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FS 101: Observation of teaching-learning in actual school environment.

Deadline: May 21, 2021

Chapter 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

1. What is MTB-MLE? Why is it important?

MTB-MLE is Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education, and this program is

so important to serve to the learners to develop appropriate cognitive and
reasoning skills enabling children to operate equally in different languages of non-
dominant communities who do not understand or speak the language of instruction
when they begin their formal education.

2. As a teacher do you prefer to used Mother Tongue in the classroom?

Yes, to tend the students to increased self-esteem, by using the Mother Tongue
they can learn better and faster in a language they can understand.

3. In a classroom environment, which of the two types of communication is more

important: verbal or nonverbal?

For me is a Non-Verbal communication, because in Verbal teachers can address to

one or to the whole classroom in order the students to learn effectively by simply
asking questions and to communicate individuals, sharing information while in
Non-verbal gives us valuable information through body language including eye
contact, facial expressions, gestures and more.

4. Give me one example of nonverbal communication, and explain why you choose
it and very important to you as a teacher.

Smiling and using hand gestures, because smiling can convey friendship,
acceptance and openness. Hand gestures to indicate the importance of an idea to
tell your listener to pay attention and to remember.
Chapter 2: The Learning Environment

1. Do you believe environment plays a vital role in learning?

Yes, because environment can influence a person to her/his own attitudes,

personalities and the way they interact to other students.

2. How does Maslow’s theory explain the importance of security and safety in
ensuring that learning will take place?

Maslow’s theory serves as a simple framework and helpful reminder, that all
learners are less likely to be successful if their basic needs are not met, because
this theory is useful for both personal development and workplace growth.

3. As a teacher how can you promote a fair learning environment?

I can promote a fair learning environment by giving the student a fair treatment no
favoritism, address student needs, create sense of order and let the student get to
know me.

4. How does a fair learning environment affect the way children learn?

If we treat our students, children in a fair way for sure it will have an a big effects
in their learning during classes, because they can see and feel that their teacher’s
treat them fairly give them knowledge to know fairly giving them advice fairly
love them fairly, in that way the children or the students will have a positive effect
in their learning during classes.

5. What were things that you considered when you arranged the classroom?

 Consider your schedule.
 Remember that you don't need to completely cover the walls before school
 Arrange supplies so that little people can reach them.
 If you teach using centers, put “quiet” centers as far away from “noisy”
centers as possible.
 Figure out how to get the most use out of your wall space.

6. How does the teacher encourage the students to participate actively in class?
For my own to encourage the students to participate by simply assisting them their
prior knowledge to engaged new content linked to what they already know.

7. What does Edward Chance Tollman made a significant contributions in the field
of cognitive psychology?

Tollman's plays a very big part in the field of cognitive psychology he is known
for his behaviorism, and to his research on cognitive maps, the theory of latent
concept and learning and the concept of intervening variable.

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