqija, gjendja ekonomike, niveli i ult edukativoshndetsor, niveli i arsimimit t nns, etj.
Qllimi: Pr tu sqaruar sa m mir ndikimi e ktyre faktorve n kt smundje
veanrisht jan analizuar, prevalenca e kariesit, gjendja ekonomike (punsimi i
prindrve) niveli i arsimimit t nns.
Materiali dhe metodologjia: N mnyr q t realizohet qllimi i prcaktuar n
punim, jan prfshir gjithsej 1516 nxns t moshave 12-15 vje t shkollave
fillore t qytetit t Prishtins. Rezultatet e hulumtimit jan analizuar vemas
sipas, moshs, gjinis, punsimit t prindrve dhe nivelit t arsimimit t nns.
Rezultatet: Sipas gjinis, prevalenca e kariesit dhe mesatarja e DMFT sht m
e lart te vajzat krahasuar me meshkujt, dallimi ka qen sinjifikant. Poashtu edhe
raporti FT/DMFT sht m i lart te vajzat. Me rritjen e moshs, rriten prevalenca
e kariesit, mesatarja e DMFT. Prevalenca m e lart sht regjistruar n mesin e
fmijve t nnave pa arsimim me 100.0 %, si dhe te fmijt t cilt nuk kan
asnjrin prind t punsuar 96.0% derisa prevalenca m e ult ka qen n mesin
e fmijve t nnave me shkollim t lart me 89.9% dhe te ata t cilt e kan t
punsuar vetm njrin 90.9% apo t dy prindrit 92.1%. Fmijt e prindrve
m t arsimuar dhe atyre t punsuar, tregojn nivel m t lart t njohurive dhe
shprehive t shndetit oral si dhe i kushtojn rndsi prkujdesjes stomatologjike.
Prfundimi: Kariesi paraqet problem t madh shndetsor dhe socio-ekonomik.
Rezultatet e hulumtimit tregojn lidhshmri n mes t kariesit dhe faktorve si
mosha, gjinia, gjendja ekonomike dhe niveli i arsimimit t nns.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Relationship between caries and

level of education of mothers of
children aged between 12 and 15
*Dental Specialties Clinic Prishtin

Background: In dental studies more and more dominates opininon that caries
is coused from combination of several factors. Etiology of caries is complex and
with interference and action of many factors: food, mikroorganisms, bad habbits,
economic status, low lewel of health education, level of education of mothers, etc.
Aim: In order to clarify as best as possible influence of these factors in caries,
especialy is analised prevalence of caries, economic condition (employment of
parents), level of education of mother etc.
Material and methodology: To achieve determined purpose, in the study are
included 1516 pupils of age 12-15 years old from primary schools of Prishtina.
Results of research are analised separatly according to age, gender, employment of
parents and level of education of mother.
Results: According to gender, prevalence of caries and averidge of DMFT is
higher at girls compared to boys, diference was significant. Also interrelation
betveen FT/DMFT is higher at girls. With growing age, prevalence of caries
increases, averidge of DMFT. Highest prevalence is registered among children
with uneducated mothers with 100.0%, and among children whose both parentsa
are unimployed 96.0% while lower prevalence was among children of highly
educated mothers 89.9% and to those children that have one parent employed
90.9% or both parents employed 92.1%. Children of educated and employed
parents have higher level of knolidge and habits of oral health and they are more
comited to dental care.
Conclusion: Caries represents a great health and socio-medical problem. Results
of research shows relation between caries and factors like age, gender, ekomomic
conditions and level of education of mother.


Referate / Oral presentations

Krahasimi ndermjet pastes se

endometazonit dhe atyre me baze
rezine mbas trajtimit endodontik
*Universiteti i Tiranes, Fakulteti i mjekesise,
Departamenti i Stomatologjise

Qellimi: Bakteriet ne kanalin e rrenjes luajne rol shume te rendesishem ne

zhvillimin e periodontiteve kronike apikale dhe eleminimi tyre behet kryesisht
nepermjet trajtimit endodontik.Ne vendin tone jane aplikuar metoda dhe
materiale te ndryshme per mbushjen e kanalit,por gjeresisht e perdorur eshte
pasta e Endometazonit .Sot po aplikohen per mbushjen e kanalit dhe pastat
me baze rezine.Qellimi i studimit eshte te evidentoj dhe krahasoj rezultatet e
trajtimit pas 2 vitesh te perdorimit te ketyre pastave.
Metoda: Studimi perfshin 30 raste te trajtuara me paste Endometazoni dhe 30
raste te trajtuara me paste me baze rezine ne dhembet molare,central,premolare.
Etapat e trajtimit endodontik kane qene te njejta ne te gjithe pacientet.Rastet
jane ndjekur me radiografi 3,6,12,18,24 muaj.
Rezultatet: nga te dhenat e marra nga studimi ne rastet e trajtuara me paste
endometazoni ne 7 pacient u verejten ndryshime periapikale,23 pacient nuk u
verejten ndryshime periapikale.Ne rastet e trajtuara me paste rezinoze 12 pacient
paten ndryshime periapikale 17 pacient nuk paten asnje ndryshim periapikal,1
pacient dhembi u ekstraktua.
Konkluzionet: Perdorimi i pastave rezinoze ka nje teknike te lehte aplikimi
por duhet theksuar se materiali i mbushjes del lehtesisht pertej apeksit gjate
mbushjes se kanalit dhe nuk rezorbohet ,behet shume shpejt shkak per problem
periapikale.Pastat e endometazonit pervec efektit kurativ per indet mund te
rezorbohen ne rastet e daljes pertej apeksit si dhe kane mundesi me te mira per
nje ritrajtim endodontik.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Comparison between
endomethasone and resin materials
for root filling
*University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine,
Dental Department

The aim: Bacteria in dental root canals play a critical role in the development of chronic
apical periodontitis. Their eradication is the ultimate aim of endodontic treatment.
Different methods and materials have been proposed for root-canal obturation but the
method most commonly employed in Albania is with the use of Endomethazone.A
new material for root filling is resin sealer. The purpose of this study is to compare
efficiency results for endodontic treatment between endomethazon and resin sealer
for up to 2 years after the treatment has been completed.
Method: In the study 30teeth were treated with endomethazone and 30 with
resin paste. The protocol followed for treatment was the same in both cases. The
patient was followed for 24 months every at the following time points: 3, 6, 12,
18, 24 months post treatment.
Results: Out of all teeth treated with endomethazone 23% (7) had apical lesions,
whereas out of all cases treated with resin sealer 40% (12) had apical lesions, and
3% (1) were extracted.
Conclusion: Resin can get out of the apex after filling resulting in periodontal
lesions in the long term while endomethazone can be absorbed more easily by
the apical tissues of the tooth and have curative elements against bacteria in the
root canal.


Referate / Oral presentations

Kariesi i femijerise se hershme,

ndikimi dhe percaktimi i dietes ne
ecurine e tij
*Fakulteti i Mjekesise,
Departamenti i Stomatologjise,Tirane.

Qellimi: Vleresimi i dietes se duhur si dhe informimi i prinderve lidhur me

perdorimin e produkteve mireberese per dhembet jane elemente shume te
domosdoshem per prevenimin e Kariesit te Femijerise se Hershme (ECC). Dihet
se ushqimet me te preferuara per shumicen e femijeve jane ushqimet e embla
qe natyrisht te ndjekura nga nje higjiene e ulet dhembore jane faktore shume te
rendesishem per shfaqjen dhe zhvillimin e ECC. Nisur nga keto objektiva qellimi
i ketij studimi eshte vleresimi i dietes se perditeshme per femijet e moshave
0-4vjec si edhe percaktimi i treguesve te kariesit ne keta femije.
Metoda: Studimi perfshin 120 femije te moshave 0-4 vjec ne qytetin e Tiranes.
Femijet u grupuan ne tre kategori; ne femije te ushqyer vetem me gji, vetem me
biberon dhe ushqim te perzier, deri ne moshen 1 vjec. Pas moshes 1 vjec u moren
te dhena lidhur me dieten ditore te perdorur ne keta femije breda 1 jave sipas
grupmoshave 1-3vjec dhe 3-4 vjec.
Rezultatet: Nga studimi rezultoi se niveli i treguesve te kariesit ne femijet me
ECC eshte ne shifra te larta.Vlen te theksohet se numri i femijeve te ushqyer
me ushqim artificial eshte i larte madje ne vlera me te larta se ne studimet e
meparshme te bera per kete problem.
Konkluzionet: Dieta e perdorur nga femijet e ketij studimi eshte me teper
ne drejtim kariogjenik se sa ne ate mbrojtes qe natyrisht favorizon zhvillimin
e kariesit. Problemi kryesor eshte informimi i prinderve qe te bejne kujdes me
menyren e te ushqyerit te femijeve te tyre per te ulur veprimet negative ne indet
e forta te dhembeve.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

The influence of diet in Early

Childhood Caries
*Fakulteti i Mjekesise, Departamenti
i Stomatologjise,Tirane.

The Aim: Evaluation of the proper diet and information to parents about the
use of beneficial products to teeth are very essential elements for prevention
of Early Childhood Caries (ECC). It is known that the favorite foods for most
children are sweet foods, which accompanied by a lower dental hygiene naturally
are very important factors for the emergence and development of ECC. Taking
in consideration these objectives, the purpose of this study is the evaluation of the
daily diet for children of the age from 0 to 4 years and the definition of indicators
of caries in these children.

Prevalenca dhe karakteristikat e

kariesit aproksimal
*Universiteti i Tiranes, Fakulteti i Mjekesise,
Departamenti i Stomatologjise

Qellimi. Vleresimi i prevalences se kariesit aproksimal duke u nisur nga

karakteristikat specifike te ketij regjioni.
Metodat. Ky eshte nje studim follow-up. Studimi perfshin 70 individe te cilet u
ekzaminuan dhe te dhenat e tyre u rregjistruan ne kartelat perketse. Keta paciente
u ndane ne dy grupe: 20 individe te grup-moshes 15-20 vjec dhe 50 individe te
grup moshes 30-40 vjec. Per matjen e prevalences u perdor indeksi
DFS( Decay Filled Surface).
Rezultatet. Ne perfundim te analizes indeksi DFS per grup moshen 15-20 vjec


Referate / Oral presentations

ishte 3.2 dhe per grupmoshen 30-40 vjec ishte 1.3. Ne 97% te personave te
ekzaminuar u gjet te pakten nje lezion aproksimal.
Konkluzionet. Niveli i larte i kariesit ne siperfaqet aproksimale shpjegohet duke
pasur parasysh karakteristikat e ketij regjioni. Ka nje numer te madh faktoresh
qe e promovojne si madhesia , forma e regjionit aproksimal. Mikrorganizmat
dhe ushqimet mbeten lehtesisht te ngjitura ne siperfaqet aproksimale dhe aksesi
i salives ne keto siperfaqe eshte i limituar. Prevalenca e kariesit aproksimal eshte
me e larte ne adoleshente. Lind nevoja per trajtime parandaluese specifike te
lokalizuara pikerisht ne keto siperfaqe.

Prevalence and characteristics of

approximal caries
*University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine,
Dental Department.

The Aim. The Aim of this study was to measure the prevalence evaluation of
approximal caries based on specific characterictics of this surface.
Methods. This is a follow-up study. The sample size was n=70 individuals
included who were examinated and their data were recorded. These patients
were devided in two groups: 20 individuals 15-20 years old and the other group
with 50 individuals 30-40 years old. We used DFS index.
Results. At the end of the analisys, DFS index for the first group was 3.2 and
for the other one 1.3. 97 % of the examinated individuals was found at least one
approximal lesion.
Conclusions. The high caries prevalence on the approximal surfaces can be
explained by the unique characteristics of this area. There are a number of cariespromoting factors which are specific to this region where we can mention size
and shape. Oral micro-organisms and food products easily become attached
approximaly and access by saliva to this site is limited. Prevalence of approximal
caries is higher in teen-agers. There is a need for specific preventive treatment
localised specifically in these surfaces.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Methods: The study includes 120 children of the age from 0 to 4 years old in
the city of Tirana. Children up to the age of 1 year were grouped into three
categories; children fed by breast feeding alone, fed with baby bootle alone and
fed with mixed food. After the age of 1 year, data were obtained related to the
daily diet used by these children within a week for the groups of children of the
age from 1 to 3years and from 3 to 4 years.
Results: The study found that the level of indicators of caries in children with
ECC is high. It should be noted that the number of children fed with artificial
food is high; even higher than in previous studies made on this issue.
Conclusions: The diet used by the children of this study goes in cariogenic
direction rather than in defense direction which naturally favors the development
of caries. The main problem the information of parents who should take care
in the way of feeding their children to reduce negative activities in dental hard

Prevalenca dhe eksperienca e

kariesit dentar ne grupmoshen 12
vjecare ne Qytetin e Tiranes
*Universiteti i Tirans, Fakulteti i Mjeksise,
Departamenti i Stomatologjise

Qellimi: Qellimi i ketij studimi ishte te maste prevalence dhe eksperiencen e

semundshmerise karioze per grupmoshen 12 vjecare ne qytetin e Tiranes.
Metoda: Ky ishte nje studim cross-sectional. Perzgjedhja e mostres u krye ne
disa shkolla te qytetit te Tiranes dhe fshatin SOS ne Tirane duke perdorur
menyren Cluster Sampling. Numri i pjesmarresve ishte nr=372, 52 % femra
dhe 48 % meshkuj. Per matjen e experiences karioze u perdoren indeksi DMFS(
decayed missed filled surface) dhe DMFT(decayed missed filled teeth). U krye
kalibrimi i egzaminuesve. Egzaminimi dentar u krye duke zbatuar kriteret e
OBSH. Instrumentariumi i perdorur ishte nje perdorimesh dhe u respektuan
masat e kontrollit te infeksionit. Aprovim u more ne Ministrine e Shendetesise
dhe Autoritetet Shkollore. Te dhenat u pasqyruan ne formularet e parapergatitur.


