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The primary purpose of this handbook is to acquaint you with the

philosophy, guidelines, policies, and schedules of the Gallup High
School Football Program. You are responsible to read, understand, and
follow the policies of this handbook.

Our policies have been put in this booklet so you can refer to them
throughout the year when you feel it is necessary. This handbook was
made to assure that you understand what I expect from you. It is my
attempt at avoiding any misunderstanding. I hope that you will read
and use it as a guideline, for your benefit.

Be assured that I will always help any of my student-athletes through

any obstacles they may incur. Please feel free to come to me at any

The Program’s Expectations of You

• Be the best you can be ACADEMICALLY at all times.
• Be the best you can be ATHLETICALLY at all times.
• Be the best PERSON you can possibly be. You know the difference
between right and wrong. Do what is right.
• Be totally committed and loyal to the philosophy and goals of our
total program.


Produce a quality product that we, as educators, can point to with

pride, where we have provided these young men with the tools
necessary to be successful in all things in life. To achieve this, we must
at least meet the following:
A. We must produce a disciplined young man, one we can depend in to
fulfill his responsibilities to himself and those who depend on him.
B. We must produce a young man who is a leader in areas other that
football and encourage him to excel in all things.
C. We want him to set and seek worthwhile goals in all areas and to
prepare intelligently to meet those goals.
D. We must produce a young man who can overcome adversity when it
confronts him and to redirect that terrible feeling into positive,
constructive energy.
E. We must produce a young man who will consistently strive to
improve himself physically and mentally; one who is committed to
maximizing his potential.

Player Guidelines and Policies

1. As a general rule, all players are to conduct themselves with class
and dignity, both on and off the field. Their behavior is a direct
reflection of our school and football program. Any action that will
embarrass themselves, their team, school, or parents is an action that
should not be taken.
2. All players in this program will recognize and respect the authority of
all coaches, or they will not be a part of the team.
3. All players are expected to be present and on time to practice.
4. Any player who is late to practice will be held after practice to make
up for the time they missed – PR (Pride Reminders).
5. Any player who misses practice without notifying me in person, or
by phone, WILL NOT PLAY in the next game. In the case of an
emergency not foreseen, only the parent/guardian may excuse a
player’s absence in advance.

6. No player will ever be ridiculed by another player either in the

dressing room or on the field. The freshmen and J.V. players will be
respected by the varsity team, and vice versa. Any form of harassment
will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
7. All players must have regard for the equipment. The floor will be free
of trash and equipment that does not belong there. The locker room
will be clean before any players are released for the day. Any
equipment changes must be handled by a coach.
8. Treat all teachers, administrators, and support staff members with
respect and common courtesy.
9. Any violation of one or more of these rules is an indication that this
football program, and being a part of it, does not mean very much. Any
violation will be dealt with accordingly, ranging from PR to expulsion
from the team. Those who work hard and adhere to these policies will
be rewarded with success, satisfaction, and an experience to be
appreciative of and be proud of. The fact that these guidelines are met
is an indication that winning is important.

Try to stay away from soda, fast food, fatty foods, fried foods, and
sweets. Pasta, breads, meat, fruits/vegetables, and milk are preferred.
Drink lots of water. On game days, definitely, do not consume soda and
candy. Think healthy. The better you eat the more energy you will have
and you will feel and play better. It is also very important to get at
least eight hours sleep per night.

Curfews will be part of our program. During the season, the player
should be in bed no later than 10:30PM, and 10:00PM on nights before
a game. We ask that the players start developing the discipline needed
to be successful in their lives and ask that the parents assist the
coaches in enforcing these curfews during the season. The success of
the team depends on discipline.

You are expected to be a student first and an athlete second. Treat
yourself with proper respect. To be a member of this team, you must
attend class regularly, and achieve a minimum G.P.A. of 2.0. Poor
behavior and low achievement make all of us look bad.

The academic progress of all team members will be monitored

throughout the school year. Progress reports will be sent to your
teachers regularly. Any student athlete in danger of failing a class must
attend tutoring sessions no less than 2 days a week until the grade is
above passing. NO EXCEPTIONS! Failure to do this will cause the
student athlete to miss all games, and practices, until the grades are

Player/Parent Concerns
From time to time, you may have a concern about a specific aspect of
your participation in our program. If you or your parent feels that a
conference is needed to clear up your concern, one will be set up as
soon as possible. To help solve your concern efficiently, you should
follow these steps:

1. Speak with the position coach that your concern involves. Request a
conference if necessary.
2. Request a conference with the head coach if necessary. The vast
majority of concerns will be worked out at this level.
3. If you are not satisfied with what transpires at the above levels, the
next step would be to speak with the Athletic Director. If all else fails,
the Principal should be contacted.
Seniors and starters will ride on the lead bus. All other players and
support personnel will ride on the rear bus. Players will not sit with a
non-player while traveling to or from a game. Buses will be silent on
the way to all games. Talking is permitted during the ride home when
we are victorious.

