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Schuyler d.

dela Torre rcstruc 2 TTH 1:30-3:00 9/23/19

Spread Footing design for columns


Spread footing is the part of a foundation which is widened and is responsible for

spreading the weight transmitted from a column load over larger and broader soil area.


Spread footing is classified as shallow foundation is can be either be designed as an

isolated footing or as a continuous footing.


There are two determining factors in the design and sizing of spread footing, these factors

are as follows:

1. Soil bearing capacity

2. Column Load

1. Soil Bearing capacity

Soil bearing pressure is equivalent to:

q= P/A

Where: q = Soil Bearing Pressure/allowable soil bearing in lb/sqft

P = Load applied
A = Area of footing

Soil bearing pressure or allowable soil bearing in lb/sqft is attained through this table:

Soil Bearing Capacities

Soil Bearing
Soil type Pressure/allowable soil Drainage
bearing in lb/sqft
Bedrock 4000 to 12000 Poor
Gravel 3000 Good
Gravel w/ Fines 3000 Good
Sand 2000 Good
Sand w/ Fines 2000 Good
Silt 1500 Medium
Clays 1500 Medium
Organics 0 to 400 Poor

2. Column loads
Column loads, denoted as P column, is the sum of the following:

1. Roof loads

2. Supported floor loads

3. Weight of the column

4. Weight of the foundation

Notable, if the ground floor is situated on grade, its loads are not included.


1. Sizing of spread footing

The sizing of spread footing is determined by two factors:

1. Total load applied to the soil (P column)

2. The allowable soil bearing capacity (q net)

2. Required Footing Area

q allowable > q

q allowable > P/A

A > P/q allowable

Where: q allowable = allowable soil bearing pressure found in table of soil bearing


q = soil bearing pressure

P = Load applied

A = area of footing

3. P footing

P footing = t footing (150 lb/cu.ft)

Where: t footing = thickness of footing

150 lb/cu.ft = density of concrete

4. Net Allowable soil bearing capacity

q net = q allowable – p footing

Where: q allowable = allowable soil bearing pressure found in table of soil bearing


p footing = t footing (150 lb/cu.ft)

5. Column loads

Column load is denoted as P column and is the summation of all loads acting on the


6. Required footing area

A > P column / q net

Where: P column = summation of all loads acting on the column

q net = q allowable – p footing

7. Footing shape

1. Area of square = x^2

2. Area of rectangle = bh

3. Area of circle = ^2


1. Needed variables

Variable Denoted as
Length of footing X
Breadth of footing Y
Height of the footing (thickness) h
Diameter of main reinforcement dm
Diameter of distribution reinforcement
Spacing of main re-bars sm
Spacing of distribution of re-bars sd
Cover for re-bars/concreter cover c

2. Calculated Number of main rebars (x-bars)

Nm = (Y / Spacing of Main Reinforcement) + 1

3. Calculation of Number of Distribution Reinforcement (Y-Bars)

Nd = (X/Spacing of Distribution

Reinforcement) +1
4. Cutting Length of Main Reinforcement (X-Bars)

Cm1 = [X-2C] +2[h-2C]-2[2dm]

5. Total Cutting Length of Main Reinforcement (X-Bars)

Cm= Nm {[X-2C] +2[h-2C]-2[2dm]}

6. Cutting Length of Distribution Reinforcement (Y-Bars)
Cd1= [Y-2C] +2[h-2C]-2[2dm]
7. Total Cutting Length of Main Reinforcement (Y-Bars)

Cd = Nd x Cd1
8. Estimation of Steel Quantity

Wm = D2Cm/162

Wd = D2Cd/162
Where: Wm = steel quantity for main reinforcement

Wd = steel quantity for distribution reinforcement

Notably, W = D2L/162 gives the weight of one bar.


Size a spread footing for Column B-3 in the building shown below. The footing thickness

is 1ft 9in. Assume that the footings bear on silty sand with an allowable soil bearing

pressure of 3000 psf.


Roof beam reaction = 5,000 lb

Roof girder reaction = 10,000 lb

2nd floor beam reaction = 13,500 lb

2nd floor girder reaction = 27,000 lb

Column loads:

1) Roof beam

2(Roof beam reaction)

= 2(5000)

= 10,000 lb

2) Roof girder

2(Roof girder reaction)

= 2(10,000)

= 20,000 lb
3) Second floor beam

2(Floor beam reaction)

= 2(13,500)

= 27,000 lb

4) Second floor girder

2(girder reaction)

= 2(27,000)

= 54,200 lb

5) Column weight

Column weight = 1,500 lb

6) Total weight acting on column

10,000+20,000+27,000+54,200+1,500 = 112,500 lb

7) P footing

P footing = t footing (150 lb/cu.ft)

P footing = (1.75)(150 lb/cu.ft)

P footing = 262.5 lb/sqft

8) Net allowable soil bearing pressure

q net = q allowable – p footing

q net = 3000 lb/sqft – 262.5 lb/sqft

q net = 2737.5 lb/sqft

9) Required footing area

A > P column/q net

A > 112,500/2737.5

A > 41.1 ft^2

10) Shape of footing and sizing

Area of square = x^2

41.1 ft^2 = x^2

X = 6.4 ft

Use 6’ – 6” x 6’ – 6” x 1’ – 9” thk

Re-bar estimation

1) Needed variables

Variable Denoted as Value

Length of footing X 6.4” or 1.95 m
Breadth of footing Y 6.4” or 1.95 m
Height of the footing
h 1.9” or .58 m
Diameter of main
dm 12 mm
Diameter of distribution
dd 12 mm
reinforcement bars
Spacing of main re-bars sm 150 mm
Spacing of distribution of
sd 150 mm
Cover for re-
c 50 mm
bars/concreter cover
2) Calculated Number of main rebars (x-bars)

Nm = (Y / Spacing of Main Reinforcement) + 1

Nm = (1.95 / .150) + 1

Nm = 14 bars

3) Calculation of Number of Distribution Reinforcement (Y-Bars)

Nd = (X/Spacing of Distribution Reinforcement) +1

Nd = (1.95/.150) + 1

Nd = 14 bars

4) Cutting Length of Main Reinforcement (X-Bars)

Cm1 = [X-2C] +2[h-2C]-2[2dm]

Cm1 = [1.95-2(.05)] +2[.58-2(.05)]-2[2(.012)]

Cm1 = 2.762m

5) Total Cutting Length of Main Reinforcement (X-Bars)

Cm= Nm {[X-2C] +2[h-2C]-2[2dm]}

Cm = 14(2.762)

Cm = 38.668 m

6) Cutting Length of Distribution Reinforcement (Y-Bars)

Cd1= [Y-2C] +2[h-2C]-2[2dm]

Cd1 = [1.95-2(.05)] +2[.58-2(.05)]-2[2(.012)]

Cd1 = 2.762 m

7) Total Cutting Length of Main Reinforcement (Y-Bars)

Cd = Nd x Cd1

Cd = 14(2.762)

Cd = 38.668 m

8) Estimation of Steel Quantity

Wm = D2Cm/162

Wm = (12 x 12 x 38.668)/162

Wm = 34.37 kg

Wd = D2Cd/162

Wd = (12 x 12 x 38.668)/162

d = 34.37 kg

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