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Навчально-методична карта заняття № 4

Дисципліна: Англійська мова

Вид заняття: практичне

Час: 2 години

Тема заняття:
Видатні композитори – представники класичної музики.

Мета заняття:
- формувати навички вживання розповідних заперечних речень;
- вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички усного мовлення;
- розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
- виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Забезпечення заняття

Наочні посібники: граматичні таблиці і тематичні малюнки.

Роздатковий матеріал: картки з граматичним матеріалом.

Технічні засоби: музичний центр, телевізор, DVD-плеєр.


1. Присухін Модест. The Course of English for Music Colleges. – Тернопіль: «Видавництво
«Підручники і посібники», 2013. – 176 с.

1. Англійська мова. Зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання 2013. Універсальне видання:
теоретичний матеріал, граматичні вправи, тестові завдання у форматі ЗНО, відповіді до
тестів/ упоряд. Т.Б.Будна, О.О.Радчук. – Тернопіль: Навчальна книга – Богдан, 2013.
– 472 с.
2. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English/ - Oxford University Press, 1992. –
1041 с.
3. Moutsou E. Use of English B2 for all exams. Published by: MM Publication, 2009.
4. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press.

Карта заняття № 4, ІІI курс, 1 семестр 1


1. Warm-up
1. Do you like classical style?
2. What representatives of classicism do you know?
3. Has classical period got the strict time boundaries of its development?
2. Reading and speaking
Read the text and try to catch the main idea of it.

In 1685 Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Germany. Though widely known as the finest
organist of his time, he received little recognition as a composer, living a quiet, uneventful life and, unlike
his great contemporary Handel, traveling very little. Bach was a master of choral writing, counterpoint
and fugue and his music may be said to form the background of the classical tradition, which is generally
characterized by objectively emotional restraint, formalism and simplicity.
Haydn and Mozart were the first to establish and perfect Sonata Form. They both were prolific
symphonists. Haydn is known as the “father of the symphony”. He composed 104 symphonies. He wrote
much music, especially for chamber combinations such as the string quartet. Mozart’s symphonies are not
greatly different in form from Haydn’s, but he put more feeling into his works. Mozart, who died at 35,
was an infant prodigy, who composed in every form known in his time. Haydn regarded him as the
greatest composer of the age.
Haydn, Mozart, the early works of Beethoven and, to some extent, Schubert, belong to the
Viennese Classics, which represented the period of classicism, as Vienna became the centre of the
musical world under them.
Since Haydn was born in 1732 and Beethoven and Schubert died in 1827 and 1828 respectively,
the period extends from about 1750 to about 1820, deserves the name “classical”, because masterworks
were produced at this time that to the present day have remained unsurpassed. J.S.Bach (1685-1750)
didn’t live in the period usually classified as classical, that is from about 1750 to 1820, but we have every
right to regard him as a classic.
Towards the end of the 18th century the tradition from “classical” to “romantic” may be traced.
Beethoven’s early works adhered to the classical tradition, under the influence of Haydn and Mozart, and
his later works exhibited more romantic tendencies. Schubert, too, is a transitional composer, adhering to
classicism in his early works, and to romanticism in his later ones.

Карта заняття № 4, ІІI курс, 1 семестр 2


background – підгрунття
contemporary – сучасник
restraint – стриманість
to perfect – удосконалювати
prolific – плідний, родючий
infant prodigy – чудо-дитина
respectively – відповідно
to extend – простягатися, продовжуватися
unsurpassed – неперевершений
to trace – простежувати, розпізнавати
to adhere – відноситись
to excel in – виділятися, перевершувати

3. Vocabulary practice
Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box and check your answers
with the text.

J.S.Bach; “father of the symphony”; Germany; unsurpassed; 1750…1820; romantic; background; Haydn,
Mozart, the early works of Beethoven, Schubert to some extent; Vienna; Haydn and Mozart; tendencies;
is characterized; transitional; prolific; the string quartets; Mozart; prodigy; very little.

1. In 1685 Johan Bach was born in _______.

2. He traveled ________.
3. Bach formed the _____ of the classical tradition.
4. Classical tradition _______ by objectivity, emotional restraint, formalism and simplicity.
5. _______ were the first to establish Sonata form.
6. They both were ______ symphonists.
7. Haydn is known as ______.
8. Haydn wrote much instrumental music for _______ .
9. _______ put more feelings into his works.
10. Mozart was an infant _______ who composed in every form known in his time.
11. The Viennese Classics include ______.
12. The centre of the musical world was ______.
13. The classical period extends from ____ to about ____.
14. The masterworks of classicists have remained ______.
15. We have every right to regard ______ as a classic.
16. The transition from “classical” to ______ happened towards the end of the 18th century.
17. Beethoven’s later works showed more romantic _____.
18. Schubert is also _____ composer.

Exercise 2. Ask and answer the following questions.