Referate / Oral presentations

Analiza e te dhenave u krye nepermjet programit statistikor SPSS, PASW 18 dhe
u perdoren analizat descriptive.
Rezultatet: Ne perfundim te analizes se te dhanve rezultoi se mesatarja e indeksit
DMFT= 3.8 (SD = +/- 2.8) dhe DMFS = 8 (SD = +/- 7). Prevalenca e individeve
pa experience karioze ishte 14.5 %. Prevalenca e individeve pa karies aktiv ishte
30.6 %. Raporti D/DMFT= 0.54 ose 54 % e pjesmarresve shfaqen nevoje per
trajtim te procesit karioz. Nuk rezultoi nje diference per nivelin e semundshmerise
karioze sipas gjinise.
Konkluzionet: Ne perfundim te studimit rezulton se niveli i semundshmerise
karioze eshte i larte krahasuar me vendet e bashkimit europian dhe me
rekomandimet e OBSH. Vecanerisht verehet nje prevalenc e lart e kariesit
aktiv dhe te pa trajtuar. Ky indicator klasifikon kete grupmosh ne grupin me
rrezikshmeri te larte ndaj kariesit. Nevojiten trajtime parandaluese me nje doze
te lart fluori lokalisht.

Prevalence and experience of dental

caries among the 12 yrs-olds in
*University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine,
Dental Department

The aim: The aim of the study was to investigate and measure dental caries
prevalence and experience among the 12 yrs-old in the city of Tirana.
Methods: These was a cross sectional study. Sample selection was performed using
cluster sampling technique. Several schools in Tirana and SOS village school were
selected. Sample size was nr = 372 participants, 52 % female and 48 % male. We
used DMFS and DMFT indexes to measure the dental caries experience. Inter
and intra examiner calibration was performed following the WHO criteria. Single
used instruments were used and cross-infection control measures were followed.
Approval was received from Ministry of Health and School Authorities. The data
were transferred from the examination forms to the statistical software. We used
SPSS, PASW 18 statistical package and descriptive statistics analyses.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Results: Dental caries experience was DMFT= 3.8 (SD = +/- 2.8) and DMFS
= 8 (SD = +/- 7). The prevalence of caries free individuals was 14.5 %. The
prevalence of individuals without active caries was 30.6 %. The ratio D/DMFT=
0.54 or 54 % of participants displayed dental caries treatment need. There
was no statistical difference between dental caries and gender. Conclusions:
Dental caries experience was high compared with the EU countries and WHO
recommendation. There was also a high prevalence of untreated dental caries.
This indicates a high caries risk group. There is an emergent need for preventive
treatment using professional high concentration topical fluorides.

Vleresimi in vitro i efikasitetit

antimikrobial te irriganteve
endodontike NaOCl dhe

* Klinika Dentare FLOBER

Qllimi : Identifikimi i flors m predominante n patologjit endodontike.

Vleresimi in vitro i efektivitetit te NaOCl dhe klorheksidins, mbi florn mikrobike
t kanalit, si ve e ve ashtu dhe n bashkveprim me njri-tjetrin n prqndrime t
Metoda : Studimi u krye n dy faza : faza klinike dhe faza laboratorike.
Faza klinike : U realizua n klinikn dentare FLOBER.
Faza laboratorike: U realizua n laboratorin mikrobiologjik Luigj Benussi pran
Faza klinike: U mor material nga kanalet e infektuara t patologjive endodontike n
rreth 70 rrnj dhmbsh n klinik ne menyre rastesore.
Materiali u mor me an t absorbentve, tirnervave dhe broshdekerrve steril.
Faza laboratorike : Nxjerrja e rezultateve lidhur me efektin antimikrobial te irriganteve
eshte kryer nepermjet matjes se zonave te frenimit te flores bakteriale te identifikuar ne
fazen e pare laboratorike.
Rezultatet : Nga rezultatet lidhur me floren predominante rezultoi se bakteriet me
predominante ishin anaerobet e detyrueshem.
Ne rastet persistente dhe rastet e ritrajtimeve predominojne streptokoku fekalis.


Referate / Oral presentations

Konkluzionet : Te gjitha soluconet e perdorura jane efektive ndaj flores bakteriale.
Efektiviteti antibakterial i klorheksidines eshte i krahasueshem me ate te NaOCl.
Efektiviteti antibakterial rritet kur kemi bashkeveprim te dy irriganteve sidomos
te klorheksidines 0.2 % me NaOCl 3%.

In vitro evaluation of NaOCl

and Chlorheksidine antimicrobial
efficacy in endodontic pathologies
* Dental Clinic FLOBER

The Aim: Identify of predominant flora in endodontic pathologies.

In vitro evaluation of the effectiveness of NaOCl and chlorheksidine on canal
mikrobial flora, as well individually and in interaction with each other at different
Method: The study was conducted in two phases: phase clinical and
laboratory phases. Clinical Stage: was conducted in dental clinic FLOBER.
Laboratory phase: was conducted in microbiological laboratory Luigj
Benussi near QSUT. Clinical Stage: Received material from the infected
canals of endodontic pathologies in 70 clinically rooted teeth so casual.
The material was taken by sterile absorbents,files and nervebroaches Laboratory
phase: The release of results on the antimicrobial effect of irrigants is done
through measurement of the braking zones of bacterial flora identified in the first
laboratory phase
Results: The results concerning the predominant flora found that facultative
anaerobic bacteria was predominant. In persistent cases and cases of retreatment
found more predominant streptococus fekalis.
Conclusions: All
used solutions are effective against bacterial flora.
Antibacterial effectiveness of chlorheksidine is comparable to that of NaOCl.
Antibacterial effectiveness increases when interact two irrigants, especially 0.2%
to 3% NaOCl.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Prdorimi i irrigantve dhe i laserit

n trajtimin endodontik
*Klinik dentare private, Tiran, Shqipri

Hyrje: Nj nga objektivat e trajtimit te kanalit t rrnjs sht eleminimi

i baktereve, produkteve bakteriale dhe t mbetjeve t tjera q ndodhen n
sistemin kanalar. Shumica e baktereve q gjenden n hapsirn e kanalit largohen
nprmjet veprimit mekanik t instrumentave endodontik. megjithate, pavarsisht
ksaj, n disa raste si rezultat i anatomis komplekse t kanaleve, mbetjet organike
dhe bakteret ngelen t bllokuara brenda tubulave dentinar edhe pse mund t
bjm nj instrumentim mekanik shum t kujdesshm. Prandaj prdorimi i
solucioneve irriguese sht esencial pr t minimizuar bakteret dhe eleminimin e
mbetjeve indore dhe atyre organike.
Qllimi: Qllimi I ktij studimi sht q t tregohet efikasiteti I kombinimit t
prdorimit t irrigantve endodontik dhe lazerit krahasuar me prdorimin vetm
t irrigantve endodontik gjat trajtimit endodontik.
Materialet dhe metoda: Do t prezantojm eksperiencn ton klinike t rasteve
t paraqitura ku nevojitej trajtimi endodontik (20 raste, ku n 15 prej tyre sht
prdorur vetm irrigantt endodontik, kurse n rastet e tjera sht prdorur
kombinimi i irriganteve endodontik dhe laserit). Irigantt endodontik t prdorur
jan uji fiziologjik 0.9 %, hipokloriti i natriumit NAOCl 5.25 % dhe 3 %,
solucioni i glukonatit t klorheksidins 2%, EDTA 17%. Kurse lazeri i prdorur
sht Diod 1.5 dhe koha e operimit me lazer sht vetm 45 sekonda.
Rezultatet: Shumica e rasteve t trajtuara vetm me irrigantt endodontik
u paraqiten asimptomatik pas trajtimit endodontik, por 3 prej tyre paraqitn
dhimbje dhe discomfort ditn e par pas trajtimit endodontik. Ndrsa t gjitha
rastet q u trajtuan me kombinimin e irrigantve endodontik dhe laserit u
paraqitn asimptomatik dhe pamja radiografike pasqyron eleminimin ose mos
avancimin t zons s sqarimit periapikal pas trajtimit n nj interval kohor nga
6 muaj deri n 1 vit.
Konkluzionet: Prdorimi i irrigantve sht shum i rndsishm n suksesin e
trajtimit endodontik. Prdorimi i lazerit jo vetm q rrit shkalln e suksesit, si n


Referate / Oral presentations

kuadrin afatgjate dhe at afatshkurtr ( pr shkak te efektit t tij baktericid ), por
gjithashtu sepse kursen koh, pasi procedura zgjat vetm 45 sekonda.

The use of irrigants and of laser on

endodontic treatment.
*Private Dental Practice, Tirana, Albania

Introduction: One of the goals of root canal treatment is to eliminate bacteria,

bacterial products and debris from the root canal system. Most bacteria found
in the canal space may be removed by the mechanical action of endodontic
instruments. However, in several situations, due to the complex anatomy of the
root canal system, organic residues and bacteria lodged deep inside the dentinal
tubules cannot be reached even after careful mechanical instrumentation. In these
cases, the use of irrigating solutions is essential to ensure bacterial minimization
and elimination of organic tissue remnants.
Aim: The aim of this study is to express the efficacity of the combination of the
use of endodontic irrigants and laser on endodontic treatment compare with the
use only of endodontic irrigants during endodontic treatment.
Materials and methods: We present our clinical experience about of the cases of
endodontic treatment ( 20 cases, 15 of them are treated using only endodontic
irrigants and the other cases using combination of endodontic irrigants and laser
technique). The irrigants that are used are 0.9% sterile saline, 2.5% sodium
hypochlorite (NaOCl), 5.25% NaOCl and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution,
EDTA. The laser used on endodontic treatment is Diode 1.5 w. The time of
operation with laser is only 45 seconds.
Results: The most of cases were we used only endodontic irrigants presented
asymptomatic after endodontic treatment , but three of them presented pain and
discomfort at the first day after endodontic treatment. All the cases were we used
the combination of irrigants and laser were asymptomatic and the radiographic
evidence expressed an eliminated or arrested area of rarefaction after a post
treatment interval of 6 months to 1 year.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Conclusion: The use of endodontic irrigants is very important on the success of
the endodontic treatment. The use of laser not only increase the range of success
in the long-term and in the short-term (because of its bactericide effect) but also
is time saving, because the procedure lasts only 45 seconds.

Vleresime klinike paraprake per

zbardhjen e dhembeve vitale me
Whiteness HP
*Universiteti Aldent, dega Stomatologji

Qellimi: Qellimi eshte te tregoje efektet e produktit zbardhues Whiteness HP

ne shkallen e zbardhjes se dhembeve vitale dhe ne zhvillimin e hipersensitivitetit
Metoda: Ne kete studim moren pjese paciente me ngjyrim te shkaktuar nga pijet
dhe ushqimet. Per te vecuar kete grup pacientesh u perdor anamneza, kryesisht
subjektive. Medikamenti i perdorur ishte Whiteness HP. Ai perbehet nga peroksid
hidrogjeni 35 % dhe katalizatori. Katalizatori permban nje agjent qe aktivizon
peroksidin dhe pengon njekohesisht penetrimin e tij ne dhomen pulpare. Ky
produkt ka ph neutral, viskozitet te kenaqshem, e perdoret pa llampen polimerizuese
gje qe shmang nxehtesine e tepert ne pulpe. Ne studim moren pjese 32 paciente me
moshe mbi 20 vjec te cilet iu nenshtruan zbardhjes ne klinike. Studimi zgjati per nje
periudhe 1 vjecare. Per te matur rezultatet e studimit u bazuam ne shkallen VITA per
krahasimin e rezultatit te zbardhjes, dhe ne hipersensitivitetin qe jep produkti ne
Rezultatet: Pas 2 seancash zbardhimi u vu re se: Ne 20 paciente (62%) u arrit
zbardhje te dhembeve me 2 nuanca sipas shkalles Vita. Ne 9 paciente (28%) u arrit
zbardhje me 1 nuance. Ne 3 paciente (10%) medikamenti nuk dha efekt. Ne 10
paciente (31%) ku medikamenti pati efekt, u vu re rikthim ne ngjyren fillestare pas
6 muajsh. Ne 8 paciente (25%) u shfaq hipersensibilitet dentinar ne regjionin e
frontaleve mandibulare dhe lateraleve maxillare, i cili u zhduk ne 24 oret e para pas
trajtimit. 24 paciente (75%) nuk shfaqen shenja te hipersensibilitetit dentinar.


