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The Parts of

Prepared by
Mr. Benedict B. Diaz, LPT
High School Teacher
Semi-detailed Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan for Grade 7 English

I. Objectives
At any point in the one-hour period per week, students are able to
A. Get information from the different parts of a book and from general
references in the library (EN7SS-II-d-1.3/1.4)
B. Distinguish the different parts of a book through collaborative work,
C. Express appreciation on the usage of books as part of learning
through sharing among their peers.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Parts of a Book

Title: Book: The Parts of Learning
Book Source:
1. English Expressways II. 2007. pp. 57
Internet Source:
1. Sullivan, K. (n.d.). Parts of a Book: The Basic Anatomy of Book
Design. Retrieved on May 8, 2021 from
1. Laptop
2. Internet
3. Powerpoint Presentation
4. Google Meet
5. Book

Note: Students are pre-assigned to bring a book of their own. It could be a

fictional, technical, or text book.

III. Procedure

A. Introductory activities (5 minutes)

1. Classroom Management
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review of the previous lesson

B. Pre-developmental Activity
Task 1. Book-King! (5 minutes)
Ask students to share about the story they have read inside the book.

Process Question for fictional book:

1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. What do you think is the main problem needed to resolve by the
main character? Why do you think so?
3. How do you think the problem is being solved?
4. What do you think is the lesson we can get from the story?

Process Question for Technical book and Text Book:

1. What is the book all about?
2. What is your favorite topic in the book? Why?
3. If you were to give the book a grade for your interest to read it
from the scale of 1-10, what will you give? Why?

Task 2. Vocabulary Master! (10 minutes)

Directions: Match the appropriate answer on columns A and B.


1. It is the part of the book where you A. Book Cover

can see the name of the author, name
of publication, and the title of the book B. Spine
2. It is a list of all the chapters and sections
of a book, including its pages C. Table of Contents
3. It also has the same purpose with the
table of contents but is more detailed and D. Index
Is placed at the back part of the book
4. It is a part of a book that joins the pages E. Back Cover
all together, usually containing the title
the author of the book F. Title Page
5. It is a part of a book where usually shows
an excerpt from a page inside the book

C. Developmental Activities

Presentation of New Lesson (30 minutes)

Students are asked to bring out their books as they have the discussion.
The teacher will ask students to locate each part of their chosen books.

Parts of a Book

1. Cover Page
The COVER tells the reader what the book will be about.
Usually includes: – picture or illustration – the title of the book –
the author(s)
2. Title Page
The TITLE PAGE repeats the information given on the cover.
Provides the reader with information about: – the book’s title – it’s
author(s) – the publisher – the publisher’s locations
3. Copyright Page
The COPYRIGHT PAGE includes copyright information such as: –
when the book was published – who it was published by
4. Dedication
The DEDICATION is found in the front of the book.
It is a message from the author expressing appreciation to
someone for his or her help and support.
5. Table of Contents
The TABLE OF CONTENTS lists: – the titles of the chapters or
units in the book – the pages on which they begin
6. Preface
The PREFACE is an explanation of the book
Also may be called the Foreword or Introduction.
7. Body
The BODY is the text of a book (the story or information).
8. Footnote
The FOOTNOTE is a note placed at the bottom of a page of a book
that comments on or cites a reference.
Something related to but of less importance than the larger work.
9. Appendix
The APPENDIX includes supplementary (or extra) information
found in the form of: – charts – lists – tables
Located in the back of a book.
Most often found in reference books and textbooks.
The BIBLIOGRAPHY is a list of books found in the back of the
These are either books the author has used for research or books
recommended for further study of the topic.
The INDEX is an alphabetical listing of – the subjects or topics –
the pages where they can be located
It is found in the back of a book.
The GLOSSARY contains definitions of difficult or unfamiliar
words that appear in the book.
The index: – a list of all the topics in a book – Is in alphabetical
order – lists the page(s) on which each topic appears

D. Post-developmental Activities
Task 3. Parting and Finding the Book. (10 minutes)
Directions: Students are asked to list down all the things they will see on
the certain parts of a book from their own books.

1. Book Cover
2. Title Page
3. Table of Contents
4. Index
5. Glossary
6. Bibliography Page
7. Back Cover

Process Question:
1. What can you see at the given parts of a book?
2. What do you think is the purpose of those parts?
3. Do you think every part of a book is significant? Why or why not?

IV. Assignment
Pick a fictional book of your interest from the school library and take a
picture of it with you. Then, post it in your FB wall, stating the reason why you
like that book.

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