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4th Year Lectures

EPM 401A
Part 1: Power Systems Modeling
Dr. Mostafa Elshahed
Power Flow Analysis
• The most common power system analysis tool is the
power flow (also known sometimes as the load
– power flow determines how the power flows in a network
– also used to determine all bus voltages and all currents
– because of constant power models, power flow is a
nonlinear analysis technique
– power flow is a steady-state analysis tool

Bus Admittance Matrix or Ybus
• First step in solving the power flow is to create
what is known as the bus admittance matrix, often
call the Ybus.
• The Ybus gives the relationships between all the bus
current injections, I, and all the bus voltages, V,
I = Ybus V
• The Ybus is developed by applying KCL at each bus
in the system to relate the bus current injections,
the bus voltages, and the branch impedances and

Ybus Example

Determine the bus admittance matrix for the network

shown below, assuming the current injection at each
bus i is Ii = IGi - IDi where IGi is the current injection into the
bus from the generator and IDi is the current flowing into the load

Ybus Example, cont’d
By KCL at bus 1 we have
I1  I G1 − I D1
V1 − V2 V1 − V3
I1 = I12 + I13 = +
I1 = (V1 − V2 )YA + (V1 − V3 )YB (with Yj = )
= (YA + YB )V1 − YA V2 − YB V3
I 2 = I 21 + I 23 + I 24
=−YA V1 + (YA + YC + YD )V2 − YC V3 − YD V4
Ybus Example, cont’d
We can get similar relationships for buses 3 and 4
The results can then be expressed in matrix form
I = Ybus V
 I1  YA + YB −YA −YB 0  V1 
 I   −Y YA + YC + YD −YC −YD  V2 
  =
2 A  
 I 3   −YB −YC YB + YC 0  V3 
I   0 −YD   
 4  0 YD  V4 

For a system with n buses, Ybus is an n by n

symmetric matrix (i.e., one where Aij = Aji)
This method is called Ybus by Direct Inspection Formulation.
Ybus General Form by Direct Inspection

• The diagonal terms, Yii, are the self admittance terms,

equal to the sum of the admittances of all devices
incident to bus i.
• The off-diagonal terms, Yij, are equal to the negative
of the sum of the admittances joining the two buses.
• With large systems Ybus is a sparse matrix (that is,
most entries are zero)
• Shunt terms, such as with the π line model, only
affect the diagonal terms.
• Note that there is not mutual impedances.

Two Bus System Example

(V1 − V2 ) Yc
=I1 + V1
Z 2
= 12 − j16
0.03 + j 0.04

 I1  12 − j15.9 −12 + j16  V1 

 I  =  −12 + j16 12 − j15.9  V 
 2   2
Using the Ybus
If the voltages are known then we can solve for
the current injections:
Ybus V = I
If the current injections are known then we can
solve for the voltages:
Ybus I =
V Zbus I
where Z bus is the bus impedance matrix

Solving for Bus Currents
For example, in previous case assume
 1.0 
V= 
 0.8 − j 0.2 
12 − j15.9 −12 + j16   1.0   5.60 − j 0.70 
 −12 + j16 12 − j15.9  0.8 − j 0.2  =  −5.58 + j 0.88
    
Therefore the power injected at bus 1 is
1 V =
1 1
1.0 × (5.60 + j 0.70) =5.60 + j 0.70
S2 =V2 I 2* =(0.8 − j 0.2) × (−5.58 − j 0.88) =−4.64 + j 0.41
Solving for Bus Voltages
For example, in previous case assume
 5.0 
I= 
 −4.8 
12 − j15.9 −12 + j16   5.0   0.0738 − j 0.902 
 −12 + j16 12 − j15.9   −4.8 =  −0.0738 − j1.098
     
Therefore the power injected is
1 V I
1 1=
(0.0738 − j 0.902) × 5= 0.37 − j 4.51
S2 = V2 I 2* = (−0.0738 − j1.098) × (−4.8) = 0.35 + j 5.27
Ybus by Singular Transformation
Oriented Connected Graph shows the geometrical interconnection
of the elements of a network.

4 3 Graph with direction marked for

each element
No of Elements (e) = 5
Oriented No. of Nodes (n) = 4
Connected Graph
No. of Buses (n-1) = 3 11
Singular Transformation, cont’d
Every element of a graph is incident between any two nodes. Incidence
matrices give the information about incidence of elements.

Element-Node Incidence Matrix (Â)

The dimension of the matrix is (e × n) where e is the number of
elements and n is the number of nodes in the graph.
aij = 1 if current in ith element i is directed away from jth node.
aij = –1 if current in ith element i is directed toward jth node.
aij = 0 If ith element is not connected jth node.
The current coefficients in the KCL at node (1):
−𝑖𝑖1 + 𝑖𝑖4 + 𝑖𝑖5 = 0
Singular Transformation, cont’d
Element-Node Incidence Matrix (Â)

Singular Transformation, cont’d
Bus Incidence Matrix (A)
The matrix obtained by deleting the column corresponding
to the reference node in the element node incidence matrix.

Singular Transformation, cont’d
Bus Incidence Matrix (A)

The current coefficients in the KCL

 −1 0 0   i1 

 0 −1 0  i 
   2
AT i =  0 1 −1  i3 
 1 0 −1 i 
   4  −i1 + i4 + i5  0 
 1 −1 0  i5   −i + i − i  = 0
=1 ( 3x5)           ( 5 x1)  2 3 5  
aij = –1
 −i3 − i4  0 
aij = 0 15
Singular Transformation, cont’d
Primitive Admittance Matrix
Let the element i–k connected between nodes i and k.

Current flowing
through the element

Singular Transformation, cont’d
Primitive Admittance Matrix

The above Eq., for all the elements in a condensed form

can be written as,

i, j and v are the column matrices of size (e × 1) and

Primitive admittance matrix y is a square matrix of size (e×e)

Matrix y can be obtained by inverting primitive impedance

matrix z

Singular Transformation, cont’d
Primitive Admittance Matrix

No Mutual

Mutual 3&4
∆Z Z 33 Z 44 − Z 34 Z 43 18
Singular Transformation, cont’d
Bus Admittance Matrix

AT × (i + j =yv)
A × i = 0 ⇔ KCL

algebraic sum of currents at each bus must be zero

AT =
× j I Bus ⇒⇒ I=
Bus AT
yv ⇒⇒ Eq.Θ
algebraic sum of source currents at each bus  vector of
the injected currents

Singular Transformation, cont’d
Bus Admittance Matrix
T * T
 I Bus 
VBus =  j  v
 
Sum of injected power (from generators and loads) at all busses equals
the consumed power losses in the transmission system.
Sum of injected power at all busses equals that in all elements.

( ) ( )
* T
 I Bus
= *

= T
A j  =AT
j * 
j  A
       
A is real matrix A = A

* T * T
⇒  j  AV
= Bus
 j  v=
  ⇒ v AVBus ⇒⇒ Eq.Φ
Singular Transformation, cont’d
Bus Admittance Matrix

⇒⇒ Eq.sΘ & Φ
I Bus ( )
AT yA VBus ⇔
= I Bus YBusVBus

⇒ YBus T
A yA          
Then   Z Bus [YBus ]

YBus {(n-1) x (n-1)} ↔ AT{(n-1) x e} y{e x e} A{e x (n-1)}

Example on YBus
Each generator and the line impedance of (0.2 + j0.2) pu and (0.5 +
j0.5) pu respectively. Form YBus by direct inspection method.
Then by singular transformation method.


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