Referate / Oral presentations

Konkluzionet. Trajtimi i dhembeve vital me Whitness Hp rezultoi nje trajtim
estetikisht I efektshem ne shumicen e rasteve. Rastet e hipersensibilitetit dentinar
u shfaqen ne moshat me te reja te kesaj grupmoshe, qe mund te shpjegohet me
permasat me te medha te dhomes pulpare.

Preliminary clinical evaluations

for in-office dental bleaching with
Whiteness HP
*Aldent University, Department of Dentistry

Aim: The aim of this study is to show the positive and negative effects of in-office
dental bleaching of vital teeth, using Whiteness HP. In order to measure the
results of this study, we will compare the results of bleaching against VITA shade
guide and whether or not this product causes hypersensitivity .
Methods: Patients with food and beverages coloring of enamel participated in this
study. The chosen product was Whiteness HP. This product is composed of 35%
hydrogen peroxide and the catalyst. It contains an activator for the hydrogen
peroxide which also keeps it from penetrating the pulp chamber. This product
has a neutral Ph, excellent viscosity, can be used without source of acceleration
(avoiding the pulp heating). The 32 patients chosen were above 20 years old. The
patients were subjected to in-office dental bleach only. The study lasted 1 year.
Results: After 2 bleaching sessions, 20 of 32 patients (62%) showed a 2 shades
change in color according to VITA shade guide, 9 of them (28%) showed a 1
shade change and only 3 of them (10%) showed no change at all. In 10 patients,
the achieved effect was reversed after 6 months. 8 patients (25%) experienced
dentinal hypersensitivity, which was gone after 24 hours. 24 patients (75%) did
not experience any symptom of dentinal hypersensitivity.
Conclusions: In-office dental bleaching of vital teeth, using Whiteness HP
turned out to be aesthetically effective in most cases. Dentinal hypersensitivity
was experienced by the youngest patients of the group, probably due to their large
pulp chamber.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Trajtimi jo-kirurgjikal i pacienteve

adulte me malokluzione te klases se
*Universiteti i Tirans, Fakulteti i Mjeksise,
Departamenti i Stomatologjise

Hyrje: Ka tre opsione kryesore trajtimi per malokluzionet skeletale te klases se III
-te: modifikimi i rritjes, kompensimi dentoalveolar (kamuflimi ortodontik) dhe
kirurgjia ortognatike. Modifikimi i rritjes duhet te realizohet perpara shperthimit
te rritjes pubertale, mbas kesaj periudhe, vetem dy opsionet e tjera jane te
mundshme. Ne te tilla raste, si do te vendose klinicisti nese pacienti duhet ti
nenshtrohet nderhyrjes kirurgjikale apo jo?
Kerr dhe bashkepunetoret e tij. (Kerr BJO 1992) studjuan cefalometrite e
pacienteve adulte me malokluzione skeletale te klases se III-te, per te gjetur
kriteret objektive per opsionet e trajtimit. Keta autore sygjeruan qe kirurgjia
duhet te kryhet ne paciente me vleren e kendit ANB me pak se -4, inklinimin e
inciziveve mandibulare me planin mandibular me te vogel se 83, shoqeruar keto
me kafshim te hapur.
Materiali dhe metoda: Ne kete prezantim, do te diskutohet trajtimi ortodontik
jo-kirurgjikal i 2 pacienteve adulte me malokluzion skeletal te klases se III-te dhe
do te ilustrohet perdorimi i mekanikes kompensatore, duke perdrur aparate te
levizshme. Vleresimi cefalometrik i ndryshimeve para dhe pas trajtimit, ne te 2
rastet tregoi ndikimin ne vlerat dento alveolare dhe jo skeletale.
Diskutimi: Incizivet maksilare mund te proklinohen, bile edhe mund te super
proklinohen, per te krijuar nje overjet normal. Ne fund te trajtimit rezultoi nje
profil i kenaqshem facial dhe okluzion i mire funksional. Rregullimet para dhe
mbas trajtimit mund te permiresojne okluzionin. Ri-konturimi i dhembeve te
konsumuar (si pasoje e overjet-it revers) me kompozite, u perdor tek dhembet
frontale Edhe ne nje raport klasa III molare mund te arrihet kontakt i balancuar
i dhembeve. Eskursionet funksionale zakonisht nuk jane problem, sepse kur eshte
realizuar klasa I kanine, si edhe overbite/overjet normal, mund te arrihen guidat
incizivale dhe kanine.


Programi dhe abstraktet

Konkluzioni: Mundet te sygjerojme, se ne disa raste te zgjedhura kujdesshem,
ky trajtim eshte nje opsion i mire trajtimi. Qellimi yne kryesor eshte evitimi
i kirurgjise, por kerkese shume e rendesishme eshte kooperimi i pacientit.
Ndryshimet ishin kryesisht dentoalveolare dhe koha e trajtimit ishte afersisht 6-7
muaj, nderkohe qe pacientet ngelen te kenaqur ne fund te trajtimit.

Non-surgical treatment of adult

patients with class III malocclusion
*University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine,
Dental Department

Class III malocclusions are considered one of the most complex and difficult
orthodontic problems to diagnose and treat. The surgery can be part of the
treatment plan.
The purpose of this report is to review the orthodontic treatment of two adult
patients with a Class III malocclusion who were treated successfully non-surgically.
The basis for this treatment approach is presented and the final treatment result
reviewed, which significantly improved the chief complaint of the adult patients
in relation to anterior cross bite and an unaesthetic smile.The typical protocol is
removable therapy on the maxilla with a slightly downward direction of mandible,
for 24 hours a day.
The treatment plan for these adult patients was orthodontics and orthognatic
surgery but we were hoping to treat them without surgery if possible.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Gjendja e parodontit t dhmbve

shtyll n raport me higjienn
orale dhe llojin e mbshtetjes
dentare t protezave parciale t
*Qendra Klinike Stomatologjike Universitare e Kosovs,
Klinika e Protetiks Stomatologjike, Prishtin

Qllimi i studimit: Qllimi i studimit ton sht q t vlersohen ndryshimet q

ndodhin n parodontin e dhmbve shtyll t protezave parciale, n varsi nga
lloji i mbshtetjes dentare t protezave dhe higjiens orale n nj periudh prej
nj deri pes vjeare apo m shum pas dorzimit.
Metoda: N studim kan marr pjes 63 pacient, prej tyre 26 kan qen me
proteza parciale t lvizshme dhe 37 me proteza parciale te skeletuar. T dhnat
jan grumbulluar sipas nj pytsori te pacientt me punime protetikore t
lvizshme n QKSUK. sht prcaktuar indexi i gingivs, thellsia e sondimit,
indexi i pllaks sipas Sillnes-Lou, indexi i gurit t dhmbit sipas Green-Vermilionit,
lvizshmria e dhmbve shtyll si dhe atrofia e gingivs. Pr analiz statestikore
jan prdorur testi i Mann-Whitney dhe Kruskal-Wallis.
Rezultatet: Sipas analizave statistikore indexi i gingivs, thellsia e sondimit dhe
lvizshmria e dhmbve shtyll kan treguar vler t lart n rastet e protezave
me mbshtetje dentare lineare dhe n nj pik. Indexi i pllaks dhe gurit t
dhmbit kan treguar vlera t larta n rastet e protezave me mbshtetje dentare
katrkndshe dhe trekndshe. Atrofia e gingivs dhe higjiena e dobt kan qen
prezente te t gjitha llojet e mbshtetjes dentare t protezs.
Konkluzionet: N baz t rezultateve t hulumtimit ton sugjerojm se angazhimi
shtes pr mbajtjen e higjiens orale, motivimi pozitiv t pacientit, planifikimi
protetik korrekt si dhe vizitat e herpashershme luajn nj rol t rndsishm n
gjendjen e parodontit t dhmbve shtyll.


Programi dhe abstraktet

The condition of the periodontal

health of the abutment teeth in
relation with oral hygiene and
the type of dental support of
removable partial dentures
*University Dentistry Clinical Center of Kosova,
Department of Prosthodontic

Objective: Removable Partial Dentures - RPD can be defined as compensation

for partial toothless jaws in correlation to the number of the tooth pulled out.
Aim of our study is to evaluate the differences that occur on the periodontal
health of the abutment teeth of the partial removable dentures in relation with
patients oral hygiene and the differences that occur on the periodontal health
of the abutment teeth in correlation with the type of the dental support of the
dentures for a period from one to 5 years or more after dentures placement.
Materials and Method: A total of 63 RPDs were analyzed, from which 26
were acrylic resin base plate and 37 were metal frame construction. During this
longitudinal study, it has been established the condition of the periodontal health
in correlation with type of denture support. The data had been gathered from the
questionnaire conduct with the patients on whom the RPD have been realized.
Furthermore, there has been a selection of gingival index (BOP), the Probing
Depth (PD), Plaque index, Concrrement index, Gingival Atrophy (GA) and
the Mobility of the Abutment teeth. The statistical analysis was performed using
Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test.
Results: In our study statistical analysis of BOP, PD and Mobility of the Abutment
teeth showed higher values at one point and linear support denture. Plaque index,
Concrrement index were higher at quadroangular, triangular support dentures.
Gingival Atrophy and low dentures hygiene were present at all types of RPDs.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that adequate oral hygiene instructions, good
motivation, careful prosthetic treatment planning and regular recall appointments
play an important role in preventing changes in abutment tooth.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Perdorimi i materialeve elastike

(reziliente) ne ribazimin e protezave
*Universiteti i Tiranes, Fakulteti i Mjekesise,
Departamenti i Stomatologjise

Ne rastet e proceseve alveolare shume te atrofizuara, mukoza humbet trashesine

dhe efektin e saj amortizues. Ne keto raste, proteza totale gjate funksionit
shkakton dhimbje, lezione dhe iritime ne mukoze.
Qellimi: Paraqitja e nje metode qe konsiston ne veshjen e siperfaqes mukozale
me nje material elastik, resilient, I cili zevendeson trashesine dhe elasticitetin e
ulet te mukozes duke amortizuar presionin gjate pertypjes.
Materiali: Ne 50 paciente te grupmoshes 70-90 vjec, me atrofi te grades se trete
dhe mukoze te holle atrofike, jane kryer ribazime me material elastic (rezine ose
silikon). Ne 37 raste jane kryer ne proteza te poshtme dhe ne 13 raste ne proteza
te siperme. Pacientet jane ndjekur ne periudha 3-6-9-12 mujore, persa I perket
gjendjes se mukozes, qendrueshmerise se protezes , efektit pertypes, dekubituseve
etj. Ne 16 raste materialet elastike jane perdorur per lehtesim te formacioneve te
shprehura anatomike.
Rezultatet: Ne 72% te pacienteve u vu re rritje e qendrueshmerise se protezes,
ne 84 % te pacienteve u verejt ulje e ndjeshme e dekubituseve dhe lezioneve te
mukozes, ne 58 % rritje e efektit pertypes. Gjate kontrolleve rezultoi se pas 5-6
muajsh materiali peson nje shperberje graduale, e cila shoqerohet me tendencen
e rritjes se numrit te stomatiteve protetike dhe kandidozes.
Konkluzione: Materialet elastike mund te perdoren me sukses ne rastet e
atrofive te shprehura, ne mukoza joreziliente, ne lehtesimin e formacioneve te
shprehura dhe zonave retentive. Ato cojne ne amortizim te forcave, eleminim
te dekubituseve dhe mbingarkeses funksionale dhe rritje te qendrueshmerise se
protezes totale. Duhet te nderrohen periodikisht (cdo 5-6 muaj) si rezultat I
shperberjes graduale te tyre.


