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Republic of the Philippines


Morong, Rizal

Rina Mae R. Santiago ED9

III-English Dr. Concepcion C. Penaranda

January 28, 2021


Today’s learners are facing phenomenal challenges – social, economic, and environmental –
driven by accelerating globalization and a faster rate of technological developments. At the same time,
these forces are providing various new opportunities for human advancement. The future is uncertain
and we cannot predict it, but learners need to be open and ready for it. Hence, it will be a shared
responsibility for the stakeholders to seize opportunities and find solutions.
Remediation lies in what teachers should teach the learners that is something worthwhile.
However, teachers cannot teach what he or she doesn’t know. Therefore, they need a guide, a roadmap
that establishes standards for their accountability and student performance. Fortunately, mode of
thoughts, pedagogies, political and cultural experiences brought life to this essential tool which is known
as curriculum.
Curriculum is frequently defined as “what is taught in school”. It is a range of experiences both
indirect and direct concerned with unfolding the abilities of an individual. According to The New
International Dictionary, “Curriculum is the whole body of a course in an educational institution or by a
department”. It is equated with the syllabus and regarded as all the teaching-learning experiences which
the students encounter while in the school. Curriculum is also considered as the “heart” of any learning
institutions which means that schools or universities cannot exist without a curriculum. True enough,
curriculum is the foundation of every education and as a matter of fact, it is an outline of how the
teaching and learning process takes place.
Through this discussion, I was able to know and acknowledge the nature and diversity of
curriculum. It broadens my knowledge regarding its concept and was able to expose from the traditional
and progressivist’s point of view. In addition, I was able to understand the different interpretations from
Joseph Schwab, Arthur Bestor, John Dewey and many more. Above all, I was able recognize the
importance of curriculum. With curriculum as a map and our compass, teachers and learners can
navigate the “need to know’s and where to go’s” to align the class with its learning objectives/ goals.
As an aspiring teacher, being introduced to this first phase is similar to a soldier getting ready for
a war. As soldiers need to be fully armed, we future teachers should be equipped enough to face our
biggest battle ─TEACHING.

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