1. When … Johan Bach …? (be born)

2. Where … J.Bach … ? (be born)
3. … he … recognition as a composer? (receive)
4. What life … he …? (live)
5. … Handel … a lot? (travel)
6. Whose music … to form the background of the classical tradition? (be said)
7. What … classical tradition … by? (be characterized)
8. Who … the first to establish and perfect sonata form? (be)
Карта заняття № 4, ІІI курс, 1 семестр 3
9. Who … … “the father of the symphony”? (be considered)
10. How many symphonies … Haydn …? (compose)
11. Who … much orchestral music? (write)
12. Who … more feeling into his work? (put)
13. Who … considered an infant prodigy? (be)
14. Whom … Haydn … as the greatest composer of his age? (regard)
15. Which school … the period of classicism? (represent)
16. … Vienna … the centre of the artistic or music world? (become)
17. To what date … the classical period …? (extend)
18. …we … the right to regard J.S.Bach as a classic? (have)
19. When … we … the transition from “classical” to “romantic”? (may, trace)
20. To what period … Beethoven’s early works … to? (belong)
21. What tendencies … the late Mozart’s works …? (exhibit)
22. To what period … Schubert …? (belong)

Exercise 3. Match the corresponding adjectives with the following nouns in the text.

1. ______ organist 7. ______ symphonists

2. ______ life 8. ______ music
3. ______ writing 9. ______ combinations
4. ______ tradition 10. ______ quartet
5. ______ restraint 11. ______ prodigy
6. ______ contemporary 12. ______ world
13. ______ tendencies
Exercise 4. Match a pair for the following word-combinations in the text, translate them and make
up your own sentences with them.
1. widely known a) жити тихим, не багатим на події життям
2. to receive little recognition b) отримати невелике визнання
3. to live a quiet uneventful life c) створити шедевр
4. the background of the classical tradition d) заснувати і вдосконалювати
5. to establish and perfect e) майстер хорових творів
6. to be greatly different in form from f) вважати найвеличнішим композитором епохи
7. to some extent g) витоки класичних традицій
8. to regard as the greatest composer of the age h) відноситись до
9. great contemporary i) певною мірою
10. the period extends from j) широко відомий
11. to produce a masterpiece k) значно відрізнятись за формою від
12. to put feelings into the work l) період тягнеться від … до
13. to adhere to m) вкладати душу в роботу
14. a master of choral writing n) великий сучасник

Карта заняття № 4, ІІI курс, 1 семестр 4

Exercise 5. Name 3 facts concerning the life and work of Bach, Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven.

Exercise 6. Retell the text as if you were a musical critic.

4. Grammar practice

Exercise 1. Find sentences in the text with: 1) passive constructions;

2) regular verbs in the Simple Past;
3) irregular verbs in the Simple Past.

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with necessary words.

1. ____ 1685 J.S.Bach was born ___ Germany.
2. ___ widely known ___ the finest organist ___ the time, he received little recognition ___ a composer.
3. ___ his great contemporary Haydn Bach traveled little.
4. His music formed the background ___ the classical tradition.
5. The classical tradition is generally characterized ___ objectivity, emotional restraint, formalism and
6. Haydn wrote much instrumental music, especially ___ chamber combination such ___ the string
7. Haydn and Mozart belong ___ the Viennese Classics.
8. Vienna became the centre ___ the musical world ___ them.
9. The period, which extends ___ about 1750 ___ about 1820, deserves the name “classical”.
10. ___ the end ___ the 18th century the transition ___ “classical” ___ “romantic” may be traced.

Exercise 3. Put the articles in the blanks.

1. Johan Sebastian Bach was widely known as ___ finest organist of his time.
2. He received little recognition as ___ composer.
3. Haydn and Mozart were ___ first to establish and perfect sonata form.
4. Haydn is known as ___ “father of ___ symphony”.
5. Haydn regarded Mozart as ___ greatest composer of ___ age.
6. ___ Viennese Classics represented ___ period of classicism, as Vienna became ___ centre of ___
musical world under them.
7. ___ period from about 1750 to about 1820 deserves ___ name “classical”.
8. Towards ___ end of ___ 18th century ___ transition from “classical” to “romantic” may be traced.
9. Beethoven’s early works adhered to ___ classical tradition, under ___ influence of Haydn and Mozart.
10. Schubert is ___ transitional composer.

Exercise 4. Find 10 grammar mistakes and correct them (each sentence has one mistake).
1. Johann Sebastian Bach was born at Germany.
2. He received little recognition as the composer.
3. Bach were a master of choral writing, counterpoint and fugue.
4. Haydn and Mozart were the one to establish and perfect the sonata form.
5. Haydn composing 104 symphonies.
6. Mozart died in 35.
7. Vienna become the centre of the musical world under Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert.
Карта заняття № 4, ІІI курс, 1 семестр 5
8. Schubert dying in 1827.
9. We has every right to regard Bach as a classic.

5. Summary
1. Whose music may be said to form the background of the classical tradition?
2. What are the general characteristic features of the classical traditions?
3. What did Bach excel in?
4. Who of the composers were the first to establish Sonata Form?
5. Did Beethoven and Schubert belong to the Viennese Classics?
6. Why is the period in the history of music extending from 1750 to about 1820 called classical?
7. Is Bach a classic? Why?
8. Are Beethoven and Schubert classics or romantics?
6. Homework
1. Make up a logical plan of the text by entitling each of its paragraphs.
2. Render the content of the text: 1) in Ukrainian;
2) in English.

Teacher A. Brodska
Карта заняття № 4, ІІI курс, 1 семестр 6
Карта заняття № 4, ІІI курс, 1 семестр 7

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