Referate / Oral presentations

The usage of resilient soft materials

in the relining the of complete
*University of Tirana, Medicine Faculty,
Dentistry Department

In cases of extreme atrophied alveolar processes, the cavity looses its thickness
and loses its absorbing effect. In these cases, the whole prosthesis causes pain,
irritation, and lesions in the cavity.
Purpose: The presentation of a method consisting of coating the surface of the
cavity with an elastic material, resilient, which replaces the thickness and the low
elasticity of the cavity through the amortization of long pressure during chewing.
Material: in 50 patients, of the group age 70 - 90, with atrophy of the third grade
and thin mucosa , relining has been done with elastic material. In 37 cases theres
been relining in the lower prosthesis and in 13 cases in the upper prosthesis.
Patients are followed in 3-6-9-12 month period, regarding the state of the cavity,
the sustainability of the prosthesis, the chewing effect, decubitis, etc. In 16 cases
the elastic materials have been used to relieve anatomical cast formations.
Results: in 72% of the patients there was anoticeable increase in the sustainability
of the prosthesis, in 84% of the patients, a significant reduction in decubitis
lesions of the cavity was observed, in effect a 58% increase in the chewing effect.
During the controls, it was found that after 5-6 months, the material undergoes
a gradual disintegration, which is accompanied by the tendency to increase
thenumber of prosthetic stomatitis and candidosis.
Conclusions: elastic materials can be used successfully in cases of visible
atrophies, in non resilient cavities, in the relief of formations, and in the retentive
zones. They lead into the amortization of forces, the eliminations of decubitis
and the overload of function in the sustainability of the whole prosthesis. They
must be replaced periodically (every 5 - 6 months) as a result of the material


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Percaktimi i moshes skeletale

nepermjet ekografise, krahasuar me
radiografine e dores dhe kyit.
*Klinika Stomatologjike Universitare, Tirane

Hyrje: Mosha skeletike eshte nje nga indikatoret me te mire te maturimit

biologjik. Njohja e saj behet shume e rendesishme kur trajtohen femijet rreth
moshes se pubertetit, me probleme te shumta te lidhura me rritjen dhe zhvillimin
e tyre.
Qellimi: Qellimi i ketij studimi ishte te ekzaminonim nepermjet ekografise
kockat e dores dhe te kyit ne nje grup pacientesh, duke i krahasuar me
radiografite klasike te dores dhe te kyit.
Materiali dhe Metoda: U moren ne studim 25 femije, 9-16 vje, qe paraqitnin
problem, lidhur me staturen dhe pubertetin e parakohshem. do pacient u
ekzaminua nepermjet radiografise standarte dhe ekografise. Ekografia e krye
ne falangen e pare te gishtit te madh, me qellim per te percaktuar kocken
sesamoide, gjithashtu dhe ne falangen e dyte dhe te trete te gishtit te mesem.
Rezultatet: Ekografia identifikoj te gjitha rastet, ku kocka sesamoide ishte
prezente, por ne ndryshim nga radiografia standarte ajo e percakton kocken
sesamoide qe ne fillim te osifikimit te berthames se saj. Ndjeshmeria, llojshmeria
dhe perkujdesja diagnostike ishin te gjitha 100 % . Fenomeni i kapuit i pare
ne radiografi nuk u zbulua nga ekografia ne asnje nga rastet. Vleresimi ekografik
i falanges distale te gishtit te trete paraqiti nje ndjeshmeri prej 89%, llojshmeri
prej 100 % dhe perkujdesje 92 %.
Konkluzioni: Nga te dhenat e studimit tone, duke u krahasuar dhe me te dhenat
bashkekohore konkludojme se ekografia dhe radiografia e dores dhe e kycit
percaktojne ne menyre te sakte moshen skeletal.


Referate / Oral presentations

Estimation of the skeletal age

through the sonography, compared
to the radiography of hand and
wrist bones
*University Dental Clinic, Tirane

Introduction: Skeletal age is one of the best indices of biologic maturation. Its
knowledge becomes particularly important when treating children around the
age of puberty, when numerous diagnostic and therapeutic problems related to
growth and development may arise.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to examine, with a sonographic investigation,
the hand and wrist bones of a group of young patients and to compare the results
with those obtained with a classical radiographic assessment.
Materials and methods: Some 25 subjects, 9 16 years of age, who presented
problems concerning their stature or precocious puberty, were evaluated. Each
subject was examined by a standard radiographic assessment and by a sonographic
investigation with real-time imaging. Sonographic examination was performed
on the metacarpus-phalanx articulation of the first finger in order to locate the
sesamoid bone. Sonographic examination was also performed on the second and
third phalanxes of the third finger.
Results: In all the cases where a sesamoid bone was present, this was correctly
identified by the sonogram, even up to the initial appearance of its ossification
nucleus. Sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy were all 100%. The
capping phenomenon seen in radiographs was not detected by sonographic
investigation in any of the cases. Sonographic evaluation of the fertile cartilage of
the third finger distal phalanx demonstrated a sensitivity of 89%, a specificity of
100% and a diagnostic accuracy of 92%.
Conclusion: Based on the data of our study and by comparing them to the
contemporary data we conclude that the sonography and radiography of hand
and wrist define in an exact way the skeletal age.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Sigurimi i estetiks n pacientt me

trajtime prostodontike. Dizenjimi i
* Klinika Stomatologjike Mingomataj, Tirane

Qllimi: Pr t qen i suksesshm, nj trajtim prostodontik duhet t jet

domosdoshmrisht edhe estetik. N kt referim do prpiqemi t diskutojm
mbi faktort prcaktues t nj buzeqeshje estetike, t para nga nj kndvshtrim
makroestetik, si ndrthurja e harmonizimi i fytyrs, buzve, gingivave dhe
Metoda: Kjo tem mbshtetet n analizn estetike t nj seri rastesh klinike.
Pacientt e marr n shqyrtim paraqisnin anomali dentare apo skeletale si dhe
disharmoni estetike. Ata vet jan drejtuar n klinikn dentare t autores pr
ndihm. T gjith ata, prve trajtimeve t tjera (endodontik, kirurgjikal etj),
jan trajtuar me protetik fikse. Nprmjet krahasimit t fotografive para e pas
trajtimit, analizohen parametrat estetik t kompromentuar dhe rikthimi i
estetiks, veanrisht buzqeshjes s pacientve.
Rezultatet: Nprmjet trajtimit prostodontik u mundsua rikthimi i funksionit
t humbur, por dhe restaurimi i raporteve ideale midis dhmbve e indeve t buta,
e n vecanti raportit ndrmjet buzve, forms e renditjes s dhmbve, lartsis s
okluzionit dhe profilit t prftuar. Kto ndryshime pashmangshmrisht uan n
prmirsimin e ndjeshm t estetiks s pacientve, veanrisht t nj buzqeshje
t bukur.
Konkluzioni: Trajtimi prostodontik duhet t siguroj restaurimin e funksionit,
por edhe t estetiks. optimale. Konsonanca e buzve sht nj element thelbsor
n dizenjimin e nj buzqeshje natyrale estetike, duke prmbushur me sukses
pritshmrin e vet pacientve.


Referate / Oral presentations

Achieving esthetics in
prosthodontic treated patients:
Smile design
* Mingomataj Private Practice, Tirana

Aim: This presentation aims to discuss some determinant factors of an esthetic

smile, analyzed from a macro esthetic perspective; i.e., taking into consideration
the interrelationships of the face, lips, gingiva, and teeth.
Method: This presentation is based on the esthetic analyze of some clinical cases.
All the patients had dental or skeletal anomalies, also aesthetic disharmonies.
They have reached the dental practice seeking for help. All patients were treated
with prosthodontic techniques, combined with other disciplines of dentistry.
The changes of all aesthetic parameters was analyzed due to comparison of
photographs prior and after the intervention.
Results: By the prosthodontics treatment we successfully were able to harmonize
many factors, especially the adequate relationship between lips, teethes order and
shape, occlusive height and provided profile, which are also determinant factors
of an esthetic smile.
Conclusions: Prosthodontic treatment must always be performed with the
purpose of restoring and maintaining function, health but even optimal esthetic.
By recreating a consonant lip line, we offer a pleasant aesthetic and a natural-like


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Dimensionet e kanineve te siperm

ne femra, si indikacion per
thellesine e preparimit
*Klinika Stomatologjike Universitare, Tirane

Qellimi: Nepermjet ketij studimi kerkojme te gjejme instrumenta per percaktimin

e trashesise se dentines ne dhembet 13/23, femra perpara preparimit, duke
shfrytezuar dimensionet e dhembit.
Materiali dhe metoda U mblodhen 22 dhembe 13/23 te hequr te gjinise femerore,
secilit dhemb iu bene dy grafi ne dy projeksione, vestibulo-oral dhe mezio-distal.
U dokumentuan trashesia e mureve te dentines, diametri bicervikal, raporti
midis trashesise se murit te dentines dhe diametrit bicervikal perkates (ritmet e
depozitimet te dentines dytesore ne muret e pulpes) dhe mosha. U kerkua per
korrelacione te mundshme midis moshes dhe ritmeve te depozitimit te dentines,
si dhe midis ritmeve te depozitimit te dentines ne mure te ndryshme te dentines.
Variablat midis te cileve u gjeten korrelacione egzistuese sinjifikante(p<0.05) te
mesme, ose te forta, iu nenshtruan edhe analizes se regresionit linear.
Rezultate U gjeten:
dy 2 korrelacion te mesme sinjifikante midis moshes dhe ritmit te
depozitimit te dentines dytesor
nje korrelacion i forte sinjifikant midis ritmeve te depozitimit te
dentines dytesore ne muret mezio-distale dhe vestibulo orale. Analiza e
regresionit mbi te dhenat perkatese na jep nje ekuacion i cili shpjegon
89% te variacionit
Konkluzione: Nga nje kampion kaq i vogel dalin menjehere korrelacione
sinjifikante. Ritmet e depozitimit te dentines dytesore ne muret e dhomes pulpare
ne kombinim me diametrat bicervikale perkates dhe moshen e pacienteve mund
te shfrytezohen per gjetjen e trashesise se mureve te dentines perpara preparimit.


Referate / Oral presentations

Tooth dimensions as indication of

preparation depth in upper canines
in females
*University Dental Clinic, Tirana

Purpose: Purpose of this study is finding instruments for dentin wall thickeness
determination prior to preparation in tooth 13/23 in females, exploiting tooth
Material and method: 22 extracted teeth 13/23 from female patients were
gathered, two x-rays were performed for each teeth in mesial-distal and buccallingual projection. Dentin wall thicknesses, bicervical diameters, respective dentin
wall thickness/bicervical diameter ratio (secondary dentin deposition rythms}
and age for each projection in each patient were registered. We checked for
possible correlations between age and secondary dentin deposition and between
secondary dentin deposition rythms in different dentin walls. If medium or strong
significant correlation (p<0.05) were found, regression analyze was performed as
Results: We found
Two medium significant correlations between age and secondary dentin
deposition rhythms
One strong significant correlation between secondary dentin deposition
rhythms in mesial-distal and facial-lingual dentin walls. Regression
analyze reveals an equation that covers 89% of the variation
From such a small sample we have significant correlations. We can exploit
secondary dentin deposition rhythms in combination with age and respective bicervical diameters to determine the thickness of dentin walls prior to preparation.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare e Dentistve Shqiptar

Erozioni dentar, prevenimi

dhe trajtimi i tij
*Departamenti i Stomatologjise, Fakulteti i Mjekesise,
Universiteti i Tiranes

Humbja e siperfaqes dentare nga erozioni acid ose korrozioni, sot eshte nje
shkak i rendesishem i konsumit dentar. Sot prevalenca e rritur e erozionit dentar
eshte verejtur jo vetem ne mosha te rritura, por ajo eshte e larte ne femije dhe
Qellimi: E pare ne kete kend veshtrim qellimi i studimit tone ka qene percaktimi
i shkaktareve te erozionit acid, trajtimi parandalues dhe definitiv i dhembeve me
Mjekimi yne ka tentuar te zbatohet ne dy plane:
kujdesit shtepiak
kujdesit profesional

Materiali dhe metoda: Si material sherbyen 1248 dhembe frontal dhe distal ne
78 paciente, te kontrolluar dhe mjekuar per tre vjet rrjesht prane klinikave tona.
Trajtimi i tyre terapeotik u be me ane te kompoziteve, ndersa trajtimi protetik u
be me ane te vendosjes se kellefave dhe urave.
Rezultatet treguan qe menaxhimi i trajtimit te pacienteve me erozion dentar
kerkon ne rradhe te pare funksionimin normal te mjedisit oral duke menjanuar
veprimin demtues te nje sere faktoreve lokal dhe sistematik.
Konkluzioni: Pacientet kane nje rol te rendesishem ne parandalimin dhe
kontrollin e erozionit te dhembeve te tyre, duke perfshire edhe ndryshimin ne
sjelljet mbi kujdesin shendetsor dhe perdorimin e sakte te produkteve ushqimore
ne shtepi.


