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DLP in Science 5

1st Quarter

Date: July 8, 2019

I. Objective
 Identify recyclable materials
Values: Cleanliness and respect for others.
II. Subject Matter
Changes that materials undergo.
A. Science Concept/Idea:
Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects.
It is an alternative to "conventional" waste disposal that can save material and help lower
greenhouse gas emissions.

B. Science Processes:

Identifying and describing

C. Materials

Visual aid, pictures


III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activity

1. Review/Presenting the new lesson

What are the different ways to solve disposal problem?

B. Motivation

Show real objects that can be recycled. Cut out pictures of materials from old
magazines/ newspapers, activity sheets, marking pen and manila paper.

1. Presentation/Activity

A. The teacher will put her visual aid.

B. The teacher will group the pupils into 4 groups.

C. Set the standards in doing the group activity.

D. Give pupils the activity sheets to be used.

E. Set the time for the pupils to do the activity.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the use of the original bottle of water in the picture?

2. How is the empty bottle of water be used for another purpose?

3. What is the use of the rubber tire in the picture?

4. How can the old rubber tire be used for another purpose?

5. How do you call this kind of materials?

C. Concept Formation

1. What is recycling?

2. What are the examples of recyclable materials?

3. Why is recycling of materials very important?

D. Application:

Think of any useful products that can be made out of the following recyclable materials.
List as many as you can.

IV. Evaluation

Draw a _______ if the material is recyclable and if not.

_______1. tire ______3. used aluminum foil ______5. used diaper

_______2. plastic container ______4. candy wrapper

V. Assignment

Make your own recyclable material.

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