Attire for away games are as follows: all players will wear nice
pants/slacks, dress shirt and tie on game day. No jerseys or t-shirts
allowed on away game days. Jerseys and jeans may only be worn on
home games.

Remember the following items when communicating with the media:
• Do not compare. Do not criticize your opponents, only praise them.
Coach Wheeler will be the spokesman for the team.
• Be confident, but not boastful. Talk more about your teammates.
Whenever you receive recognition, someone else gave you that
opportunity. Football is a team game.
• Never pass up an opportunity to give praise.
• Do not say anything that would help our opponents or end up on
their bulletin board.
• Do not say anything we do as far as technical football.
• Be kind and courteous to media representatives.
• A very few writers may attempt to badger you or create controversy
with leading questions which set you up for critical answers. If this
happens, answer the reporter, "I’d rather not comment on that." Never
lie. Just say, "No comment."

Summer Workouts
The amount of work you put in during the summer will largely
determine the amount of success you have in the fall. You are
encouraged to be at all weight workouts. We will also compete in
weekend passing tournament and lineman competition. Refer to your
summer schedule for details.

Our objectives this summer is to get better each day and enjoy
ourselves. When you are going out of town or on vacation, let me know
BEFORE you leave. Be responsible and communicate with me. Be
COMMITTED to you team and its goals.

Next time you sit down to have a ham and eggs breakfast, think about
this: Who had an involvement and who had a commitment in preparing
the meal? The chicken that laid the egg had an involvement. The pig
that provided the ham had a total commitment!

Characteristics of a man with good character

A Person of good character lives his life according to the six pillars of

1. Trustworthiness.
Do - Stand up for your beliefs by your principles. Maintain the courage
to do what is right. Keep your word.
Do not - Do anything you know in your heart is wrong.

2. Respect
Do - Listen to the older more experienced people you come into
contact with. Their experience may give you valuable information as
you chose your own path. If you want to be respected it must be
earned, it cannot be just handed to you.
Do not - Automatically disregard someone advice because you don't
know them. Expect to be given respect because of the position you

3. Responsibility/Accountability
Do - Everything you do involves a choice. Strive to do your personal
best at all times. Accept responsibility for the consequences of your
choices. Develop self- control under stress.
Do not - Make excuses or blame others. Don't look the other way and
hope someone else will cover for you.

4. Fairness
Do - Be open minded. hear what others have to say. Get all the facts
before making a decision. Be fair in all your dealings with others. Play
by the rules, don't cut corners.

Do not - Be closed minded. Cheat. Play favorites. Take advantage of

others. Blame others for your shortcomings.

5. Caring
Do - Show compassion for others. Be considerate of others. Put the
team ahead of yourself. Express gratitude. Give praise generously.

Do not - Be mean or cruel towards others. Be selfish.

6. Citizenship
Do - Live up to your obligations to your family, school, class and team.
Do your share.
Do not - Expect other people to pick up the work load for the groups
you belong to.

Eight Keys to Being Successful

1) Fear no opponent. Respect every opponent.

2) Remember, it’s the perfection of the smallest details that make big
things happen.
3) Keep in mind that hustle can cover up many mistakes.
4) Be more interested in your character than your reputation.
5) Be quick, but don’t hurry.
6) Understand that the harder you work, the more luck you will have.
7) Know that valid self-analysis is crucial for improvement.
8) Remember that there is know substitute for hard work and careful
planning. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Do you have goals or only dreams?

Many people have dreams but few have concrete goals. To accomplish
the things you want to do in life is to change your dreams into goals.

A Dream - is something you want to do but

you haven't actually put any
effort into achieving it.

A Goal - is something you want to do and

are actually apply some effort to
achieve it.

Now you also have a third factor to consider and that's Drudgery.

Drudgery - is effort you are putting forth

because you have to not because
you want to.

For example if you only strength train because the coaching staff
expects you to it's drudgery. If you strength train because you want to
improve your personal appearance, get in better shape or to become a
better athlete, now you have a goal.

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