Referate / Oral presentations

Dental erosion, its prevention and

*Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana

The loss of dental surface by acid erosion or corrosion today is an important

reason of the dental consumption. Today the growth prevalence of the dental
erosion is looked, not only at the aged people, but it is higher at the kids and
Aim: In this context, the aim of our study has been to determine the acid erosion
reasons, pre-stopping and definitely treatment of the teeth with erosion. Our
treatment was performed in two planes:
domestic care
professional care

Materials and methods: The study material has been, 1248 frontal and distal
teeth at 78 patients controlled and treated for three successive years at our clinics.
Their therapeutic treatment was performed by composite materials, while the
prosthetic treatment was performed by coronas and bridges.
Results: Our results have shown that the treatment management of the patients
with dental erosion wants a normal function of the oral environment, avoiding
the damage action of the local and systematic factors.
Conclusion: patients themselves have a very important role to prevent and control
the erosion of their teeth, including the health care and nutrition attitudes.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Vleresimi i puthitjes se koronave

totale me nenstrukture oksidin e
zirkoniumit, realizuar me sisteme te
ndryshme CAD/CAM
*Departamenti i Stomatologjise, Fakulteti i Mjekesise,
Universiteti i Tiranes

Qellimi i ketij studimi eshte vleresimi i puthitjes ne kolet ( marginale) te

koronave totale me nenstrukture oksidin e zirkoniumit, te realizuara nga dy
sisteme te ndryshme CAD/CAM : Etkon dhe Cerec
Metoda. Mbi dy molare te ekstraktuar per motive paradontale jane realizuar nga
10 nenstruktura te oksidit te zirkoniumit per korona totale duke perdorur sistemet
CAD/CAM Etkon dhe Cerec.Puthitja e brendshme e koronave me dhembet e
preparuar dhe mbi te gjitha puthitja ne nivelin marginal , te mbylljes se kufirit
protetik matet ma ane te stereomikroskopit ne zona te percaktuara me pare.Te
dhenat e perftuara nga keto matje analizohen nepermjet testeve statistikore Anova
dhe Tukey- Kramer HSD
Rezultatet. Diskrepanca marginale e koronave Cerec eshte 74,7m dhe per
koronat Etkon eshte 56,6 m.Nuk ka diference statistikisht sinjifikative ne
puthitshmerine marginale qe ofrojne dy tipet e koronave.Nga ana tjeter koronat
Cerec ofrojne nje puthitshmeri me te madhe me dhembin e preparuar ne
siperfaqet e brendshme te tij dhe ky ndryshim eshte statistikisht sinjifikativ.
Konkluzionet. Diskrepanca marginale e te gjithe koronave qendron brenda
kritereve te pranueshme klinike te percaktuara nga literatura.Mungesa e
puthitshmerise synon te jete me e madhe ne siperfaqet aksiale dhe okluzale
krahasuar me zonen marginale.


Referate / Oral presentations

The evaluation of marginal

adaption of zirconia ceramic crowns
fabricated with different CAD/
CAM systems
*Department of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Tirana

Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the marginal fit of all-ceramic
zirconia total crowns fabricated with two different CAD/ CAM systems, Etkon
and Cerec.
Methods Over two extracted molars for periodontal reasons are realized 10 allceramic zirconia crowns each, with CAD/CAM systems Etkon and Cerec.The
internal fit and the marginal fit are measured through stereomicroscopy. The data
obtained from these measurements are analyzed through statistical tests Anova
and Turkey-Kramer HSD.
Results The marginal discrepancy for Cerec crowns is 74,7m whereas for Etkon
crowns is 56,6 m. There is no significant difference in the marginal fit offered
by two types of crowns.On the other hand Cerec crowns offer a greater internal
fit with the prepared tooth and this difference from the statistical point of view
is significant.
Conclusions The marginal discrepancies of all crowns are within clinical accepted
criteria as determined in literature. The gap tends to be greater in axial and
occlusal surfaces as compared to the marginal part.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Korrigjimi i anomalise Kafshim

i hapur me ane te perdorimit te
aparatit RMI (paraqitje rastesh)
Qellimi: Trajtimi me sukses i pacienteve hiper divergjente me kafshim te hapur
pergjithesisht eshte nje sfide per ortodontet. Per kete qellim per te mbyllur
kafshimin ne raste te tilla ne perdorem Aparatin RMI i cili ushtron forca
intrusive si ne molaret maksilar ashtu dhe ne ata mandibular pa pasur nevoje per
bashkepunimin e pacientit.
Metoda: Pacientet (njera femer 16 .5vjec e tjetri mashkull 15.3vjec) u trajtuan
me RMI dhe me trajtim fiks ne te njejten kohe. Ne te dy pacientet (ate te seksit
femer e djagnostifikuar me 4 mm kafshim te hapur, skeletikisht Kl I e Angel-it ,
me kende normale sit e planit mandibular ashtu dhe te atij palatinal e shoqeruar
me nje gelltitje atipike ,dhe me ate te seksit mashkull i djagnostikuar me 5 mm
kafshim te hapur , Kl e II e Angel-it ,hiper divergjent i shoqeuar me frymemmarrje
gojore habituale ) per te menjanuar nje inklinim bukal te kurrorae te molareve u
perdoren ne harqet e poshtme harqe lingual kurse ne maksille u perdoren (RPE
tek paciente i seksit mashkull dhe penguese gjuhe te pacientje e seksit femer).
Fillimisht u nis trajtimi me aparat fix me tekniken straight wire dhe pas rradhitjes
dhe nivelimit te dhembeve u be montimi i aparati RMI .
Rezultatet: Mbyllja e kafshimit u arrit ne rreth 5 muaj pa perodrur elastike.
koha mesatare e trajtmimit ishte 1 vit e 5 muaj. Aparati RMI ofron nje mbyllje
efektive te kafshimit dhe nje permiresim te pamjes se jashteme pa ju drejtuar
kirurgjise ortognatike dhe ekstraksionit te dhembeve.
Konkluzionet: Korrigjimi i kafshimit te hapur realizohet nepermjet rrotullimit
ne krahe te kundert me akrepat e ores qe kryen mandibula si pasoje e intruzionit
ne te njejten kohe si te molareve maksillare ashtu dhe te atyre mandibullare.
Aparati RMI per te qene funksional nuk ka nevoje per bashkepunimin e pacientit
dhe eshte shume mire I toleruar prej tij.


Referate / Oral presentations

Open bite correction with rapid

molar intruder appliance
(case report)
The aim: A successful treatment of a patient characterized by an anterior
open bite and sometimes a high-angle skeletal pattern might often turn into a
challenge for the clinician. It is because of this that we try to close the bite in
such cases by using the RMI appliance which deliver intrusion forces to the
maxillary and mandibular first molars and does not require patient cooperation.
The Method: The patients (one female 16 .5 years old and a male 15.3 years old)
received both RMI appliance and fixed appliance straight wires therapy together.
In both patients (the female one 16.5 years old which is diagnosed to have 2.5
mm open bite on skeletal Cl I with normal mandibular plane and a normal
palatinal plane angles ,associated with tongue thrusting habit , and the male ones
15.3 years old which is diagnosed to have a 4 mm open bite on skeletal Cl II with
a high angel pattern associated with a habitual mouth breathing) to prevent the
buccal tipping of the molar crowns a lingual arch was used in the mandibular
arches and in the maxillary arches was used a habit breaker (the female patient)
and a RPE appliance (the male patient).
The Results: After the conventional aligning and leveling the intrusion of the
molar using RMI appliance was achieved in about 5 months on a total treatment
time 1 year and 4 months. The RMI appliance provided effective bite closure
and favorable dento-facial changes for nonsurgical and non extracting open bite
Conclusions: Open bite correction was achieved by counterclockwise rotation
of the mandible and the molar intrusion was significant for both maxillary and
mandibular first molars. The intrusion of the molars was achieved in 5 months.
The RMI does not require patient cooperation to be functional and it was well
tolerated by the patients.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Vleresimi i efektivitetit te metodave

te ndryshme retraktuese ne
protetiken fikse
*Departamenti i Stomatologjise, Fakulteti i Mjekesise,
Universiteti i Tiranes. Shqiperi.

Pastat retraktuese ne tregun stomatologjik shqiptar jane shume pak te njohura

dhe kjo per shkak se stomatologet nuk disponojne informacion te mjaftueshem
per perdorimin dhe dobine e tyre.
Qellimi: Vleresimi i efektivitetit te metodave te ndryshme retraktuese dhe krijimi
i nje protokolli per perdorimin e tyre.
Materiale dhe Metoda: Ky vleresim eshte bazuar mbi praktiken tone klinike tek
nje grup pacientesh (gjithsej 15) te cilet iu nenshtruan me tej trajtimit protetik
me proteza fikse. Metoda jone merr parasysh klasifikimin e biotipeve te kreshtes
alveolare. Materialet qe u perdoren gjate praktikes sone ishin pastat retraktuese
(tipe te ndryshem) dhe filli retraktues.
Rezultatet: Per zgjerimin e sulkusit gingivar sipas Biotipit Nr.1 (gjithsej 4
paciente ose 27% e tyre), ku kemi nivel te ulet te kreshtes alveolare dhe mukoze
te holle nevojitet vetem perdorimi i pastave retraktuese. Ndersa pacientete e tjere
( gjithsej 11 ose 73 %) perfaqsojne Biotipet 2 dhe 3 ku rekomandohet perdorimi
i pastes retraktuese se bashku me fillin retraktues me madhesi 000.
Konkluzionet: Ekzistojne shume materiale dhe metoda per retraktimi e indeve te
buta te sulkusit gingivar. Ne rekomandojme nje protokoll te retraktimit gingivar
sipas nivelit te kreshtes alveolare, trashesise se mukozes dhe nivelit te linjes
fundore te preparimit.


Referate / Oral presentations

Evaluation of different retraction

methods in fixed prosthodontics
*Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Tirana, Albania.

Retraction Foams are not very well known in the albanian dental market because
of the lack of information on their use and benefits.
The aim: The evaluation of different retraction methods and the application of a
clinical protocol on their use.
Materials and Methods: This evaluation is based on our clinical fixed
prosthodontic treatment of 15 patients. Our method considers the classification
of different Biotypes of the alveolar crest. The materials used were retraction
foams and retraction cords.
Results: For appropriate expansion of the alveolar sulcus when dealing with
Biotype 1 (4 patients or 27% of them) of the alveolar crest and thin mucosa,
the use of only retraction foam is needed. When dealing with Biotypes 2 and
3 (totally 11patients or 73%) the use of retraction foams and retraction cords
(000) is recommended.
Conclusions: There are quite a few materials and methods for the expansion and
retraction of the soft tissues of the gingival sulcus. We recommend the use of
protocol for the retraction of soft tissues according to the alveolar crest level, the
width of the mucosa and the level of the preparation line.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Teknika Self-ligating - Sistemi

Damon. E ardhmja e ortodoncis?
(Prezantim informues)
*Klinika Stomatologjike Renis, Tirane

Qllimi: Prezantimi i briketave Self-ligation: prshkrimi, t rejat e fundit dhe

avantazhet e prdorimit t tyre n praktik. Mekanika e Sistemit Damon: briketat
me vlera t ndryshme tourque-u. Investigimi i ndryshimeve t harkut dentar n
sens transversal duke prdorur sistemin Damon. Krahasimi i ndryshimeve n sens
transversal i sistemit Damon me at t zgjerimit t shpejt t maksils.
Metoda: Briketat self-ligation prdorin sistemin fiction free, q do t thot
nuk prdorin m llastiqet ose ligaturat metalik, pra m shum komoditet pr
pacientin. Tipe t ndryshme t bracketave Damon, me vlera t ndryshme torque,
prdorimi i ngritjes s kafshimit dhe llastiqeve intraorale q n fillim t trajtimit.
Prdorimi i harqeve t teknologjis s lart, t cilat i zhvendosin dhmbt m
shpejt dhe me m pak vizita tek ortodonti. Matje t maksilarit n nivelin e
molarve, premolarve dhe kaninve si dhe t inklinimit t molarve.
Rezultatet: Briketat self-ligation jan komode pr pacientin. Jan m leht pr
tu pastruar. Trajtimi zgjat m pak n koh. Bhen m pak vizita tek mjeku. Koha
q mjeku punon tek ju sht m e vogl. N shumicn e rasteve nuk ka nevoj
pr headgear ose pr ekstraksione t dhmbve. Nga matjet klinike rezulton se
ndryshimet m t mdha ndodhin n nivelin e molarve dhe premolarve dhe
pak n at kanine. Rezultati i trajtimit: buzqeshje dhe fytyra t shklqyera.
Konkluzione: Me teknikn self-ligation ne mund t trajtojm shumicn e rasteve
pa ekstraksione duke krijuar buzqeshje dhe fytyra fantastike. Koha e trajtimit
sht m e shkurtr krahasuar me teknikn konvencionale. Sistemi Damon
zgjeron harkun dentar n sens transversal ashtu si dhe zgjerimi i shpejt i maksils
pa krijuar inklinim t molarve. Shoqata Amerikane e Ortodontve u kujton t
gjith prdoruesve se nj produkt sht po aq i mir sa dhe vet aplikuesi.


