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Jillian Brimigion

Activity 4.1 Reflecting on Learning from Chapter 4

During the course of your study of this text, we recommend that you keep a learning journal to track and

reflect on some or all of the following:

 Thoughts and reactions in response to the text

 What you are confused about and what you now understand that you didn’t before

o Now understand better how to pick which assessment to use

o Now I can develop an assessment blueprint

o Now I have more ideas of how to assess and les traditional ways to assess not only test or


o Four categories assessment methods (selected response, written response, performance.

Assessments, and personal communication)

o I learned about the planning and development cycle

 Questions you have now and answers to previous questions you have discovered

o One of my past questions were what different types of assessments were there. Chapter

four has given me many ideas.

o What types of predesigned assessments are available? Often teachers can’t access these

assessments because they have to pay for it to view.

o What free assessment websites are available?

 Barriers that may need to be overcome in order to implement what the text is teaching, along with

possible solutions

o I need to add assessment blueprints to my practices. In order to do this I have to keep

myself on top of planning for class. I feel I can improve my assessment competency. I

also want more time to practice assessments. It would be helpful to have a mentor to

work with me on developing assessments.

o I want to also practice using the planning cycle to develop my lessons and assesments

 Implementation activities you have tried along with observations, questions, and possible

revisions to what you did

o Added a assessment blue print to my teacher work sample

o Observed my cooperating teacher, studied what assessment she uses and how she

incorporates them into her daily plans.

 Changes in student attitudes, behaviors, and achievement that you believe are attributable to what

you are implementing as a result of your study

o I feel more prepared now to develop reliable assessments that produce valid results and

help me plan my lesson content.

 Your level of mastery of the chapter learning targets

o I would rate my mastery of this content 9/10

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