Referate / Oral presentations

Self-Ligation Technique - Damon

System. The future of orthodontics?
*Private Practice Renis, Tirane

The Aim: Self-ligation braces: description, recent developments and clinical

advantages. Presentation of Damon System mechanics; braces with variable
torque. To investigate changes in arch width development using the Damon
system. Transverse posterior changes with Damon System vs rapid maxillary
Methods: Passive self-ligation braces use a friction free system which means
no elastic or metal ties, this means no sore or painful teeth and gums. Damon Q
braces options: torque type, torque angulation. High-technology wire that move
teeth faster and require fewer adjustments. Damon System mechanics: using
variable torque, disarticulating of occlusion with bite turbos and beginning light
elastics early in treatment. Measurements included maxillary inter-molar, interpremolars and inter-canine widths as well as maxillary molar angulation.
Results: Outstanding comfort for the patient and doctor. Easy to keep clean.
Shorter treatment times. Less frequent office visits. Reduced chair-time. No
headgear or tooth extractions in most cases. Clinically significant changes in arch
width dimensions were observed in the molar and premolar areas after treatment
and no significant changes in the canine area. Extraordinary results for smile and
Conclusion: With self-ligation technique we can treat most cases without
extractions and can create beautiful smiles and faces. Treatment time is shorter
than with conventional braces. The Damon System provides comparable arch
width development to RPEs with no difference of molar tipping. The American
Association of Orthodontists reminds consumers that any product or technology is only
as good as the expert who applies it.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Veshtiresite operatore ne korigjimin

e defekteve bilaterale te buzes
*Sherbimi i Kirurgjise Oro-Maxillofaciale, Qendra
Spitalore Universitare Nene Tereza, Tirane Shqipri

Qellimi : Evidentimi dhe zgjedhja e nje teknike operatore te pershtatshme per

te arritur nje rezultat te kenaqshem qe ne interventin e pare duke pasur parasysh
veshtiresit si rezultat i defekteve bilaterale te buzes.
Defektet bilaterale te buzes zene nje perqindje jo te vogel ne numrin e pergjitheshem
te defekteve te lindura buze qiellze. Mbyllja e ketyre defekteve kryesishte behet
ne moshen 5- 6 muaj. Ne keto defekte jane te perfshira dhe strukturat anatomike
fqinje si nareset, buzet, procesi alveolar etj. Korrigjimi i ketyre defekteve asnjehere
nuk eshte nje teknike standarte por gjithmone kerkon modifikime te ndryshme
te tyre, sepse asnjehere defektet nuk paraqiten njesoj dhe deformimi i strukturave
anatomike ne keto patologji eshte shume i madh gje qe e bene dhe me te veshtire
arritjen e nje rezultati te kenaqshem.
Metoda: ne studim jane marre te gjitha rastet ne kliniken tone qe jane me defekt
bilateral te buzes. Keto perbejne nje perqindje te konsiderueshme ne totalin e
defekteve buza qiellze. Jane pare dhe krahasuar si rezultatet e aferta dhe te largeta
post operatore jo vetem persa i perket mbylljes primare te defektit por dhe
eleminimit sa me shume te anomalive dhe defekteve shoqeruse qe ne interventin
e pare she keto jane krahasuar me te dhenat ne vendet e tjera.
Per korrigjimin e ketyre defekteve ka shume teknika. Ne rastet tona kryesisht
eshte aplikuar teknika Millard dhe Weau. Rezultati imediat i keiloplastikave
bilaterale ne pergjithesi ka qene i suksesshem dhe ka zgjidhur deri ne 90% te
problemit duke minimizuar ne maksimum problemet qe duhet te zgjidhen ne
nje intervent te dyte ( duhet pas parasysh se keta te semure shpesh i neshtrohen
me shume se nje interventi).
Konkluzione: pra per realiuzimin e nje plasstike sa me te mire duhet nje
eksperience e madhe nga ana e kirurgut si dhe nje zgjidhje sa me e mire e teknikes
se pershtatshme per cdo rast qe te perjashtoj ose te zvogeloje ne maksimum
korigjimin e defektit ne nje intervente te dyte.


Referate / Oral presentations

Challenges in surgical repair

of bilateral cleft lip
*Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit, University Hospital Mother
Theresa, Tirane

Aim: Evidence and selection of a suitable operation technique to achieve a better

result in the first operation of bilateral cleft lip.
Bilateral cleft lips include a considerable part in the total number of lip palate
defects of the newborn. Closure of these defects is routinely done during the 5th
6th month of life. Nares, lips, alveolar processes and other anatomical structures
in the vicinity to the defect are also involved. Repair of these defects is never
a standard technique, but always needs deferent modifications because of the
different forms the defects are presented. Deformation of the structures in the
vicinity is high, so that the pleased results are difficult to be achieved.
Method: All the cases treated in our clinic for bilateral cleft lip are included
in the study. These are a considerable part of the total lip palate defects. We
have compared short term postoperative results and also long term postoperative
results. This is done not only for the closure of the defect but also for the
elimination of as many accompanying defects and anomalies as possible. Also,
the results are compared with the results of the other countries.
There are many techniques for the correction of these defects. We have
mainly applied Millard and Weau technique. The immediate result of bilateral
cheiloplastics has been successful in total and has resolved up to 90% of the
problem, minimizing the problems that have to be resolved in a second operation.
( must be remembered that these patients frequently go for more than one
Conclusions: Surgeon experience and selection of a suitable operation technique
in every case are the keys to realize a best plastic operation. These will lead to a
minimum of needs for a second operation to correct the defect.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Nxjerrja e molarit te trete

mandibular dhe komplikimet
*Qendra Medicinale Tetov

Qllimi: Qllimi i ktij studimi sht q t vlersohet incidenca e komplikimeve

t ndryshme si q jan: alveoliti, infeksioni dhe paresthesia e nervit lingual dhe
atij alveolar inferior gjat dhe pas ekstraksionit t dhmbit t pjekuris. Duke
e shqyrtuar gjithashtu lidhjen mes ktyre 3 komplikimeve dhe disa variablave
klinike (mosha, gjinia, shkalla e impaksionit dhe vshtirsia kirurgjikale).
Materialet dhe Metodat: T dhnat jan mbledhur pas operimeve t t gjith
pacientve t cilt iu nnshtruan nxjerrjes s nj dhmballe s tret gjat nj periudhe
24-mujore n shrbimin e kirurgjis orale n Tetov. T dhnat jan mbledhur
pr do pacient, duke prfshir moshn, gjinin, gjendjen shndetsore n kohn e
intervenimit dhe llojin e intervenimit t kryer. Pacientt u egzaminuan n ditn e
dyt dhe ate t gjasht si dhe 4 jav pas intervenimit me qllim t informimit pr
shfaqjen dhe rjedhat e komplikimeve, ata q ishin me komplikime u trajtuan,
kurse ato me paresthesi u ndoqn pr 24 muaj rresht.
Rezultatet: Nj mas prej 447 molar t tret mandibular t impaktuar ishin
nxjerr nga 297 pacient (126 meshkuj dhe 171 femra). Komplikime u paraqitn
n 34 raste ose 7,6%, t prbr nga 21 raste me alveolit, 9 raste t infektimit
dhe 3 raste t paresthesis t nervit alveolar inferior dhe 1 t n. lingvalis. Rreziku
i alveolitit postoperative dhe infektimit ishte edhe m i madh n mesin e moshs
m t madhe se 24 vjet, dhe gjinis femrore.
Prfundim: Heqja kirurgjike e molarit t tret mandibular t impaktuar duhet
t kryhet edhe para moshs 24 vjeare, veanrisht pr pacientt femra. Pacientt
m t moshuar jan n rrezik m t madh t komplikimeve postoperative dhe
pasojave t prhershme.Koronectomia mund t zvogloj rrezikun e lndimit t
nervit kur rrnjt jan lidhur m ngusht me n. alveolar inferior.


Referate / Oral presentations

The extraction of impacted

third molar, and postoperative
*Medicinal Center, Tetova

Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluation the incidence of different complictions
during and after tooth extraction of wisdom tooth, including alveolitis, infections,
and paresthesya of nervus ligualis and nervus alveolaris inferior. Also treating
conection between these three complications and some of clinic variables (age,
gender, grade of impaction, and surgical difficulty).
Material and Method: After surgical treatment were evidenced the data for all
patients with extraction of one third molar for a period of 24 months in service
for Oral Surgery in Tetova. For each patient were registred data like: age, gender,
health condition during treatment and the kind of intervention.
Patients were examined after 2 and 6 daies, and 4 weeks after operation, and
patients with complications were treated, and others with paresthesya were
followed up for 24 months.
Results: There were extracted a total of 447 impacted lower molars, from 297
patients (126 males and 171 females). Complications were present in 34 cases
(7.6%), and from those 21 cases were alveolitis, 9 cases infections, and 3 cases
with paresthesy of nervus alveolaris inferior, and 1 case with paresthesy of nervus
lingualis. The risk from postoperative alveolitis and infection was higher by age
over 24 years, and by females.
Conclusions: Surgically extraction of impacted third lower molar must be done
in age before before 24 years, especially by females. The older patients have a
higher rate of risk for postoperative complications and permanent complications.
Coronectomia could decrease the risk for wundering of nerv in case thooth roots
are in narower corelation with n. Alveolaris inferior.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Perdorimi parandalues i
augmentines ne traumat oromaksilo-faciale
*Klinika e Kirurgjise Oro-Maxillo-Faciale,
Qendra Spitalore Universitare Nene Tereza, Tirane

Qellimi: Verifikimi i efektit parandalues te augmentines tek pacientet qe

nuk kane nje infeksion te njohur me qellim parandalimin e kolonizimit
mikrobial dhe reduktimin e komplikacioneve post operatore.
Metoda: Vleresimi i ecurise klinike te pacienteve qe perdorin si
profilaksiAugmentinen (Amoksiciline +klavulonat kaliumi) si zgjedhje te pare.
Nepermjet vezhgimit klinik te 60 rasteve ne kemi arritur ne konkluzionin
se perdorimi I ketij antibiotiku eshte efektiv ne 100 % te rasteve.
Rezultati:Nepermjet vezhgimit klinik te rreth 60 rasteve ne kemi konstatuar
se perdorimii ketij antibiotiku eshte efektiv ne 100 % te rasteve.
Konkluzioni: Perdorimi i Augmnetines si parandalues ne traumat e rgionitoro
maxillo facial eshte plotesisht efektiv.

Prophylactic augmentine use in

oral and maxillofacial trauma
*Clinic of Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery, University
Hospital Mother Teresa, Tirana

Aim: Describe the prophylactic effect of Augmentinein patients who have no

known infection for the purpose of preventing microbial colonization and
reducing the potential for postoperative complications.
Methods: Follow up of the clinical progress of patients with Augmentine


Referate / Oral presentations

(Amoxycilline + potassium clavulonate)prophylactic useas first choice.
Results: After clinical supervision of 60 cases we conclude that Augmentine
use is successful in 100% of cases.
Conclusions: Augmentine use as antibiotic prophylaxis in oral and
maxillofacial injuries patients is fully effective.

Ekstraksioni dentar si indikator i

statusit te shendetit oral
Qellimi: Percaktimi i shkaqeve kryesore te ekstraksioneve dentare dhe krahasimi
i te dhenave te ketij studimi me te dhenat e autoreve vendas dhe te huaj.
Materiali dhe metoda: U shqyrtuan 356 ekstraksione ne dy klinika te Tiranes ,te
kryera ne 238 paciente ne nje periudhe gjashte mujore. Shkaqet e ekstraksioneve
u klasifikuan ne tre grupe;
(1) Ekstraksione te kryera ne dhembe me lezione karioze te ndryshme
(2) Ekstraksione te kryera ne dhembe me periodontopati te avancuara
(3) Shkaqe te tjera si fraktura traumatike, dhembe te retinuar,indikacione
ortodontike etj.
Rezultatet: Ne kete grup pacientesh u konstatua se perqindjen me te larte nga
shkaqjet e heqjeve e kishin lezionet karioze te ndryshme sidomos ne grupmoshen
nen 50 vjet. Shkaqet e heqjes se dhembeve nga kariesi kane perqindje me te larte
krahasuar dhe me te dhenat e tjera. Kariesi dhe periodontopatite jane shkaqet
madhore te heqjes se dhembeve. Heqjet e dhembeve kryesisht per shkak te kariesit
tregojne per nje shendet oral jo te mire ,pasi ne pergjithesi lezionet karioze mund
te minimizohen mjaft me ane te procedurave parandaluese dhe terapeutike.
Konkluzione: Duhet punuar ende per sensibilizimin e pacienteve per
parandalimin e ekstraksioneve dentare dhe per rendesine e shendetit oral.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Dental extractions as an indicator

for the status of oral health
Objectives: The aim was to determine the main causes of dental extractions and
to compare the results with other data from international and national studies.
Materials and method: This study was undertaken in a six month period in two
dental offices in Tirana. A total of 356 teeth were extracted from 238 patients .
The causes of extractions were divided in three groups;
(1) In the first group the extractions were made due to caries .
(2) In the second group the extractions were made due to periodontal disease
(3) In the third the extractions were made for other reasons like, fractures
due to trauma, orthodontic reasons etc.
Results: Overall caries had the most high percentage as the cause for extraction
especially in the age group under 50 years. The findings that caries was the
major reason in tooth extraction was found even in the other studies. Caries and
periodontal diseases are the main reasons for tooth extraction . The most part
of extractions made due to caries indicate a dissatisfactory status of oral health
in this group of patients because dental diseases due to caries can be reduced
with different effective procedures focused on prevention and treatment of these
Conclusions: This study point to the importance of prevention and treatment
of dental diseases, particularly caries. Future measures are necessary to prevent
dental extraction which affect oral health.


Referate / Oral presentations

Trajtimi implantar i atrofive te

theksuara mandibulare me tekniken
e anashkalimit te nervit alveolar
*Brianza Dent

Qellimi: Vleresimi i teknikes se anashkalimit te nervit alveolar inferior me ndihmen e

ro3d ne rastet e trajtimit me implanto-proteza te atrofive te theksuara mandibulare.
Pershkrimi i rasteve: Pacientet ishin 3 femra dhe 9 meshkuj, 47- 60 vjec. 7 paciente
paraqisnin mungesa bilaterale te dhembeve ne mandibul dhe mbanin proteza te
skeletuara dhe 5 kishin mungese totale te dhembeve dhe mbanin proteza totale te
levizshme. Pas radiografie se pare panoramex u pa atrofi e theksuar ne regjionin
posterior te mandibules me pak se 7mm. Per informacion me te sakte u be ro 3d nga
e cila u moren vlerat e sakta te distances nga nervi alveolar inferior tek buza e kreshtes
alveolare qe shkonin min 4.5mm max 6.6mm. Keto vlera e perjashtonin mundesine
e vendosjes se implanteve me metoden klasike. Pacienteve iu propozua mundesia e
anashkalimit te nervit alveolar inferior.
Pas anestezise lokale u be incizion krestal, lembo mukoperiostale, shenjimi I sitit
implantar dhe me ane te frezes pilot te milimetruar u perforua kortikalja dhe u futem
deri ne thellesine percaktuar me pare me ro 3d. U vendosen paralel pin dhe u be
ro 3d per te pare drejtimin e pergatitjes se sitit kundrejt nervit alveolar inferior. U
vazhdua me frezen pilot duke pershkruar tere gjatesine e sitit prej 10mm, me pas me
frezen anatomike dhe ne fund ne aplikimin e implantit. Pas nderhyrjes u be ro3d. 1
pacient paraqiti parestezi te lehte te buzes qe kaloi pas 2 javesh, te tjeret kishin reagim
normal. Suksesi implantar ishte 100% dhe pas 3 muaj pacientet u protezuan me
punime fikse.
Konkluzioni: Pergatitja e sitit implantar ne mandibulen atrofike mund te
paraqese shume probleme. Ndryshe nga distraksioni vertikal, rigjenerimi vertikal,
apo grafti kockor, anashkalimi i nervit alveolar inferior sjell avantazhe, si ulje e
kostos, nuk nevojitet sit donator per graft kockor, lehtesi ne menaxhimin e indeve
te buta dhe koha e trajtimit e shkurter. Megjithate kjo teknike paraqet risqe si
demtimi i perkohshem apo i perhershem i nervit alveolar inferior, por perdorimi i
ro 3d jep nje harte te plote te kalimit te nervit dhe aplikimi direkt gjate nderhyrjes
zvogelon mundesine e demtimit te tij.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Implant treatment in cases of

mandibular atrophy using the
inferior alveolar nerve bypass
technique, report of some cases
*Brianza Dent

Aim : Evaluation of the inferior alveolar nerve bypass technique using

the RO 3D in cases of treating with implant prothesis of emphasized
mandibular atrophies. Importance of 3d Xray in preparing implant sites.
Case description: 3 females and 9 males were treated, aged 47-60 years. 7 patients
showed bilateral teeth loss in the mandible and 5 were totally edentulous. In the
first panaromic x-ray an atrophy of the posterior region of the mandible (less
than 7 mm) was evidenced. For a more accurate information 3 dimensionally
x-ray was performed, and the accurate values of the distance from the inferior
alveolar nerve to the alveolar ridge were taken (4.5mm to 6mm). These values
excluded the probability of putting implants using the classic method. The
patients were proposed the technique of inferior alveolar nerve bypass. After the
local anesthesia, a ridge incision was done, mucoperiostal flap was realized, the
implant site was targeted, the cortical was drilled with millimeter pilot drill and
we entered the predefined depth. Parallel pin was put and RO 3D was done to
see the direction of the sites preparation towards the inferior alveolar nerve. We
continued with the pilot cutter going along the length of the site of 10 mm,
than passed to the anatomic cutter and finally to the implants application. After
intervention, RO3D was done. 1 patient showed a slight paresthesia of the lip,
which improved after two weeks. The others had a normal reaction and after a
period of 3 months all had fixed prosthesis done.
Conclusion: The preparation of the implant site in the mandibular atrophy can
lead to several problems. The alveolar nerve bypass brings several advantages, like
lower cost, no need for donator site for bone graft, ease in managing soft tissues
and short treatment period. Anyway, this technique brings up several risks like
the temporary or permanent damage of the inferior alveolar nerve, but the use of
RO 3D provides a full map of the nerves transfer and direct application during
intervention reduces the risk of damage.


Referate / Oral presentations

Trajtimi i malformacionit te buzes

se poshtme me diode lazer
*Klinika Stomatologjike Universitare, Tirane

Hyrje: Malformacionet vaskulare jane patologji te eneve te gjakut .Ato mund

te jene te pavarura ose ne kuadrin e sindromave te ndryshme te regionit OMF.
Keto lezione vaskulare mund te lokalizohen ne buzen e poshtme , mukozen
bukale, sulkusi labiobukal, gjuhe .Ka disa metoda te trajtimit te tyre :Sklerotizim,
embolizim, kirurgji, lazer. Teknika e trajtimit me lazer siguron nje koagulim
perfekt, pa edeme dhe dhimbje postoperatoredhe sherim perfekt te plages.
Raportim rasti: Ne po raportojme nje rast klinik me nje malformacion total te
buzes se poshtme te trajtuar ne Kliniken Universitare Stomatologjike , Sherbimi
i Kirurgjise OMF. Pacienti eshte trajtuar me diode lazer ( 910 nm ) me nje
protokoll mjekimi i cili ka konsistuar ne tekniken kirurgjikale , te dhenat teknike
te nderhyrjes se aplikuar.Kemi kryer pese seanca trajtimi me distance kohore 2-3
jave nga njera tjetra.
Rezultati: Pas rikontrollit te kryer ne fund te seances se peste kemi patur nje
rezultat perfekt estetik dhe zhdukje totale te lezionit .
Konkluzioni: Ne mund te themi qe lazeri mbetet nje metode e perzgjedhur ne
trajtimin e lezioneve vaskulare dhe kjo i dedikohet absorbimit te mire te kesaj
gjatesi vale ndaj hemoglobines.

The treatment of entire vascular

malformation of lower lip
*University Dental Clinic, Tirana

Vascular malformations are pathologies that may be seen in a number of different

syndromes involving the oral cavity as well as head and neck. That may be located


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

in lip, oral mucosa, labiobuccal sulcus , tongue. Laser technology realize a perfect
coagulation , without pain and swelling postoperatively and a perfect would
Case report: We report a clinical case of a entire vascular malformation treated
in the University Clinical School , Oral Surgery. The patient is treated with
diode laser 910 nm under a treatment protocol which consisted in the surgical
technique and his technical data .We have done 5 sessions.
Results: After the last session the patient has a wonderful aesthetic result and the
lesion is completely disappeared.
Conclusion: The laser surgery is a treatment of choice for vascular lesion due to
its good absorption of this wavelength for hemoglobin.

Parandalimi preoperator i
infeksionit ne praktiken dentare
* UFO University

Qellimi Nxjerrja e disa te dhenave rreth perdorimit te profilaksise preoperatore

(primare) me antibiotike ne femije dhe te rritur, ne te cilet eshte realizuar nje
ekstraksion dentar apo vendosur nje implant, ne disa klinika dentare te Tiranes.
Persiatja e rezultateve te nxjerra nga studimi me te dhenat nga literatura dhe
praktika bashkohore.
Metoda Zhvilluam nje survejance aktive mbi perdorimin preoperator te
antibiotikeve para ekstraksionit dentar mbi bazen e nje intervistimi ne nivel
kolegesh dhe kater studime observuese te parandomizuara ne klinika mjekesore
ku vendosen implante dentare. U intervistuan 36 mjeke, iu pergjigjen survejances
36. Keto studime permbledhin te dhenat qe publikojme dhe permbajne kriterin
tone te kerkimit. Ne teresi, studimet jane te vegjel dhe nuk permbajne fuqine e
duhur statistikore per te menjanuar gabimet false-negative. Grup kontrolli nuk
eshte e mundur te perdoret, si pasoje eshte i veshtire percaktimi i nivelit deri ne
te cilin eshte nderhyre.


Referate / Oral presentations

Rezultate Perdorimi i antibiotikeve per parandalimin e infeksionit eshte i njohur,
por pak i pranuar dhe perdorur. Recetat e dhena per parandalimin e infeksionit
kirurgjikal pas ekstraksionit te molarit te trete inferior tregojne nje evidence te
larte (89%) ne favor te perdorimit te profilaksise me antibiotike. Fatkeqesisht,
rezulton gjithashtu e larte evidenca per menyren e keqadministrimit te tyre
(89%). Perdorimi i antibiotikeve ne kirurgjite implantare eshte me i studjuar dhe
miradministruar. Nuk ekzistojne studime per sa i perket intervencioneve te tjera
orale ne te cilat pritet gjakderdhje; profilaksia me antibiotike le shume per te
deshiruar ne keto raste.
Perfundime: Realizimi i nje praktike dentare korrekte, kerkon nga stomatologu te
konsideroje perdorimin e antibiotikeve me spekter te ngushte ne raste infeksioni
te thjeshte, ne menyre qe te minimizohet ndryshimi ne mikrofloren normale
dhe te ruaje perdorimin e antibiotikeve me spekter te gjere per infeksione me
komplekse. Profilaksia antibiotike duhet administruar nje doze preoperative e
larte dhe e vetme.

Preoperative antibiotic prevention

in dental practice
* UFO University

The Aim To assess data regarding the use of preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis
among children and adults undergoing dental extraction or implant placement, in
some clinics of Tirana. To compare data found in our research with data found in
world literature and practice guides.
Method An active surveillance study was taken, involving preoperative use
of antibiotics before tooth extraction, on a colleague interview basis and four
additional non-randomized intervention studies among patients undergoing
implant placement were accomplished. 36 medical practitioners were interviewed
and all 36 colleagues accomplished the study. These studies contain the data that
is published in our research and our research criteria. Overall, the studies are small
and do not present the sufficient statistical power as to avoid false negative errors. It
is not possible the use of a control group , therefore it is difficult to determine the
level at which is interfered.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Results The use of antibiotics for prevention of infection is obviously established

but less widely accepted and applied. The prescription to prevent surgical site
infection after lower third molar removal are well studied and have a high and
moderate to high level of evidence (89%) in favor of using antibiotic prophylaxis.
Unfortunately at the same level of evidence is the wrong way of their administration
(89%, practitioners and patients are both in fault). Antibiotic prevention in implant
surgery and joint procedures are well studied and all implantologists agree that
prophylaxis in these cases is necessary. Other oral interventions (when bleeding is
expected) are not well studied and as the result, not well applied.
Conclusions: Correct practice urges the dentist to consider using narrow-spectrum
antibacterial drugs in simple infections to minimize disturbance of the normal
micro flora, and to preserve the use of broad-spectrum drugs for more complex
infections. Antibiotic prophylaxis should consist of a single high preoperative dose.

Planifikimi para implantar n

pacientt me atrofi t nofullave
Rehabilitimi protetik dhe kirurgjikal i pacienteve pa dhembe ka per qellim
rikthimin e funksionit dhe kontureve normale te fytyres.Planifikimi i trajtimit
kerkon njohjen e atrofise progressive te nofullave dhe efktin shoqerues te saj ne
indet e buta .
Ky prezantim do te merret me konceptin e kirurgjise paraimplantare per te
krijuar nje terren te kenaqshem per vendosjen e implanteve.Do te diskutohen
indikacionet per augmentimet e procesit si dhe vendosjen e grafteve dhe
interpozicionimin e tyre per te arritur nje rehabilitim optimal. Jane prezantuar
disa nga rastet tona.


Referate / Oral presentations

Planing of patients with atrophy of

the jaws
The surgical and prosthodontic rehabilitation of the edentulolous patient
aims to restore oral function and facial form. Planning treatment requires an
understanding effect of progressive jaw atrophy and concomitant effect on the
soft tissue of the face.
This presentation will address the concept of pre-implant surgery to create a
satisfactory bony environment for implant terapy. The indications for the role of
onlay and interpositional grafting will be discused usind either block or particulate
autogenous bone and subsecuent placement of implants to achive optimal oral
rehabilitation .

Trajtimi implantoprotetik i
lvizshm n pacientt me munges
t theksuar dhmbsh deri n
t plot. T dhna dhe raste.
*Spitali Ushtarak Qendror Universitar (SUQU),
Fakulteti i Stomatologjis UFO University;
Klinika dentare Demiraqi Dental

Hyrje: Ekzistojn t paktn tre variante protetike implantare pr pacientin

edentuloz. Ato prfshijn (1) protezn totale q mbshtetet mbi implante dhe
inde, (2) protezn totale q mbshtetet vetm mbi implante dhe (3) protezn
totale fikse q mbshtetet komplet mbi implantet. Pr pacientt me mosh t
avancuar shpeshher varianti fiks sht i vshtir t realizohet, pr arsye nga m
t ndryshmet, prve ksaj trajtimet e lvizshme paraqesin edhe prparsi t tjera.
Qllimi: Ne jemi prpjekur t studiojm dhe prdorim tre sisteme implantare
dhe zgjidhjet q ata mund t ofrojn n protetikn implantare t lvizshme.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

N kt mnyr mendojm t krahasojm mundsit e ofruara dhe trendet e
kohs, gjithashtu dhe t diskutojm rreth mundsive q ofrojn implantet n kt
drejtim, sidomos n pacientt geriartrik.
Materiali dhe metoda: Kemi marr n konsiderat instrumentariumin, vetit,
formn, dimensionet, superstrukturn etj. t ktyre implanteve: TMI True Max
Implant, Fornili implant, I.T.I. Dental Implant System Straumann, n varsi edhe
t limitimeve q ofrojn pacientt edentuloz sidomos ata me mosh t avancuar.
Kto jan t ilustruara edhe me rreth 10 raste praktike, ne po i paraqesim n
temn ton. Mosha e pacientve t marr n shqyrtim sht nga 55 deri n 75
Rezultate: Sistemet e studiuara mund t zgjidhin problemet e edentulis n
mnyra t ndryshme.
Prfundime: Zgjidhja e rastit mbetet jo vetm n zgjedhjen e implantologut
duke u bazuar n njohurit dhe eksperiencn e tij; por edhe n dshirat,
mundsit fizike dhe financiare dhe pritshmrin e vet pacientit.

Implantoprothetic removable
treatment in the patients with
from severe teeth loss until total
edentulia. Data and cases.
*University Military Hospital, Dental Faculty UFO
University; Private Dental Practice Demiraqi Dental

Introduction:There are at least three implantoprothetic possibilities in the

treatment of the edentulous patient. They include (1) the total prosthesis
supported by implants and tissues, (2) the total prosthesis supported only by
implants, and (3) the total fixed prosthesis supported only by implants.
For the elderly patients, very often the fixed versions are difficult to construct for
different reasons, and also the removable treatment presents other advantages.


Referate / Oral presentations

Aim of the study: We have tried to study and use different implant systems and
the choices they offer in the removable implantoprothesis.
Doing so we aim to compare the offered possibilities and the actual trends in this
direction, and also discuss about possibilities the systems offer, especially for the
elderly patients.
Material and method: We have taken into consideration the instruments,
shapes, sizes, dimensions, etc., of these implant systems: TMI True Max Implant,
Fornili implant, I.T.I. Dental Implant System Straumann, according also to the
limitations that the edentulous patients have especially those in advanced age.
We have illustrated this with about 10 practical cases in our study. The age of the
patients in study is from 55 till 75 years old.
Results: The studied systems can solve the problems of leak of teeth in different
Conclusions: In solving the case, it remains in not only the choice of the
professionals based on their knowledge and experience, but also in desires,
physical and financial possibilities and expectations of the patient.

ne protetiken fikse
*Klinika Dentare APEX, Tirane, Shqiperi

Elektrokirurgjia eshte perdorur ne stomatologji per me shume se nje gjysem

shekulli. Sot perdorimi i saj ne protetiken fikse ka marre nje rendesi te vecante ne
aspektin estetik dhe funksional.
Qellimi: Ky studim eshte nje vleresim klinik i perdorimit te elektrokirurgjise ne
nderhyrjet preprotetike. Kjo metode perfshin nje game te gjere nderhyrjesh ne
menaxhimin e indeve te buta.
Materiale dhe metoda: Gjate studimit tone u perdor aparati i elektrokirurgjise
bipolar LB 160 tek nje grup i rastesishem pacientesh. Nderhyrjet preprotetike
qe u kryen perfshine: zgjatjen e kurores klinike te dhembit, rikonturimin e indeve


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

te buta perreth alveoles dentare (ne rastet e intermediereve te urave), konturimin
e papilave dentare, zbulimin e qafes se dhembit (ne rastet e shkaterrimit apo
thyerjeve te kurores), etj.
Rezultatet: Perdorimi i elektorkirurgjise dha rezultate shume te mira gjate te
gjitha nderhyrjeve te kryera ne praktiken klinike dhe e kombinuar me perdorimin
e restaurimeve provizore, efekti estetik dhe funksional u arrit me se miri. U verejt
sherim i shpejte dhe pa nderlikime i indeve te buta.
Konkluzionet: Elektrokirurgjia mbetet nje nga metodat me rezultative, efikase
dhe me kosto te ulet per menaxhimin e indeve te buta ne nderhyrjet preprotetike.

Electrosurgery in fixed
*APEX Dental Practice, Tirana, Albania.

Electrosurgery has been used in dentistry for more than half a century. Nowdays
it carries an important role in esthetics and function of fixed prosthodontics.
The aim: This study is a clinical evaluation of the use of electrosurgery in
preprosthetic interventions. This method includes a wide selection of interventions
in the management of soft tissues.
Materials and methods: In our study we used LB 160 bipolar electrosurgery
unit on a random grup of patients. The preprosthetic interventions performed
in our practice included: clinical crown lengthening, perialveolar soft tissues
contouring, interproximal papilla contouring, reshaping the gingival and
exposing the covered parts of the teeth, etc.
Results: The use of electrosurgery yielded excellent results after all performed
interventions in our practice. Its use was combined with the use of temporary
crown and bridges for better functional, esthetics and healing results.


Referate / Oral presentations

Conclusions: Electrosurgery still remains one of the most effective and low-cost
methods in the soft tissues management in fixed prosthodontics.

Ndikimi i irriganteve ne
mikrorrjedhjet koronale te
mbushjeve te kanalit me kondesim
lateral te gutaperkave
Universiteti U.F.O. Fakulteti i Stomatologjise,
Klinika Stomatologjike Universitare U.F.O.

Shume studime ne endodonti theksojne gjithnje e me shume se pastrimi,

preparimi kimik me irrigues te ndryshem dhe dhenia forme e kanalit te rrenjes
jan hapa thelbsore n trajtimin e kanalit. Qellimi i ketij studimi eshte vleresimi
in vitro i mikrorrjedhjeve koronare ne dhembet e ekstraktuar pas trajtimit te
kanalit duke perdorur irrigues te ndryshem endodontik. Irriguesit si NaOCL1%,
NaOCL 1% dhe EDTA, klorheksidine gel 2%, dhe NaOCl 1% dhe Endogel i
kemi renditur ne 5 grupe dhe kemi vleresuar ndikimin e secilit grup irriguesish ne
puthitjen e plote te mbushjeve te kanalit ne 50 rrenje te centraleve maksilar dhe
premolareve mandibular. Te dhenat treguan se grupi i irriguesve NaOCL1% dhe
EDTA kishte mikrorrjedhjen koronale me te vogel.

Influence of irrigants on the

coronal microleakage of laterally
condensed gutta-percha root fillings
University U.F.O.

Many studies in endodontics emphasize that cleaning, chemo-mechanical

preparation using different irrigants and shaping root canals are essential steps in
root-canal treatment. The aim of the present study was to assess in vitro coronal


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

microleakage in extracted human teeth after root-canal treatment, using different
endodontic irrigants. We have listed the irrigants like NaOCL 1%, NaOCL 1%
and EDTA, chlorheksidine gel 2%, and NaOCL 1% and Endogel into 5 groups
and we have evaluated the influence of each group of irrigants on the sealing of
root fillings of fifty single rooted maxillary incisors and mandibular premolars.
The results showed that the group of NaOCL 1% and EDTA has the least coronal
micro leakage.

Analiza krahasuese e variabls pr lartsi te

urat ansore metal qeramike
*Klinika specialitike pr protetik stomatologjike Protetika AG,

Qellimi: Qllim yn n kt studim sht q:

- T analizohet vlerat odontometrike e elementeve mungues pr variabln e
lartsis (dimensioni okluzo-cervikal), t urave dentare fikse metalqeramike
n segmentin ansor sipas gjinive dhe nofullave.
-T bhet krahasimi i vlerave t fituara me vlerat homologe t dhmbve
-T prcaktohet shmangija n prqindje e vlerave t fituara nga studimi yn
me ata t grupit t kontrollit.
Materiali dhe metoda: Materialin klinik e prbjn 151 pacient me 455
elementet t urave dentare metalqeramike fikse t sektorit ansor si n Maksil
poashtu edhe n Mandibul t punuara n repartin e Protetiks pran shrbimit
Stomatologjik n Tetov.
Si mostr kontrolli u prdorn rezultatet e matjeve t dhmbve natyror sipas
autorve: Lavelle, Lenhossek, Sicher-Tandler dhe De Yonge-Cohen.
Rezultatet: Rezultatet e fituara nga studimi yn, tregojn se prqindja e
meshkujve me punime protetike fikse metalqeramike sht 62.25%, ndrsa
prqindja e femrave sht 37.75%. Poashtu, shprehur n prqindje raporti n
mes t elementeve dhe kunorave n Maksil sht 207(49.05%) kunora dhe


Programi dhe abstraktet

215(50.95%) elemente zvendsues. Ndrsa, n Mandibul sht 270(52.94%)
kunora dhe 240(47.06%) elemente.
Konkluzionet: N baz t rezultateve t fituara mund t konkludojme se:
1. Frekuenca e punimeve protetike fikse metalqeramike si dhe frekuenca e
elementeve munguese dhe koronave n urat dentare ansore sht dukshm
m e madhe te gjinia mashkullore kundrejt gjinis femrore.
2.Elementet zvendsuese t urave dentare ansore n studimin ton jan m
t larta se dhmbt natyror mesatarisht pr 23.49%.
3.N baz t T-testit (t=6,75), si dhe n baz t vlers s koeficientit te
probabilitetit (p<0.01), shihet qart se te rezultatet tona sinjifikanca
statistikore e rndsishme dhe jo e rastit.
4.Respektimi i ktij parametri odontometrik n konstruktimin e trupit t urs
dentare ansore metalqeramike fikse zgjat jetgjatsin e punimeve protetike,
e rit efektin preventiv t tyre, si dhe ndikon pozitivisht n higjienn orale t

Comparative analyses of height

variable of lateral metal ceramic
dental bridges
*Clinic for prosthetic dentistry Protetika AG, Tetova Macedonia

The aim: Our aim in this study is to:

- Analyze the odontometric value of pontic elements of fixed metal ceramic
dental bridges in lateral segment according jaws of occluso- cervical dimension
(variable of highs).
- Compare the getting values with homologous values of natural teeth.
- Determine the difference in per cent of getting values from our study with
values of control group.
Material and methods: The clinic material is compound from 151 patients
with 455 pontic elements of fixed metal ceramic dental bridges of lateral
sector in Maxilla and Mandible made in Department for Prosthetic Dentistry,
Stomatological Service in Tetova.


Konferenca e XVI-t Kombtare Dentare Shqiptare

Like control group were used results from measurement of natural teeth according
authors: Lavelle, Lenhossek, Sicher-Tandler and De Yonge-Cohen, realized with
same measured precision of variables from 0.1mm.
Results: The getting results from our study, showed that per cent of males with
fixed metal ceramic prosthetic appliances is 62.25%, meanwhile the per cent of
females is 37.75%. Also, expressed in per cent the correlation between pontic
elements and crowns in Maxilla is 207 (49.055) crowns, and 215 (50.95%) pontic
elements. Meanwhile in mandible this correlation is 270 (52.94%) crowns, and
240 (47.06%) pontic elements.
Conclusions: According the getting results we can conclude that:
1.The frequency of fixed metal ceramic prosthetic appliances, and the
frequency of pontic elements and crowns by lateral dental bridges, is evidently
highest by males opposite females.
2.The pontic elements of lateral dental bridges from our study are higher than
natural teeth in average from 23.49%.
3. According to value of T-test (t=6.750, and according to value of coefficient
of probability (p<0.010, is clear that by our results the statistical significance
is important, and not by chance.
4. Respecting of this odontometric parameter by construction of pontic of
fixed metal ceramic lateral dental bridge prolonged the longevity of prosthetic
appliances, increase its preventive effect, and positively influenced on oral
hygiene of patients.


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